blob: ccc94e8a88e92596978c97f090ad0033e43ce1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# A Pigweed target toolchain.
# Args:
# ar: (required) String indicating the archive tool to use.
# cc: (required) String indicating the C compiler to use.
# cxx: (required) String indicating the C++ compiler to use.
# ld: (optional) String indicating the linking binary to use.
# is_host_toolchain: (optional) Boolean indicating if the outputs are meant
# for the $host_os. Defaults to false.
# final_binary_extension: (optional) The extension to apply to final linked
# binaries.
# link_whole_archive: (optional) Boolean indicating if the linker should load
# all object files when resolving symbols.
# link_group: (optional) Boolean indicating if the linker should use
# a group to resolve circular dependencies between artifacts.
# generate_from: (optional) The full target name of the toolchain that can
# trigger this toolchain to be generated. GN only allows one toolchain to
# be generated at a given target path, so if multiple toolchains parse the
# same generate_toolchain target only one should declare a toolchain. This
# is primarily to allow generating sub-toolchains. Defaults to
# default_toolchain.
# default_configs (optional): TODO
# remove_default_configs (optional): TODO
# default_public_deps (optional): TODO
# toolchain_args: (required) A scope setting GN build arg values to use when
# evaluating the build graph with this toolchain. These take precedence
# over user-specified values (whether via the command line or in the
# file).
# rbe_config (optional): TODO
# rbe_input_dir (optional): TODO
# The defaults scope should contain values for builtin GN arguments:
# current_cpu: The CPU of the toolchain.
# Well known values include "arm", "arm64", "x64", "x86", and "mips".
# current_os: The OS of the toolchain. Defaults to "".
# Well known values include "win", "mac", "linux", "android", and "ios".
template("pw_toolchain") {
# On the default toolchain invocation, you typically need to generate all
# toolchains you encounter. For sub-toolchains, they must be generated from
# the context of their parent.
# This is duplicated from `generate_toolchain` because of GN evaluation
# behavior. Ideally pw_toolchain is merged into `generate_toolchain`,
# eliminating the need for this to be duplicated.
if (defined(invoker.generate_from)) {
_generate_toolchain =
get_label_info(invoker.generate_from, "label_no_toolchain") ==
} else {
_generate_toolchain = default_toolchain == current_toolchain
if (_generate_toolchain) {
generate_toolchain(target_name) {
# All of the RBE support logic is housed here.
if (pw_toolchain_USE_RBE && defined(invoker.rbe_config)) {
# It might make sense to expose these as optional arguments later.
_rewrapper_binary = "rewrapper"
_exec_root = rebase_path("//")
_rbe_args = [
"--cfg=" + invoker.rbe_config,
"--exec_root=" + _exec_root,
if (defined(rbe_input_dir)) {
_rbe_args += [ "--inputs=" +
rebase_path(invoker.rbe_input_dir, _exec_root) + "/" ]
_rbe_args += [ "--" ]
_rbe_toolchain_prefix = string_join(" ", _rbe_args)
# Assemble the final command.
_cc_cmd = _rbe_args + [ cc ]
_cxx_cmd = _rbe_args + [ cxx ]
if (pw_toolchain_RBE_DEBUG) {
_rbe_debug_flag = "-v"
_cc_cmd += [ _rbe_debug_flag ]
_cxx_cmd += [ _rbe_debug_flag ]
cc = string_join(" ", _cc_cmd)
cxx = string_join(" ", _cxx_cmd)
# This is still called `defaults` for backwards compatibility.
defaults = {
forward_variables_from(invoker.toolchain_args, "*")
if (defined(default_configs)) {
_this = get_label_info(target_name, "label_with_toolchain")
print("$default_configs when evaluating $_this")
if (defined(invoker.default_configs)) {
default_configs = invoker.default_configs
if (defined(invoker.remove_default_configs)) {
remove_default_configs = invoker.remove_default_configs
if (defined(invoker.default_public_deps)) {
default_public_deps = invoker.default_public_deps
if (defined(invoker.remove_default_public_deps)) {
remove_default_public_deps = invoker.remove_default_public_deps
"`defaults` is the old way, use toolchain_args")
# Arguments that are consumed by this template and shouldn't be directly
# forwarded to the underlying template.
_args_used = [
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", _args_used)
} else {
not_needed(invoker, "*")
group(target_name) {