cmake: support ELF image adjustment

This commit adds support for adjust the addresses of the final image.
This is useful when the image is to be flashed at a location different
from the LMA address encoded in the ELF file by the linker.

An example use-case is multicore systems where core A might load image
from a flash partition into RAM in order for core B to execute and load,
but where the image itself is build with the RAM addresses as LMA.

It updates the zephyr_image_info.h header with information of adjustment

Signed-off-by: Torsten Rasmussen <>
diff --git a/Kconfig.zephyr b/Kconfig.zephyr
index 9d43b6b..ecc92df 100644
--- a/Kconfig.zephyr
+++ b/Kconfig.zephyr
@@ -494,6 +494,30 @@
 	  Build a stripped binary zephyr/zephyr.strip in the build directory.
 	  The name of this file can be customized with CONFIG_KERNEL_BIN_NAME.
+	string
+	help
+	  This will adjust the LMA address in the final ELF and hex files with
+	  the value provided.
+	  This will not affect the internal address symbols inside the image but
+	  can be useful when adjusting the LMA address for flash tools or multi
+	  stage loaders where a pre-loader may copy image to a second location
+	  before booting a second core.
+	  The value will be evaluated as a math expression, this means that
+	  following are valid expression
+	  - 1024
+	  - 0x1000
+	  - -0x1000
+	  - 0x20000000 - 0x10000000
+	  Note: negative numbers are valid.
+	  To adjust according to a chosen flash partition one can specify a
+	  default as:
+	  DT_CHOSEN_IMAGE_<name> := <name>,<name>-partition
+	  DT_CHOSEN_Z_FLASH := zephyr,flash
+	    default "$(dt_chosen_reg_addr_hex,$(DT_CHOSEN_IMAGE_M4))-\
+	             $(dt_chosen_reg_addr_hex,$(DT_CHOSEN_Z_FLASH))"
 	bool "Create a image information header"