blob: 9bbcf26e5935ddf54f54e6357ef75c4788930745 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico.h"
#include "hardware/address_mapped.h"
#include "hardware/regs/tbman.h"
#include "hardware/regs/sysinfo.h"
// Note we leave the FPGA check in by default so that we can run bug repro
// binaries coming in from the wild on the FPGA platform. It takes up around
// 48 bytes if you include all the calls, so you can pass PICO_NO_FPGA_CHECK=1
// to remove it. The FPGA check is used to skip initialisation of hardware
// (mainly clock generators and oscillators) that aren't present on FPGA.
// Inline stub provided in header if this code is unused (so folding can be
// done in each TU instead of relying on LTO)
bool running_on_fpga() {
return !!((*(io_ro_32 *)TBMAN_BASE) & TBMAN_PLATFORM_FPGA_BITS);
#define MANUFACTURER_RPI 0x927
#define PART_RP2 0x2
uint8_t rp2040_chip_version() {
// First register of sysinfo is chip id
uint32_t chip_id = *((io_ro_32*)(SYSINFO_BASE + SYSINFO_CHIP_ID_OFFSET));
uint32_t __unused manufacturer = chip_id & SYSINFO_CHIP_ID_MANUFACTURER_BITS;
uint32_t __unused part = (chip_id & SYSINFO_CHIP_ID_PART_BITS) >> SYSINFO_CHIP_ID_PART_LSB;
assert(manufacturer == MANUFACTURER_RPI);
assert(part == PART_RP2);
// Version 1 == B0/B1
return (uint8_t)version;