blob: b493fcc738ac7baf435e0d28aee1a9ff5ace7015 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This header defines the RepeatedFieldRef class template used to access
// repeated fields with protobuf reflection API.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "google/protobuf/generated_enum_util.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct RefTypeTraits;
} // namespace internal
class Message;
template <typename Dep, typename T>
using MakeDependent = std::conditional_t<true, T, Dep>;
// Forward-declare RepeatedFieldRef templates. The second type parameter is
// used for SFINAE tricks. Users should ignore it.
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
class RepeatedFieldRef;
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
class MutableRepeatedFieldRef;
// RepeatedFieldRef definition for non-message types.
template <typename T>
class RepeatedFieldRef<
T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value>::type> {
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::iterator IteratorType;
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorType AccessorType;
bool empty() const { return accessor_->IsEmpty(data_); }
int size() const { return accessor_->Size(data_); }
T Get(int index) const { return accessor_->template Get<T>(data_, index); }
typedef IteratorType iterator;
typedef IteratorType const_iterator;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef int size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
iterator begin() const { return iterator(data_, accessor_, true); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(data_, accessor_, false); }
friend class Reflection;
RepeatedFieldRef(const MakeDependent<T, Message>& message,
const FieldDescriptor* field) {
const auto* reflection = message.GetReflection();
data_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldData(
message, field, internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::cpp_type, nullptr);
accessor_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldAccessor(field);
const void* data_;
const AccessorType* accessor_;
// MutableRepeatedFieldRef definition for non-message types.
template <typename T>
class MutableRepeatedFieldRef<
T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value>::type> {
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorType AccessorType;
bool empty() const { return accessor_->IsEmpty(data_); }
int size() const { return accessor_->Size(data_); }
T Get(int index) const { return accessor_->template Get<T>(data_, index); }
void Set(int index, const T& value) const {
accessor_->template Set<T>(data_, index, value);
void Add(const T& value) const { accessor_->template Add<T>(data_, value); }
void RemoveLast() const { accessor_->RemoveLast(data_); }
void Reserve(int size) const { accessor_->Reserve(data_, size); }
void SwapElements(int index1, int index2) const {
accessor_->SwapElements(data_, index1, index2);
void Clear() const { accessor_->Clear(data_); }
void Swap(const MutableRepeatedFieldRef& other) const {
accessor_->Swap(data_, other.accessor_, other.data_);
template <typename Container>
void MergeFrom(const Container& container) const {
typedef typename Container::const_iterator Iterator;
for (Iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) {
template <typename Container>
void CopyFrom(const Container& container) const {
friend class Reflection;
MutableRepeatedFieldRef(MakeDependent<T, Message>* message,
const FieldDescriptor* field) {
const auto* reflection = message->GetReflection();
data_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldData(
message, field, internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::cpp_type, nullptr);
accessor_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldAccessor(field);
void* data_;
const AccessorType* accessor_;
// RepeatedFieldRef definition for message types.
template <typename T>
class RepeatedFieldRef<
T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value>::type> {
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::iterator IteratorType;
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorType AccessorType;
bool empty() const { return accessor_->IsEmpty(data_); }
int size() const { return accessor_->Size(data_); }
// This method returns a reference to the underlying message object if it
// exists. If a message object doesn't exist (e.g., data stored in serialized
// form), scratch_space will be filled with the data and a reference to it
// will be returned.
// Example:
// RepeatedFieldRef<Message> h = ...
// unique_ptr<Message> scratch_space(h.NewMessage());
// const Message& item = h.Get(index, scratch_space.get());
const T& Get(int index, T* scratch_space) const {
return *static_cast<const T*>(accessor_->Get(data_, index, scratch_space));
// Create a new message of the same type as the messages stored in this
// repeated field. Caller takes ownership of the returned object.
T* NewMessage() const { return default_instance_->New(); }
typedef IteratorType iterator;
typedef IteratorType const_iterator;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef int size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
iterator begin() const {
return iterator(data_, accessor_, true, NewMessage());
iterator end() const {
// The end iterator must not be dereferenced, no need for scratch space.
return iterator(data_, accessor_, false, nullptr);
friend class Reflection;
RepeatedFieldRef(const MakeDependent<T, Message>& message,
const FieldDescriptor* field) {
const auto* reflection = message.GetReflection();
data_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldData(
message, field, internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::cpp_type,
accessor_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldAccessor(field);
default_instance_ = static_cast<const T*>(
const void* data_;
const AccessorType* accessor_;
const T* default_instance_;
// MutableRepeatedFieldRef definition for message types.
template <typename T>
class MutableRepeatedFieldRef<
T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value>::type> {
typedef typename internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorType AccessorType;
bool empty() const { return accessor_->IsEmpty(data_); }
int size() const { return accessor_->Size(data_); }
// See comments for RepeatedFieldRef<Message>::Get()
const T& Get(int index, T* scratch_space) const {
return *static_cast<const T*>(accessor_->Get(data_, index, scratch_space));
// Create a new message of the same type as the messages stored in this
// repeated field. Caller takes ownership of the returned object.
T* NewMessage() const { return default_instance_->New(); }
void Set(int index, const T& value) const {
accessor_->Set(data_, index, &value);
void Add(const T& value) const { accessor_->Add(data_, &value); }
void RemoveLast() const { accessor_->RemoveLast(data_); }
void Reserve(int size) const { accessor_->Reserve(data_, size); }
void SwapElements(int index1, int index2) const {
accessor_->SwapElements(data_, index1, index2);
void Clear() const { accessor_->Clear(data_); }
void Swap(const MutableRepeatedFieldRef& other) const {
accessor_->Swap(data_, other.accessor_, other.data_);
template <typename Container>
void MergeFrom(const Container& container) const {
typedef typename Container::const_iterator Iterator;
for (Iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) {
template <typename Container>
void CopyFrom(const Container& container) const {
friend class Reflection;
MutableRepeatedFieldRef(MakeDependent<T, Message>* message,
const FieldDescriptor* field) {
const auto* reflection = message->GetReflection();
data_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldData(
message, field, internal::RefTypeTraits<T>::cpp_type,
accessor_ = reflection->RepeatedFieldAccessor(field);
default_instance_ = static_cast<const T*>(
void* data_;
const AccessorType* accessor_;
const T* default_instance_;
namespace internal {
// Interfaces used to implement reflection RepeatedFieldRef API.
// Reflection::GetRepeatedAccessor() should return a pointer to an singleton
// object that implements the below interface.
// This interface passes/returns values using void pointers. The actual type
// of the value depends on the field's cpp_type. Following is a mapping from
// cpp_type to the type that should be used in this interface:
// field->cpp_type() T Actual type of void*
// CPPTYPE_INT32 int32_t int32_t
// CPPTYPE_UINT32 uint32_t uint32_t
// CPPTYPE_INT64 int64_t int64_t
// CPPTYPE_UINT64 uint64_t uint64_t
// CPPTYPE_DOUBLE double double
// CPPTYPE_FLOAT float float
// CPPTYPE_BOOL bool bool
// CPPTYPE_ENUM generated enum type int32_t
// CPPTYPE_STRING string std::string
// CPPTYPE_MESSAGE generated message type google::protobuf::Message
// or google::protobuf::Message
// Note that for enums we use int32_t in the interface.
// You can map from T to the actual type using RefTypeTraits:
// typedef RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorValueType ActualType;
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT RepeatedFieldAccessor {
// Typedefs for clarity.
typedef void Field;
typedef void Value;
typedef void Iterator;
virtual bool IsEmpty(const Field* data) const = 0;
virtual int Size(const Field* data) const = 0;
// Depends on the underlying representation of the repeated field, this
// method can return a pointer to the underlying object if such an object
// exists, or fill the data into scratch_space and return scratch_space.
// Callers of this method must ensure scratch_space is a valid pointer
// to a mutable object of the correct type.
virtual const Value* Get(const Field* data, int index,
Value* scratch_space) const = 0;
virtual void Clear(Field* data) const = 0;
virtual void Set(Field* data, int index, const Value* value) const = 0;
virtual void Add(Field* data, const Value* value) const = 0;
virtual void RemoveLast(Field* data) const = 0;
virtual void Reserve(Field* data, int size) const = 0;
virtual void SwapElements(Field* data, int index1, int index2) const = 0;
virtual void Swap(Field* data, const RepeatedFieldAccessor* other_mutator,
Field* other_data) const = 0;
// Create an iterator that points at the beginning of the repeated field.
virtual Iterator* BeginIterator(const Field* data) const = 0;
// Create an iterator that points at the end of the repeated field.
virtual Iterator* EndIterator(const Field* data) const = 0;
// Make a copy of an iterator and return the new copy.
virtual Iterator* CopyIterator(const Field* data,
const Iterator* iterator) const = 0;
// Move an iterator to point to the next element.
virtual Iterator* AdvanceIterator(const Field* data,
Iterator* iterator) const = 0;
// Compare whether two iterators point to the same element.
virtual bool EqualsIterator(const Field* data, const Iterator* a,
const Iterator* b) const = 0;
// Delete an iterator created by BeginIterator(), EndIterator() and
// CopyIterator().
virtual void DeleteIterator(const Field* data, Iterator* iterator) const = 0;
// Like Get() but for iterators.
virtual const Value* GetIteratorValue(const Field* data,
const Iterator* iterator,
Value* scratch_space) const = 0;
// Templated methods that make using this interface easier for non-message
// types.
template <typename T>
T Get(const Field* data, int index) const {
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorValueType ActualType;
ActualType scratch_space;
return static_cast<T>(*reinterpret_cast<const ActualType*>(
Get(data, index, static_cast<Value*>(&scratch_space))));
template <typename T, typename ValueType>
void Set(Field* data, int index, const ValueType& value) const {
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorValueType ActualType;
// In this RepeatedFieldAccessor interface we pass/return data using
// raw pointers. Type of the data these raw pointers point to should
// be ActualType. Here we have a ValueType object and want a ActualType
// pointer. We can't cast a ValueType pointer to an ActualType pointer
// directly because their type might be different (for enums ValueType
// may be a generated enum type while ActualType is int32_t). To be safe
// we make a copy to get a temporary ActualType object and use it.
ActualType tmp = static_cast<ActualType>(value);
Set(data, index, static_cast<const Value*>(&tmp));
template <typename T, typename ValueType>
void Add(Field* data, const ValueType& value) const {
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorValueType ActualType;
// In this RepeatedFieldAccessor interface we pass/return data using
// raw pointers. Type of the data these raw pointers point to should
// be ActualType. Here we have a ValueType object and want a ActualType
// pointer. We can't cast a ValueType pointer to an ActualType pointer
// directly because their type might be different (for enums ValueType
// may be a generated enum type while ActualType is int32_t). To be safe
// we make a copy to get a temporary ActualType object and use it.
ActualType tmp = static_cast<ActualType>(value);
Add(data, static_cast<const Value*>(&tmp));
// We want the destructor to be completely trivial as to allow it to be
// a function local static. Hence we make it non-virtual and protected,
// this class only live as part of a global singleton and should not be
// deleted.
~RepeatedFieldAccessor() = default;
// Implement (Mutable)RepeatedFieldRef::iterator
template <typename T>
class RepeatedFieldRefIterator {
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::AccessorValueType AccessorValueType;
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::IteratorValueType IteratorValueType;
typedef typename RefTypeTraits<T>::IteratorPointerType IteratorPointerType;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
// Constructor for non-message fields.
RepeatedFieldRefIterator(const void* data,
const RepeatedFieldAccessor* accessor, bool begin)
: data_(data),
iterator_(begin ? accessor->BeginIterator(data)
: accessor->EndIterator(data)),
// The end iterator must not be dereferenced, no need for scratch space.
scratch_space_(begin ? new AccessorValueType : nullptr) {}
// Constructor for message fields.
RepeatedFieldRefIterator(const void* data,
const RepeatedFieldAccessor* accessor, bool begin,
AccessorValueType* scratch_space)
: data_(data),
iterator_(begin ? accessor->BeginIterator(data)
: accessor->EndIterator(data)),
scratch_space_(scratch_space) {}
~RepeatedFieldRefIterator() { accessor_->DeleteIterator(data_, iterator_); }
RepeatedFieldRefIterator operator++(int) {
RepeatedFieldRefIterator tmp(*this);
iterator_ = accessor_->AdvanceIterator(data_, iterator_);
return tmp;
RepeatedFieldRefIterator& operator++() {
iterator_ = accessor_->AdvanceIterator(data_, iterator_);
return *this;
IteratorValueType operator*() const {
return static_cast<IteratorValueType>(
*static_cast<const AccessorValueType*>(accessor_->GetIteratorValue(
data_, iterator_, scratch_space_.get())));
IteratorPointerType operator->() const {
return static_cast<IteratorPointerType>(
accessor_->GetIteratorValue(data_, iterator_, scratch_space_.get()));
bool operator!=(const RepeatedFieldRefIterator& other) const {
assert(data_ == other.data_);
assert(accessor_ == other.accessor_);
return !accessor_->EqualsIterator(data_, iterator_, other.iterator_);
bool operator==(const RepeatedFieldRefIterator& other) const {
return !this->operator!=(other);
RepeatedFieldRefIterator(const RepeatedFieldRefIterator& other)
: data_(other.data_),
iterator_(accessor_->CopyIterator(data_, other.iterator_)) {}
RepeatedFieldRefIterator& operator=(const RepeatedFieldRefIterator& other) {
if (this != &other) {
accessor_->DeleteIterator(data_, iterator_);
data_ = other.data_;
accessor_ = other.accessor_;
iterator_ = accessor_->CopyIterator(data_, other.iterator_);
return *this;
const void* data_;
const RepeatedFieldAccessor* accessor_;
void* iterator_;
std::unique_ptr<AccessorValueType> scratch_space_;
// TypeTraits that maps the type parameter T of RepeatedFieldRef or
// MutableRepeatedFieldRef to corresponding iterator type,
// RepeatedFieldAccessor type, etc.
template <typename T>
struct PrimitiveTraits {
static constexpr bool is_primitive = false;
#define DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(TYPE, type) \
template <> \
struct PrimitiveTraits<type> { \
static const bool is_primitive = true; \
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type = \
FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##TYPE; \
template <typename T>
struct RefTypeTraits<
T, typename std::enable_if<PrimitiveTraits<T>::is_primitive>::type> {
typedef RepeatedFieldRefIterator<T> iterator;
typedef RepeatedFieldAccessor AccessorType;
typedef T AccessorValueType;
typedef T IteratorValueType;
typedef T* IteratorPointerType;
static constexpr FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type =
static const Descriptor* GetMessageFieldDescriptor() { return nullptr; }
template <typename T>
struct RefTypeTraits<
T, typename std::enable_if<is_proto_enum<T>::value>::type> {
typedef RepeatedFieldRefIterator<T> iterator;
typedef RepeatedFieldAccessor AccessorType;
// We use int32_t for repeated enums in RepeatedFieldAccessor.
typedef int32_t AccessorValueType;
typedef T IteratorValueType;
typedef int32_t* IteratorPointerType;
static constexpr FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type =
static const Descriptor* GetMessageFieldDescriptor() { return nullptr; }
template <typename T>
struct RefTypeTraits<
T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<std::string, T>::value>::type> {
typedef RepeatedFieldRefIterator<T> iterator;
typedef RepeatedFieldAccessor AccessorType;
typedef std::string AccessorValueType;
typedef const std::string IteratorValueType;
typedef const std::string* IteratorPointerType;
static constexpr FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type =
static const Descriptor* GetMessageFieldDescriptor() { return nullptr; }
template <typename T>
struct MessageDescriptorGetter {
static const Descriptor* get() {
return T::default_instance().GetDescriptor();
template <>
struct MessageDescriptorGetter<Message> {
static const Descriptor* get() { return nullptr; }
template <typename T>
struct RefTypeTraits<
T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value>::type> {
typedef RepeatedFieldRefIterator<T> iterator;
typedef RepeatedFieldAccessor AccessorType;
typedef Message AccessorValueType;
typedef const T& IteratorValueType;
typedef const T* IteratorPointerType;
static constexpr FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type =
static const Descriptor* GetMessageFieldDescriptor() {
return MessageDescriptorGetter<T>::get();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"