blob: aab850d70fcad19dd3a6eba24462e08b64286558 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "google/protobuf/map_lite_unittest.pb.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class MapLiteTestUtil {
// Set every field in the TestMapLite message to a unique value.
static void SetMapFields(protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite* message);
// Set every field in the TestArenaMapLite message to a unique value.
static void SetArenaMapFields(protobuf_unittest::TestArenaMapLite* message);
// Set every field in the message to a default value.
static void SetMapFieldsInitialized(protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite* message);
// Modify all the map fields of the message (which should already have been
// initialized with SetMapFields()).
static void ModifyMapFields(protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite* message);
// Check that all fields have the values that they should have after
// SetMapFields() is called.
static void ExpectMapFieldsSet(const protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite& message);
// Check that all fields have the values that they should have after
// SetMapFields() is called for TestArenaMapLite.
static void ExpectArenaMapFieldsSet(
const protobuf_unittest::TestArenaMapLite& message);
// Check that all fields have the values that they should have after
// SetMapFieldsInitialized() is called.
static void ExpectMapFieldsSetInitialized(
const protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite& message);
// Expect that the message is modified as would be expected from
// ModifyMapFields().
static void ExpectMapFieldsModified(
const protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite& message);
// Check that all fields are empty.
static void ExpectClear(const protobuf_unittest::TestMapLite& message);
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google