blob: 5525c309bea4b0421863211b318c71b49d8161c0 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:run_binary.bzl", "run_binary")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_SDK_VERSION_STRING, SDK version string, type=string, default=Current SDK version string, group=pico_base
PICO_SDK_VERSION_STRING = module_version() if module_version() != None else "0.0.1-WORKSPACE"
_version_parts = PICO_SDK_VERSION_STRING.split(".")
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR, SDK major version number, type=int, default=Current SDK major version, group=pico_base
PICO_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR = int(_version_parts[0])
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_SDK_VERSION_MINOR, SDK minor version number, type=int, default=Current SDK minor version, group=pico_base
PICO_SDK_VERSION_MINOR = int(_version_parts[1])
_revision_parts = _version_parts[2].split("-")
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_SDK_VERSION_REVISION, SDK version revision, type=int, default=Current SDK revision, group=pico_base
PICO_SDK_VERSION_REVISION = int(_revision_parts[0])
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_SDK_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE_ID, Optional SDK pre-release version identifier, default=Current SDK pre-release identifier, type=string, group=pico_base
PICO_SDK_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE_ID = _revision_parts[1] if len(_revision_parts) > 1 else None
name = "version_header",
srcs = ["include/pico/"],
outs = ["generated_include/pico/version.h"],
args = [
"--template=$(location include/pico/",
"--output=$(location generated_include/pico/version.h)",
tool = "//bazel:generate_version_header",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR, SDK major version number, type=int, default=Current SDK major version, group=pico_base
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_SDK_VERSION_MINOR, SDK minor version number, type=int, default=Current SDK minor version, group=pico_base
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_SDK_VERSION_REVISION, SDK version revision, type=int, default=Current SDK revision, group=pico_base
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_SDK_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE_ID, Optional SDK pre-release version identifier, default=Current SDK pre-release identifier, type=string, group=pico_base
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_SDK_VERSION_STRING, SDK version string, type=string, default=Current SDK version string, group=pico_base
name = "version",
hdrs = ["generated_include/pico/version.h"],
defines = [
includes = ["generated_include"],
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_NO_HARDWARE, Option as to whether the build is not targeting an RP2040 or RP2350 device, type=bool, default=1 when PICO_PLATFORM is host, 0 otherwise, group=build
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_NO_HARDWARE, Whether the build is not targeting an RP2040 or RP2350 device, type=bool, default=1 when PICO_PLATFORM is host, 0 otherwise, group=build
# PICO_BAZEL_CONFIG: PICO_ON_DEVICE, Option as to whether the build is targeting an RP2040 or RP2350 device, type=bool, default=0 when PICO_PLATFORM is host, 1 otherwise, group=build
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_ON_DEVICE, Whether the build is targeting an RP2040 or RP2350 device, type=bool, default=0 when PICO_PLATFORM is host, 1 otherwise, group=build
# PICO_BUILD is undocumented in CMake.
name = "common_sdk_defines",
defines = select({
"//bazel/constraint:host": [
"//conditions:default": [
}) + select({
"//bazel/constraint:rp2040": ["PICO_RP2040=1"],
"//bazel/constraint:rp2350": ["PICO_RP2350=1"],
"//conditions:default": [],
# While this provides the "pico.h" header, nearly everything should
# instead depend on `//src/rp2_common:pico_platform` to get these headers. If
# you try to depend on just `pico_base_headers`, you'll end up with missing
# symbols.
name = "pico_base_headers",
hdrs = [
includes = ["include"],
visibility = [
deps = [