scripts: west_commands: runners: nrfutil: provide live feedback

nrfutil runner uses the batch-mode, so no live feedback is provided to
the user. However, batch-mode reports batch progress containing
human-readable strings of the operation being done. This patch changes
the _exec() implementation to parse the subprocess output in real-time,
logging to info the 'batch_update' reports. Note that only the first
batch update of a sequence (percentage = 0) is logged because first,
percentage resolution seems to be pretty bad, and, because logging
messages cannot be easily _appended_.

Signed-off-by: Gerard Marull-Paretas <>
diff --git a/scripts/west_commands/runners/ b/scripts/west_commands/runners/
index 50db41a..a7ff512 100644
--- a/scripts/west_commands/runners/
+++ b/scripts/west_commands/runners/
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
 import sys
 import subprocess
+from runners.core import _DRY_RUN
 from runners.nrf_common import NrfBinaryRunner
 class NrfUtilBinaryRunner(NrfBinaryRunner):
     '''Runner front-end for nrfutil.'''
@@ -40,27 +42,34 @@
     def _exec(self, args):
-        try:
-            out = self.check_output(['nrfutil', '--json', 'device'] + args)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            #
-            cpe = e
-            out = cpe.stdout
-        else:
-            cpe = None
-        finally:
-            #
-            out = [json.loads(s) for s in
-                   out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).split('\n') if len(s)]
-            self.logger.debug(f'output: {out}')
-            if cpe:
-                if 'execute-batch' in args:
-                    for o in out:
-                        if o['type'] == 'batch_end' and o['data']['error']:
-                            cpe.returncode = o['data']['error']['code']
-                raise cpe
+        jout_all = []
-        return out
+        cmd = ['nrfutil', '--json', 'device'] + args
+        self._log_cmd(cmd)
+        if _DRY_RUN:
+            return {}
+        with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
+            for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
+                #
+                jout = json.loads(line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()))
+                jout_all.append(jout)
+                if 'x-execute-batch' in args:
+                    if jout['type'] == 'batch_update':
+                        pld = jout['data']['data']
+                        if (
+                            pld['type'] == 'task_progress' and
+                            pld['data']['progress']['progressPercentage'] == 0
+                        ):
+                  ['data']['progress']['description'])
+                    elif jout['type'] == 'batch_end' and jout['data']['error']:
+                        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
+                            jout['data']['error']['code'], cmd
+                        )
+        return jout_all
     def do_get_boards(self):
         out = self._exec(['list'])