blob: 08243c09f4cdcbfdd86322de1e3207b10abc5db0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "hardware/address_mapped.h"
#include "hardware/regs/spi.h"
// Reference to datasheet:
// The _REG_ macro is intended to help make the register navigable in your IDE (for example, using the "Go to Definition" feature)
// _REG_(x) will link to the corresponding register in hardware/regs/spi.h.
// Bit-field descriptions are of the form:
typedef struct {
// Control register 0, SSPCR0 on page 3-4
// 0x0000ff00 [15:8] : SCR (0): Serial clock rate
// 0x00000080 [7] : SPH (0): SSPCLKOUT phase, applicable to Motorola SPI frame format only
// 0x00000040 [6] : SPO (0): SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to Motorola SPI frame format only
// 0x00000030 [5:4] : FRF (0): Frame format: 00 Motorola SPI frame format
// 0x0000000f [3:0] : DSS (0): Data Size Select: 0000 Reserved, undefined operation
io_rw_32 cr0;
// Control register 1, SSPCR1 on page 3-5
// 0x00000008 [3] : SOD (0): Slave-mode output disable
// 0x00000004 [2] : MS (0): Master or slave mode select
// 0x00000002 [1] : SSE (0): Synchronous serial port enable: 0 SSP operation disabled
// 0x00000001 [0] : LBM (0): Loop back mode: 0 Normal serial port operation enabled
io_rw_32 cr1;
// Data register, SSPDR on page 3-6
// 0x0000ffff [15:0] : DATA (0): Transmit/Receive FIFO: Read Receive FIFO
io_rw_32 dr;
// Status register, SSPSR on page 3-7
// 0x00000010 [4] : BSY (0): PrimeCell SSP busy flag, RO: 0 SSP is idle
// 0x00000008 [3] : RFF (0): Receive FIFO full, RO: 0 Receive FIFO is not full
// 0x00000004 [2] : RNE (0): Receive FIFO not empty, RO: 0 Receive FIFO is empty
// 0x00000002 [1] : TNF (1): Transmit FIFO not full, RO: 0 Transmit FIFO is full
// 0x00000001 [0] : TFE (1): Transmit FIFO empty, RO: 0 Transmit FIFO is not empty
io_ro_32 sr;
// Clock prescale register, SSPCPSR on page 3-8
// 0x000000ff [7:0] : CPSDVSR (0): Clock prescale divisor
io_rw_32 cpsr;
// Interrupt mask set or clear register, SSPIMSC on page 3-9
// 0x00000008 [3] : TXIM (0): Transmit FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Transmit FIFO half empty or less condition interrupt is masked
// 0x00000004 [2] : RXIM (0): Receive FIFO interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO half full or less condition interrupt is masked
// 0x00000002 [1] : RTIM (0): Receive timeout interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO not empty and no read prior to timeout...
// 0x00000001 [0] : RORIM (0): Receive overrun interrupt mask: 0 Receive FIFO written to while full condition...
io_rw_32 imsc;
// Raw interrupt status register, SSPRIS on page 3-10
// 0x00000008 [3] : TXRIS (1): Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPTXINTR interrupt
// 0x00000004 [2] : RXRIS (0): Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRXINTR interrupt
// 0x00000002 [1] : RTRIS (0): Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRTINTR interrupt
// 0x00000001 [0] : RORRIS (0): Gives the raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRORINTR interrupt
io_ro_32 ris;
// Masked interrupt status register, SSPMIS on page 3-11
// 0x00000008 [3] : TXMIS (0): Gives the transmit FIFO masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPTXINTR interrupt
// 0x00000004 [2] : RXMIS (0): Gives the receive FIFO masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPRXINTR interrupt
// 0x00000002 [1] : RTMIS (0): Gives the receive timeout masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPRTINTR interrupt
// 0x00000001 [0] : RORMIS (0): Gives the receive over run masked interrupt status, after masking, of the...
io_ro_32 mis;
// Interrupt clear register, SSPICR on page 3-11
// 0x00000002 [1] : RTIC (0): Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt
// 0x00000001 [0] : RORIC (0): Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt
io_rw_32 icr;
// DMA control register, SSPDMACR on page 3-12
// 0x00000002 [1] : TXDMAE (0): Transmit DMA Enable
// 0x00000001 [0] : RXDMAE (0): Receive DMA Enable
io_rw_32 dmacr;
} spi_hw_t;
#define spi0_hw ((spi_hw_t *)SPI0_BASE)
#define spi1_hw ((spi_hw_t *)SPI1_BASE)