[roll third_party/pigweed] pw_unit_test: Restructure as a facade

pw_unit_test has been being used as if it is a facade, without actually
being structured as one. This causes problems when using upstream
GoogleTest. Shared test code might depend on //pw_unit_test and pull in
Pigweed's tests headers, even when pw_unit_test_PUBLIC_DEPS is configued
to use upstream GoogleTest.  Pigweed's test framework is not properly
set up, resulting in odd behavior. Also, this means there are multiple
versions of gtest/gtest.h, its macros, and ::testing::Test in the build.

This change introduces the pw_unit_test_GOOGLETEST_BACKEND build arg and
restructures pw_unit_test as a facade, so targets that depend on
//pw_unit_test depend on the actual GoogleTest implementation in use,
rather than just Pigweed's version.

The Pigweed GoogleTest implementation is rebranded as
//pw_unit_test:light. This is used as the default pw_unit_test backend.

Original-Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/pigweed/+/95843

third_party/pigweed Rolled-Commits: c592be595f28b1d..a80b43fb5100f72
Roller-URL: https://ci.chromium.org/b/8813136772880136065
Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-builder:pigweed-experimental-roller
Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-bid:8813136772880136065
CQ-Do-Not-Cancel-Tryjobs: true
Change-Id: I4998f75e3474fb2c365f6ab200cf98af97ab7ea3
Reviewed-on: https://pigweed-review.googlesource.com/c/pigweed/experimental/+/96028
Bot-Commit: Pigweed Integration Roller <pigweed-integration-roller@pigweed.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Commit-Queue: Pigweed Integration Roller <pigweed-integration-roller@pigweed.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
diff --git a/third_party/pigweed b/third_party/pigweed
index c592be5..a80b43f 160000
--- a/third_party/pigweed
+++ b/third_party/pigweed
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit c592be595f28b1d9e0af1097f294742b21ce555d
+Subproject commit a80b43fb5100f72548d3f11cd8737e38563adee1