blob: 86af903f2eea01d2b04b187a1c3897f9bba9caf3 [file] [log] [blame]
002007e1, ," "
0aed610d, ,"■msg♦ free() is called %u times. (realloc() counted as one time)■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
0f8381fa, ,"■msg♦ The cumulative allocated heap memory is %u bytes.■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
1ea870fb, ,"Blink Low!"
2bc3cb0f, ," The current allocated heap memory is %u bytes."
36c4d845, ,"■msg♦ The cumulative freed heap memory is %u bytes.■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
38c60010, ,"%s"
5a592684, ," malloc() is called %u times. (realloc()/calloc() counted as one time)"
5d1647a3, ,"■msg♦ The total heap size is %u bytes.■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
9dcacd5c, ," The cumulative allocated heap memory is %u bytes."
af49fb70, ,"Blink High!"
af9623fa, ,"■msg♦ malloc() is called %u times. (realloc()/calloc() counted as one time)■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
b63529b4, ,"■msg♦%s■module♦■file♦applications/strings/"
be290f47, ," free() is called %u times. (realloc() counted as one time)"
c5792a96, ," The current heap information: "
da03df49, ," The cumulative freed heap memory is %u bytes."
e457fb7d, ," The total heap size is %u bytes."
ef2fe42d, ,"■msg♦ The current allocated heap memory is %u bytes.■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
ef6825c1, ,"■msg♦ ■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
f3804eba, ,"■msg♦ The current heap information: ■module♦■file♦third_party/pigweed/pw_allocator/"
f716dbeb, ,"[ ]"
fc0376f5, ,"[*]"