Bluetooth: Host: Deprecate auto name in AD

Deprecate the advertiser options `BT_LE_ADV_OPT_USE_NAME` and


- It is out of place in the advertiser options, as it acts on
  advertising data and not configuration
- The behavior is not clear. All of these are trick questions:
  - where does the data for the name go?
  - do I have to allocate memory for this?
  - does it work the same in legacy vs extended advertising?
- The trade-off between UX improvement and extra complexity in the host
  is debatable. Hundreds of lines in the stack to avoid making the user
  type out less than ten.

Also deprecate the following macros that uses those options:


Update the migration guide and the release note for Zephyr 3.7 to
describe those changes.

Signed-off-by: Théo Battrel <>
3 files changed