blob: 7647acf765bf47a4dc5d7f785e099675a5e65f3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
/** \file pico/cyw43_driver.h
* \defgroup pico_cyw43_driver pico_cyw43_driver
* A wrapper around the lower level cyw43_driver, that integrates it with \ref pico_async_context
* for handling background work.
#include "pico.h"
#include "pico/async_context.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! \brief Initializes the lower level cyw43_driver and integrates it with the provided async_context
* \ingroup pico_cyw43_driver
* If the initialization succeeds, \ref lwip_nosys_deinit() can be called to shutdown lwIP support
* \param context the async_context instance that provides the abstraction for handling asynchronous work.
* \return true if the initialization succeeded
bool cyw43_driver_init(async_context_t *context);
/*! \brief De-initialize the lowever level cyw43_driver and unhooks it from the async_context
* \ingroup pico_cyw43_driver
* \param context the async_context the cyw43_driver support was added to via \ref cyw43_driver_init
void cyw43_driver_deinit(async_context_t *context);
#ifdef __cplusplus