blob: 015d3b27af6d9ad643af248423b5c9f2a75f6ca3 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::memmem::{rarebytes::RareNeedleBytes, NeedleInfo};
mod fallback;
mod genericsimd;
#[cfg(all(not(miri), target_arch = "wasm32", memchr_runtime_simd))]
mod wasm;
#[cfg(all(not(miri), target_arch = "x86_64", memchr_runtime_simd))]
mod x86;
/// The maximum frequency rank permitted for the fallback prefilter. If the
/// rarest byte in the needle has a frequency rank above this value, then no
/// prefilter is used if the fallback prefilter would otherwise be selected.
const MAX_FALLBACK_RANK: usize = 250;
/// A combination of prefilter effectiveness state, the prefilter function and
/// the needle info required to run a prefilter.
/// For the most part, these are grouped into a single type for convenience,
/// instead of needing to pass around all three as distinct function
/// parameters.
pub(crate) struct Pre<'a> {
/// State that tracks the effectiveness of a prefilter.
pub(crate) state: &'a mut PrefilterState,
/// The actual prefilter function.
pub(crate) prefn: PrefilterFn,
/// Information about a needle, such as its RK hash and rare byte offsets.
pub(crate) ninfo: &'a NeedleInfo,
impl<'a> Pre<'a> {
/// Call this prefilter on the given haystack with the given needle.
pub(crate) fn call(
&mut self,
haystack: &[u8],
needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<usize> {, self.ninfo, haystack, needle)
/// Return true if and only if this prefilter should be used.
pub(crate) fn should_call(&mut self) -> bool {
/// A prefilter function.
/// A prefilter function describes both forward and reverse searches.
/// (Although, we don't currently implement prefilters for reverse searching.)
/// In the case of a forward search, the position returned corresponds to
/// the starting offset of a match (confirmed or possible). Its minimum
/// value is `0`, and its maximum value is `haystack.len() - 1`. In the case
/// of a reverse search, the position returned corresponds to the position
/// immediately after a match (confirmed or possible). Its minimum value is `1`
/// and its maximum value is `haystack.len()`.
/// In both cases, the position returned is the starting (or ending) point of a
/// _possible_ match. That is, returning a false positive is okay. A prefilter,
/// however, must never return any false negatives. That is, if a match exists
/// at a particular position `i`, then a prefilter _must_ return that position.
/// It cannot skip past it.
/// # Safety
/// A prefilter function is not safe to create, since not all prefilters are
/// safe to call in all contexts. (e.g., A prefilter that uses AVX instructions
/// may only be called on x86_64 CPUs with the relevant AVX feature enabled.)
/// Thus, callers must ensure that when a prefilter function is created that it
/// is safe to call for the current environment.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct PrefilterFn(PrefilterFnTy);
/// The type of a prefilter function. All prefilters must satisfy this
/// signature.
/// Using a function pointer like this does inhibit inlining, but it does
/// eliminate branching and the extra costs associated with copying a larger
/// enum. Note also, that using Box<dyn SomePrefilterTrait> can't really work
/// here, since we want to work in contexts that don't have dynamic memory
/// allocation. Moreover, in the default configuration of this crate on x86_64
/// CPUs released in the past ~decade, we will use an AVX2-optimized prefilter,
/// which generally won't be inlineable into the surrounding code anyway.
/// (Unless AVX2 is enabled at compile time, but this is typically rare, since
/// it produces a non-portable binary.)
pub(crate) type PrefilterFnTy = unsafe fn(
prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
ninfo: &NeedleInfo,
haystack: &[u8],
needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<usize>;
// If the haystack is too small for SSE2, then just run memchr on the
// rarest byte and be done with it. (It is likely that this code path is
// rarely exercised, since a higher level routine will probably dispatch to
// Rabin-Karp for such a small haystack.)
fn simple_memchr_fallback(
_prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
ninfo: &NeedleInfo,
haystack: &[u8],
needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<usize> {
let (rare, _) = ninfo.rarebytes.as_rare_ordered_usize();
crate::memchr(needle[rare], haystack).map(|i| i.saturating_sub(rare))
impl PrefilterFn {
/// Create a new prefilter function from the function pointer given.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the given prefilter function is safe to call
/// for all inputs in the current environment. For example, if the given
/// prefilter function uses AVX instructions, then the caller must ensure
/// that the appropriate AVX CPU features are enabled.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new(prefn: PrefilterFnTy) -> PrefilterFn {
/// Call the underlying prefilter function with the given arguments.
pub fn call(
prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
ninfo: &NeedleInfo,
haystack: &[u8],
needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<usize> {
// SAFETY: Callers have the burden of ensuring that a prefilter
// function is safe to call for all inputs in the current environment.
unsafe { (self.0)(prestate, ninfo, haystack, needle) }
impl core::fmt::Debug for PrefilterFn {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
/// Prefilter controls whether heuristics are used to accelerate searching.
/// A prefilter refers to the idea of detecting candidate matches very quickly,
/// and then confirming whether those candidates are full matches. This
/// idea can be quite effective since it's often the case that looking for
/// candidates can be a lot faster than running a complete substring search
/// over the entire input. Namely, looking for candidates can be done with
/// extremely fast vectorized code.
/// The downside of a prefilter is that it assumes false positives (which are
/// candidates generated by a prefilter that aren't matches) are somewhat rare
/// relative to the frequency of full matches. That is, if a lot of false
/// positives are generated, then it's possible for search time to be worse
/// than if the prefilter wasn't enabled in the first place.
/// Another downside of a prefilter is that it can result in highly variable
/// performance, where some cases are extraordinarily fast and others aren't.
/// Typically, variable performance isn't a problem, but it may be for your use
/// case.
/// The use of prefilters in this implementation does use a heuristic to detect
/// when a prefilter might not be carrying its weight, and will dynamically
/// disable its use. Nevertheless, this configuration option gives callers
/// the ability to disable prefilters if you have knowledge that they won't be
/// useful.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Prefilter {
/// Never used a prefilter in substring search.
/// Automatically detect whether a heuristic prefilter should be used. If
/// it is used, then heuristics will be used to dynamically disable the
/// prefilter if it is believed to not be carrying its weight.
impl Default for Prefilter {
fn default() -> Prefilter {
impl Prefilter {
pub(crate) fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Prefilter::None => true,
_ => false,
/// PrefilterState tracks state associated with the effectiveness of a
/// prefilter. It is used to track how many bytes, on average, are skipped by
/// the prefilter. If this average dips below a certain threshold over time,
/// then the state renders the prefilter inert and stops using it.
/// A prefilter state should be created for each search. (Where creating an
/// iterator is treated as a single search.) A prefilter state should only be
/// created from a `Freqy`. e.g., An inert `Freqy` will produce an inert
/// `PrefilterState`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct PrefilterState {
/// The number of skips that has been executed. This is always 1 greater
/// than the actual number of skips. The special sentinel value of 0
/// indicates that the prefilter is inert. This is useful to avoid
/// additional checks to determine whether the prefilter is still
/// "effective." Once a prefilter becomes inert, it should no longer be
/// used (according to our heuristics).
skips: u32,
/// The total number of bytes that have been skipped.
skipped: u32,
impl PrefilterState {
/// The minimum number of skip attempts to try before considering whether
/// a prefilter is effective or not.
const MIN_SKIPS: u32 = 50;
/// The minimum amount of bytes that skipping must average.
/// This value was chosen based on varying it and checking
/// the microbenchmarks. In particular, this can impact the
/// pathological/repeated-{huge,small} benchmarks quite a bit if it's set
/// too low.
const MIN_SKIP_BYTES: u32 = 8;
/// Create a fresh prefilter state.
pub(crate) fn new() -> PrefilterState {
PrefilterState { skips: 1, skipped: 0 }
/// Create a fresh prefilter state that is always inert.
pub(crate) fn inert() -> PrefilterState {
PrefilterState { skips: 0, skipped: 0 }
/// Update this state with the number of bytes skipped on the last
/// invocation of the prefilter.
pub(crate) fn update(&mut self, skipped: usize) {
self.skips = self.skips.saturating_add(1);
// We need to do this dance since it's technically possible for
// `skipped` to overflow a `u32`. (And we use a `u32` to reduce the
// size of a prefilter state.)
if skipped > core::u32::MAX as usize {
self.skipped = core::u32::MAX;
} else {
self.skipped = self.skipped.saturating_add(skipped as u32);
/// Return true if and only if this state indicates that a prefilter is
/// still effective.
pub(crate) fn is_effective(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.is_inert() {
return false;
if self.skips() < PrefilterState::MIN_SKIPS {
return true;
if self.skipped >= PrefilterState::MIN_SKIP_BYTES * self.skips() {
return true;
// We're inert.
self.skips = 0;
fn is_inert(&self) -> bool {
self.skips == 0
fn skips(&self) -> u32 {
/// Determine which prefilter function, if any, to use.
/// This only applies to x86_64 when runtime SIMD detection is enabled (which
/// is the default). In general, we try to use an AVX prefilter, followed by
/// SSE and then followed by a generic one based on memchr.
pub(crate) fn forward(
config: &Prefilter,
rare: &RareNeedleBytes,
needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<PrefilterFn> {
if config.is_none() || needle.len() <= 1 {
return None;
#[cfg(all(not(miri), target_arch = "x86_64", memchr_runtime_simd))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
if cfg!(memchr_runtime_avx) {
if is_x86_feature_detected!("avx2") {
// SAFETY: x86::avx::find only requires the avx2 feature,
// which we've just checked above.
return unsafe { Some(PrefilterFn::new(x86::avx::find)) };
if cfg!(memchr_runtime_sse2) {
// SAFETY: x86::sse::find only requires the sse2 feature, which is
// guaranteed to be available on x86_64.
return unsafe { Some(PrefilterFn::new(x86::sse::find)) };
#[cfg(all(not(miri), target_arch = "wasm32", memchr_runtime_simd))]
// SAFETY: `wasm::find` is actually a safe function
// Also note that the `if true` is here to prevent, on wasm with simd,
// rustc warning about the code below being dead code.
if true {
return unsafe { Some(PrefilterFn::new(wasm::find)) };
// Check that our rarest byte has a reasonably low rank. The main issue
// here is that the fallback prefilter can perform pretty poorly if it's
// given common bytes. So we try to avoid the worst cases here.
let (rare1_rank, _) = rare.as_ranks(needle);
if rare1_rank <= MAX_FALLBACK_RANK {
// SAFETY: fallback::find is safe to call in all environments.
return unsafe { Some(PrefilterFn::new(fallback::find)) };
/// Return the minimum length of the haystack in which a prefilter should be
/// used. If the haystack is below this length, then it's probably not worth
/// the overhead of running the prefilter.
/// We used to look at the length of a haystack here. That is, if it was too
/// small, then don't bother with the prefilter. But two things changed:
/// the prefilter falls back to memchr for small haystacks, and, at the
/// meta-searcher level, Rabin-Karp is employed for tiny haystacks anyway.
/// We keep it around for now in case we want to bring it back.
pub(crate) fn minimum_len(_haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> usize {
// If the haystack length isn't greater than needle.len() * FACTOR, then
// no prefilter will be used. The presumption here is that since there
// are so few bytes to check, it's not worth running the prefilter since
// there will need to be a validation step anyway. Thus, the prefilter is
// largely redundant work.
// Increase the factor noticeably hurts the
// memmem/krate/prebuilt/teeny-*/never-john-watson benchmarks.
const VECTOR_MIN_LENGTH: usize = 16;
let min = core::cmp::max(
// For haystacks with length==min, we still want to avoid the prefilter,
// so add 1.
min + 1
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std", not(miri)))]
pub(crate) mod tests {
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use super::*;
use crate::memmem::{
prefilter::PrefilterFnTy, rabinkarp, rarebytes::RareNeedleBytes,
// Below is a small jig that generates prefilter tests. The main purpose
// of this jig is to generate tests of varying needle/haystack lengths
// in order to try and exercise all code paths in our prefilters. And in
// particular, this is especially important for vectorized prefilters where
// certain code paths might only be exercised at certain lengths.
/// A test that represents the input and expected output to a prefilter
/// function. The test should be able to run with any prefilter function
/// and get the expected output.
pub(crate) struct PrefilterTest {
// These fields represent the inputs and expected output of a forwards
// prefilter function.
pub(crate) ninfo: NeedleInfo,
pub(crate) haystack: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) needle: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) output: Option<usize>,
impl PrefilterTest {
/// Run all generated forward prefilter tests on the given prefn.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the given prefilter function pointer is
/// safe to call for all inputs in the current environment.
pub(crate) unsafe fn run_all_tests(prefn: PrefilterFnTy) {
PrefilterTest::run_all_tests_filter(prefn, |_| true)
/// Run all generated forward prefilter tests that pass the given
/// predicate on the given prefn.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the given prefilter function pointer is
/// safe to call for all inputs in the current environment.
pub(crate) unsafe fn run_all_tests_filter(
prefn: PrefilterFnTy,
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&PrefilterTest) -> bool,
) {
for test in seed.generate() {
if predicate(&test) {;
/// Create a new prefilter test from a seed and some chose offsets to
/// rare bytes in the seed's needle.
/// If a valid test could not be constructed, then None is returned.
/// (Currently, we take the approach of massaging tests to be valid
/// instead of rejecting them outright.)
fn new(
seed: PrefilterTestSeed,
rare1i: usize,
rare2i: usize,
haystack_len: usize,
needle_len: usize,
output: Option<usize>,
) -> Option<PrefilterTest> {
let mut rare1i: u8 = rare1i.try_into().unwrap();
let mut rare2i: u8 = rare2i.try_into().unwrap();
// The '#' byte is never used in a haystack (unless we're expecting
// a match), while the '@' byte is never used in a needle.
let mut haystack = vec![b'@'; haystack_len];
let mut needle = vec![b'#'; needle_len];
needle[0] = seed.first;
needle[rare1i as usize] = seed.rare1;
needle[rare2i as usize] = seed.rare2;
// If we're expecting a match, then make sure the needle occurs
// in the haystack at the expected position.
if let Some(i) = output {
haystack[i..i + needle.len()].copy_from_slice(&needle);
// If the operations above lead to rare offsets pointing to the
// non-first occurrence of a byte, then adjust it. This might lead
// to redundant tests, but it's simpler than trying to change the
// generation process I think.
if let Some(i) = crate::memchr(seed.rare1, &needle) {
rare1i = u8::try_from(i).unwrap();
if let Some(i) = crate::memchr(seed.rare2, &needle) {
rare2i = u8::try_from(i).unwrap();
let ninfo = NeedleInfo {
rarebytes: RareNeedleBytes::new(rare1i, rare2i),
nhash: rabinkarp::NeedleHash::forward(&needle),
Some(PrefilterTest { ninfo, haystack, needle, output })
/// Run this specific test on the given prefilter function. If the
/// outputs do no match, then this routine panics with a failure
/// message.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the given prefilter function pointer is
/// safe to call for all inputs in the current environment.
unsafe fn run(&self, prefn: PrefilterFnTy) {
let mut prestate = PrefilterState::new();
&mut prestate,
"ninfo: {:?}, haystack(len={}): {:?}, needle(len={}): {:?}",
/// A set of prefilter test seeds. Each seed serves as the base for the
/// generation of many other tests. In essence, the seed captures the
/// "rare" and first bytes among our needle. The tests generated from each
/// seed essentially vary the length of the needle and haystack, while
/// using the rare/first byte configuration from the seed.
/// The purpose of this is to test many different needle/haystack lengths.
/// In particular, some of the vector optimizations might only have bugs
/// in haystacks of a certain size.
const PREFILTER_TEST_SEEDS: &[PrefilterTestSeed] = &[
PrefilterTestSeed { first: b'x', rare1: b'y', rare2: b'z' },
PrefilterTestSeed { first: b'x', rare1: b'x', rare2: b'z' },
PrefilterTestSeed { first: b'x', rare1: b'y', rare2: b'x' },
PrefilterTestSeed { first: b'x', rare1: b'x', rare2: b'x' },
PrefilterTestSeed { first: b'x', rare1: b'y', rare2: b'y' },
/// Data that describes a single prefilter test seed.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PrefilterTestSeed {
first: u8,
rare1: u8,
rare2: u8,
impl PrefilterTestSeed {
/// Generate a series of prefilter tests from this seed.
fn generate(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PrefilterTest> {
let len_start = 2;
// The iterator below generates *a lot* of tests. The number of
// tests was chosen somewhat empirically to be "bearable" when
// running the test suite.
// We use an iterator here because the collective haystacks of all
// these test cases add up to enough memory to OOM a conservative
// sandbox or a small laptop.
(len_start..=40).flat_map(move |needle_len| {
let rare_start = len_start - 1;
(rare_start..needle_len).flat_map(move |rare1i| {
(rare1i..needle_len).flat_map(move |rare2i| {
(needle_len..=66).flat_map(move |haystack_len| {
(0..=(haystack_len - needle_len)).flat_map(
move |output| {