drivers: eth: add driver for w5500 Ethernet Controller

Add driver for w5500 Ethernet Controller

Signed-off-by: Parthiban Nallathambi <>
diff --git a/drivers/ethernet/Kconfig.w5500 b/drivers/ethernet/Kconfig.w5500
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1de2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ethernet/Kconfig.w5500
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# W5500 Ethernet driver configuration options
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Linumiz
+# Author: Parthiban Nallathambi <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+menuconfig ETH_W5500
+	bool "W5500 Ethernet Controller"
+	depends on SPI
+	help
+	  W5500 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller
+	  with SPI Interface
+	int "Stack size for internal incoming packet handler"
+	depends on ETH_W5500
+	default 800
+	help
+	  Size of the stack used for internal thread which is ran for
+	  incoming packet processing.
+config ETH_W5500_RX_THREAD_PRIO
+	int "Priority for internal incoming packet handler"
+	depends on ETH_W5500
+	default 2
+	help
+	  Priority level for internal thread which is ran for incoming
+	  packet processing.
+config ETH_W5500_TIMEOUT
+	int "IP buffer timeout"
+	depends on ETH_W5500
+	default 100
+	help
+	  Given timeout in milliseconds. Maximum amount of time
+	  that the driver will wait from the IP stack to get
+	  a memory buffer before the Ethernet frame is dropped.