drivers/clock_control: fix stm32 common pll_q divider setup

In the stm32_ll_common driver the PLL_Q divider should not
be directly written to RCC->PLLCFGR->PLLQ, but should be
translated to the matching register value.
i.e. shifting the value to the correct position of the register
is not enough.

This commit makes sure the divider value taken from device tree, is
correctly translated ot the matching register register value by
converting it to a STM32CUBE LL definition LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_xx.

Typcial divider to register value mapping:
G0, WB, WL:
Dividers 2-8 mapped to register values 1-7(0 reserved).
G4, L4, L5:
Dividers 2,4,6,8 mapped to reg values 0,1,2,3.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Stranger <>
1 file changed