blob: 31701e46d7224be77b320c5fe17990c9b372321d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! A heap-less, interrupt-safe, lock-free memory pool (\*)
//! NOTE: This module is not available on targets that do *not* support CAS operations and are not
//! emulated by the [`atomic_polyfill`]( crate (e.g.,
//! MSP430).
//! (\*) Currently, the implementation is only lock-free *and* `Sync` on ARMv6, ARMv7-{A,R,M} & ARMv8-M
//! devices
//! # Examples
//! The most common way of using this pool is as a global singleton; the singleton mode gives you
//! automatic deallocation of memory blocks on `drop`.
//! ``` ignore
//! #![no_main]
//! #![no_std]
//! use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception};
//! use heapless::{
//! pool,
//! pool::singleton::{Box, Pool},
//! };
//! // instantiate a memory pool of `[u8; 128]` blocks as a global singleton
//! pool!(
//! // attributes can be used here
//! // #[link_section = ".ccram.A"]
//! A: [u8; 128]
//! );
//! #[entry]
//! fn main() -> ! {
//! static mut MEMORY: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
//! // increase the capacity of the pool by ~8 blocks
//! A::grow(MEMORY);
//! // claim a block of memory
//! // note that the type is `Box<A>`, and not `Box<[u8; 128]>`
//! // `A` is the "name" of the pool
//! let x: Box<A, _> = A::alloc().unwrap();
//! loop {
//! // .. do stuff with `x` ..
//! }
//! }
//! #[exception]
//! fn SysTick() {
//! // claim a block of memory
//! let y = A::alloc().unwrap();
//! // .. do stuff with `y` ..
//! // return the memory block to the pool
//! drop(y);
//! }
//! ```
//! # Portability
//! This pool internally uses a Treiber stack which is known to be susceptible to the ABA problem.
//! The only counter measure against the ABA problem that this implementation currently takes is
//! relying on LL/SC (Link-local / Store-conditional) instructions being used to implement CAS loops
//! on the target architecture (see section on ['Soundness'](#soundness) for more information). For
//! this reason, `Pool` only implements `Sync` when compiling for some ARM cores.
//! This module requires CAS atomic instructions which are not available on all architectures (e.g.
//! ARMv6-M (`thumbv6m-none-eabi`) and MSP430 (`msp430-none-elf`)). These atomics can be emulated
//! however with [`atomic_polyfill`](, which is enabled
//! with the `cas` feature and is enabled by default for `thumbv6m-none-eabi` and `riscv32` targets.
//! MSP430 is currently not supported by
//! [`atomic_polyfill`](
//! # Soundness
//! This pool uses a Treiber stack to keep a list of free memory blocks (nodes). Each of these
//! nodes has a pointer to the next node. To claim a memory block we simply pop a node from the
//! top of the stack and use it as a memory block. The pop operation consists of swapping the
//! current head (top) node with the node below it. The Rust code for the `pop` operation is shown
//! below:
//! ``` ignore
//! fn pop(&self) -> Option<NonNull<Node<T>>> {
//! let fetch_order = ..;
//! let set_order = ..;
//! // `self.head` has type `AtomicPtr<Node<T>>`
//! // where `struct Node<T> { next: AtomicPtr<Node<T>>, data: UnsafeCell<T> }`
//! let mut head = self.head.load(fetch_order);
//! loop {
//! if let Some(nn_head) = NonNull::new(head) {
//! let next = unsafe { (*head).next.load(Ordering::Relaxed) };
//! // <~ preempted
//! match self
//! .head
//! .compare_exchange_weak(head, next, set_order, fetch_order)
//! {
//! Ok(_) => break Some(nn_head),
//! // head was changed by some interrupt handler / thread
//! Err(new_head) => head = new_head,
//! }
//! } else {
//! // stack is observed as empty
//! break None;
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! In general, the `pop` operation is susceptible to the ABA problem. If this operation gets
//! preempted by some interrupt handler somewhere between the `head.load` and the
//! `compare_and_exchange_weak`, and that handler modifies the stack in such a way that the head
//! (top) of the stack remains unchanged then resuming the `pop` operation will corrupt the stack.
//! An example: imagine we are doing on `pop` on stack that contains these nodes: `A -> B -> C`,
//! `A` is the head (top), `B` is next to `A` and `C` is next to `B`. The `pop` operation will do a
//! `CAS(&self.head, A, B)` operation to atomically change the head to `B` iff it currently is `A`.
//! Now, let's say a handler preempts the `pop` operation before the `CAS` operation starts and it
//! `pop`s the stack twice and then `push`es back the `A` node; now the state of the stack is `A ->
//! C`. When the original `pop` operation is resumed it will succeed in doing the `CAS` operation
//! setting `B` as the head of the stack. However, `B` was used by the handler as a memory block and
//! no longer is a valid free node. As a result the stack, and thus the allocator, is in a invalid
//! state.
//! However, not all is lost because ARM devices use LL/SC (Link-local / Store-conditional)
//! operations to implement CAS loops. Let's look at the actual disassembly of `pop` for the ARM
//! Cortex-M.
//! ``` text
//! 08000130 <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop>:
//! 8000130: 6802 ldr r2, [r0, #0]
//! 8000132: e00c b.n 800014e <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop+0x1e>
//! 8000134: 4611 mov r1, r2
//! 8000136: f8d2 c000 ldr.w ip, [r2]
//! 800013a: e850 2f00 ldrex r2, [r0]
//! 800013e: 428a cmp r2, r1
//! 8000140: d103 bne.n 800014a <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop+0x1a>
//! 8000142: e840 c300 strex r3, ip, [r0]
//! 8000146: b913 cbnz r3, 800014e <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop+0x1e>
//! 8000148: e004 b.n 8000154 <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop+0x24>
//! 800014a: f3bf 8f2f clrex
//! 800014e: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
//! 8000150: d1f0 bne.n 8000134 <<heapless::pool::Pool<T>>::pop+0x4>
//! 8000152: 2100 movs r1, #0
//! 8000154: 4608 mov r0, r1
//! 8000156: 4770 bx lr
//! ```
//! LDREX ("load exclusive") is the LL instruction, and STREX ("store exclusive") is the SC
//! instruction (see [1](#references)). On the Cortex-M, STREX will always fail if the processor
//! takes an exception between it and its corresponding LDREX operation (see [2](#references)). If
//! STREX fails then the CAS loop is retried (see instruction @ `0x8000146`). On single core
//! systems, preemption is required to run into the ABA problem and on Cortex-M devices preemption
//! always involves taking an exception. Thus the underlying LL/SC operations prevent the ABA
//! problem on Cortex-M.
//! In the case of multi-core systems if any other core successfully does a STREX op on the head
//! while the current core is somewhere between LDREX and STREX then the current core will fail its
//! STREX operation.
//! # x86_64 support / limitations
//! *NOTE* `Pool` is only `Sync` on `x86_64` and `x86` (`i686`) if the Cargo feature "x86-sync-pool"
//! is enabled
//! x86_64 support is a gamble. Yes, a gamble. Do you feel lucky enough to use `Pool` on x86_64?
//! As it's not possible to implement *ideal* LL/SC semantics (\*) on x86_64 the architecture is
//! susceptible to the ABA problem described above. To *reduce the chances* of ABA occurring in
//! practice we use version tags (keyword: IBM ABA-prevention tags). Again, this approach does
//! *not* fix / prevent / avoid the ABA problem; it only reduces the chance of it occurring in
//! practice but the chances of it occurring are not reduced to zero.
//! How we have implemented version tags: instead of using an `AtomicPtr` to link the stack `Node`s
//! we use an `AtomicUsize` where the 64-bit `usize` is always comprised of a monotonically
//! increasing 32-bit tag (higher bits) and a 32-bit signed address offset. The address of a node is
//! computed by adding the 32-bit offset to an "anchor" address (the address of a static variable
//! that lives somewhere in the `.bss` linker section). The tag is increased every time a node is
//! popped (removed) from the stack.
//! To see how version tags can prevent ABA consider the example from the previous section. Let's
//! start with a stack in this state: `(~A, 0) -> (~B, 1) -> (~C, 2)`, where `~A` represents the
//! address of node A as a 32-bit offset from the "anchor" and the second tuple element (e.g. `0`)
//! indicates the version of the node. For simplicity, assume a single core system: thread T1 is
//! performing `pop` and before `CAS(&self.head, (~A, 0), (~B, 1))` is executed a context switch
//! occurs and the core resumes T2. T2 pops the stack twice and pushes A back into the stack;
//! because the `pop` operation increases the version the stack ends in the following state: `(~A,
//! 1) -> (~C, 2)`. Now if T1 is resumed the CAS operation will fail because `self.head` is `(~A,
//! 1)` and not `(~A, 0)`.
//! When can version tags fail to prevent ABA? Using the previous example: if T2 performs a `push`
//! followed by a `pop` `(1 << 32) - 1` times before doing its original `pop` - `pop` - `push`
//! operation then ABA will occur because the version tag of node `A` will wraparound to its
//! original value of `0` and the CAS operation in T1 will succeed and corrupt the stack.
//! It does seem unlikely that (1) a thread will perform the above operation and (2) that the above
//! operation will complete within one time slice, assuming time sliced threads. If you have thread
//! priorities then the above operation could occur during the lifetime of many high priorities
//! threads if T1 is running at low priority.
//! Other implementations of version tags use more than 32 bits in their tags (e.g. "Scalable
//! Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation" uses 42-bit tags in its super blocks). In theory, one could
//! use double-word CAS on x86_64 to pack a 64-bit tag and a 64-bit pointer in a double-word but
//! this CAS operation is not exposed in the standard library (and I think it's not available on
//! older x86_64 processors?)
//! (\*) Apparently one can emulate proper LL/SC semantics on x86_64 using hazard pointers (?) --
//! the technique appears to be documented in "ABA Prevention Using Single-Word Instructions", which
//! is not public AFAICT -- but hazard pointers require Thread Local Storage (TLS), which is a
//! non-starter for a `no_std` library like `heapless`.
//! ## x86_64 Limitations
//! *NOTE* this limitation does not apply to `x86` (32-bit address space). If you run into this
//! issue, on an x86_64 processor try running your code compiled for `x86`, e.g. `cargo run --target
//! i686-unknown-linux-musl`
//! Because stack nodes must be located within +- 2 GB of the hidden `ANCHOR` variable, which
//! lives in the `.bss` section, `Pool` may not be able to manage static references created using
//! `Box::leak` -- these heap allocated chunks of memory may live in a very different address space.
//! When the `Pool` is unable to manage a node because of its address it will simply discard it:
//! `Pool::grow*` methods return the number of new memory blocks added to the pool; if these methods
//! return `0` it means the `Pool` is unable to manage the memory given to them.
//! # References
//! 1. [Cortex-M3 Devices Generic User Guide (DUI 0552A)][0], Section 2.2.7 "Synchronization
//! primitives"
//! [0]:
//! 2. [ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual (DDI 0403E.b)][1], Section A3.4 "Synchronization and
//! semaphores"
//! [1]:
//! 3. "Scalable Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation" Michael, Maged M.
//! 4. "Hazard pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects." Michael, Maged M.
use core::{any::TypeId, mem};
use core::{
cmp, fmt,
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
ptr::{self, NonNull},
pub use stack::Node;
use stack::{Ptr, Stack};
pub mod singleton;
#[cfg_attr(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"), path = "")]
not(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86")),
path = ""
mod stack;
/// A lock-free memory pool
pub struct Pool<T> {
stack: Stack<T>,
// Current implementation is unsound on architectures that don't have LL/SC semantics so this
// struct is not `Sync` on those platforms
_not_send_or_sync: PhantomData<*const ()>,
// NOTE(any(test)) makes testing easier (no need to enable Cargo features for testing)
any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"),
feature = "x86-sync-pool"
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Pool<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Send for Pool<T> {}
impl<T> Pool<T> {
/// Creates a new empty pool
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Pool {
stack: Stack::new(),
_not_send_or_sync: PhantomData,
/// Claims a memory block from the pool
/// Returns `None` when the pool is observed as exhausted
/// *NOTE:* This method does *not* have bounded execution time because it contains a CAS loop
pub fn alloc(&self) -> Option<Box<T, Uninit>> {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// NOTE because we return a dangling pointer to a NODE, which has non-zero size
// even when T is a ZST, in this case we need to make sure we
// - don't do pointer arithmetic on this pointer
// - dereference that offset-ed pointer as a ZST
// because miri doesn't like that
return Some(Box {
node: Ptr::dangling(),
_state: PhantomData,
if let Some(node) = self.stack.try_pop() {
Some(Box {
_state: PhantomData,
} else {
/// Returns a memory block to the pool
/// *NOTE*: `T`'s destructor (if any) will run on `value` iff `S = Init`
/// *NOTE:* This method does *not* have bounded execution time because it contains a CAS loop
pub fn free<S>(&self, value: Box<T, S>)
S: 'static,
if TypeId::of::<S>() == TypeId::of::<Init>() {
let p = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// any pointer will do to invoke the destructor of a ZST
} else {
unsafe { value.node.as_ref().data.get() }
unsafe {
// no operation
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
/// Increases the capacity of the pool
/// This method might *not* fully utilize the given memory block due to alignment requirements.
/// This method returns the number of *new* blocks that can be allocated.
pub fn grow(&self, memory: &'static mut [u8]) -> usize {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// ZST use no memory so a pool of ZST always has maximum capacity
return usize::max_value();
let sz = mem::size_of::<Node<T>>();
let mut p = memory.as_mut_ptr();
let mut len = memory.len();
let align = mem::align_of::<Node<T>>();
let rem = (p as usize) % align;
if rem != 0 {
let offset = align - rem;
if offset >= len {
// slice is too small
return 0;
p = unsafe { p.add(offset) };
len -= offset;
let mut n = 0;
while len >= sz {
match () {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
() => {
if let Some(p) = Ptr::new(p as *mut _) {
n += 1;
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86")))]
() => {
self.stack.push(unsafe { Ptr::new_unchecked(p as *mut _) });
n += 1;
p = unsafe { p.add(sz) };
len -= sz;
/// Increases the capacity of the pool
/// Unlike [`Pool.grow`](struct.Pool.html#method.grow) this method fully utilizes the given
/// memory block
pub fn grow_exact<A>(&self, memory: &'static mut MaybeUninit<A>) -> usize
A: AsMut<[Node<T>]>,
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
return usize::max_value();
let nodes = unsafe { (*memory.as_mut_ptr()).as_mut() };
let cap = nodes.len();
for p in nodes {
match () {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
() => {
if let Some(p) = Ptr::new(p) {
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86")))]
() => self.stack.push(core::ptr::NonNull::from(p)),
/// A memory block
pub struct Box<T, STATE = Init> {
_state: PhantomData<STATE>,
node: Ptr<Node<T>>,
impl<T> Box<T, Uninit> {
/// Initializes this memory block
pub fn init(self, val: T) -> Box<T, Init> {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// no memory operation needed for ZST
// BUT we want to avoid calling `val`s destructor
} else {
unsafe {
ptr::write(self.node.as_ref().data.get(), val);
Box {
node: self.node,
_state: PhantomData,
/// Uninitialized type state
pub enum Uninit {}
/// Initialized type state
pub enum Init {}
unsafe impl<T, S> Send for Box<T, S> where T: Send {}
unsafe impl<T, S> Sync for Box<T, S> where T: Sync {}
unsafe impl<T> stable_deref_trait::StableDeref for Box<T> {}
impl<A, T> AsRef<[T]> for Box<A>
A: AsRef<[T]>,
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] {
impl<A, T> AsMut<[T]> for Box<A>
A: AsMut<[T]>,
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
impl<T> Deref for Box<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// any pointer will do for ZST
unsafe { &*NonNull::dangling().as_ptr() }
} else {
unsafe { &*self.node.as_ref().data.get() }
impl<T> DerefMut for Box<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
// any pointer will do for ZST
unsafe { &mut *NonNull::dangling().as_ptr() }
} else {
unsafe { &mut *self.node.as_ref().data.get() }
impl<T> fmt::Debug for Box<T>
T: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
<T as fmt::Debug>::fmt(self, f)
impl<T> fmt::Display for Box<T>
T: fmt::Display,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
<T as fmt::Display>::fmt(self, f)
impl<T> PartialEq for Box<T>
T: PartialEq,
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Box<T>) -> bool {
<T as PartialEq>::eq(self, rhs)
impl<T> Eq for Box<T> where T: Eq {}
impl<T> PartialOrd for Box<T>
T: PartialOrd,
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Box<T>) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
<T as PartialOrd>::partial_cmp(self, rhs)
impl<T> Ord for Box<T>
T: Ord,
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Box<T>) -> cmp::Ordering {
<T as Ord>::cmp(self, rhs)
impl<T> Hash for Box<T>
T: Hash,
fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
H: Hasher,
<T as Hash>::hash(self, state)
mod tests {
use core::{
mem::{self, MaybeUninit},
sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use super::{Node, Pool};
fn grow() {
static mut MEMORY: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
static POOL: Pool<[u8; 128]> = Pool::new();
unsafe {
POOL.grow(&mut MEMORY);
for _ in 0..7 {
fn grow_exact() {
const SZ: usize = 8;
static mut MEMORY: MaybeUninit<[Node<[u8; 128]>; SZ]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
static POOL: Pool<[u8; 128]> = Pool::new();
unsafe {
POOL.grow_exact(&mut MEMORY);
for _ in 0..SZ {
fn sanity() {
const SZ: usize = 2 * mem::size_of::<Node<u8>>() - 1;
static mut MEMORY: [u8; SZ] = [0; SZ];
static POOL: Pool<u8> = Pool::new();
// empty pool
POOL.grow(unsafe { &mut MEMORY });
let x = POOL.alloc().unwrap().init(0);
assert_eq!(*x, 0);
// pool exhausted
// should be possible to allocate again
assert_eq!(*POOL.alloc().unwrap().init(1), 1);
fn destructors() {
static COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
struct X;
impl X {
fn new() -> X {
COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
impl Drop for X {
fn drop(&mut self) {
COUNT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
static mut MEMORY: [u8; 31] = [0; 31];
static POOL: Pool<X> = Pool::new();
POOL.grow(unsafe { &mut MEMORY });
let x = POOL.alloc().unwrap().init(X::new());
let y = POOL.alloc().unwrap().init(X::new());
let z = POOL.alloc().unwrap().init(X::new());
assert_eq!(COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3);
// this leaks memory
assert_eq!(COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3);
// this leaks memory
assert_eq!(COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3);
// this runs `X` destructor;
assert_eq!(COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);