blob: bcd90547f112dd8bdcb070efe1bcfde045ed2ae8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "hardware/i2c.h"
#include "hardware/resets.h"
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
#include "pico/timeout_helper.h"
check_hw_layout(i2c_hw_t, enable, I2C_IC_ENABLE_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(i2c_hw_t, clr_restart_det, I2C_IC_CLR_RESTART_DET_OFFSET);
i2c_inst_t i2c0_inst = {i2c0_hw, false};
i2c_inst_t i2c1_inst = {i2c1_hw, false};
static inline void i2c_reset(i2c_inst_t *i2c) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, i2c != i2c0 && i2c != i2c1);
reset_block(i2c == i2c0 ? RESETS_RESET_I2C0_BITS : RESETS_RESET_I2C1_BITS);
static inline void i2c_unreset(i2c_inst_t *i2c) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, i2c != i2c0 && i2c != i2c1);
unreset_block_wait(i2c == i2c0 ? RESETS_RESET_I2C0_BITS : RESETS_RESET_I2C1_BITS);
// Addresses of the form 000 0xxx or 111 1xxx are reserved. No slave should
// have these addresses.
static inline bool i2c_reserved_addr(uint8_t addr) {
return (addr & 0x78) == 0 || (addr & 0x78) == 0x78;
uint i2c_init(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint baudrate) {
i2c->restart_on_next = false;
i2c->hw->enable = 0;
// Configure as a fast-mode master with RepStart support, 7-bit addresses
i2c->hw->con =
// Set FIFO watermarks to 1 to make things simpler. This is encoded by a register value of 0.
i2c->hw->tx_tl = 0;
i2c->hw->rx_tl = 0;
// Always enable the DREQ signalling -- harmless if DMA isn't listening
// Re-sets i2c->hw->enable upon returning:
return i2c_set_baudrate(i2c, baudrate);
void i2c_deinit(i2c_inst_t *i2c) {
uint i2c_set_baudrate(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint baudrate) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, baudrate == 0);
// I2C is synchronous design that runs from clk_sys
uint freq_in = clock_get_hz(clk_sys);
// TODO there are some subtleties to I2C timing which we are completely ignoring here
uint period = (freq_in + baudrate / 2) / baudrate;
uint hcnt = period * 3 / 5; // oof this one hurts
uint lcnt = period - hcnt;
// Check for out-of-range divisors:
invalid_params_if(I2C, hcnt > I2C_IC_FS_SCL_HCNT_IC_FS_SCL_HCNT_BITS);
invalid_params_if(I2C, lcnt > I2C_IC_FS_SCL_LCNT_IC_FS_SCL_LCNT_BITS);
invalid_params_if(I2C, hcnt < 8);
invalid_params_if(I2C, lcnt < 8);
i2c->hw->enable = 0;
// Always use "fast" mode (<= 400 kHz, works fine for standard mode too)
i2c->hw->fs_scl_hcnt = hcnt;
i2c->hw->fs_scl_lcnt = lcnt;
i2c->hw->fs_spklen = lcnt < 16 ? 1 : lcnt / 16;
i2c->hw->enable = 1;
return freq_in / period;
void i2c_set_slave_mode(i2c_inst_t *i2c, bool slave, uint8_t addr) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, addr >= 0x80); // 7-bit addresses
invalid_params_if(I2C, i2c_reserved_addr(addr));
i2c->hw->enable = 0;
if (slave) {
i2c->hw->sar = addr;
} else {
i2c->hw->enable = 1;
static int i2c_write_blocking_internal(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *src, size_t len, bool nostop,
check_timeout_fn timeout_check, struct timeout_state *ts) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, addr >= 0x80); // 7-bit addresses
invalid_params_if(I2C, i2c_reserved_addr(addr));
// Synopsys hw accepts start/stop flags alongside data items in the same
// FIFO word, so no 0 byte transfers.
invalid_params_if(I2C, len == 0);
invalid_params_if(I2C, ((int)len) < 0);
i2c->hw->enable = 0;
i2c->hw->tar = addr;
i2c->hw->enable = 1;
bool abort = false;
bool timeout = false;
uint32_t abort_reason;
int byte_ctr;
int ilen = (int)len;
for (byte_ctr = 0; byte_ctr < ilen; ++byte_ctr) {
bool first = byte_ctr == 0;
bool last = byte_ctr == ilen - 1;
i2c->hw->data_cmd =
bool_to_bit(first && i2c->restart_on_next) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_RESTART_LSB |
bool_to_bit(last && !nostop) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_STOP_LSB |
do {
// Note clearing the abort flag also clears the reason, and this
// instance of flag is clear-on-read!
abort_reason = i2c->hw->tx_abrt_source;
abort = (bool) i2c->hw->clr_tx_abrt;
if (timeout_check) {
timeout = timeout_check(ts);
abort |= timeout;
} while (!abort && !(i2c->hw->status & I2C_IC_STATUS_TFE_BITS));
// Note the hardware issues a STOP automatically on an abort condition.
// Note also the hardware clears RX FIFO as well as TX on abort,
// because we set hwparam IC_AVOID_RX_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_TX_ABRT to 0.
if (abort)
int rval;
// A lot of things could have just happened due to the ingenious and
// creative design of I2C. Try to figure things out.
if (abort) {
if (timeout)
else if (!abort_reason || abort_reason & I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_7B_ADDR_NOACK_BITS) {
// No reported errors - seems to happen if there is nothing connected to the bus.
// Address byte not acknowledged
} else if (abort_reason & I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_TXDATA_NOACK_BITS) {
// Address acknowledged, some data not acknowledged
rval = byte_ctr;
} else {
//panic("Unknown abort from I2C instance @%08x: %08x\n", (uint32_t) i2c->hw, abort_reason);
} else {
rval = byte_ctr;
// nostop means we are now at the end of a *message* but not the end of a *transfer*
i2c->restart_on_next = nostop;
return rval;
int i2c_write_blocking(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *src, size_t len, bool nostop) {
return i2c_write_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, src, len, nostop, NULL, NULL);
int i2c_write_blocking_until(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *src, size_t len, bool nostop,
absolute_time_t until) {
timeout_state_t ts;
return i2c_write_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, src, len, nostop, init_single_timeout_until(&ts, until), &ts);
int i2c_write_timeout_per_char_us(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *src, size_t len, bool nostop,
uint timeout_per_char_us) {
timeout_state_t ts;
return i2c_write_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, src, len, nostop,
init_per_iteration_timeout_us(&ts, timeout_per_char_us), &ts);
static int i2c_read_blocking_internal(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dst, size_t len, bool nostop,
check_timeout_fn timeout_check, timeout_state_t *ts) {
invalid_params_if(I2C, addr >= 0x80); // 7-bit addresses
invalid_params_if(I2C, i2c_reserved_addr(addr));
invalid_params_if(I2C, len == 0);
invalid_params_if(I2C, ((int)len) < 0);
i2c->hw->enable = 0;
i2c->hw->tar = addr;
i2c->hw->enable = 1;
bool abort = false;
bool timeout = false;
uint32_t abort_reason;
int byte_ctr;
int ilen = (int)len;
for (byte_ctr = 0; byte_ctr < ilen; ++byte_ctr) {
bool first = byte_ctr == 0;
bool last = byte_ctr == ilen - 1;
while (!i2c_get_write_available(i2c))
i2c->hw->data_cmd =
bool_to_bit(first && i2c->restart_on_next) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_RESTART_LSB |
bool_to_bit(last && !nostop) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_STOP_LSB |
I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_CMD_BITS; // -> 1 for read
do {
abort_reason = i2c->hw->tx_abrt_source;
abort = (bool) i2c->hw->clr_tx_abrt;
if (timeout_check) {
timeout = timeout_check(ts);
abort |= timeout;
} while (!abort && !i2c_get_read_available(i2c));
if (abort)
*dst++ = (uint8_t) i2c->hw->data_cmd;
int rval;
if (abort) {
if (timeout)
else if (!abort_reason || abort_reason & I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_7B_ADDR_NOACK_BITS) {
// No reported errors - seems to happen if there is nothing connected to the bus.
// Address byte not acknowledged
} else {
// panic("Unknown abort from I2C instance @%08x: %08x\n", (uint32_t) i2c->hw, abort_reason);
} else {
rval = byte_ctr;
i2c->restart_on_next = nostop;
return rval;
int i2c_read_blocking(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dst, size_t len, bool nostop) {
return i2c_read_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, dst, len, nostop, NULL, NULL);
int i2c_read_blocking_until(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dst, size_t len, bool nostop, absolute_time_t until) {
timeout_state_t ts;
return i2c_read_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, dst, len, nostop, init_single_timeout_until(&ts, until), &ts);
int i2c_read_timeout_per_char_us(i2c_inst_t *i2c, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dst, size_t len, bool nostop,
uint timeout_per_char_us) {
timeout_state_t ts;
return i2c_read_blocking_internal(i2c, addr, dst, len, nostop,
init_per_iteration_timeout_us(&ts, timeout_per_char_us), &ts);