boards: adi: Add AD-APARD32690-SL
Add board support for the ADI AD-APARD32690-SL. The platform is based on
a MAX32690 microcontroller, it has an Arduino-Mega compatible header and
2 PMOD connectors. Also, a 10 Mbps single-pair Ethernet link is enabled
by using the ADIN1110 10BASE-T1L MAC/PHY.
Signed-off-by: Ciprian Regus <>
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.apard32690 b/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.apard32690
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ff6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.apard32690
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# MAX32690 board configuration
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+config BOARD_APARD32690
+ select SOC_MAX32690_M4 if BOARD_APARD32690_MAX32690_M4
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.defconfig b/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6fb445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/Kconfig.defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+if BOARD_APARD32690
+ default 81
+ depends on MDIO
+ default 82
+ depends on NET_L2_ETHERNET && ETH_DRIVER
+ default y
+endif # BOARD_APARD32690
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.dts b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de11f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+#include <adi/max32/max32690.dtsi>
+#include <adi/max32/max32690-pinctrl.dtsi>
+#include <zephyr/dt-bindings/gpio/adi-max32-gpio.h>
+#include <zephyr/dt-bindings/input/input-event-codes.h>
+/ {
+ model = "Analog Devices AD-APARD32690-SL";
+ compatible = "adi,apard32690";
+ chosen {
+ zephyr,console = &uart0;
+ zephyr,shell-uart = &uart0;
+ zephyr,sram = &sram0;
+ zephyr,flash = &flash0;
+ };
+ leds {
+ compatible = "gpio-leds";
+ blue_led: blue_led {
+ gpios = <&gpio2 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ label = "LED1";
+ };
+ red_led: red_led {
+ gpios = <&gpio0 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ label = "LED2";
+ };
+ green_led: green_led {
+ gpios = <&gpio0 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ label = "LED3";
+ };
+ };
+ buttons {
+ compatible = "gpio-keys";
+ usr_btn: usr_btn {
+ gpios = <&gpio1 27 (GPIO_PULL_DOWN | GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH)>;
+ label = "S2";
+ zephyr,code = <INPUT_KEY_0>;
+ };
+ };
+ aliases {
+ led0 = &blue_led;
+ led1 = &red_led;
+ led2 = &green_led;
+ sw0 = &usr_btn;
+ };
+&clk_ipo {
+ status = "okay";
+&clk_ibro {
+ status = "okay";
+&gpio0 {
+ status = "okay";
+&gpio1 {
+ status = "okay";
+&gpio2 {
+ status = "okay";
+&gpio3 {
+ status = "okay";
+&gpio4 {
+ status = "okay";
+&uart0 {
+ clock-source = <ADI_MAX32_PRPH_CLK_SRC_IBRO>;
+ pinctrl-0 = <&uart0a_tx_p2_12 &uart0a_rx_p2_11>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ current-speed = <115200>;
+ data-bits = <8>;
+ parity = "none";
+ status = "okay";
+arduino_serial: &uart1 {
+ clock-source = <ADI_MAX32_PRPH_CLK_SRC_IBRO>;
+ pinctrl-0 = <&uart1a_tx_p2_16 &uart1a_rx_p2_14>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ current-speed = <115200>;
+arduino_spi: &spi1 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&spi1a_miso_p1_28 &spi1a_mosi_p1_29 &spi1a_sck_p1_26
+ &spi1a_ss0_p1_23>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+&spi3a_miso_p0_20 {
+ power-source = <MAX32_VSEL_VDDIOH>;
+&spi3a_mosi_p0_21 {
+ power-source = <MAX32_VSEL_VDDIOH>;
+&spi3a_sck_p0_16 {
+ power-source = <MAX32_VSEL_VDDIOH>;
+&spi3a_ss0_p0_19 {
+ power-source = <MAX32_VSEL_VDDIOH>;
+&spi3 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&spi3a_miso_p0_20 &spi3a_mosi_p0_21 &spi3a_sck_p0_16
+ &spi3a_ss0_p0_19>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ status = "okay";
+ adin1110: adin1110@0 {
+ compatible = "adi,adin1110";
+ reg = <0x0>;
+ spi-max-frequency = <DT_FREQ_M(25)>;
+ int-gpios = <&gpio0 17 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | MAX32_GPIO_VSEL_VDDIOH)>;
+ reset-gpios = <&gpio0 15 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | MAX32_GPIO_VSEL_VDDIOH)>;
+ status = "okay";
+ port1 {
+ local-mac-address = [ 00 E0 22 FE DA C9 ];
+ };
+ mdio {
+ compatible = "adi,adin2111-mdio";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ ethernet-phy@1 {
+ reg = <0x1>;
+ compatible = "adi,adin2111-phy";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.yaml b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f108af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+identifier: apard32690/max32690/m4
+name: apard32690 m4
+type: mcu
+arch: arm
+ - zephyr
+ - gnuarmemb
+ - xtools
+ - arduino_serial
+ - arduino_spi
+ - gpio
+ - serial
+ - spi
+ram: 1024
+flash: 3072
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4_defconfig b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4_defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a048ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/apard32690_max32690_m4_defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Enable GPIO
+# Console
+# Enable UART
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/board.cmake b/boards/adi/apard32690/board.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409b85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/board.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+board_runner_args(openocd --cmd-pre-init "source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]")
+board_runner_args(openocd --cmd-pre-init "source [find target/max32690.cfg]")
+board_runner_args(jlink "--device=MAX32690" "--reset-after-load")
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/board.yml b/boards/adi/apard32690/board.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269b578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/board.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ name: apard32690
+ vendor: adi
+ socs:
+ - name: max32690
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/img/apard32690_img.webp b/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/img/apard32690_img.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d5372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/img/apard32690_img.webp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/index.rst b/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e3972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/adi/apard32690/doc/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+.. _ad_apard32690_sl:
+The AD-APARD32690-SL is a platform for prototyping intelligent, secure, and connected field devices.
+It has an Arduino Mega-compatible form factor and two Pmod-compatible connectors.
+The system includes the MAX32690 ARM Cortex-M4 with FPU-Based Microcontroller and Bluetooth LE 5.2.
+The MCU is coupled with external RAM (2 x 512 Mb) and Flash (64 Mb) memories to meet the requirements
+of the most demanding applications. The MAXQ1065 security coprocessor enables state of the art
+security features such as for root-of-trust, mutual authentication, data confidentiality and
+integrity, secure boot, and secure communications.
+A 10 Mbps single-pair Ethernet link using the ADIN1110 10BASE-T1L MAC/PHY, enables remote
+data acquisition and system configuration. The 10BASE-T1L interface also supports Single-pair
+Power over Ethernet (SPoE) and be used for powering the system via an Arduino shield implementing
+the required power circuitry.
+The Zephyr port is running on the MAX32690 MCU.
+.. image:: img/apard32690_img.webp
+ :align: center
+ :alt: AD-APARD32690-SL Front
+- MAX32690 MCU:
+ - Ultra-Efficient Microcontroller for Battery-Powered Applications
+ - 120MHz Arm Cortex-M4 Processor with FPU
+ - 7.3728MHz and 60MHz Low-Power Oscillators
+ - External Crystal Support (32MHz required for BLE)
+ - 32.768kHz RTC Clock (Requires External Crystal)
+ - 8kHz Always-On Ultra-Low Power Oscillator
+ - 3MB Internal Flash, 1MB Internal SRAM (832kB ECC ON)
+ - TBDμW/MHz Executing from Cache at 1.1V
+ - 1.8V and 3.3V I/O with No Level Translators
+ - External Flash & SRAM Expansion Interfaces
+ - Bluetooth 5.2 LE Radio
+ - Dedicated, Ultra-Low-Power, 32-Bit RISC-V Coprocessor to Offload Timing-Critical Bluetooth Processing
+ - Fully Open-Source Bluetooth 5.2 Stack Available
+ - Supports AoA, AoD, LE Audio, and Mesh
+ - High-Throughput (2Mbps) Mode
+ - Long-Range (125kbps and 500kbps) Modes
+ - Rx Sensitivity: -97.5dBm; Tx Power: +4.5dBm
+ - Single-Ended Antenna Connection (50Ω)
+ - Multiple Peripherals for System Control
+ - 16-Channel DMA
+ - Up To Five Quad SPI Master (60MHz)/Slave (48MHz)
+ - Up To Four 1Mbaud UARTs with Flow Control
+ - Up To Two 1MHz I2C Master/Slave
+ - I2S Master/Slave
+ - Eight External Channel, 12-bit 1MSPS SAR ADC w/ on-die temperature sensor
+ - USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Device
+ - 16 Pulse Train Engines
+ - Up To Six 32-Bit Timers with 8mA High Drive
+ - Up To Two CAN 2.0 Controllers
+ - Up To Four Micro-Power Comparators
+ - 1-Wire Master
+ - Security and Integrity
+ - ChipDNA Physically Un-clonable Function (PUF)
+ - Modular Arithmetic Accelerator (MAA), True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
+ - Secure Nonvolatile Key Storage, SHA-256, AES-128/192/256
+ - Secure Boot ROM
+- External devices connected to the APARD32690:
+ - On-Board HyperRAM
+ - On-Board SPI Flash
+ - USB 2.0 Type-C interface to the MAX32690
+ - SPI PMOD connector
+ - I2C PMOD connector
+ - SWD 10-Pin Header
+ - On-Board Bluetooth 5.2 LE Radio antenna
+ - MAXQ1065 Ultralow Power Cryptographic Controller with ChipDNA
+ - ADIN1110 Robust, Industrial, Low Power 10BASE-T1L Ethernet MAC-PHY
+ - U-Blox NINA-W102 802.11b/g/n module with dual-mode Bluetooth v4.2
+ - On-Board 5V, 3.3V, 1.8V, and 1.1V voltage regulators
+ - 2-Pin external power supply terminal block (5V - 28V DC)
+ - Board Power Provided by either the USB Port or the 2-Pin connector
+ - Arduino Mega compatible header.
+ - Two general-purpose LEDs and one general purpose push button.
+Supported Features
+Below interfaces are supported by Zephyr on APARD32690.
+| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
+| NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller |
+| SYSTICK | on-chip | systick |
+| CLOCK | on-chip | clock and reset control |
+| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
+| UART | on-chip | serial |
+| SPI | on-chip | spi |
+| ADIN1110 | spi | ADIN1110 10BASE-T1L mac/phy |
+Connections and IOs
+| Name | Name | Settings | Description |
+| P55 | SWD TX | | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 1-2 | | | Connects the SWD UART TX to the (UART) RX port of the U-Blox Nina W102. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 2-3 | | | Connects the SWD UART TX to the UART0 TX pin of the MAX32690. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| P50 | SWD RX | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 1-2 | | | Connects the SWD UART RX to the (UART) TX port of the U-Blox Nina W102. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 2-3 | | | Connects the SWD UART RX to the UART0 RX pin of the MAX32690. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| P51 | SWD POW | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 1-2 | | | Connects the SWD Vcc pin to 3.3V. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 2-3 | | | Connects the SWD Vcc pin to 1.8V. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| P38 | UART RX WIFI | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 1-2 | | | Connect the U-Blox Nina W102 UART RX to the UART2A TX pin of the MAX32690 | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | Open | | | Disconnects the U-Blox Nina W102 UART RX from the UART2A TX pin | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| P58 | UART TX WIFI | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | 1-2 | | | Connect the U-Blox Nina W102 UART TX to the UART2A RX pin of the MAX32690. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | Open | | | Disconnects the U-Blox Nina W102 UART TX from the UART2A RX pin. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| S4 | SW1 | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | On | | | Pulls the ADIN1110's SWPD_EN pin to 3.3V through a resistor. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | Off | | | Leaves the ADIN1110's SWPD_EN pin floating. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| S4 | SW2 | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | On | | | Pulls the ADIN1110's CFG0 pin to 3.3V through a resistor. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | Off | | | Leaves the ADIN1110's CFG0 pin floating. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+| S4 | SW3 | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | On | | | Pulls the ADIN1110's CFG1 pin to 3.3V through a resistor. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | Off | | | Leaves the ADIN1110's CFG1 pin floating. | |
+| | | +-----------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+| | | | |
+Programming and Debugging
+The MAX32690 MCU can be flashed by connecting an external debug probe to the
+SWD port. SWD debug can be accessed through the Cortex 10-pin connector, P9.
+Logic levels are either 1.8V or 3.3V (based on P51 selection).
+Once the debug probe is connected to your host computer, then you can simply run the
+``west flash`` command to write a firmware image into flash.
+.. note::
+ This board uses OpenOCD as the default debug interface. You can also use
+ a Segger J-Link with Segger's native tooling by overriding the runner,
+ appending ``--runner jlink`` to your ``west`` command(s). The J-Link should
+ be connected to the standard 2*5 pin debug connector (P9) using an
+ appropriate adapter board and cable.
+Please refer to the `Flashing`_ section and run the ``west debug`` command
+instead of ``west flash``.
+- `AD-APARD32690-SL web page`_
+.. _AD-APARD32690-SL web page: