blob: 200a35f0efe6f89da7db2e38e3672a4c96983d97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// (Chris Atenasio) (ZigZag transform)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// This header is logically internal, but is made public because it is used
// from protocol-compiler-generated code, which may reside in other components.
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "absl/base/casts.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_util.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/metadata_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/parse_context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
#include "google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class MapKey; // map_field.h
class UnknownFieldSet; // unknown_field_set.h
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
// This class is for internal use by the protocol buffer library and by
// protocol-compiler-generated message classes. It must not be called
// directly by clients.
// This class contains code for implementing the binary protocol buffer
// wire format via reflection. The WireFormatLite class implements the
// non-reflection based routines.
// This class is really a namespace that contains only static methods
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT WireFormat {
WireFormat() = delete;
// Given a field return its WireType
static inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireTypeForField(
const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Given a FieldDescriptor::Type return its WireType
static inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireTypeForFieldType(
FieldDescriptor::Type type);
// Compute the byte size of a tag. For groups, this includes both the start
// and end tags.
static inline size_t TagSize(int field_number, FieldDescriptor::Type type);
// These procedures can be used to implement the methods of Message which
// handle parsing and serialization of the protocol buffer wire format
// using only the Reflection interface. When you ask the protocol
// compiler to optimize for code size rather than speed, it will implement
// those methods in terms of these procedures. Of course, these are much
// slower than the specialized implementations which the protocol compiler
// generates when told to optimize for speed.
// Read a message in protocol buffer wire format.
// This procedure reads either to the end of the input stream or through
// a WIRETYPE_END_GROUP tag ending the message, whichever comes first.
// It returns false if the input is invalid.
// Required fields are NOT checked by this method. You must call
// IsInitialized() on the resulting message yourself.
static bool ParseAndMergePartial(io::CodedInputStream* input,
Message* message);
// This is meant for internal protobuf use (WireFormat is an internal class).
// This is the reflective implementation of the _InternalParse functionality.
static const char* _InternalParse(Message* msg, const char* ptr,
internal::ParseContext* ctx);
// Serialize a message in protocol buffer wire format.
// Any embedded messages within the message must have their correct sizes
// cached. However, the top-level message need not; its size is passed as
// a parameter to this procedure.
// These return false iff the underlying stream returns a write error.
static void SerializeWithCachedSizes(const Message& message, int size,
io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
int expected_endpoint = output->ByteCount() + size;
_InternalSerialize(message, output->Cur(), output->EpsCopy()));
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(output->ByteCount(), expected_endpoint)
<< ": Protocol message serialized to a size different from what was "
"originally expected. Perhaps it was modified by another thread "
"during serialization?";
static uint8_t* _InternalSerialize(const Message& message, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
// Implements Message::ByteSize() via reflection. WARNING: The result
// of this method is *not* cached anywhere. However, all embedded messages
// will have their ByteSize() methods called, so their sizes will be cached.
// Therefore, calling this method is sufficient to allow you to call
// WireFormat::SerializeWithCachedSizes() on the same object.
static size_t ByteSize(const Message& message);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers for dealing with unknown fields
// Skips a field value of the given WireType. The input should start
// positioned immediately after the tag. If unknown_fields is non-nullptr,
// the contents of the field will be added to it.
static bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag,
UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields);
// Reads and ignores a message from the input. If unknown_fields is
// non-nullptr, the contents will be added to it.
static bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input,
UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields);
// Read a packed enum field. If the is_valid function is not nullptr, values
// for which is_valid(value) returns false are appended to
// unknown_fields_stream.
static bool ReadPackedEnumPreserveUnknowns(io::CodedInputStream* input,
uint32_t field_number,
bool (*is_valid)(int),
UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields,
RepeatedField<int>* values);
// Write the contents of an UnknownFieldSet to the output.
static void SerializeUnknownFields(const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields,
io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
unknown_fields, output->Cur(), output->EpsCopy()));
// Same as above, except writing directly to the provided buffer.
// Requires that the buffer have sufficient capacity for
// ComputeUnknownFieldsSize(unknown_fields).
// Returns a pointer past the last written byte.
static uint8_t* SerializeUnknownFieldsToArray(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target) {
io::EpsCopyOutputStream stream(
target, static_cast<int>(ComputeUnknownFieldsSize(unknown_fields)),
return InternalSerializeUnknownFieldsToArray(unknown_fields, target,
static uint8_t* InternalSerializeUnknownFieldsToArray(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
// Same thing except for messages that have the message_set_wire_format
// option.
static void SerializeUnknownMessageSetItems(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
unknown_fields, output->Cur(), output->EpsCopy()));
// Same as above, except writing directly to the provided buffer.
// Requires that the buffer have sufficient capacity for
// ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(unknown_fields).
// Returns a pointer past the last written byte.
static uint8_t* SerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target);
static uint8_t* InternalSerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
// Compute the size of the UnknownFieldSet on the wire.
static size_t ComputeUnknownFieldsSize(const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields);
// Same thing except for messages that have the message_set_wire_format
// option.
static size_t ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields);
// Helper functions for encoding and decoding tags. (Inlined below and in
// _inl.h)
// This is different from MakeTag(field->number(), field->type()) in the
// case of packed repeated fields.
static uint32_t MakeTag(const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Parse a single field. The input should start out positioned immediately
// after the tag.
static bool ParseAndMergeField(
uint32_t tag,
const FieldDescriptor* field, // May be nullptr for unknown
Message* message, io::CodedInputStream* input);
// Serialize a single field.
static void SerializeFieldWithCachedSizes(
const FieldDescriptor* field, // Cannot be nullptr
const Message& message, io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
output->SetCur(InternalSerializeField(field, message, output->Cur(),
static uint8_t* InternalSerializeField(
const FieldDescriptor* field, // Cannot be nullptr
const Message& message, uint8_t* target, io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
// Compute size of a single field. If the field is a message type, this
// will call ByteSize() for the embedded message, insuring that it caches
// its size.
static size_t FieldByteSize(const FieldDescriptor* field, // Can't be nullptr
const Message& message);
// Parse/serialize a MessageSet::Item group. Used with messages that use
// option message_set_wire_format = true.
static bool ParseAndMergeMessageSetItem(io::CodedInputStream* input,
Message* message);
static void SerializeMessageSetItemWithCachedSizes(
const FieldDescriptor* field, const Message& message,
io::CodedOutputStream* output) {
field, message, output->Cur(), output->EpsCopy()));
static uint8_t* InternalSerializeMessageSetItem(
const FieldDescriptor* field, const Message& message, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
static size_t MessageSetItemByteSize(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const Message& message);
// Computes the byte size of a field, excluding tags. For packed fields, it
// only includes the size of the raw data, and not the size of the total
// length, but for other length-prefixed types, the size of the length is
// included.
static size_t FieldDataOnlyByteSize(
const FieldDescriptor* field, // Cannot be nullptr
const Message& message);
enum Operation {
PARSE = 0,
// Verifies that a string field is valid UTF8, logging an error if not.
// This function will not be called by newly generated protobuf code
// but remains present to support existing code.
static void VerifyUTF8String(const char* data, int size, Operation op);
// The NamedField variant takes a field name in order to produce an
// informative error message if verification fails.
static void VerifyUTF8StringNamedField(const char* data, int size,
Operation op, const char* field_name);
struct MessageSetParser;
friend class TcParser;
// Skip a MessageSet field.
static bool SkipMessageSetField(io::CodedInputStream* input,
uint32_t field_number,
UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields);
// Parse a MessageSet field.
static bool ParseAndMergeMessageSetField(uint32_t field_number,
const FieldDescriptor* field,
Message* message,
io::CodedInputStream* input);
// Parses the value from the wire that belongs to tag.
static const char* _InternalParseAndMergeField(Message* msg, const char* ptr,
internal::ParseContext* ctx,
uint64_t tag,
const Reflection* reflection,
const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Subclass of FieldSkipper which saves skipped fields to an UnknownFieldSet.
class PROTOBUF_EXPORT UnknownFieldSetFieldSkipper : public FieldSkipper {
UnknownFieldSetFieldSkipper(UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields)
: unknown_fields_(unknown_fields) {}
~UnknownFieldSetFieldSkipper() override {}
// implements FieldSkipper -----------------------------------------
bool SkipField(io::CodedInputStream* input, uint32_t tag) override;
bool SkipMessage(io::CodedInputStream* input) override;
void SkipUnknownEnum(int field_number, int value) override;
UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields_;
// inline methods ====================================================
inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireFormat::WireTypeForField(
const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (field->is_packed()) {
} else {
return WireTypeForFieldType(field->type());
inline WireFormatLite::WireType WireFormat::WireTypeForFieldType(
FieldDescriptor::Type type) {
// Some compilers don't like enum -> enum casts, so we implicit_cast to
// int first.
return WireFormatLite::WireTypeForFieldType(
inline uint32_t WireFormat::MakeTag(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return WireFormatLite::MakeTag(field->number(), WireTypeForField(field));
inline size_t WireFormat::TagSize(int field_number,
FieldDescriptor::Type type) {
// Some compilers don't like enum -> enum casts, so we implicit_cast to
// int first.
return WireFormatLite::TagSize(
inline void WireFormat::VerifyUTF8String(const char* data, int size,
WireFormat::Operation op) {
WireFormatLite::VerifyUtf8String(data, size,
/* field_name = */ "");
// Avoid the compiler warning about unused variables.
inline void WireFormat::VerifyUTF8StringNamedField(const char* data, int size,
WireFormat::Operation op,
const char* field_name) {
data, size, static_cast<WireFormatLite::Operation>(op), field_name);
// Avoid the compiler warning about unused variables.
inline uint8_t* InternalSerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) {
return WireFormat::InternalSerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(
unknown_fields, target, stream);
inline size_t ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields) {
return WireFormat::ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(unknown_fields);
// Compute the size of the UnknownFieldSet on the wire.
size_t ComputeUnknownFieldsSize(const InternalMetadata& metadata, size_t size,
CachedSize* cached_size);
size_t MapKeyDataOnlyByteSize(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const MapKey& value);
uint8_t* SerializeMapKeyWithCachedSizes(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const MapKey& value, uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"