blob: 6a821ff09eb4ebf7633eca9a6c249ca9e6905dbd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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# the License.
# pylint: skip-file
"""Console key bindings."""
# from dataclasses import dataclass, field
# from typing import List, Dict
class KeyBindings:
"""Console key bindings."""
def __init__(self, user_keys={}):
self.key_bindings = {}
self.user_keys = user_keys
def fillWithUserKeys(self, users_keys):
for bind in users_keys:
key = self.userKeysToList(users_keys[bind])
self.key_bindings[bind] = key
except KeyError:
print("KeyBind \"" + bind + "\" not found")
def fillWithDefault(self):
self.key_bindings['toggle-help'] = ['?']
self.key_bindings['quit'] = ['q']
self.key_bindings['toggle-toolbar'] = ['t']
self.key_bindings['toggle-timestamps'] = ['T']
self.key_bindings['toggle-levels'] = ['L']
self.key_bindings['toggle-borders'] = ['b']
self.key_bindings['toggle-wrapping'] = ['w']
self.key_bindings['save'] = ['S']
self.key_bindings['reload'] = ['R']
self.key_bindings['scroll-page-down'] = ['page down']
self.key_bindings['scroll-page-up'] = ['page up']
self.key_bindings['down'] = ['j', 'down', 'n']
self.key_bindings['up'] = ['k', 'up', 'e']
self.key_bindings['top'] = ['g']
self.key_bindings['right'] = ['l', 'right']
self.key_bindings['left'] = ['h', 'left']
self.key_bindings['bottom'] = ['G']
self.key_bindings['change-focus'] = ['tab']
self.key_bindings['toggle-complete'] = ['x']
self.key_bindings['archive'] = ['X']
self.key_bindings['insert-after'] = ['o']
self.key_bindings['insert-before'] = ['O']
self.key_bindings['priority-up'] = ['p']
self.key_bindings['priority-down'] = ['P']
self.key_bindings['save-item'] = ['enter']
self.key_bindings['edit'] = ['enter']
self.key_bindings['delete'] = ['D']
self.key_bindings['swap-down'] = ['J']
self.key_bindings['swap-up'] = ['K']
self.key_bindings['edit-complete'] = ['tab']
self.key_bindings['edit-save'] = ['return']
self.key_bindings['edit-move-left'] = ['left']
self.key_bindings['edit-move-right'] = ['right']
self.key_bindings['edit-word-left'] = ['meta b', 'ctrl b']
self.key_bindings['edit-word-right'] = ['meta f', 'ctrl f']
self.key_bindings['edit-end'] = ['ctrl e', 'end']
self.key_bindings['edit-home'] = ['ctrl a', 'home']
self.key_bindings['edit-delete-word'] = ['ctrl w']
self.key_bindings['edit-delete-end'] = ['ctrl k']
self.key_bindings['edit-delete-beginning'] = ['ctrl u']
self.key_bindings['edit-paste'] = ['ctrl y']
self.key_bindings['toggle-filter'] = ['f']
self.key_bindings['clear-filter'] = ['_']
self.key_bindings['toggle-follow'] = ['F']
self.key_bindings['toggle-sorting'] = ['s']
self.key_bindings['search'] = ['/']
self.key_bindings['search-end'] = ['enter']
self.key_bindings['search-clear'] = ['C']
def __getitem__(self, index):
return ", ".join(self.key_bindings[index])
def userKeysToList(self, userKey):
keys = userKey.split(',')
return [key.strip() for key in keys]
def getKeyBinding(self, bind):
return self.key_bindings[bind]
except KeyError:
return []
def is_bound_to(self, key, bind):
return key in self.getKeyBinding(bind)