blob: d2299e67e9f328c1842fd806b7b3fa8a1bedd46d [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <string>
#include "google/protobuf/arena.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class UnknownFieldSet;
namespace internal {
// This is the representation for messages that support arena allocation. It
// uses a tagged pointer to either store the owning Arena pointer, if there are
// no unknown fields, or a pointer to a block of memory with both the owning
// Arena pointer and the UnknownFieldSet, if there are unknown fields. Besides,
// it also uses the tag to distinguish whether the owning Arena pointer is also
// used by sub-structure allocation. This optimization allows for
// "zero-overhead" storage of the Arena pointer, relative to the above baseline
// implementation.
// The tagged pointer uses the least two significant bits to disambiguate cases.
// It uses bit 0 == 0 to indicate an arena pointer and bit 0 == 1 to indicate a
// UFS+Arena-container pointer. Besides it uses bit 1 == 0 to indicate arena
// allocation and bit 1 == 1 to indicate heap allocation.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT InternalMetadata {
constexpr InternalMetadata() : ptr_(0) {}
explicit InternalMetadata(Arena* arena) {
ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(arena);
// Delete will delete the unknown fields only if they weren't allocated on an
// arena. Then it updates the flags so that if you call
// have_unknown_fields(), it will return false.
// It is designed to be used as part of a Message class's destructor call, so
// that when control eventually gets to ~InternalMetadata(), we don't need to
// check for have_unknown_fields() again.
template <typename T>
void Delete() {
// Note that Delete<> should be called not more than once.
if (have_unknown_fields()) {
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE Arena* arena() const {
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(have_unknown_fields())) {
return PtrValue<ContainerBase>()->arena;
} else {
return PtrValue<Arena>();
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE bool have_unknown_fields() const {
return HasUnknownFieldsTag();
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE void* raw_arena_ptr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr_);
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE const T& unknown_fields(
const T& (*default_instance)()) const {
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(have_unknown_fields())) {
return PtrValue<Container<T>>()->unknown_fields;
} else {
return default_instance();
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE T* mutable_unknown_fields() {
if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_TRUE(have_unknown_fields())) {
return &PtrValue<Container<T>>()->unknown_fields;
} else {
return mutable_unknown_fields_slow<T>();
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE void Swap(InternalMetadata* other) {
// Semantics here are that we swap only the unknown fields, not the arena
// pointer. We cannot simply swap ptr_ with other->ptr_ because we need to
// maintain our own arena ptr. Also, our ptr_ and other's ptr_ may be in
// different states (direct arena pointer vs. container with UFS) so we
// cannot simply swap ptr_ and then restore the arena pointers. We reuse
// UFS's swap implementation instead.
if (have_unknown_fields() || other->have_unknown_fields()) {
InternalMetadata* PROTOBUF_RESTRICT other) {
std::swap(ptr_, other->ptr_);
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NDEBUG_INLINE void MergeFrom(const InternalMetadata& other) {
if (other.have_unknown_fields()) {
template <typename T>
if (have_unknown_fields()) {
intptr_t ptr_;
// Tagged pointer implementation.
static constexpr intptr_t kUnknownFieldsTagMask = 1;
static constexpr intptr_t kPtrTagMask = kUnknownFieldsTagMask;
static constexpr intptr_t kPtrValueMask = ~kPtrTagMask;
// Accessors for pointer tag and pointer value.
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE bool HasUnknownFieldsTag() const {
return ptr_ & kUnknownFieldsTagMask;
template <typename U>
U* PtrValue() const {
return reinterpret_cast<U*>(ptr_ & kPtrValueMask);
// If ptr_'s tag is kTagContainer, it points to an instance of this struct.
struct ContainerBase {
Arena* arena;
template <typename T>
struct Container : public ContainerBase {
T unknown_fields;
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void DeleteOutOfLineHelper() {
delete PtrValue<Container<T>>();
// TODO: This store is load-bearing. Since we are destructing
// the message at this point, see if we can eliminate it.
ptr_ = 0;
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE T* mutable_unknown_fields_slow() {
Arena* my_arena = arena();
Container<T>* container = Arena::Create<Container<T>>(my_arena);
// Two-step assignment works around a bug in clang's static analyzer:
ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(container);
ptr_ |= kUnknownFieldsTagMask;
container->arena = my_arena;
return &(container->unknown_fields);
// Templated functions.
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void DoMergeFrom(const T& other) {
template <typename T>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void DoSwap(T* other) {
// Private helper with debug checks for ~InternalMetadata()
void CheckedDestruct();
// String Template specializations.
template <>
PROTOBUF_EXPORT void InternalMetadata::DoClear<std::string>();
template <>
PROTOBUF_EXPORT void InternalMetadata::DoMergeFrom<std::string>(
const std::string& other);
template <>
PROTOBUF_EXPORT void InternalMetadata::DoSwap<std::string>(std::string* other);
// Instantiated once in (where the definition of UnknownFieldSet is
// known) to prevent much duplication across translation units of a large build.
extern template PROTOBUF_EXPORT void
extern template PROTOBUF_EXPORT void
InternalMetadata::DoMergeFrom<UnknownFieldSet>(const UnknownFieldSet& other);
extern template PROTOBUF_EXPORT void
InternalMetadata::DoSwap<UnknownFieldSet>(UnknownFieldSet* other);
extern template PROTOBUF_EXPORT void
extern template PROTOBUF_EXPORT UnknownFieldSet*
// This helper RAII class is needed to efficiently parse unknown fields. We
// should only call mutable_unknown_fields if there are actual unknown fields.
// The obvious thing to just use a stack string and swap it at the end of
// the parse won't work, because the destructor of StringOutputStream needs to
// be called before we can modify the string (it check-fails). Using
// LiteUnknownFieldSetter setter(&_internal_metadata_);
// StringOutputStream stream(setter.buffer());
// guarantees that the string is only swapped after stream is destroyed.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT LiteUnknownFieldSetter {
explicit LiteUnknownFieldSetter(InternalMetadata* metadata)
: metadata_(metadata) {
if (metadata->have_unknown_fields()) {
~LiteUnknownFieldSetter() {
if (!buffer_.empty())
std::string* buffer() { return &buffer_; }
InternalMetadata* metadata_;
std::string buffer_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"