blob: 2fefb80c7607a2b550bc6a08488d8706291c0063 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico.h"
#include "pico/time.h"
#include "hardware/structs/usb.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include "hardware/structs/iobank0.h"
#include "hardware/structs/padsbank0.h"
#include "pico/fix/rp2040_usb_device_enumeration.h"
#define LS_SE0 0b00
#define LS_J 0b01
#define LS_K 0b10
#define LS_SE1 0b11
static void hw_enumeration_fix_wait_se0(void);
static void hw_enumeration_fix_force_ls_j(void);
static void hw_enumeration_fix_finish(void);
void rp2040_usb_device_enumeration_fix(void) {
// Actually check for B0/B1 h/w
if (rp2040_chip_version() == 1) {
// After coming out of reset, the hardware expects 800us of LS_J (linestate J) time
// before it will move to the connected state. However on a hub that broadcasts packets
// for other devices this isn't the case. The plan here is to wait for the end of the bus
// reset, force an LS_J for 1ms and then switch control back to the USB phy. Unfortunately
// this requires us to use GPIO15 as there is no other way to force the input path.
// We only need to force DP as DM can be left at zero. It will be gated off by GPIO
// logic if it isn't func selected.
// Wait SE0 phase will call force ls_j phase which will call finish phase
static inline uint8_t hw_line_state(void) {
int64_t hw_enumeration_fix_wait_se0_callback(__unused alarm_id_t id, __unused void *user_data) {
if (hw_line_state() == LS_SE0) {
// Come back in 1ms and check again
return 1000;
} else {
// Now force LS_J (next stage of fix)
// No more repeats
return 0;
static inline void hw_enumeration_fix_busy_wait_se0(void) {
while (hw_line_state() == LS_SE0) tight_loop_contents();
// Now force LS_J (next stage of fix)
static void hw_enumeration_fix_wait_se0(void) {
// Wait for SE0 to end (i.e. the host to stop resetting). This reset can last quite long.
// 10-15ms so we are going to set a timer callback.
if (add_alarm_in_ms(1, hw_enumeration_fix_wait_se0_callback, NULL, true) >= 0) {
// hw_enumeration_fix_wait_se0_callback will be called in 1ms to check if se0 has finished
// (and will poll every 1ms from there)
// if timer pool disabled, or no timer available, have to busy wait.
int64_t hw_enumeration_fix_force_ls_j_done(__unused alarm_id_t id, __unused void *user_data) {
return 0;
static uint32_t gpio_ctrl_prev = 0;
static uint32_t pad_ctrl_prev = 0;
static const uint dp = 15;
static const uint dm = 16;
static void hw_enumeration_fix_force_ls_j(void) {
// DM must be 0 for this to work. This is true if it is selected
// to any other function. fn 8 on this pin is only for debug so shouldn't
// be selected
hard_assert(gpio_get_function(dm) != 8);
// Before changing any pin state, take a copy of the current gpio control register
gpio_ctrl_prev = iobank0_hw->io[dp].ctrl;
// Also take a copy of the pads register
pad_ctrl_prev = padsbank0_hw->io[dp];
// Enable bus keep and force pin to tristate, so USB DP muxing doesn't affect
// pin state
gpio_set_pulls(dp, true, true);
gpio_set_oeover(dp, GPIO_OVERRIDE_LOW);
// Select function 8 (USB debug muxing) without disturbing other controls
// J state is a differential 1 for a full speed device so
// DP = 1 and DM = 0. Don't actually need to set DM low as it
// is already gated assuming it isn't funcseld.
gpio_set_inover(dp, GPIO_OVERRIDE_HIGH);
// Force PHY pull up to stay before switching away from the phy
usb_hw_t *usb_hw_set = (usb_hw_t *)hw_set_alias_untyped(usb_hw);
usb_hw_set->phy_direct = USB_USBPHY_DIRECT_DP_PULLUP_EN_BITS;
// Switch to GPIO phy with LS_J forced
// LS_J is now forced but while loop here just to check
hard_assert(hw_line_state() == LS_J); // "LS_J not forced!"
if (add_alarm_in_ms(1, hw_enumeration_fix_force_ls_j_done, NULL, true) >= 0) {
// hw_enumeration_fix_force_ls_j_done will be called in 1ms
// if timer pool disabled, or no timer available, have to busy wait.
static void hw_enumeration_fix_finish(void) {
// Should think we are connected now
while (!(usb_hw->sie_status & USB_SIE_STATUS_CONNECTED_BITS)) tight_loop_contents();
// Switch back to USB phy
// Get rid of DP pullup override
hw_clear_bits(&usb_hw->phy_direct_override, USB_USBPHY_DIRECT_OVERRIDE_DP_PULLUP_EN_OVERRIDE_EN_BITS);
// Finally, restore the gpio ctrl value back to GPIO15
iobank0_hw->io[dp].ctrl = gpio_ctrl_prev;
// Restore the pad ctrl value
padsbank0_hw->io[dp] = pad_ctrl_prev;
void rp2040_usb_device_enumeration_fix(void) {
// nothing to do