dts: gpio: create gpio dt-bingings and inlude in stm32 dtsi files

Create a dt-bindings/gpio.h file.
Bindings definitions are extracted from existing gpio.h.
gpio dt-bindings file is required because existing gpio.h file could
not be parsed by dts parser.

Signed-off-by: Erwan Gouriou <erwan.gouriou@linaro.org>
diff --git a/dts/arm/st/stm32f0.dtsi b/dts/arm/st/stm32f0.dtsi
index a6d8108..a81691c 100644
--- a/dts/arm/st/stm32f0.dtsi
+++ b/dts/arm/st/stm32f0.dtsi
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <st/mem.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/clock/stm32_clock.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/i2c/i2c.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 / {
 	cpus {
diff --git a/dts/arm/st/stm32f1.dtsi b/dts/arm/st/stm32f1.dtsi
index 6ba5f2a..d1b876f 100644
--- a/dts/arm/st/stm32f1.dtsi
+++ b/dts/arm/st/stm32f1.dtsi
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <st/mem.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/clock/stm32_clock.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/i2c/i2c.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 / {
 	cpus {
diff --git a/dts/arm/st/stm32f3.dtsi b/dts/arm/st/stm32f3.dtsi
index 7540840..5dc8402 100644
--- a/dts/arm/st/stm32f3.dtsi
+++ b/dts/arm/st/stm32f3.dtsi
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <st/mem.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/clock/stm32_clock.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/i2c/i2c.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 / {
 	cpus {
diff --git a/dts/arm/st/stm32f4.dtsi b/dts/arm/st/stm32f4.dtsi
index 12c263a..abe852f 100644
--- a/dts/arm/st/stm32f4.dtsi
+++ b/dts/arm/st/stm32f4.dtsi
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <st/mem.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/clock/stm32_clock.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/i2c/i2c.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 / {
 	cpus {
diff --git a/dts/arm/st/stm32l4.dtsi b/dts/arm/st/stm32l4.dtsi
index 3c45278..4830a4b 100644
--- a/dts/arm/st/stm32l4.dtsi
+++ b/dts/arm/st/stm32l4.dtsi
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <st/mem.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/clock/stm32_clock.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/i2c/i2c.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 / {
 	cpus {
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h b/include/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01719a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Linaro Limited
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+ * @name GPIO direction flags
+ * The `GPIO_DIR_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
+ * to specify whether a GPIO pin will be used for input or output.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** GPIO pin to be input. */
+#define GPIO_DIR_IN		(0 << 0)
+/** GPIO pin to be output. */
+#define GPIO_DIR_OUT		(1 << 0)
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_DIR_MASK		0x1
+/** @endcond */
+/** @} */
+ * @name GPIO interrupt flags
+ * The `GPIO_INT_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
+ * to specify how input GPIO pins will trigger interrupts.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** GPIO pin to trigger interrupt. */
+#define GPIO_INT		(1 << 1)
+/** GPIO pin trigger on level low or falling edge. */
+#define GPIO_INT_ACTIVE_LOW	(0 << 2)
+/** GPIO pin trigger on level high or rising edge. */
+#define GPIO_INT_ACTIVE_HIGH	(1 << 2)
+/** GPIO pin trigger to be synchronized to clock pulses. */
+#define GPIO_INT_CLOCK_SYNC     (1 << 3)
+/** Enable GPIO pin debounce. */
+#define GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE       (1 << 4)
+/** Do Level trigger. */
+#define GPIO_INT_LEVEL		(0 << 5)
+/** Do Edge trigger. */
+#define GPIO_INT_EDGE		(1 << 5)
+/** Interrupt triggers on both rising and falling edge. */
+#define GPIO_INT_DOUBLE_EDGE	(1 << 6)
+/** @} */
+ * @name GPIO polarity flags
+ * The `GPIO_POL_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
+ * to specify the polarity of a GPIO pin.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_POL_POS		7
+/** @endcond */
+/** GPIO pin polarity is normal. */
+/** GPIO pin polarity is inverted. */
+#define GPIO_POL_INV		(1 << GPIO_POL_POS)
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_POL_MASK		(1 << GPIO_POL_POS)
+/** @endcond */
+/** @} */
+ * @name GPIO pull flags
+ * The `GPIO_PUD_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
+ * to specify the pull-up or pull-down electrical configuration of a GPIO pin.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_PUD_POS		8
+/** @endcond */
+/** Pin is neither pull-up nor pull-down. */
+/** Enable GPIO pin pull-up. */
+/** Enable GPIO pin pull-down. */
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_PUD_MASK		(3 << GPIO_PUD_POS)
+/** @endcond */
+/** @} */
+ * @name GPIO drive strength flags
+ * The `GPIO_DS_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
+ * to specify the drive strength configuration of a GPIO pin.
+ *
+ * The drive strength of individual pins can be configured
+ * independently for when the pin output is low and high.
+ *
+ * The `GPIO_DS_*_LOW` enumerations define the drive strength of a pin
+ * when output is low.
+ * The `GPIO_DS_*_HIGH` enumerations define the drive strength of a pin
+ * when output is high.
+ *
+ * The `DISCONNECT` drive strength indicates that the pin is placed in a
+ * high impedance state and not driven, this option is used to
+ * configure hardware that supports a open collector drive mode.
+ *
+ * The interface supports two different drive strengths:
+ * `DFLT` - The lowest drive strength supported by the HW
+ * `ALT` - The highest drive strength supported by the HW
+ *
+ * On hardware that supports only one standard drive strength, both
+ * `DFLT` and `ALT` have the same behavior.
+ *
+ * On hardware that does not support a disconnect mode, `DISCONNECT`
+ * will behave the same as `DFLT`.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_DS_LOW_POS 12
+#define GPIO_DS_LOW_MASK (0x3 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
+/** @endcond */
+/** Default drive strength standard when GPIO pin output is low.
+ */
+#define GPIO_DS_DFLT_LOW (0x0 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
+/** Alternative drive strength when GPIO pin output is low.
+ * For hardware that does not support configurable drive strength
+ * use the default drive strength.
+ */
+#define GPIO_DS_ALT_LOW (0x1 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
+/** Disconnect pin when GPIO pin output is low.
+ * For hardware that does not support disconnect use the default
+ * drive strength.
+ */
+/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
+#define GPIO_DS_HIGH_POS 14
+/** @endcond */
+/** Default drive strength when GPIO pin output is high.
+ */
+/** Alternative drive strength when GPIO pin output is high.
+ * For hardware that does not support configurable drive strengths
+ * use the default drive strength.
+ */
+/** Disconnect pin when GPIO pin output is high.
+ * For hardware that does not support disconnect use the default
+ * drive strength.
+ */
+/** @} */
+#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_GPIO_GPIO_H */
diff --git a/include/gpio.h b/include/gpio.h
index e2458e7..0d8b566 100644
--- a/include/gpio.h
+++ b/include/gpio.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <zephyr/types.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <device.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -35,99 +36,6 @@
 /** @endcond */
- * @name GPIO direction flags
- * The `GPIO_DIR_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
- * to specify whether a GPIO pin will be used for input or output.
- * @{
- */
-/** GPIO pin to be input. */
-#define GPIO_DIR_IN		(0 << 0)
-/** GPIO pin to be output. */
-#define GPIO_DIR_OUT		(1 << 0)
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_DIR_MASK		0x1
-/** @endcond */
-/** @} */
- * @name GPIO interrupt flags
- * The `GPIO_INT_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
- * to specify how input GPIO pins will trigger interrupts.
- * @{
- */
-/** GPIO pin to trigger interrupt. */
-#define GPIO_INT		(1 << 1)
-/** GPIO pin trigger on level low or falling edge. */
-#define GPIO_INT_ACTIVE_LOW	(0 << 2)
-/** GPIO pin trigger on level high or rising edge. */
-#define GPIO_INT_ACTIVE_HIGH	(1 << 2)
-/** GPIO pin trigger to be synchronized to clock pulses. */
-#define GPIO_INT_CLOCK_SYNC     (1 << 3)
-/** Enable GPIO pin debounce. */
-#define GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE       (1 << 4)
-/** Do Level trigger. */
-#define GPIO_INT_LEVEL		(0 << 5)
-/** Do Edge trigger. */
-#define GPIO_INT_EDGE		(1 << 5)
-/** Interrupt triggers on both rising and falling edge. */
-#define GPIO_INT_DOUBLE_EDGE	(1 << 6)
-/** @} */
- * @name GPIO polarity flags
- * The `GPIO_POL_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
- * to specify the polarity of a GPIO pin.
- * @{
- */
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_POL_POS		7
-/** @endcond */
-/** GPIO pin polarity is normal. */
-/** GPIO pin polarity is inverted. */
-#define GPIO_POL_INV		(1 << GPIO_POL_POS)
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_POL_MASK		(1 << GPIO_POL_POS)
-/** @endcond */
-/** @} */
- * @name GPIO pull flags
- * The `GPIO_PUD_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
- * to specify the pull-up or pull-down electrical configuration of a GPIO pin.
- * @{
- */
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_PUD_POS		8
-/** @endcond */
-/** Pin is neither pull-up nor pull-down. */
-/** Enable GPIO pin pull-up. */
-/** Enable GPIO pin pull-down. */
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_PUD_MASK		(3 << GPIO_PUD_POS)
-/** @endcond */
 /** @} */
@@ -142,77 +50,6 @@
- * @name GPIO drive strength flags
- * The `GPIO_DS_*` flags are used with `gpio_pin_configure` or `gpio_port_configure`,
- * to specify the drive strength configuration of a GPIO pin.
- *
- * The drive strength of individual pins can be configured
- * independently for when the pin output is low and high.
- *
- * The `GPIO_DS_*_LOW` enumerations define the drive strength of a pin
- * when output is low.
- * The `GPIO_DS_*_HIGH` enumerations define the drive strength of a pin
- * when output is high.
- *
- * The `DISCONNECT` drive strength indicates that the pin is placed in a
- * high impedance state and not driven, this option is used to
- * configure hardware that supports a open collector drive mode.
- *
- * The interface supports two different drive strengths:
- * `DFLT` - The lowest drive strength supported by the HW
- * `ALT` - The highest drive strength supported by the HW
- *
- * On hardware that supports only one standard drive strength, both
- * `DFLT` and `ALT` have the same behavior.
- *
- * On hardware that does not support a disconnect mode, `DISCONNECT`
- * will behave the same as `DFLT`.
- * @{
- */
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_DS_LOW_POS 12
-#define GPIO_DS_LOW_MASK (0x3 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
-/** @endcond */
-/** Default drive strength standard when GPIO pin output is low.
- */
-#define GPIO_DS_DFLT_LOW (0x0 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
-/** Alternative drive strength when GPIO pin output is low.
- * For hardware that does not support configurable drive strength
- * use the default drive strength.
- */
-#define GPIO_DS_ALT_LOW (0x1 << GPIO_DS_LOW_POS)
-/** Disconnect pin when GPIO pin output is low.
- * For hardware that does not support disconnect use the default
- * drive strength.
- */
-/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
-#define GPIO_DS_HIGH_POS 14
-/** @endcond */
-/** Default drive strength when GPIO pin output is high.
- */
-/** Alternative drive strength when GPIO pin output is high.
- * For hardware that does not support configurable drive strengths
- * use the default drive strength.
- */
-/** Disconnect pin when GPIO pin output is high.
- * For hardware that does not support disconnect use the default
- * drive strength.
- */
-/** @} */
 struct gpio_callback;