blob: 6fb524e1c94fae95669126d86c132454e09f9dcc [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_doctor:
``pw doctor`` confirms the environment is set up correctly. With ``--strict``
it checks that things exactly match what is expected and it checks that things
look compatible without.
Projects that adjust the behavior of pw_env_setup may need to customize
these checks, but unfortunately this is not supported yet.
Checks carried out by pw_doctor include:
* The bootstrapped OS matches the current OS.
* ``PW_ROOT`` is defined and points to the root of the Pigweed repo.
* The presubmit git hook is installed.
* The current Python version is 3.8 or 3.9.
* The Pigweed virtual env is active.
* CIPD is set up correctly and in use.
* The CIPD packages required by Pigweed are up to date.
* The platform support symlinks.
.. note::
The documentation for this module is currently incomplete.