blob: 21f77cacd6863a8c6e8e106de60088931707381a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// This header is included from C and assembler - intended mostly for #defines; guard other stuff with #ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
#ifndef _u
#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
#define _u(x) x
#define _u(x) x ## u
#define NUM_CORES _u(2)
#define NUM_DMA_CHANNELS _u(12)
#define NUM_DMA_TIMERS _u(4)
#define NUM_IRQS _u(32)
#define NUM_USER_IRQS _u(6)
#define NUM_PIOS _u(2)
#define NUM_PWM_SLICES _u(8)
#define NUM_SPIN_LOCKS _u(32)
#define NUM_UARTS _u(2)
#define NUM_I2CS _u(2)
#define NUM_SPIS _u(2)
#define NUM_TIMERS _u(4)
#define NUM_ADC_CHANNELS _u(5)
#define NUM_BANK0_GPIOS _u(30)
#define NUM_QSPI_GPIOS _u(6)
// PICO_CONFIG: XOSC_MHZ, The crystal oscillator frequency in Mhz, type=int, default=12, advanced=true, group=hardware_base
#ifndef XOSC_MHZ
#define XOSC_MHZ _u(12)