| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. |
| * |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause |
| */ |
| |
| %skeleton "lalr1.cc" /* -*- C++ -*- */ |
| %require "3.4.2" |
| %defines |
| |
| %define api.token.constructor |
| %define api.value.type variant |
| /*%define parse.assert*/ |
| %define api.location.file "location.h" |
| %define parse.lac full |
| /* define parse.trace*/ |
| %define parse.error verbose |
| %no-lines |
| %locations |
| |
| %code requires { |
| #include <string> |
| #include <fstream> |
| #include <sstream> |
| #include "pio_types.h" |
| struct pio_assembler; |
| |
| #ifdef _MSC_VER |
| #pragma warning(disable : 4065) // default only switch statement |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| // The parsing context. |
| %param { pio_assembler& pioasm } |
| |
| %code { |
| #include "pio_assembler.h" |
| #ifdef _MSC_VER |
| #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // possible loss of data (valid warning, but there is a software check / missing cast) |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| %define api.token.prefix {TOK_} |
| |
| %token |
| END 0 "end of file" |
| |
| NEWLINE "end of line" |
| COMMA "," |
| COLON ":" |
| |
| LPAREN "(" |
| RPAREN ")" |
| LBRACKET "[" |
| RBRACKET "]" |
| PLUS "+" |
| MINUS "-" |
| MULTIPLY "*" |
| DIVIDE "/" |
| OR "|" |
| AND "&" |
| XOR "^" |
| NOT_EQUAL "!=" |
| NOT "!" |
| REVERSE "::" |
| EQUAL "=" |
| |
| PROGRAM ".program" |
| WRAP_TARGET ".wrap_target" |
| WRAP ".wrap" |
| DEFINE ".define" |
| SIDE_SET ".side_set" |
| WORD ".word" |
| ORIGIN ".origin" |
| LANG_OPT ".lang_opt" |
| |
| JMP "jmp" |
| WAIT "wait" |
| IN "in" |
| OUT "out" |
| PUSH "push" |
| PULL "pull" |
| MOV "mov" |
| IRQ "irq" |
| SET "set" |
| NOP "nop" |
| |
| PIN "pin" |
| GPIO "gpio" |
| OSRE "osre" |
| |
| PINS "pins" |
| NULL "null" |
| PINDIRS "pindirs" |
| BLOCK "block" |
| NOBLOCK "noblock" |
| IFEMPTY "ifempty" |
| IFFULL "iffull" |
| NOWAIT "nowait" |
| CLEAR "clear" |
| REL "rel" |
| X "x" |
| Y "y" |
| EXEC "exec" |
| PC "pc" |
| ISR "isr" |
| OSR "osr" |
| OPTIONAL "opt" |
| SIDE "side" |
| STATUS "status" |
| PUBLIC "public" |
| ; |
| |
| %token |
| <std::string> ID "identifier" |
| <std::string> STRING "string" |
| <std::string> NON_WS "text" |
| <std::string> CODE_BLOCK_START "code block" |
| <std::string> CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS "%}" // bit ugly but if there is no end this is what we will be missing |
| <std::string> UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE |
| <int> INT "integer" |
| ; |
| |
| |
| %left REVERSE |
| %left PLUS MINUS |
| %left AND OR XOR |
| |
| %printer { yyo << "..."; } <*>; |
| |
| %% |
| |
| file: |
| lines END { if (pioasm.error_count || pioasm.write_output()) YYABORT; } |
| ; |
| |
| lines: |
| line |
| | lines NEWLINE line; |
| |
| line: |
| PROGRAM ID { if (!pioasm.add_program(@$, $2)) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "program " << $2 << " already exists"; error(@$, msg.str()); abort(); } } |
| | directive |
| | instruction { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, "instruction").add_instruction($1); } |
| | label_decl instruction { auto &p = pioasm.get_current_program(@2, "instruction"); p.add_label($1); p.add_instruction($2); } |
| | label_decl { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, "label").add_label($1); } |
| | code_block |
| | %empty |
| | error { if (pioasm.error_count > 6) { std::cerr << "\ntoo many errors; aborting.\n"; YYABORT; } } |
| ; |
| |
| code_block: |
| CODE_BLOCK_START CODE_BLOCK_CONTENTS { std::string of = $1; if (of.empty()) of = output_format::default_name; pioasm.get_current_program(@$, "code block", false, false).add_code_block( code_block(@$, of, $2)); } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<symbol>> label_decl; |
| label_decl: |
| symbol_def COLON { $1->is_label = true; $$ = $1; } |
| |
| directive: |
| DEFINE symbol_def expression { $2->is_label = false; $2->value = $3; pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".define", false, false).add_symbol($2); } |
| | ORIGIN value { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".origin", true).set_origin(@$, $2); } |
| | SIDE_SET value OPTIONAL PINDIRS { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(@$, $2, true, true); } |
| | SIDE_SET value OPTIONAL { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(@$, $2, true, false); } |
| | SIDE_SET value PINDIRS { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(@$, $2, false, true); } |
| | SIDE_SET value { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".side_set", true).set_sideset(@$, $2, false, false); } |
| | WRAP_TARGET { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".wrap_target").set_wrap_target(@$); } |
| | WRAP { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".wrap").set_wrap(@$); } |
| | WORD value { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, "instruction").add_instruction(std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_word(@$, $2))); } |
| | LANG_OPT NON_WS NON_WS EQUAL INT { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt($2, $3, std::to_string($5)); } |
| | LANG_OPT NON_WS NON_WS EQUAL STRING { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt($2, $3, $5); } |
| | LANG_OPT NON_WS NON_WS EQUAL NON_WS { pioasm.get_current_program(@1, ".lang_opt").add_lang_opt($2, $3, $5); } |
| | LANG_OPT error { error(@$, "expected format is .lang_opt language option_name = option_value"); } |
| | UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE { std::stringstream msg; msg << "unknown directive " << $1; throw syntax_error(@$, msg.str()); } |
| ; |
| |
| /* value is a more limited top level expression... requiring parenthesis */ |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<resolvable>> value; |
| value: INT { $$ = resolvable_int(@$, $1); } |
| | ID { $$ = std::shared_ptr<resolvable>(new name_ref(@$, $1)); } |
| | LPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = $2; } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<resolvable>> expression; |
| expression: |
| value |
| | expression PLUS expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::add, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression MINUS expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::subtract, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression MULTIPLY expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::multiply, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression DIVIDE expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::divide, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression OR expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::or_, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression AND expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::and_, $1, $3)); } |
| | expression XOR expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<binary_operation>(new binary_operation(@$, binary_operation::xor_, $1, $3)); } |
| | MINUS expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<unary_operation>(new unary_operation(@$, unary_operation::negate, $2)); } |
| | REVERSE expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<unary_operation>(new unary_operation(@$, unary_operation::reverse, $2)); } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<instruction>> instruction; |
| instruction: |
| base_instruction sideset delay { $$ = $1; $$->sideset = $2; $$->delay = $3; } |
| | base_instruction delay sideset { $$ = $1; $$->delay = $2; $$->sideset = $3; } |
| | base_instruction sideset { $$ = $1; $$->sideset = $2; $$->delay = resolvable_int(@$, 0); } |
| | base_instruction delay { $$ = $1; $$->delay = $2; } |
| | base_instruction { $$ = $1; $$->delay = resolvable_int(@$, 0); } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<instruction>> base_instruction; |
| base_instruction: |
| NOP { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_nop(@$)); } |
| | JMP condition comma expression { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_jmp(@$, $2, $4)); } |
| | WAIT value wait_source { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_wait(@$, $2, $3)); } |
| | WAIT value COMMA value { std::stringstream msg; location l; l.begin = @2.end; l.end = @3.end; msg << "expected irq, gpio or pin after the polarity value and before the \",\""; throw yy::parser::syntax_error(l, msg.str()); } |
| | WAIT wait_source { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_wait(@$, resolvable_int(@$, 1), $2)); } |
| | IN in_source comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_in(@$, $2, $4)); } |
| | OUT out_target comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_out(@$, $2, $4)); } |
| | PUSH if_full blocking { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_push(@$, $2, $3)); } |
| | PULL if_empty blocking { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_pull(@$, $2, $3)); } |
| | MOV mov_target comma mov_op mov_source { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_mov(@$, $2, $5, $4)); } |
| | IRQ irq_modifiers value REL { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_irq(@$, $2, $3, true)); } |
| | IRQ irq_modifiers value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_irq(@$, $2, $3)); } |
| | SET set_target comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<instruction>(new instr_set(@$, $2, $4)); } |
| ; |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<resolvable>> delay; |
| delay: |
| LBRACKET expression RBRACKET { $$ = $2; } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<resolvable>> sideset; |
| sideset: |
| SIDE value { $$ = $2; } |
| |
| %type <enum condition> condition; |
| condition: |
| NOT X { $$ = condition::xz; } |
| | X POST_DECREMENT { $$ = condition::xnz__; } |
| | NOT Y { $$ = condition::yz; } |
| | Y POST_DECREMENT { $$ = condition::ynz__; } |
| | X NOT_EQUAL Y { $$ = condition::xney; } |
| | PIN { $$ = condition::pin; } |
| | NOT OSRE { $$ = condition::osrez; } |
| | %empty { $$ = condition::al; } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<wait_source>> wait_source; |
| wait_source: |
| IRQ comma value REL { $$ = std::shared_ptr<wait_source>(new wait_source(wait_source::irq, $3, true)); } |
| | IRQ comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<wait_source>(new wait_source(wait_source::irq, $3, false)); } |
| | GPIO comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<wait_source>(new wait_source(wait_source::gpio, $3)); } |
| | PIN comma value { $$ = std::shared_ptr<wait_source>(new wait_source(wait_source::pin, $3)); } |
| |
| comma: COMMA | %empty /* not a huge fan of forcing commas */ |
| |
| %type <enum in_out_set> in_source; |
| in_source: PINS { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } |
| | X { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } |
| | Y { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } |
| | NULL { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_null; } |
| | ISR { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_isr; } |
| | OSR { $$ = in_out_set::in_osr; } |
| | STATUS { $$ = in_out_set::in_status; } |
| |
| %type <enum in_out_set> out_target; |
| out_target: PINS { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } |
| | X { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } |
| | Y { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } |
| | NULL { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_null; } |
| | PINDIRS { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_pindirs; } |
| | ISR { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_isr; } |
| | PC { $$ = in_out_set::out_set_pc; } |
| | EXEC { $$ = in_out_set::out_exec; } |
| |
| %type <enum mov> mov_target; |
| mov_target: PINS { $$ = mov::pins; } |
| | X { $$ = mov::x; } |
| | Y { $$ = mov::y; } |
| | EXEC { $$ = mov::exec; } |
| | PC { $$ = mov::pc; } |
| | ISR { $$ = mov::isr; } |
| | OSR { $$ = mov::osr; } |
| |
| %type <enum mov> mov_source; |
| mov_source: PINS { $$ = mov::pins; } |
| | X { $$ = mov::x; } |
| | Y { $$ = mov::y; } |
| | NULL { $$ = mov::null; } |
| | STATUS { $$ = mov::status; } |
| | ISR { $$ = mov::isr; } |
| | OSR { $$ = mov::osr; } |
| |
| %type <enum mov_op> mov_op; |
| mov_op: |
| NOT { $$ = mov_op::invert; } |
| | REVERSE { $$ = mov_op::bit_reverse; } |
| | %empty { $$ = mov_op::none; } |
| |
| %type <enum in_out_set> set_target; |
| set_target: |
| PINS { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_pins; } |
| | X { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_x; } |
| | Y { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_y; } |
| | PINDIRS { $$ = in_out_set::in_out_set_pindirs; } |
| |
| %type <bool> if_full; |
| if_full: |
| IFFULL { $$ = true; } |
| | %empty { $$ = false; } |
| |
| %type <bool> if_empty; |
| if_empty: |
| IFEMPTY { $$ = true; } |
| | %empty { $$ = false; } |
| |
| %type <bool> blocking; |
| blocking: |
| BLOCK { $$ = true; } |
| | NOBLOCK { $$ = false; } |
| | %empty { $$ = true; } |
| |
| %type <enum irq> irq_modifiers; |
| irq_modifiers: |
| CLEAR { $$ = irq::clear; } |
| | WAIT { $$ = irq::set_wait; } |
| | NOWAIT { $$ = irq::set; } |
| | SET { $$ = irq::set; } |
| | %empty { $$ = irq::set; } |
| |
| %type <std::shared_ptr<symbol>> symbol_def; |
| symbol_def: |
| ID { $$ = std::shared_ptr<symbol>(new symbol(@$, $1)); } |
| | PUBLIC ID { $$ = std::shared_ptr<symbol>(new symbol(@$, $2, true)); } |
| | MULTIPLY ID { $$ = std::shared_ptr<symbol>(new symbol(@$, $2, true)); } |
| |
| %% |
| void yy::parser::error(const location_type& l, const std::string& m) |
| { |
| if (l.begin.filename) { |
| std::cerr << l << ": " << m << '\n'; |
| pioasm.error_count++; |
| if (l.begin.line == l.end.line && *l.begin.filename == *l.end.filename) { |
| std::ifstream file(l.begin.filename->c_str()); |
| std::string line; |
| for(int i = 0; i < l.begin.line; ++i) { |
| std::getline(file, line); |
| } |
| fprintf(stderr, "%5d | %s\n", l.begin.line, line.c_str()); |
| fprintf(stderr, "%5s | %*s", "", l.begin.column, "^"); |
| for (int i = l.begin.column; i < l.end.column - 1; i++) { |
| putc ('~', stderr); |
| } |
| putc ('\n', stderr); |
| } |
| } else { |
| std::cerr << m << '\n'; |
| } |
| } |
| |