blob: b8d9b7ed8d977cf0ef167a984727b54d8a50a186 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_function:
The ``pw_function`` module provides a standard, general-purpose API for
wrapping callable objects. ``pw_function`` is similar in spirit and API to
``std::function``, but doesn't allocate, and uses several tricks to prevent
code bloat.
Basic usage
``pw_function`` defines the :cpp:type:`pw::Function` class. A ``Function`` is a
move-only callable wrapper constructable from any callable object. Functions
are templated on the signature of the callable they store.
Functions implement the call operator --- invoking the object will forward to
the stored callable.
.. code-block:: c++
int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
// Construct a Function object from a function pointer.
pw::Function<int(int, int)> add_function(Add);
// Invoke the function object.
int result = add_function(3, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 8);
// Construct a function from a lambda.
pw::Function<int(int)> negate([](int value) { return -value; });
EXPECT_EQ(negate(27), -27);
Functions are nullable. Invoking a null function triggers a runtime assert.
.. code-block:: c++
// A function initialized without a callable is implicitly null.
pw::Function<void()> null_function;
// Null functions may also be explicitly created or set.
pw::Function<void()> explicit_null_function(nullptr);
pw::Function<void()> function([]() {}); // Valid (non-null) function.
function = nullptr; // Set to null, clearing the stored callable.
// Functions are comparable to nullptr.
if (function != nullptr) {
:cpp:type:`pw::Function`'s default constructor is ``constexpr``, so
default-constructed functions may be used in classes with ``constexpr``
constructors and in ``constinit`` expressions.
.. code-block:: c++
class MyClass {
// Default construction of a pw::Function is constexpr.
constexpr MyClass() { ... }
pw::Function<void(int)> my_function;
// pw::Function and classes that use it may be constant initialized.
constinit MyClass instance;
By default, a ``Function`` stores its callable inline within the object. The
inline storage size defaults to the size of one pointer, but is configurable
through the build system.
The :cpp:type:`pw::InlineFunction` alias is similar to :cpp:type:`pw::Function`,
but is always inlined. That is, even if dynamic allocation is enabled for
:cpp:type:`pw::Function`, :cpp:type:`pw::InlineFunction` will fail to compile if
the callable is larger than the inline storage size.
Attempting to construct a function from a callable larger than its inline size
is a compile-time error unless dynamic allocation is enabled.
.. admonition:: Inline storage size
The default inline size of one pointer is sufficient to store most common
callable objects, including function pointers, simple non-capturing and
capturing lambdas, and lightweight custom classes.
.. code-block:: c++
// The lambda is moved into the function's internal storage.
pw::Function<int(int, int)> subtract([](int a, int b) { return a - b; });
// Functions can be also be constructed from custom classes that implement
// operator(). This particular object is large (8 ints of space).
class MyCallable {
int operator()(int value);
int data_[8];
// Compiler error: sizeof(MyCallable) exceeds function's inline storage size.
pw::Function<int(int)> function((MyCallable()));
.. admonition:: Dynamic allocation
When ``PW_FUNCTION_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION`` is enabled, a ``Function``
will use dynamic allocation to store callables that exceed the inline size.
An Allocator type can be optionally supplied as a template argument. The
default Allocator type can also be changed by overriding
``PW_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_TYPE`` (the ``value_type`` of the Allocator
is irrelevant, since it must support rebinding). When dynamic allocation is
enabled but a compile-time check for the inlining is still required
``pw::InlineFunction`` can be used.
.. warning::
If ``PW_FUNCTION_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION`` is enabled then attempts to cast
from `:cpp:type:`pw::InlineFunction` to a regular :cpp:type:`pw::Function`
will **ALWAYS** allocate memory.
API usage
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::Function
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::InlineFunction
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::Callback
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::InlineCallback
.. doxygenfunction:: pw::bind_member
``pw::Function`` as a function parameter
When implementing an API which takes a callback, a ``Function`` can be used in
place of a function pointer or equivalent callable.
.. code-block:: c++
// Before:
void DoTheThing(int arg, void (*callback)(int result));
// After. Note that it is possible to have parameter names within the function
// signature template for clarity.
void DoTheThing(int arg, const pw::Function<void(int result)>& callback);
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` is movable, but not copyable, so APIs must accept
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` objects either by const reference (``const
pw::Function<void()>&``) or rvalue reference (``const pw::Function<void()>&&``).
If the :cpp:type:`pw::Function` simply needs to be called, it should be passed
by const reference. If the :cpp:type:`pw::Function` needs to be stored, it
should be passed as an rvalue reference and moved into a
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` variable as appropriate.
.. code-block:: c++
// This function calls a pw::Function but doesn't store it, so it takes a
// const reference.
void CallTheCallback(const pw::Function<void(int)>& callback) {
// This function move-assigns a pw::Function to another variable, so it takes
// an rvalue reference.
void StoreTheCallback(pw::Function<void(int)>&& callback) {
stored_callback_ = std::move(callback);
.. admonition:: Rules of thumb for passing a :cpp:type:`pw::Function` to a function
* **Pass by value**: Never.
This results in unnecessary :cpp:type:`pw::Function` instances and move
* **Pass by const reference** (``const pw::Function&``): When the
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` is only invoked.
When a :cpp:type:`pw::Function` is called or inspected, but not moved, take
a const reference to avoid copies and support temporaries.
* **Pass by rvalue reference** (``pw::Function&&``): When the
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` is moved.
When the function takes ownership of the :cpp:type:`pw::Function` object,
always use an rvalue reference (``pw::Function<void()>&&``) instead of a
mutable lvalue reference (``pw::Function<void()>&``). An rvalue reference
forces the caller to ``std::move`` when passing a preexisting
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` variable, which makes the transfer of ownership
explicit. It is possible to move-assign from an lvalue reference, but this
fails to make it obvious to the caller that the object is no longer valid.
* **Pass by non-const reference** (``pw::Function&``): Rarely, when modifying
a variable.
Non-const references are only necessary when modifying an existing
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` variable. Use an rvalue reference instead if the
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` is moved into another variable.
Calling functions that use ``pw::Function``
A :cpp:type:`pw::Function` can be implicitly constructed from any callback
object. When calling an API that takes a :cpp:type:`pw::Function`, simply pass
the callable object. There is no need to create an intermediate
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` object.
.. code-block:: c++
// Implicitly creates a pw::Function from a capturing lambda and calls it.
CallTheCallback([this](int result) { result_ = result; });
// Implicitly creates a pw::Function from a capturing lambda and stores it.
StoreTheCallback([this](int result) { result_ = result; });
When working with an existing :cpp:type:`pw::Function` variable, the variable
can be passed directly to functions that take a const reference. If the function
takes ownership of the :cpp:type:`pw::Function`, move the
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` variable at the call site.
.. code-block:: c++
// Accepts the pw::Function by const reference.
// Takes ownership of the pw::Function.
void StoreTheCallback(std::move(my_function));
``pw::Callback`` for one-shot functions
:cpp:type:`pw::Callback` is a specialization of :cpp:type:`pw::Function` that
can only be called once. After a :cpp:type:`pw::Callback` is called, the target
function is destroyed. A :cpp:type:`pw::Callback` in the "already called" state
has the same state as a :cpp:type:`pw::Callback` that has been assigned to
Invoking ``pw::Function`` from a C-style API
.. _trampoline layers:
One use case for invoking ``pw_function`` from a C-style API is to automate
the generation of `trampoline layers`_.
.. doxygenfile:: pw_function/pointer.h
:sections: detaileddescription
.. doxygenfunction:: GetFunctionPointer()
.. doxygenfunction:: GetFunctionPointer(const FunctionType&)
.. doxygenfunction:: GetFunctionPointerContextFirst()
.. doxygenfunction:: GetFunctionPointerContextFirst(const FunctionType&)
.. doxygenclass:: pw::ScopeGuard
Size reports
Function class
The following size report compares an API using a :cpp:type:`pw::Function` to a
traditional function pointer.
.. include:: function_size
Callable sizes
The table below demonstrates typical sizes of various callable types, which can
be used as a reference when sizing external buffers for ``Function`` objects.
.. include:: callable_size
:cpp:type:`pw::Function` is an alias of
`fit::function_impl <>`_.
:cpp:type:`pw::Callback` is an alias of
`fit::callback_impl <>`_.
.. _module-pw_function-non-literal:
Why pw::Function is not a literal
The default constructor for ``pw::Function`` is ``constexpr`` but
``pw::Function`` is not a literal type. Instances can be declared ``constinit``
but can't be used in ``constexpr`` contexts. There are a few reasons for this:
* ``pw::Function`` supports wrapping any callable type, and the wrapped type
might not be a literal type.
* ``pw::Function`` stores inline callables in a bytes array, which is not
* ``pw::Function`` optionally uses dynamic allocation, which doesn't work in
``constexpr`` contexts (at least before C++20).
To enable ``pw_function` for Zephyr add ``CONFIG_PIGWEED_FUNCTION=y`` to the
project's configuration.