west: runners: Add run once commands and deferred reset

This adds supports for flashing images with sysbuild where there
are multiple images per board to prevent using the same command per
image flash which might cause issues if they are not ran just once
per flash per unique board name. A deferred reset feature is also
introduced that prevents a board (or multiple) from being reset if
multiple images are to be flashed until the final one has been
flashed which prevents issues with e.g. security bits being enabled
that then prevent flashing further images.

These options can be set at a board level (in board.yml) or a SoC
level (in soc.yml), if both are present then the board configuration
will be used instead of the SoC, and regex can be used for matching
of partial names which allows for matching specific SoCs or CPU cores
regardless of the board being used

Signed-off-by: Jamie McCrae <jamie.mccrae@nordicsemi.no>
4 files changed