blob: b1a65058ac0abc11d3b20e2a23a1739fc73a638a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// KVS is a key-value storage format for flash based memory.
// Currently it stores key-value sets in chunks aligned with the flash memory.
// Each chunk contains a header (KvsHeader), which is immediately followed by
// the key, and then the data blob. To support different alignments both the
// key length and value length are rounded up to be aligned.
// Example memory layout of sector with two KVS chunks:
// [ SECTOR_HEADER - Meta | alignment_padding ]
// [ SECTOR_HEADER - Cleaning State | alignment_padding ]
// [First Chunk Header | alignment_padding ]
// [First Chunk Key | alignment_padding ]
// [First Chunk Value | alignment_padding ]
// [Second Chunk Header | alignment_padding ]
// [Second Chunk Key | alignment_padding ]
// [Second Chunk Value | alignment_padding ]
// For efficiency if a key's value is rewritten the new value is just appended
// to the same sector, a clean of the sector is only needed if there is no more
// room. Cleaning the sector involves moving the most recent value of each key
// to another sector and erasing the sector. Erasing data is treated the same
// as rewriting data, but an erased chunk has the erased flag set, and no data.
// KVS maintains a data structure in RAM for quick indexing of each key's most
// recent value, but no caching of data is ever performed. If a write/erase
// function returns successfully, it is guaranteed that the data has been
// pushed to flash. The KVS should also be resistant to sudden unplanned power
// outages and be capable of recovering even mid clean (this is accomplished
// using a flag which marks the sector before the clean is started).
#include "pw_kvs/key_value_store.h"
#include <cstring>
#include "pw_checksum/ccitt_crc16.h"
#include "pw_kvs/flash.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_string/string_builder.h"
#include "pw_string/util.h"
namespace pw::kvs {
Status KeyValueStore::Enable() {
if (enabled_) {
return Status::OK;
// Reset parameters.
memset(sector_space_remaining_, 0, sizeof(sector_space_remaining_));
map_size_ = 0;
// For now alignment is set to use partitions alignment.
alignment_bytes_ = partition_.GetAlignmentBytes();
DCHECK(alignment_bytes_ <= kMaxAlignmentBytes);
if (partition_.GetSectorCount() > kSectorCountMax) {
"Partition is larger then KVS max sector count, "
"not all space will be used.");
// Load map and setup sectors if needed (first word isn't kSectorReadyValue).
next_sector_clean_order_ = 0;
for (SectorIndex i = 0; i < SectorCount(); i++) {
KvsSectorHeaderMeta sector_header_meta;
// Because underlying flash can be encrypted + erased, trying to readback
// may give random values. It's important to make sure that data is not
// erased before trying to see if there is a token match.
bool is_sector_meta_erased;
if (Status status = partition_.IsChunkErased(
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (Status status =
!status.ok()) {
return status;
constexpr int kVersion3 = 3; // Version 3 only cleans 1 sector at a time.
constexpr int kVersion2 = 2; // Version 2 is always 1 byte aligned.
if (is_sector_meta_erased ||
sector_header_meta.synchronize_token != kSectorReadyValue) {
// Sector needs to be setup
if (Status status = ResetSector(i); !status.ok()) {
return status;
} else if (sector_header_meta.version != kVersion &&
sector_header_meta.version != kVersion3 && // Allow version 3
sector_header_meta.version != kVersion2) { // Allow version 2
PW_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported KVS version in sector: %u",
uint32_t sector_header_cleaning_offset =
bool clean_not_pending;
if (Status status = partition_.IsChunkErased(
SectorIndexToAddress(i) + sector_header_cleaning_offset,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (!clean_not_pending) {
// Sector is marked for cleaning, read the sector_clean_order
if (Status status = UnalignedRead(
SectorIndexToAddress(i) + sector_header_cleaning_offset,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
next_sector_clean_order_ =
std::max(sector_clean_order_[i] + 1, next_sector_clean_order_);
} else {
sector_clean_order_[i] = kSectorCleanNotPending;
// Handle alignment
if (sector_header_meta.version == kVersion2) {
sector_header_meta.alignment_bytes = 1;
if (sector_header_meta.alignment_bytes != alignment_bytes_) {
// NOTE: For now all sectors must have same alignment.
PW_LOG_ERROR("Sector %u has unexpected alignment %u != %u",
// Scan through sector and add key/value pairs to map.
FlashPartition::Address offset =
RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(KvsSectorHeaderMeta)) +
sector_space_remaining_[i] = partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() - offset;
while (offset < partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() -
RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(KvsHeader))) {
FlashPartition::Address address = SectorIndexToAddress(i) + offset;
// Read header
KvsHeader header;
bool is_kvs_header_erased;
// Because underlying flash can be encrypted + erased, trying to readback
// may give random values. It's important to make sure that data is not
// erased before trying to see if there is a token match.
if (Status status =
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (Status status = UnalignedRead(&partition_,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (is_kvs_header_erased || header.synchronize_token != kChunkSyncValue) {
if (!is_kvs_header_erased) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Next sync_token is not clear!");
// TODO: handle this?
break; // End of elements in sector
CHECK(header.key_len <= kChunkKeyLengthMax);
static_assert(sizeof(temp_key_buffer_) >= (kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u),
"Key buffer must be at least big enough for a key and a "
// Read key and add to map
if (Status status =
address + RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(header)),
!status.ok()) {
return status;
temp_key_buffer_[header.key_len] = '\0';
bool is_erased = header.flags & kFlagsIsErasedMask;
KeyIndex index = FindKeyInMap(temp_key_buffer_);
if (index == kListCapacityMax) {
if (Status status = AppendToMap(
temp_key_buffer_, address, header.chunk_len, is_erased);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
} else if (sector_clean_order_[i] >=
key_map_[index].address)]) {
// The value being added is also in another sector (which is marked for
// cleaning), but the current sector's order is larger and thefore this
// is a newer version then what is already in the map.
UpdateMap(index, address, header.chunk_len, is_erased);
// Increment search
offset += ChunkSize(header.key_len, header.chunk_len);
sector_space_remaining_[i] =
clean_not_pending ? partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() - offset : 0;
if (Status status = EnforceFreeSector(); !status.ok()) {
"%s: Failed to force clean at boot, no free sectors available!",
enabled_ = true;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::Get(const char* key,
void* raw_value,
uint16_t size,
uint16_t offset) {
uint8_t* const value = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(raw_value);
if (key == nullptr || value == nullptr) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
size_t key_len = string::Length(key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_len == 0 || key_len > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
// TODO: Support unaligned offset reads.
if (offset % alignment_bytes_ != 0) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Currently unaligned offsets are not supported");
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (!enabled_) {
KeyIndex key_index = FindKeyInMap(key);
if (key_index == kListCapacityMax || key_map_[key_index].is_erased) {
return Status::NOT_FOUND;
KvsHeader header;
// TODO: Could cache the CRC and avoid reading the header.
if (Status status = UnalignedRead(&partition_,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (kChunkSyncValue != header.synchronize_token) {
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
if (size + offset > header.chunk_len) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Out of bounds read: offset(%u) + size(%u) > data_size(%u)",
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (Status status = UnalignedRead(
key_map_[key_index].address + RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(KvsHeader)) +
RoundUpForAlignment(header.key_len) + offset,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Verify CRC only when full packet was read.
if (offset == 0 && size == header.chunk_len) {
uint16_t crc = CalculateCrc(key, key_len, value, size);
if (crc != header.crc) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("KVS CRC does not match for key=%s [expected %u, found %u]",
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
return Status::OK;
uint16_t KeyValueStore::CalculateCrc(const char* key,
uint16_t key_size,
const uint8_t* value,
uint16_t value_size) const {
uint16_t crc = checksum::CcittCrc16(as_bytes(span(key, key_size)));
return checksum::CcittCrc16(as_bytes(span(value, value_size)), crc);
Status KeyValueStore::CalculateCrcFromValueAddress(
const char* key,
uint16_t key_size,
FlashPartition::Address value_address,
uint16_t value_size,
uint16_t* crc_ret) {
uint16_t crc = checksum::CcittCrc16(as_bytes(span(key, key_size)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < value_size; i += TempBufferAlignedSize()) {
auto read_size = std::min(value_size - i, TempBufferAlignedSize());
if (Status status = UnalignedRead(
&partition_, temp_buffer_, value_address + i, read_size);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
crc = checksum::CcittCrc16(as_bytes(span(temp_buffer_, read_size)));
*crc_ret = crc;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::Put(const char* key,
const void* raw_value,
uint16_t size) {
const uint8_t* const value = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(raw_value);
if (key == nullptr || value == nullptr) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
size_t key_len = string::Length(key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_len == 0 || key_len > kChunkKeyLengthMax ||
size > kChunkValueLengthMax) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (!enabled_) {
KeyIndex index = FindKeyInMap(key);
if (index != kListCapacityMax) { // Key already in map, rewrite value
return RewriteValue(index, value, size);
FlashPartition::Address address = FindSpace(ChunkSize(key_len, size));
if (address == kSectorInvalid) {
// Check if this would use the last empty sector on KVS with multiple sectors
if (SectorCount() > 1 && IsInLastFreeSector(address)) {
// Forcing a full garbage collect to free more sectors.
if (Status status = FullGarbageCollect(); !status.ok()) {
return status;
address = FindSpace(ChunkSize(key_len, size));
if (address == kSectorInvalid || IsInLastFreeSector(address)) {
// Couldn't find space, KVS is full.
if (Status status = WriteKeyValue(address, key, value, size); !status.ok()) {
return status;
if (Status status = AppendToMap(key, address, size); !status.ok()) {
return status;
return Status::OK;
// Garbage collection cleans sectors to try to free up space.
// If clean_pending_sectors is true, it will only clean sectors which are
// currently pending a clean.
// If clean_pending_sectors is false, it will only clean sectors which are not
// currently pending a clean, instead it will mark them for cleaning and attempt
// a clean.
// If exit_when_have_free_sector is true, it will exit once a single free sector
// exists.
Status KeyValueStore::GarbageCollectImpl(bool clean_pending_sectors,
bool exit_when_have_free_sector) {
// Try to clean any pending sectors
for (SectorIndex sector = 0; sector < SectorCount(); sector++) {
if (clean_pending_sectors ==
(sector_clean_order_[sector] != kSectorCleanNotPending)) {
if (!clean_pending_sectors) {
if (Status status = MarkSectorForClean(sector); !status.ok()) {
return status;
Status status = CleanSector(sector);
if (!status.ok() && status != Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) {
return status;
if (exit_when_have_free_sector && HaveEmptySectorImpl()) {
return Status::OK; // Now have a free sector
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::EnforceFreeSector() {
if (SectorCount() == 1 || HasEmptySector()) {
return Status::OK;
PW_LOG_INFO("KVS garbage collecting to get a free sector");
if (Status status = GarbageCollectImpl(true /*clean_pending_sectors*/,
true /*exit_when_have_free_sector*/);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (HasEmptySector()) {
return Status::OK;
PW_LOG_INFO("KVS: trying to clean non-pending sectors for more space");
if (Status status = GarbageCollectImpl(false /*clean_pending_sectors*/,
true /*exit_when_have_free_sector*/);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
return HaveEmptySectorImpl() ? Status::OK : Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
Status KeyValueStore::FullGarbageCollect() {
PW_LOG_INFO("KVS: Full garbage collecting to try to free space");
if (Status status = GarbageCollectImpl(true /*clean_pending_sectors*/,
false /*exit_when_have_free_sector*/);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
return GarbageCollectImpl(false /*clean_pending_sectors*/,
false /*exit_when_have_free_sector*/);
Status KeyValueStore::RewriteValue(KeyIndex key_index,
const uint8_t* value,
uint16_t size,
bool is_erased) {
// Compare values, return if values are the same.
if (ValueMatches(key_index, value, size, is_erased)) {
return Status::OK;
size_t key_length =
string::Length(key_map_[key_index].key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_length > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return Status::INTERNAL;
uint32_t space_required = ChunkSize(key_length, size);
SectorIndex sector = AddressToSectorIndex(key_map_[key_index].address);
uint32_t sector_space_remaining = SectorSpaceRemaining(sector);
FlashPartition::Address address = kSectorInvalid;
if (sector_space_remaining >= space_required) {
// Space available within sector, append to end
address = SectorIndexToAddress(sector) + partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() -
} else {
// No space in current sector, mark sector for clean and use another sector.
if (Status status = MarkSectorForClean(sector); !status.ok()) {
return status;
address = FindSpace(ChunkSize(key_length, size));
if (address == kSectorInvalid) {
if (Status status = WriteKeyValue(
address, key_map_[key_index].key, value, size, is_erased);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
UpdateMap(key_index, address, size, is_erased);
return EnforceFreeSector();
bool KeyValueStore::ValueMatches(KeyIndex index,
const uint8_t* value,
uint16_t size,
bool is_erased) {
// Compare sizes of CRC.
if (size != key_map_[index].chunk_len) {
return false;
KvsHeader header;
uint8_t key_len =
string::Length(key_map_[index].key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_len > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return false;
if ((header.flags & kFlagsIsErasedMask) != is_erased) {
return false;
} else if ((header.flags & kFlagsIsErasedMask) && is_erased) {
return true;
// Compare checksums.
if (header.crc != CalculateCrc(key_map_[index].key, key_len, value, size)) {
return false;
FlashPartition::Address address = key_map_[index].address +
RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(KvsHeader)) +
// Compare full values.
for (size_t i = 0; i < key_map_[index].chunk_len;
i += TempBufferAlignedSize()) {
auto read_size =
std::min(key_map_[index].chunk_len - i, TempBufferAlignedSize());
auto status =
UnalignedRead(&partition_, temp_buffer_, address + i, read_size);
if (!status.ok()) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Failed to read chunk: %s", status.str());
return false;
if (memcmp(value + i, temp_buffer_, read_size) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
Status KeyValueStore::Erase(const char* key) {
if (key == nullptr) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
size_t key_len = string::Length(key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_len == 0 || key_len > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (!enabled_) {
KeyIndex key_index = FindKeyInMap(key);
if (key_index == kListCapacityMax || key_map_[key_index].is_erased) {
return Status::NOT_FOUND;
return RewriteValue(key_index, nullptr, 0, true);
Status KeyValueStore::ResetSector(SectorIndex sector_index) {
KvsSectorHeaderMeta sector_header = {.synchronize_token = kSectorReadyValue,
.version = kVersion,
.alignment_bytes = alignment_bytes_,
.padding = 0xFFFF};
bool sector_erased = false;
auto status = partition_.Erase(SectorIndexToAddress(sector_index), 1);
// If erasure failed, check first to see if it's merely unimplemented
// (as in sub-sector KVSs).
if (!status.ok() && !(status == Status::UNIMPLEMENTED && sector_erased)) {
return status;
if (Status status =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&sector_header),
!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Update space remaining
sector_clean_order_[sector_index] = kSectorCleanNotPending;
sector_space_remaining_[sector_index] = SectorSpaceAvailableWhenEmpty();
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::WriteKeyValue(FlashPartition::Address address,
const char* key,
const uint8_t* value,
uint16_t size,
bool is_erased) {
uint16_t key_length = string::Length(key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
if (key_length > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return Status::INTERNAL;
constexpr uint16_t kFlagDefaultValue = 0;
KvsHeader header = {
.synchronize_token = kChunkSyncValue,
.crc = CalculateCrc(key, key_length, value, size),
.flags = is_erased ? kFlagsIsErasedMask : kFlagDefaultValue,
.key_len = key_length,
.chunk_len = size};
SectorIndex sector = AddressToSectorIndex(address);
if (Status status = PaddedWrite(&partition_,
!status.ok()) {
return status;
address += RoundUpForAlignment(sizeof(header));
if (Status status = PaddedWrite(&partition_,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(key),
!status.ok()) {
address += RoundUpForAlignment(key_length);
if (size > 0) {
if (Status status = PaddedWrite(&partition_, address, value, size);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
sector_space_remaining_[sector] -= ChunkSize(key_length, size);
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::MoveChunk(FlashPartition::Address dest_address,
FlashPartition::Address src_address,
uint16_t size) {
DCHECK_EQ(src_address % partition_.GetAlignmentBytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(dest_address % partition_.GetAlignmentBytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(size % partition_.GetAlignmentBytes(), 0);
// Copy data over in chunks to reduce the size of the temporary buffer
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += TempBufferAlignedSize()) {
size_t move_size = std::min(size - i, TempBufferAlignedSize());
DCHECK_EQ(move_size % alignment_bytes_, 0);
if (Status status =
partition_.Read(temp_buffer_, src_address + i, move_size);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (Status status =
partition_.Write(dest_address + i, temp_buffer_, move_size);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::MarkSectorForClean(SectorIndex sector) {
if (sector_clean_order_[sector] != kSectorCleanNotPending) {
return Status::OK; // Sector is already marked for clean
// Flag the sector as clean being active. This ensures we can handle losing
// power while a clean is active.
const KvsSectorHeaderCleaning kValue = {next_sector_clean_order_};
if (Status status =
SectorIndexToAddress(sector) +
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&kValue),
!status.ok()) {
return status;
sector_space_remaining_[sector] = 0;
sector_clean_order_[sector] = next_sector_clean_order_;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::CleanSector(SectorIndex sector) {
// Iterate through the map, for each valid element which is in this sector:
// - Find space in another sector which can fit this chunk.
// - Add to the other sector and update the map.
for (KeyValueStore::KeyIndex i = 0; i < map_size_; i++) {
// If this key is an erased chunk don't need to move it.
while (i < map_size_ &&
sector == AddressToSectorIndex(key_map_[i].address) &&
key_map_[i].is_erased) { // Remove this key from the map.
// NOTE: i is now a new key, and map_size_ has been decremented.
if (i < map_size_ && sector == AddressToSectorIndex(key_map_[i].address)) {
uint8_t key_len =
string::Length(key_map_[i].key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 1u);
FlashPartition::Address address = key_map_[i].address;
auto size = ChunkSize(key_len, key_map_[i].chunk_len);
FlashPartition::Address move_address = FindSpace(size);
if (move_address == kSectorInvalid) {
if (Status status = MoveChunk(move_address, address, size);
!status.ok()) {
return status;
sector_space_remaining_[AddressToSectorIndex(move_address)] -= size;
key_map_[i].address = move_address; // Update map
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::CleanOneSector(bool* all_sectors_have_been_cleaned) {
if (all_sectors_have_been_cleaned == nullptr) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
bool have_cleaned_sector = false;
for (SectorIndex sector = 0; sector < SectorCount(); sector++) {
if (sector_clean_order_[sector] != kSectorCleanNotPending) {
if (have_cleaned_sector) { // only clean 1 sector
*all_sectors_have_been_cleaned = false;
return Status::OK;
if (Status status = CleanSector(sector); !status.ok()) {
return status;
have_cleaned_sector = true;
*all_sectors_have_been_cleaned = true;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::CleanAllInternal() {
for (SectorIndex sector = 0; sector < SectorCount(); sector++) {
if (sector_clean_order_[sector] != kSectorCleanNotPending) {
if (Status status = CleanSector(sector); !status.ok()) {
return status;
return Status::OK;
FlashPartition::Address KeyValueStore::FindSpace(
uint16_t requested_size) const {
if (requested_size > SectorSpaceAvailableWhenEmpty()) {
return kSectorInvalid; // This would never fit
// Iterate through sectors, find first available sector with enough space.
SectorIndex first_empty_sector = kSectorInvalid;
for (SectorIndex i = 0; i < SectorCount(); i++) {
uint32_t space_remaining = SectorSpaceRemaining(i);
if (space_remaining == SectorSpaceAvailableWhenEmpty() &&
first_empty_sector == kSectorInvalid) {
// Skip the first empty sector to encourage keeping one sector free.
first_empty_sector = i;
if (space_remaining >= requested_size) {
return SectorIndexToAddress(i) + partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() -
// Use first empty sector if that is all that is available.
if (first_empty_sector != kSectorInvalid) {
return SectorIndexToAddress(first_empty_sector) +
partition_.GetSectorSizeBytes() - SectorSpaceAvailableWhenEmpty();
return kSectorInvalid;
uint32_t KeyValueStore::SectorSpaceRemaining(SectorIndex sector_index) const {
return sector_space_remaining_[sector_index];
Status KeyValueStore::GetValueSize(const char* key, uint16_t* value_size) {
if (key == nullptr || value_size == nullptr) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
size_t key_len = string::Length(key, kChunkKeyLengthMax + 2u);
if (key_len == 0 || key_len > kChunkKeyLengthMax) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (!enabled_) {
uint8_t idx = FindKeyInMap(key);
if (idx == kListCapacityMax || key_map_[idx].is_erased) {
return Status::NOT_FOUND;
*value_size = key_map_[idx].chunk_len;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::AppendToMap(const char* key,
FlashPartition::Address address,
uint16_t chunk_len,
bool is_erased) {
if (map_size_ >= kListCapacityMax) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Can't add: reached max supported keys %d", kListCapacityMax);
return Status::INTERNAL;
// Copy incoming key into map entry, ensuring size checks and nul-termination.
StringBuilder key_builder(
span(key_map_[map_size_].key, sizeof(key_map_[map_size_].key)));
if (!key_builder.status().ok()) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Can't add: got invalid key: %s!", key_builder.status().str());
return Status::INTERNAL;
key_map_[map_size_].address = address;
key_map_[map_size_].chunk_len = chunk_len;
key_map_[map_size_].is_erased = is_erased;
return Status::OK;
KeyValueStore::KeyIndex KeyValueStore::FindKeyInMap(const char* key) const {
for (KeyIndex i = 0; i < map_size_; i++) {
if (strncmp(key, key_map_[i].key, sizeof(key_map_[i].key)) == 0) {
return i;
return kListCapacityMax;
void KeyValueStore::UpdateMap(KeyIndex index,
FlashPartition::Address address,
uint16_t chunk_len,
bool is_erased) {
key_map_[index].address = address;
key_map_[index].chunk_len = chunk_len;
key_map_[index].is_erased = is_erased;
void KeyValueStore::RemoveFromMap(KeyIndex key_index) {
key_map_[key_index] = key_map_[--map_size_];
uint8_t KeyValueStore::KeyCount() const {
uint8_t count = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_size_; i++) {
count += key_map_[i].is_erased ? 0 : 1;
return count;
const char* KeyValueStore::GetKey(uint8_t idx) const {
uint8_t count = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_size_; i++) {
if (!key_map_[i].is_erased) {
if (idx == count) {
return key_map_[i].key;
return nullptr;
uint16_t KeyValueStore::GetValueSize(uint8_t idx) const {
uint8_t count = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_size_; i++) {
if (!key_map_[i].is_erased) {
if (idx == count++) {
return key_map_[i].chunk_len;
return 0;
} // namespace pw::kvs