pw_package: Add chromium verifier

Add support for downloading chromium verifier source code in "pw
package". It will be used for certificate verification for boringsssl.
Chromium verifier is only a small part of the chromium source. To avoid
downloading the entire gigantic repo, sparse-checkout is used. The
The CL adds support in for sparse checkout and uses it to
selectively checkout sources related to chromium verifier.

Bug: 394
Change-Id: I7c6695df54727fe204274467956f22cd238033b9
Reviewed-by: Rob Mohr <>
Reviewed-by: Ali Zhang <>
Commit-Queue: Yecheng Zhao <>
diff --git a/pw_package/py/ b/pw_package/py/
index 24bf438..834d8fd 100644
--- a/pw_package/py/
+++ b/pw_package/py/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+    "pw_package/packages/",
diff --git a/pw_package/py/pw_package/ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/
index 5b938a9..348775d 100644
--- a/pw_package/py/pw_package/
+++ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/
@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@
 class GitRepo(pw_package.package_manager.Package):
     """Install and check status of Git repository-based packages."""
-    def __init__(self, url, *args, commit='', tag='', **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 url,
+                 *args,
+                 commit='',
+                 tag='',
+                 sparse_list=None,
+                 **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         if not (commit or tag):
             raise ValueError('git repo must specify a commit or tag')
@@ -49,6 +55,7 @@
         self._url = url
         self._commit = commit
         self._tag = tag
+        self._sparse_list = sparse_list
     def status(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
         if not os.path.isdir(path / '.git'):
@@ -74,6 +81,11 @@
             if self._tag != tag:
                 return False
+        # If it is a sparse checkout, sparse list shall match.
+        if self._sparse_list:
+            if not self.check_sparse_list(path):
+                return False
         status = git_stdout('status', '--porcelain=v1', repo=path)
         return remote == self._url and not status
@@ -86,6 +98,12 @@
         if os.path.isdir(path):
+        if self._sparse_list:
+            self.checkout_sparse(path)
+        else:
+            self.checkout_full(path)
+    def checkout_full(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
         # --filter=blob:none means we don't get history, just the current
         # revision. If we later run commands that need history it will be
         # retrieved on-demand. For small repositories the effect is negligible
@@ -96,3 +114,23 @@
         elif self._tag:
             git('clone', '-b', self._tag, '--filter=blob:none', self._url,
+    def checkout_sparse(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
+        # sparse checkout
+        git('init', path)
+        git('remote', 'add', 'origin', self._url, repo=path)
+        git('config', 'core.sparseCheckout', 'true', repo=path)
+        # Add files to checkout by editing .git/info/sparse-checkout
+        with open(path / '.git' / 'info' / 'sparse-checkout', 'w') as sparse:
+            for source in self._sparse_list:
+                sparse.write(source + '\n')
+        # Either pull from a commit or a tag.
+        target = self._commit if self._commit else self._tag
+        git('pull', '--depth=1', 'origin', target, repo=path)
+    def check_sparse_list(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
+        sparse_list = git_stdout('sparse-checkout', 'list',
+                                 repo=path).strip('\n').splitlines()
+        return set(sparse_list) == set(self._sparse_list)
diff --git a/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/
index 3baeb22..f85c4d1 100644
--- a/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/
+++ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/
@@ -21,41 +21,15 @@
 import pw_package.package_manager
-def boringssl_src_path(path: pathlib.Path):
+def boringssl_repo_path(path: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
     return path / 'src'
-class BoringSSLLibrary(pw_package.git_repo.GitRepo):
-    """Install and check status of BoringSSL library part"""
-    def status(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
-        if not super().status(boringssl_src_path(path)):
-            return False
-        # Check that necessary build files are generated.
-        build_files = ['BUILD.generated.gni', 'err_data.c']
-        return all([os.path.exists(path / file) for file in build_files])
-    def install(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        if self.status(path):
-            return
-        src_path = boringssl_src_path(path)
-        # Checkout the library
-        super().install(src_path)
-        # BoringSSL provides a src/util/ script for
-        # generating build files. Call the script after checkout so that
-        # our .gn build script can pick them up.
-        script = src_path / 'util' / ''
-        if not os.path.exists(script):
-            raise FileNotFoundError('Fail to find')
-['python', script, 'gn'], cwd=path)
 class BoringSSL(pw_package.package_manager.Package):
     """Install and check status of BoringSSL and chromium verifier."""
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, name='boringssl', **kwargs)
-        self._boringssl = BoringSSLLibrary(
+        self._boringssl = pw_package.git_repo.GitRepo(
@@ -63,18 +37,26 @@
-    def boringssl_path(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
-        return path /
     def status(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
-        if not self._boringssl.status(self.boringssl_path(path)):
+        if not self._boringssl.status(boringssl_repo_path(path)):
             return False
-        # TODO(zyecheng): Add status logic for chromium certificate verifier.
-        return True
+        # Check that necessary build files are generated.
+        build_files = ['BUILD.generated.gni', 'err_data.c']
+        return all([os.path.exists(path / file) for file in build_files])
     def install(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        self._boringssl.install(self.boringssl_path(path))
+        # Checkout the library
+        repo_path = boringssl_repo_path(path)
+        self._boringssl.install(repo_path)
+        # BoringSSL provides a src/util/ script for
+        # generating build files. Call the script after checkout so that
+        # our .gn build script can pick them up.
+        script = repo_path / 'util' / ''
+        if not os.path.exists(script):
+            raise FileNotFoundError('Fail to find')
+['python', script, 'gn'], cwd=path)
         # TODO(zyecheng): Add install logic for chromium certificate verifier.
@@ -82,9 +64,7 @@
         return (
             f'{} installed in: {path}',
             'Enable by running "gn args out" and adding this line:',
-            f'  dir_pw_third_party_boringssl = "{self.boringssl_path(path)}"',
-            # TODO(zyecheng): Add variable instruction for chromium
-            # certificate verifier
+            f'  dir_pw_third_party_boringssl = "{path}"',
diff --git a/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab0eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Install and check status of BoringSSL + Chromium verifier."""
+import os
+import pathlib
+from typing import Sequence
+import pw_package.git_repo
+import pw_package.package_manager
+# List of sources to checkout for chromium verifier.
+# The list is hand-picked. It is currently only tested locally (i.e. the list
+# compiles and can run certificate chain verification). Unittest will be added
+# in pw_tls_client that uses the this package, so that it can be used as a
+# criterion for rolling.
+    'base/as_const.h',
+    'base/atomic_ref_count.h',
+    'base/atomicops.h',
+    'base/atomicops_internals_portable.h',
+    'base/base_export.h',
+    'base/callback_forward.h',
+    'base/compiler_specific.h',
+    'base/component_export.h',
+    'base/containers/checked_iterators.h',
+    'base/containers/checked_range.h',
+    'base/containers/contains.h',
+    'base/containers/contiguous_iterator.h',
+    'base/containers/flat_map.h',
+    'base/containers/flat_tree.h',
+    'base/containers/span.h',
+    'base/containers/stack_container.h',
+    'base/containers/util.h',
+    'base/cxx17_backports.h',
+    'base/dcheck_is_on.h',
+    'base/debug/alias.h',
+    'base/export_template.h',
+    'base/functional/identity.h',
+    'base/functional/invoke.h',
+    'base/functional/not_fn.h',
+    'base/gtest_prod_util.h',
+    'base/',
+    'base/location.h',
+    'base/macros.h',
+    'base/memory/ptr_util.h',
+    'base/memory/',
+    'base/memory/ref_counted.h',
+    'base/memory/scoped_refptr.h',
+    'base/metrics/bucket_ranges.h',
+    'base/metrics/histogram.h',
+    'base/metrics/histogram_base.h',
+    'base/metrics/histogram_functions.h',
+    'base/metrics/histogram_samples.h',
+    'base/no_destructor.h',
+    'base/notreached.h',
+    'base/numerics/checked_math.h',
+    'base/numerics/checked_math_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/clamped_math.h',
+    'base/numerics/clamped_math_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_conversions.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_conversions_arm_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_math.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_math_arm_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_math_clang_gcc_impl.h',
+    'base/numerics/safe_math_shared_impl.h',
+    'base/optional.h',
+    'base/ranges/algorithm.h',
+    'base/ranges/functional.h',
+    'base/ranges/ranges.h',
+    'base/scoped_clear_last_error.h',
+    'base/scoped_generic.h',
+    'base/sequence_checker.h',
+    'base/sequence_checker_impl.h',
+    'base/stl_util.h',
+    'base/strings/char_traits.h',
+    'base/strings/strcat.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/string_number_conversions.h',
+    'base/strings/string_number_conversions_internal.h',
+    'base/strings/string_piece.h',
+    'base/strings/string_piece_forward.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/string_split.h',
+    'base/strings/string_split_internal.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/string_util.h',
+    'base/strings/string_util_internal.h',
+    'base/strings/string_util_posix.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/stringprintf.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h',
+    'base/strings/',
+    'base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h',
+    'base/',
+    'base/supports_user_data.h',
+    'base/sys_byteorder.h',
+    'base/template_util.h',
+    'base/third_party/double_conversion/double-conversion/double-conversion.h',
+    'base/third_party/double_conversion/double-conversion/double-to-string.h',
+    'base/third_party/double_conversion/double-conversion/string-to-double.h',
+    'base/third_party/double_conversion/double-conversion/utils.h',
+    'base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h',
+    'base/third_party/nspr/prtime.h',
+    'base/thread_annotations.h',
+    'base/threading/platform_thread.h',
+    'base/threading/thread_collision_warner.h',
+    'base/time/',
+    'base/time/time.h',
+    'base/time/time_override.h',
+    'base/trace_event/base_tracing_forward.h',
+    'base/value_iterators.h',
+    'base/values.h',
+    'build/buildflag.h',
+    'crypto/crypto_export.h',
+    'crypto/',
+    'crypto/openssl_util.h',
+    'crypto/sha2.h',
+    'net/base/',
+    'net/base/ip_address.h',
+    'net/base/net_export.h',
+    'net/base/parse_number.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/cert_error_id.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/cert_error_params.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/cert_errors.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/cert_issuer_source.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/cert_issuer_source_static.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/certificate_policies.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/common_cert_errors.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/extended_key_usage.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/general_names.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/name_constraints.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/parse_certificate.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/parse_name.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/parsed_certificate.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/path_builder.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/signature_algorithm.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/simple_path_builder_delegate.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/trust_store.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/trust_store_in_memory.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/verify_certificate_chain.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/verify_name_match.h',
+    'net/cert/internal/',
+    'net/cert/internal/verify_signed_data.h',
+    'net/der/',
+    'net/der/encode_values.h',
+    'net/der/',
+    'net/der/input.h',
+    'net/der/',
+    'net/der/parse_values.h',
+    'net/der/',
+    'net/der/parser.h',
+    'net/der/',
+    'net/der/tag.h',
+    'testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/attributes.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/config.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/identity.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/inline_variable.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/invoke.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/throw_delegate.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/macros.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/optimization.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/options.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/policy_checks.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/port.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/meta/type_traits.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/string_view.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/time/civil_time.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/time/clock.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/time/internal/cctz/include/cctz/civil_time.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/time/internal/cctz/include/cctz/time_zone.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/time/time.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/utility/utility.h',
+    'third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/utility/utility.h',
+    'third_party/boringssl',
+    'time/internal/cctz/include/cctz/civil_time_detail.h',
+    'url/gurl.h',
+    'url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h',
+    'url/url_canon.h',
+    'url/url_canon_ip.h',
+    'url/url_canon_stdstring.h',
+    'url/url_constants.h',
+    # TODO(pwbug/394): Look into in necessary unittests to port.
+    'net/cert/internal/'
+HEADER = """
+# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+# The file is auto-generated when chromium verifier is installed from pw_package.
+# See //pw_package/py/pw_package/packages/ for more detail.
+def generate_chromium_verifier_source_list_gni(path: pathlib.Path):
+    """Generate a .gni file containing the list of sources to compile"""
+    with open(path / 'sources.gni', 'w') as gni:
+        gni.write(HEADER)
+        gni.write('chromium_verifier_sources = [\n')
+        for source in [
+                src for src in CHROMIUM_VERIFIER_LIBRARY_SOURCES
+                if src.endswith('.cc')
+        ]:
+            gni.write(f'  "{source}",\n')
+        gni.write(']\n\n')
+        gni.write('chromium_verifier_unittest_sources = [\n')
+        for source in [
+                src for src in CHROMIUM_VERIFIER_UNITTEST_SOURCES
+                if src.endswith('.cc')
+        ]:
+            gni.write(f'  "{source}",\n')
+        gni.write(']\n')
+def chromium_verifier_repo_path(
+        chromium_verifier_install: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
+    """Return the sub-path for repo checkout of chromium verifier"""
+    return chromium_verifier_install / 'src'
+def chromium_third_party_boringssl_repo_path(
+        chromium_verifier_repo: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
+    """Returns the path of third_party/boringssl library in chromium repo"""
+    return chromium_verifier_repo / 'third_party' / 'boringssl' / 'src'
+def chromium_third_party_googletest_repo_path(
+        chromium_verifier_repo: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
+    """Returns the path of third_party/googletest in chromium repo"""
+    return chromium_verifier_repo / 'third_party' / 'googletest' / 'src'
+class ChromiumVerifier(pw_package.package_manager.Package):
+    """Install and check status of Chromium Verifier"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, name='chromium_verifier', **kwargs)
+        self._chromium_verifier = pw_package.git_repo.GitRepo(
+            name='chromium_verifier',
+            url='',
+            commit='04ebce24d98339954fb1d2a67e68da7ca81ca47c',
+            sparse_list=CHROMIUM_VERIFIER_SOURCES,
+        )
+        # The following is for checking out necessary headers of
+        # boringssl and googletest third party libraries that chromium verifier
+        # depends on. The actual complete libraries will be separate packages.
+        self._boringssl = pw_package.git_repo.GitRepo(
+            name='boringssl',
+            url=''.join([
+                '',
+                '/third_party/boringssl/boringssl'
+            ]),
+            commit='9f55d972854d0b34dae39c7cd3679d6ada3dfd5b',
+            sparse_list=['include'],
+        )
+        self._googletest = pw_package.git_repo.GitRepo(
+            name='googletest',
+            url=''.join([
+                '',
+                'external/',
+            ]),
+            commit='53495a2a7d6ba7e0691a7f3602e9a5324bba6e45',
+            sparse_list=[
+                'googletest/include',
+                'googlemock/include',
+            ])
+    def install(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
+        # Checkout chromium verifier
+        chromium_repo = chromium_verifier_repo_path(path)
+        self._chromium_verifier.install(chromium_repo)
+        # Checkout third party boringssl headers
+        boringssl_repo = chromium_third_party_boringssl_repo_path(
+            chromium_repo)
+        self._boringssl.install(boringssl_repo)
+        # Checkout third party googletest headers
+        googletest_repo = chromium_third_party_googletest_repo_path(
+            chromium_repo)
+        self._googletest.install(googletest_repo)
+        # Generate a.gni file containing sources to compile.
+        generate_chromium_verifier_source_list_gni(path)
+    def status(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
+        chromium_repo = chromium_verifier_repo_path(path)
+        if not self._chromium_verifier.status(chromium_repo):
+            return False
+        boringssl_repo = chromium_third_party_boringssl_repo_path(
+            chromium_repo)
+        if not self._boringssl.status(boringssl_repo):
+            return False
+        googletest_repo = chromium_third_party_googletest_repo_path(
+            chromium_repo)
+        if not self._googletest.status(googletest_repo):
+            return False
+        # A source list gni file has been generated.
+        if not os.path.exists(path / 'sources.gni'):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def info(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> Sequence[str]:
+        return (
+            f'{} installed in: {path}',
+            'Enable by running "gn args out" and adding this line:',
+            f'  dir_pw_third_party_chromium_verifier = {path}',
+        )
diff --git a/pw_package/py/pw_package/ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/
index fc542fc..87af569 100644
--- a/pw_package/py/pw_package/
+++ b/pw_package/py/pw_package/
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
 from pw_package.packages import nanopb
 from pw_package.packages import arduino_core  # pylint: disable=unused-import
 from pw_package.packages import stm32cube  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-from pw_package.packages import mbedtls  # pylint: disable=unused-import
 from pw_package.packages import boringssl  # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from pw_package.packages import chromium_verifier  # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from pw_package.packages import mbedtls  # pylint: disable=unused-import
 def initialize():