subsys: Add a new settings subsystem
Adapt the MyNewt non-volatile configuration system to become a settings
system in Zephyr.
The original code was modifed in the following ways:
* Renamed from config to settings
* Use the zephyr FCB, FS API, and base64 subsystems
* lltoa like function was added to sources as it was required but not
included in Zephyr itself.
* The original code was modified to use Zephyr's slist.h as single
linked list implementation.
* Reworked code which was using strtok_r, added function
for decoding a string to a s64_t value.
* Thank to the above the settings subsys doesn't require newlibc anymore.
Signed-off-by: Andrzej Puzdrowski <>
Signed-off-by: Carles Cufi <>
45 files changed