| # Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not |
| # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of |
| # the License at |
| # |
| # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| # the License. |
| |
| workspace( |
| name = "pigweed", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository", "new_git_repository") |
| load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") |
| load( |
| "//pw_env_setup/bazel/cipd_setup:cipd_rules.bzl", |
| "cipd_repository", |
| ) |
| |
| # Set up legacy pw_transfer test binaries. |
| # Required by: pigweed. |
| # Used in modules: //pw_transfer. |
| cipd_repository( |
| name = "pw_transfer_test_binaries", |
| path = "pigweed/pw_transfer_test_binaries/${os=linux}-${arch=amd64}", |
| tag = "version:pw_transfer_test_binaries_528098d588f307881af83f769207b8e6e1b57520-linux-amd64-cipd.cipd", |
| ) |
| |
| # Set up bloaty size profiler. |
| # Required by: pigweed. |
| # Used in modules: //pw_bloat. |
| cipd_repository( |
| name = "bloaty", |
| path = "fuchsia/third_party/bloaty/${os}-amd64", |
| tag = "git_revision:c057ba4f43db0506d4ba8c096925b054b02a8bd3", |
| ) |
| |
| # Setup Fuchsia SDK. |
| # Required by: bt-host. |
| # Used in modules: //pw_bluetooth_sapphire. |
| # NOTE: These blocks cannot feasibly be moved into a macro. |
| # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1550 |
| git_repository( |
| name = "fuchsia_infra", |
| # ROLL: Warning: this entry is automatically updated. |
| # ROLL: Last updated 2024-08-29. |
| # ROLL: By https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/build/8738239631354277873. |
| commit = "cfaf42aadaf29a3bc37f86a04053d9c1f72e04fe", |
| remote = "https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@fuchsia_infra//:workspace.bzl", "fuchsia_infra_workspace") |
| |
| fuchsia_infra_workspace() |
| |
| FUCHSIA_SDK_VERSION = "version:23.20240829.4.1" |
| |
| cipd_repository( |
| name = "fuchsia_sdk", |
| path = "fuchsia/sdk/core/fuchsia-bazel-rules/linux-amd64", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia:deps.bzl", "rules_fuchsia_deps") |
| |
| rules_fuchsia_deps() |
| |
| register_toolchains("@fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk") |
| |
| cipd_repository( |
| name = "fuchsia_products_metadata", |
| path = "fuchsia/development/product_bundles/v2", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia:products.bzl", "fuchsia_products_repository") |
| |
| fuchsia_products_repository( |
| name = "fuchsia_products", |
| metadata_file = "@fuchsia_products_metadata//:product_bundles.json", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia:clang.bzl", "fuchsia_clang_repository") |
| |
| fuchsia_clang_repository( |
| name = "fuchsia_clang", |
| # TODO: https://pwbug.dev/346354914 - Reuse @llvm_toolchain. This currently |
| # leads to flaky loading phase errors! |
| # from_workspace = "@llvm_toolchain//:BUILD", |
| cipd_tag = "git_revision:c58bc24fcf678c55b0bf522be89eff070507a005", |
| sdk_root_label = "@fuchsia_sdk", |
| ) |
| |
| load("@fuchsia_clang//:defs.bzl", "register_clang_toolchains") |
| |
| register_clang_toolchains() |
| |
| # TODO: b/354268150 - googletest is in the BCR, but its MODULE.bazel doesn't |
| # express its dependency on the Fuchsia SDK correctly. |
| git_repository( |
| name = "com_google_googletest", |
| commit = "3b6d48e8d5c1d9b3f9f10ac030a94008bfaf032b", |
| remote = "https://pigweed.googlesource.com/third_party/github/google/googletest", |
| ) |
| |
| load( |
| "//pw_toolchain/rust:defs.bzl", |
| "pw_rust_register_toolchain_and_target_repos", |
| "pw_rust_register_toolchains", |
| ) |
| |
| pw_rust_register_toolchain_and_target_repos( |
| cipd_tag = "rust_revision:bf9c7a64ad222b85397573668b39e6d1ab9f4a72", |
| ) |
| |
| # Allows creation of a `rust-project.json` file to allow rust analyzer to work. |
| load("@rules_rust//tools/rust_analyzer:deps.bzl", "rust_analyzer_dependencies") |
| |
| rust_analyzer_dependencies() |
| |
| pw_rust_register_toolchains() |
| |
| # Vendored third party rust crates. |
| git_repository( |
| name = "rust_crates", |
| commit = "de54de1a2683212d8edb4e15ec7393eb013c849c", |
| remote = "https://pigweed.googlesource.com/third_party/rust_crates", |
| ) |
| |
| # Registers platforms for use with toolchain resolution |
| register_execution_platforms("@local_config_platform//:host", "//pw_build/platforms:all") |
| |
| # Required by fuzztest |
| http_archive( |
| name = "com_googlesource_code_re2", |
| sha256 = "f89c61410a072e5cbcf8c27e3a778da7d6fd2f2b5b1445cd4f4508bee946ab0f", |
| strip_prefix = "re2-2022-06-01", |
| url = "https://github.com/google/re2/archive/refs/tags/2022-06-01.tar.gz", |
| ) |
| |
| # Required by fuzztest |
| http_archive( |
| name = "com_google_absl", |
| sha256 = "338420448b140f0dfd1a1ea3c3ce71b3bc172071f24f4d9a57d59b45037da440", |
| strip_prefix = "abseil-cpp-20240116.0", |
| url = "https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/releases/download/20240116.0/abseil-cpp-20240116.0.tar.gz", |
| ) |
| |
| # Fuzztest is not in the BCR yet (https://github.com/google/fuzztest/issues/950). |
| http_archive( |
| name = "com_google_fuzztest", |
| strip_prefix = "fuzztest-6eb010c7223a6aa609b94d49bfc06ac88f922961", |
| url = "https://github.com/google/fuzztest/archive/6eb010c7223a6aa609b94d49bfc06ac88f922961.zip", |
| ) |
| |
| new_git_repository( |
| name = "micro_ecc", |
| build_file = "//:third_party/micro_ecc/BUILD.micro_ecc", |
| commit = "b335ee812bfcca4cd3fb0e2a436aab39553a555a", |
| remote = "https://github.com/kmackay/micro-ecc.git", |
| ) |
| |
| # TODO: https://pwbug.dev/354749299 - Use the BCR version of mbedtls. |
| http_archive( |
| name = "mbedtls", |
| build_file = "//:third_party/mbedtls/mbedtls.BUILD.bazel", |
| sha256 = "241c68402cef653e586be3ce28d57da24598eb0df13fcdea9d99bfce58717132", |
| strip_prefix = "mbedtls-2.28.8", |
| url = "https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/releases/download/v2.28.8/mbedtls-2.28.8.tar.bz2", |
| ) |
| |
| # TODO: https://pwbug.dev/354747966 - Update the BCR version of Emboss. |
| git_repository( |
| name = "com_google_emboss", |
| # LINT.IfChange(emboss) |
| remote = "https://pigweed.googlesource.com/third_party/github/google/emboss", |
| tag = "v2024.0809.170004", |
| # LINT.ThenChange(/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/emboss.py:emboss) |
| ) |