blob: 8af431e924d87064724a7eea779560f12591e87f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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// the License.
/** Tools for compiling and importing Javascript protos on the fly. */
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {Message} from 'google-protobuf';
import {FileDescriptorSet} from 'google-protobuf/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb';
export type MessageCreator = new () => Message;
class MessageMap extends Map<string, MessageCreator> {}
class ModuleMap extends Map<string, any> {}
* A collection of protocol buffer modules
export class Library {
private fileDescriptorSet: FileDescriptorSet;
private messages: MessageMap;
* Primary way to construct a Library.
* For example,
* ```
* const path = 'pw_rpc/ts/test_protos-descriptor-set.proto.bin'
* const lib = Library.fromFileDescriptorSet(path, 'test_protos_tspb');
* ```
* The example path is for a proto_library bazel rule named 'test_protos'.
* @param path String location of the FileDescriptorSet binary.
* @param protoLibName: String name for the js_proto_library dependency. This
* is used to map from fileDescriptor name to compiled proto path.
static async fromFileDescriptorSet(path: string, protoLibName: string):
Promise<Library> {
const binary = fs.readFileSync(path);
const fileDescriptorSet = FileDescriptorSet.deserializeBinary(binary);
let mods = new ModuleMap();
for (const file of fileDescriptorSet.getFileList()) {
const moduleName = this.buildModuleName(file.getName()!, protoLibName);
let mod = await import(moduleName);
const key = file.getName()!;
mods.set(key, mod);
return new Library(fileDescriptorSet, mods)
* Maps from a file and js_proto_library name to a module path.
* For example the following rules would correspond with the call
* `buildModuleName('dir/test.proto', 'test_proto_tspb')`
* proto_library(
* name = "test_proto",
* srcs = [
* "dir/test.proto",
* ],
* )
* js_proto_library(
* name = "test_proto_tspb",
* protos = [":test_protos"],
* )
* @param {string} fileName Proto file in the form 'root/dir/test.proto'
* @param {string} protoLibName Name attribute of the relevant
* js_proto_library rule.
private static buildModuleName(fileName: string, protoLibName: string):
string {
const name = `${protoLibName}/${protoLibName}_pb/${fileName}`;
return name.replace(/\.proto$/, '_pb');
constructor(set: FileDescriptorSet, mods: ModuleMap) {
this.fileDescriptorSet = set;
this.messages = this.mapMessages(set, mods);
* Creates a map between message identifier "{packageName}.{messageName}"
* and the Message class.
private mapMessages(set: FileDescriptorSet, mods: ModuleMap): MessageMap {
const messages = new MessageMap();
for (const fileDescriptor of set.getFileList()) {
const mod = mods.get(fileDescriptor.getName()!)!;
for (const messageType of fileDescriptor.getMessageTypeList()) {
const fullName =
fileDescriptor.getPackage()! + '.' + messageType.getName();
const message = mod[messageType.getName()!];
messages.set(fullName, message);
return messages;
* Finds the Message class referenced by the identifier.
* @param identifier String identifier of the form
* "{packageName}.{messageName}" i.e: "pw.rpc.test.NewMessage".
getMessageCreator(identifier: string): MessageCreator|undefined {
return this.messages.get(identifier);