blob: c9ea6ff1af3fd64637628b71b9ab195c19a45f0f [file] [log] [blame]
use super::CriticalSection;
use core::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut, UnsafeCell};
/// A mutex based on critical sections.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use critical_section::Mutex;
/// # use std::cell::Cell;
/// static FOO: Mutex<Cell<i32>> = Mutex::new(Cell::new(42));
/// fn main() {
/// critical_section::with(|cs| {
/// FOO.borrow(cs).set(43);
/// });
/// }
/// fn interrupt_handler() {
/// let _x = critical_section::with(|cs| FOO.borrow(cs).get());
/// }
/// ```
/// # Design
/// [`std::sync::Mutex`] has two purposes. It converts types that are [`Send`]
/// but not [`Sync`] into types that are both; and it provides
/// [interior mutability]. `critical_section::Mutex`, on the other hand, only adds
/// `Sync`. It does *not* provide interior mutability.
/// This was a conscious design choice. It is possible to create multiple
/// [`CriticalSection`] tokens, either by nesting critical sections or `Copy`ing
/// an existing token. As a result, it would not be sound for [`Mutex::borrow`]
/// to return `&mut T`, because there would be nothing to prevent calling
/// `borrow` multiple times to create aliased `&mut T` references.
/// The solution is to include a runtime check to ensure that each resource is
/// borrowed only once. This is what `std::sync::Mutex` does. However, this is
/// a runtime cost that may not be required in all circumstances. For instance,
/// `Mutex<Cell<T>>` never needs to create `&mut T` or equivalent.
/// If `&mut T` is needed, the simplest solution is to use `Mutex<RefCell<T>>`,
/// which is the closest analogy to `std::sync::Mutex`. [`RefCell`] inserts the
/// exact runtime check necessary to guarantee that the `&mut T` reference is
/// unique.
/// To reduce verbosity when using `Mutex<RefCell<T>>`, we reimplement some of
/// `RefCell`'s methods on it directly.
/// ```no_run
/// # use critical_section::Mutex;
/// # use std::cell::RefCell;
/// static FOO: Mutex<RefCell<i32>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(42));
/// fn main() {
/// critical_section::with(|cs| {
/// // Instead of calling this
/// let _ = FOO.borrow(cs).take();
/// // Call this
/// let _ = FOO.take(cs);
/// // `RefCell::borrow` and `RefCell::borrow_mut` are renamed to
/// // `borrow_ref` and `borrow_ref_mut` to avoid name collisions
/// let _: &mut i32 = &mut *FOO.borrow_ref_mut(cs);
/// })
/// }
/// ```
/// [`std::sync::Mutex`]:
/// [interior mutability]:
pub struct Mutex<T> {
inner: UnsafeCell<T>,
impl<T> Mutex<T> {
/// Creates a new mutex.
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
Mutex {
inner: UnsafeCell::new(value),
/// Gets a mutable reference to the contained value when the mutex is already uniquely borrowed.
/// This does not require locking or a critical section since it takes `&mut self`, which
/// guarantees unique ownership already. Care must be taken when using this method to
/// **unsafely** access `static mut` variables, appropriate fences must be used to prevent
/// unwanted optimizations.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }
/// Unwraps the contained value, consuming the mutex.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
/// Borrows the data for the duration of the critical section.
pub fn borrow<'cs>(&'cs self, _cs: CriticalSection<'cs>) -> &'cs T {
unsafe { &*self.inner.get() }
impl<T> Mutex<RefCell<T>> {
/// Borrow the data and call [`RefCell::replace`]
/// This is equivalent to `self.borrow(cs).replace(t)`
/// # Panics
/// This call could panic. See the documentation for [`RefCell::replace`]
/// for more details.
pub fn replace<'cs>(&'cs self, cs: CriticalSection<'cs>, t: T) -> T {
/// Borrow the data and call [`RefCell::replace_with`]
/// This is equivalent to `self.borrow(cs).replace_with(f)`
/// # Panics
/// This call could panic. See the documentation for
/// [`RefCell::replace_with`] for more details.
pub fn replace_with<'cs, F>(&'cs self, cs: CriticalSection<'cs>, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> T,
/// Borrow the data and call [`RefCell::borrow`]
/// This is equivalent to `self.borrow(cs).borrow()`
/// # Panics
/// This call could panic. See the documentation for [`RefCell::borrow`]
/// for more details.
pub fn borrow_ref<'cs>(&'cs self, cs: CriticalSection<'cs>) -> Ref<'cs, T> {
/// Borrow the data and call [`RefCell::borrow_mut`]
/// This is equivalent to `self.borrow(cs).borrow_mut()`
/// # Panics
/// This call could panic. See the documentation for [`RefCell::borrow_mut`]
/// for more details.
pub fn borrow_ref_mut<'cs>(&'cs self, cs: CriticalSection<'cs>) -> RefMut<'cs, T> {
impl<T: Default> Mutex<RefCell<T>> {
/// Borrow the data and call [`RefCell::take`]
/// This is equivalent to `self.borrow(cs).take()`
/// # Panics
/// This call could panic. See the documentation for [`RefCell::take`]
/// for more details.
pub fn take<'cs>(&'cs self, cs: CriticalSection<'cs>) -> T {
// NOTE A `Mutex` can be used as a channel so the protected data must be `Send`
// to prevent sending non-Sendable stuff (e.g. access tokens) across different
// threads.
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Mutex<T> where T: Send {}
/// ``` compile_fail
/// fn bad(cs: critical_section::CriticalSection) -> &u32 {
/// let x = critical_section::Mutex::new(42u32);
/// x.borrow(cs)
/// }
/// ```
const BorrowMustNotOutliveMutexTest: () = ();