blob: 3540a40d8b203eca5a69bb0bfb3f55bab026d1ab [file] [log] [blame]
002007e1, ," "
0f831860, ,"Failed to decode request payload from channel %u"
0fbd23ba, ,"Failed to send response packet for channel %u"
130e2c4b, ,"Received incomplete packet on interface %s"
1ea870fb, ,"Blink Low!"
2bc3cb0f, ," The current allocated heap memory is %u bytes."
39b2c339, ,"Failed to decode packet on interface %s"
3f774ea7, ,"Unable to handle packet of type %u"
5a592684, ," malloc() is called %u times. (realloc()/calloc() counted as one time)"
6271ad9a, ,"Got complete packet!"
74627b3f, ,"Received CANCEL packet for method that is not pending"
92a63809, ,"Received %lu-byte frame; frame must be at least 6 bytes"
974389bc, ,"Got packet with no destination; address: %d"
9dcacd5c, ," The cumulative allocated heap memory is %u bytes."
aecb244f, ,"Frame size [%lu] exceeds the maximum buffer size [%lu]"
af49fb70, ,"Blink High!"
b0ebaaab, ,"Registering pw_rpc services"
b12fd0ac, ,"Starting pw_rpc server"
b3e37df6, ,"Frame check sequence verification failed"
be290f47, ," free() is called %u times. (realloc() counted as one time)"
c0c64a7a, ,"Got complete HDLC packet"
c51612b3, ,"Failed to encode response packet to channel buffer"
c5792a96, ," The current heap information: "
d2d5d9aa, ,"Failed to encode response packet for channel %u"
da03df49, ," The cumulative freed heap memory is %u bytes."
e457fb7d, ," The total heap size is %u bytes."
f716dbeb, ,"[ ]"
fc0376f5, ,"[*]"