drivers/modem: Patch fix for sock id and fd

There is is an error in the way that the sock id is
determined. A unique fd is reserved and assigned appropriatly, but
the id, which should correspond to a socket number within the modem,
is set to an invalid, and identical for all sockets, value, and then
not used appropriatly in the drivers, instead, the sock_fd is used,
which can be any value really, it is not related to the socket number
in any way.

This results in the drivers only working if the reserved fd happens
to be between base_socket_num and (socket_len - 1)

This patch assignes the id to the index of the socket + the
base_socket_num, the socket at index 0 will get the id 1 if the
base_socket_num is 1, and the modem_socket_from_id should then
be used to get a pointer to the socket, since the id is not
neccesarily equal to the index.

The FIXME has been solved by adding a note both at the start
of the modem_socket_get function and inside the Kconfig file
for the MODEM_SOCKET option description. It is not an error,
but the user must be aware that it uses the POSIX file
descriptors, for which only 4 are allocated by default.

This patch fixes the bug, without breaking the brittle modem
drivers which currently are built around this bug.

The modem drivers should be updated to use the id as the
socket num instead of the sock_fd after this fix has been merged.

The "socket # needs assigning" has been removed, as that is what
this patch is doing

I also added comments to the id and sock_fd in the modem_socket
structure to help developers use the id and fd appropriately.

Signed-off-by: Bjarki Arge Andreasen <>
3 files changed