tests/kernel/smp: Remove release_global_lock_irq case

This test case was taking a (traditional) irq_lock(), which masks
interrupts, and then calling k_mutex_lock() with a timeout of
K_FOREVER, which is a blocking call.  That's not legal, because it
will obviously schedule other threads to run in a context where the
code was promised it would not.  This used to be an uncaught error,
but now we have an assertion that catches this.

It's not clear what this test case is supposed to be testing, as the
behavior is actually identical to the release_global_lock case except
for the (incorrect) addition of the irq_lock().  If this is needed for
code coverage we can work to figure out the real root cause of the
missing coverage later.

Signed-off-by: Andy Ross <andrew.j.ross@intel.com>
diff --git a/tests/kernel/smp/src/main.c b/tests/kernel/smp/src/main.c
index f5d96f4..e7b1b6a 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/smp/src/main.c
+++ b/tests/kernel/smp/src/main.c
@@ -751,38 +751,6 @@
-static void t2_mutex_lock_with_irq(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
-	int key;
-	zassert_equal(_current->base.global_lock_count, 0,
-			"thread global lock cnt %d is incorrect",
-			_current->base.global_lock_count);
-	key = irq_lock();
-	k_mutex_lock((struct k_mutex *)p1, K_FOREVER);
-	zassert_equal(_current->base.global_lock_count, 1,
-			"thread global lock cnt %d is incorrect",
-			_current->base.global_lock_count);
-	k_mutex_unlock((struct k_mutex *)p1);
-	/**TESTPOINT: Though the irq has not been locked yet, but the
-	 * global_lock_cnt has been decreased during context switch.
-	 */
-	zassert_equal(_current->base.global_lock_count, 0,
-			"thread global lock cnt %d is incorrect",
-			_current->base.global_lock_count);
-	irq_unlock(key);
-	zassert_equal(_current->base.global_lock_count, 0,
-			"thread global lock cnt %d is incorrect",
-			_current->base.global_lock_count);
  * @brief Test scenairo that a thread release the global lock
@@ -819,42 +787,6 @@
- * @brief Test scenairo that a thread release the global lock
- *
- * @ingroup kernel_smp_tests
- *
- * @details Validate the scenario that make the internal APIs of SMP
- * z_smp_release_global_lock() to be called.
- */
-void test_smp_release_global_lock_irq(void)
-	k_mutex_init(&smutex);
-	tinfo[0].tid =
-	k_thread_create(&tthread[0], tstack[0], STACK_SIZE,
-			(k_thread_entry_t)t1_mutex_lock,
-			&smutex, NULL, NULL,
-	tinfo[1].tid =
-	k_thread_create(&tthread[1], tstack[1], STACK_SIZE,
-		(k_thread_entry_t)t2_mutex_lock_with_irq,
-			&smutex, NULL, NULL,
-	/* Hold one of the cpu to ensure context switch as we wanted
-	 * can happen in another cpu.
-	 */
-	k_busy_wait(20000);
-	k_thread_join(tinfo[1].tid, K_FOREVER);
-	k_thread_join(tinfo[0].tid, K_FOREVER);
-	cleanup_resources();
 #define LOOP_COUNT 20000
 enum sync_t {
@@ -1037,7 +969,6 @@
-			 ztest_unit_test(test_smp_release_global_lock_irq),