blob: d7bbfacaa5104e7f5f2ea1ee872a82d600a834a7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Digital I/O
//! The traits in this module are now deprecated. Please use the new versions included
//! in `digital::v2`.
/// Single digital push-pull output pin
/// *This version of the trait is now deprecated. Please use the new `OutputPin` trait in
/// `digital::v2::OutputPin`*.
pub trait OutputPin {
/// Drives the pin low
/// *NOTE* the actual electrical state of the pin may not actually be low, e.g. due to external
/// electrical sources
fn set_low(&mut self);
/// Drives the pin high
/// *NOTE* the actual electrical state of the pin may not actually be high, e.g. due to external
/// electrical sources
fn set_high(&mut self);
/// Push-pull output pin that can read its output state
/// *This trait is available if embedded-hal is built with the `"unproven"` feature.*
/// *This version of the trait is now deprecated. Please use the new `StatefulOutputPin` trait in
/// `digital::v2::StatefulOutputPin`*.
#[cfg(feature = "unproven")]
pub trait StatefulOutputPin {
/// Is the pin in drive high mode?
/// *NOTE* this does *not* read the electrical state of the pin
fn is_set_high(&self) -> bool;
/// Is the pin in drive low mode?
/// *NOTE* this does *not* read the electrical state of the pin
fn is_set_low(&self) -> bool;
/// Output pin that can be toggled
/// *This trait is available if embedded-hal is built with the `"unproven"` feature.*
/// *This version of the trait is now deprecated. Please use the new `ToggleableOutputPin`
/// trait in `digital::v2::ToggleableOutputPin`*.
/// See [toggleable](toggleable) to use a software implementation if
/// both [OutputPin](trait.OutputPin.html) and
/// [StatefulOutputPin](trait.StatefulOutputPin.html) are
/// implemented. Otherwise, implement this using hardware mechanisms.
#[cfg(feature = "unproven")]
pub trait ToggleableOutputPin {
/// Toggle pin output.
fn toggle(&mut self);
/// If you can read **and** write the output state, a pin is
/// toggleable by software.
/// *This version of the module is now deprecated. Please use the new `toggleable` module in
/// `digital::v2::toggleable`*.
/// ```
/// use embedded_hal::digital::{OutputPin, StatefulOutputPin, ToggleableOutputPin};
/// use embedded_hal::digital::toggleable;
/// /// A virtual output pin that exists purely in software
/// struct MyPin {
/// state: bool
/// }
/// impl OutputPin for MyPin {
/// fn set_low(&mut self) {
/// self.state = false;
/// }
/// fn set_high(&mut self) {
/// self.state = true;
/// }
/// }
/// impl StatefulOutputPin for MyPin {
/// fn is_set_low(&self) -> bool {
/// !self.state
/// }
/// fn is_set_high(&self) -> bool {
/// self.state
/// }
/// }
/// /// Opt-in to the software implementation.
/// impl toggleable::Default for MyPin {}
/// let mut pin = MyPin { state: false };
/// pin.toggle();
/// assert!(pin.is_set_high());
/// pin.toggle();
/// assert!(pin.is_set_low());
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "unproven")]
pub mod toggleable {
use super::{OutputPin, StatefulOutputPin, ToggleableOutputPin};
/// Software-driven `toggle()` implementation.
/// *This trait is available if embedded-hal is built with the `"unproven"` feature.*
pub trait Default: OutputPin + StatefulOutputPin {}
impl<P> ToggleableOutputPin for P
P: Default,
/// Toggle pin output
fn toggle(&mut self) {
if self.is_set_low() {
} else {
/// Single digital input pin
/// *This trait is available if embedded-hal is built with the `"unproven"` feature.*
/// *This version of the trait is now deprecated. Please use the new `InputPin` trait in
/// `digital::v2::InputPin`*.
#[cfg(feature = "unproven")]
pub trait InputPin {
/// Is the input pin high?
fn is_high(&self) -> bool;
/// Is the input pin low?
fn is_low(&self) -> bool;