blob: fa6e2f4912e00ba102149de5706615176c3a266f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Contains the Python decoder tests and generates C++ decoder tests."""
import queue
from typing import Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union
import unittest
from pw_build.generated_tests import Context, PyTest, TestGenerator, GroupOrTest
from pw_build.generated_tests import parse_test_generation_args
from pw_hdlc.decode import (Frame, FrameDecoder, FrameAndNonFrameDecoder,
FrameStatus, NO_ADDRESS)
from pw_hdlc.protocol import frame_check_sequence as fcs
from pw_hdlc.protocol import encode_address
def _encode(address: int, control: int, data: bytes) -> bytes:
frame = encode_address(address) + bytes([control]) + data
frame += fcs(frame)
frame = frame.replace(b'}', b'}\x5d')
frame = frame.replace(b'~', b'}\x5e')
return b''.join([b'~', frame, b'~'])
class Expected(NamedTuple):
address: int
control: bytes
data: bytes
status: FrameStatus = FrameStatus.OK
def error(cls, status: FrameStatus):
assert status is not FrameStatus.OK
return cls(NO_ADDRESS, b'', b'', status)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Define == so an Expected and a Frame can be compared."""
return (self.address == other.address and self.control == other.control
and == and self.status is other.status)
class ExpectedRaw(NamedTuple):
raw_encoded: bytes
status: FrameStatus
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Define == so an ExpectedRaw and a Frame can be compared."""
return (self.raw_encoded == other.raw_encoded
and self.status is other.status)
class TestCase(NamedTuple):
data: bytes
frames: List[Union[Expected, ExpectedRaw]]
raw_data: bytes
def case(data: bytes, frames: list, raw: bytes = None) -> TestCase:
"""Creates a TestCase, filling in the default value for the raw bytes."""
if raw is not None:
return TestCase(data, frames, raw)
if not frames or all(f.status is not FrameStatus.OK for f in frames):
return TestCase(data, frames, data)
if all(f.status is FrameStatus.OK for f in frames):
return TestCase(data, frames, b'')
raise AssertionError(
f'Must specify expected non-frame data for this test case ({data=})!')
_PARTIAL = fcs(b'\x0ACmsg\x5e')
b'~\x0ACmsg}~' + _PARTIAL + b'~',
# Test cases are a tuple with the following elements:
# - raw data stream
# - expected valid & invalid frames
# - [optional] expected raw, non-HDLC data; defaults to the full raw data
# stream if no valid frames are expected, or b'' if only valid frames are
# expected
# These tests are executed twice: once for the standard HDLC decoder, and a
# second time for the FrameAndNonFrameDecoder. The FrameAndNonFrameDecoder tests
# flush the non-frame data to simulate a timeout or MTU overflow, so the
# expected raw data includes all bytes not in an HDLC frame.
TEST_CASES: Tuple[GroupOrTest[TestCase], ...] = (
'Empty payload',
case(_encode(0, 0, b''), [Expected(0, b'\0', b'')]),
case(_encode(55, 0x99, b''), [Expected(55, b'\x99', b'')]),
case(_encode(55, 0x99, b'') * 3, [Expected(55, b'\x99', b'')] * 3),
'Simple one-byte payload',
case(_encode(0, 0, b'\0'), [Expected(0, b'\0', b'\0')]),
case(_encode(123, 0, b'A'), [Expected(123, b'\0', b'A')]),
'Simple multi-byte payload',
case(_encode(0, 0, b'Hello, world!'),
[Expected(0, b'\0', b'Hello, world!')]),
case(_encode(123, 0, b'\0\0\1\0\0'),
[Expected(123, b'\0', b'\0\0\1\0\0')]),
'Escaped one-byte payload',
case(_encode(1, 2, b'~'), [Expected(1, b'\2', b'~')]),
case(_encode(1, 2, b'}'), [Expected(1, b'\2', b'}')]),
_encode(1, 2, b'~') + _encode(1, 2, b'}'),
[Expected(1, b'\2', b'~'),
Expected(1, b'\2', b'}')]),
'Escaped address',
case(_encode(0x7e, 0, b'A'), [Expected(0x7e, b'\0', b'A')]),
case(_encode(0x7d, 0, b'B'), [Expected(0x7d, b'\0', b'B')]),
'Escaped control',
case(_encode(0, 0x7e, b'C'), [Expected(0, b'~', b'C')]),
case(_encode(0, 0x7d, b'D'), [Expected(0, b'}', b'D')]),
'Escaped address and control',
case(_encode(0x7e, 0x7d, b'E'), [Expected(0x7e, b'}', b'E')]),
case(_encode(0x7d, 0x7e, b'F'), [Expected(0x7d, b'~', b'F')]),
case(_encode(0x7e, 0x7e, b'~'), [Expected(0x7e, b'~', b'~')]),
'Multibyte address',
case(_encode(128, 0, b'big address'),
[Expected(128, b'\0', b'big address')]),
case(_encode(0xffffffff, 0, b'\0\0\1\0\0'),
[Expected(0xffffffff, b'\0', b'\0\0\1\0\0')]),
'Multiple frames separated by single flag',
_encode(0, 0, b'A')[:-1] + _encode(1, 2, b'123'),
[Expected(0, b'\0', b'A'),
Expected(1, b'\2', b'123')]),
_encode(0xff, 0, b'Yo')[:-1] * 3 + b'~',
[Expected(0xff, b'\0', b'Yo')] * 3),
'Empty frames produce framing errors with raw data',
case(b'~~', [ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)], b'~~'),
case(b'~' * 10, [
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
b'~~' + _encode(1, 2, b'3') + b'~' * 5,
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
Expected(1, b'\2', b'3'),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
# One flag byte remains in the decoding state machine.
case(b'~' * 10 + _encode(1, 2, b':O') + b'~' * 3 + _encode(3, 4, b':P'), [
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
Expected(1, b'\2', b':O'),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
Expected(3, b'\4', b':P')
], b'~' * 13),
'Cannot escape flag',
case(b'~\xAA}~\xab\x00Hello' + fcs(b'\xab\0Hello') + b'~', [
Expected(0x55, b'\0', b'Hello'),
], b'~\xAA}'),
'Frame too short',
case(b'~1~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~12~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~12345~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
'Multibyte address too long',
case(_encode(2**100, 0, b'too long'),
'Incorrect frame check sequence',
case(b'~123456~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FCS_MISMATCH)]),
_encode(0xA, 0xB, b'???')[:-2] + _encode(1, 2, b'def'), [
Expected(1, b'\2', b'def'),
_encode(0xA, 0xB, b'???')[:-2]),
'Invalid escape in address',
case(b'~}}\0' + fcs(b'\x5d\0') + b'~',
'Invalid escape in control',
case(b'~\0}}' + fcs(b'\0\x5d') + b'~',
'Invalid escape in data',
case(b'~\0\1}}' + fcs(b'\0\1\x5d') + b'~',
'Frame ends with escape',
case(b'~}~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~\1}~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~\1\2abc}~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~\1\2abcd}~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~\1\2abcd1234}~', [Expected.error(FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
'Inter-frame data is only escapes',
case(b'~}~}~', [
case(b'~}}~}}~', [
'Data before first flag',
case(b'\0\1' + fcs(b'\0\1'), []),
case(b'\0\1' + fcs(b'\0\1') + b'~',
'No frames emitted until flag',
case(_encode(1, 2, b'3')[:-1], []),
case(b'~' + _encode(1, 2, b'3')[1:-1] * 2, []),
'Only flag and escape characters can be escaped',
case(b'~}\0' + _encode(1, 2, b'3'),
Expected(1, b'\2', b'3')], b'~}\0'),
case(b'~1234}a' + _encode(1, 2, b'3'),
Expected(1, b'\2', b'3')], b'~1234}a'),
'Invalid frame records raw data',
case(b'Hello?~', [ExpectedRaw(b'Hello?~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR)]),
case(b'~~Hel}}lo~', [
ExpectedRaw(b'Hel}}lo~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
case(b'Hello?~~~~~', [
ExpectedRaw(b'Hello?~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
case(b'~~~~Hello?~~~~~', [
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'Hello?~', FrameStatus.FCS_MISMATCH),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
case(b'Hello?~~Goodbye~', [
ExpectedRaw(b'Hello?~', FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR),
ExpectedRaw(b'~Goodbye~', FrameStatus.FCS_MISMATCH),
'Valid data followed by frame followed by invalid',
b'Hi~ this is a log message\r\n' + _encode(0, 0, b'') +
b'More log messages!\r\n', [
Expected(0, b'\0', b''),
], b'Hi~ this is a log message\r\nMore log messages!\r\n'),
case(b'Hi~ this is a log message\r\n',
case(b'~Hi~' + _encode(1, 2, b'def') + b' How are you?', [
Expected(1, b'\2', b'def')
], b'~Hi~ How are you?'),
) # yapf: disable
# Formatting for the above tuple is very slow, so disable yapf. Manually enable
# it as needed to format the test cases.
_TESTS = TestGenerator(TEST_CASES)
def _expected(frames: List[Frame]) -> Iterator[str]:
for i, frame in enumerate(frames, 1):
if frame.ok():
yield f' Frame::Parse(kDecodedFrame{i:02}).value(),'
elif frame.status is FrameStatus.BAD_ADDRESS:
yield f' Frame::Parse(kDecodedFrame{i:02}).status(),'
yield f' Status::DataLoss(), // Frame {i}'
_CPP_HEADER = """\
#include "pw_hdlc/decoder.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <variant>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "pw_bytes/array.h"
namespace pw::hdlc {
namespace {
_CPP_FOOTER = """\
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::hdlc"""
_TS_HEADER = """\
import 'jasmine';
import {Buffer} from 'buffer';
import {Decoder, FrameStatus} from './decoder'
import * as protocol from './protocol'
import * as util from './util'
class Expected {
address: number
control: Uint8Array
data: Uint8Array
status: FrameStatus
address: number,
control: Uint8Array,
data: Uint8Array,
status: FrameStatus) {
this.address = address;
this.control = control; = data;
this.status = status;
class ExpectedRaw {
raw: Uint8Array
status: FrameStatus
constructor(raw: Uint8Array, status: FrameStatus) {
this.status = status;
this.raw = raw;
describe('Decoder', () => {
let decoder: Decoder;
let textEncoder: TextEncoder;
beforeEach(() => {
decoder = new Decoder();
textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
_TS_FOOTER = """\
def _py_only_frame(frame: Frame) -> bool:
"""Returns true for frames only returned by the Python library"""
return (frame.status is FrameStatus.FRAMING_ERROR
and frame.raw_encoded == b'~~')
def _cpp_test(ctx: Context) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Generates a C++ test for the provided test data."""
data, _, _ = ctx.test_case
frames = [
f for f in list(FrameDecoder().process(data)) if not _py_only_frame(f)
data_bytes = ''.join(rf'\x{byte:02x}' for byte in data)
yield f'TEST(Decoder, {ctx.cc_name()}) {{'
yield f' static constexpr auto kData = bytes::String("{data_bytes}");\n'
for i, frame in enumerate(frames, 1):
if frame.ok() or frame.status is FrameStatus.BAD_ADDRESS:
frame_bytes = ''.join(rf'\x{byte:02x}'
for byte in frame.raw_decoded)
yield (f' static constexpr auto kDecodedFrame{i:02} = '
yield f' // Frame {i}: {frame.status.value}'
yield ''
expected = '\n'.join(_expected(frames)) or ' // No frames'
decoder_size = max(len(data), 8) # Make sure large enough for a frame
yield f"""\
DecoderBuffer<{decoder_size}> decoder;
static std::array<std::variant<Frame, Status>, {len(frames)}> kExpected = {{
size_t decoded_frames = 0;
decoder.Process(kData, [&](const Result<Frame>& result) {{
ASSERT_LT(decoded_frames++, kExpected.size());
auto& expected = kExpected[decoded_frames - 1];
if (std::holds_alternative<Status>(expected)) {{
EXPECT_EQ(Status::DataLoss(), result.status());
}} else {{
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), result.status());
const Frame& decoded_frame = result.value();
const Frame& expected_frame = std::get<Frame>(expected);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_frame.address(), decoded_frame.address());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_frame.control(), decoded_frame.control());
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_frames, kExpected.size());
def _define_py_decoder_test(ctx: Context) -> PyTest:
data, expected_frames, _ = ctx.test_case
def test(self) -> None:
self.maxDiff = None
# Decode in one call
msg=f'{}: {data!r}')
# Decode byte-by-byte
decoder = FrameDecoder()
decoded_frames: List[Frame] = []
for i in range(len(data)):
decoded_frames += decoder.process(data[i:i + 1])
msg=f'{} (byte-by-byte): {data!r}')
return test
def _define_raw_decoder_py_test(ctx: Context) -> PyTest:
raw_data, expected_frames, expected_non_frame_data = ctx.test_case
# The non-frame data decoder only yields valid frames.
expected_frames = [
f for f in expected_frames if f.status is FrameStatus.OK
def test(self) -> None:
self.maxDiff = None
non_frame_data = bytearray()
# Decode in one call
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(
msg=f'{}: {raw_data!r}')
self.assertEqual(expected_non_frame_data, bytes(non_frame_data))
# Decode byte-by-byte
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(
decoded_frames: List[Frame] = []
for i in range(len(raw_data)):
decoded_frames += decoder.process(raw_data[i:i + 1])
msg=f'{} (byte-by-byte): {raw_data!r}')
self.assertEqual(expected_non_frame_data, bytes(non_frame_data))
return test
def _ts_byte_array(data: bytes) -> str:
return '[' + ', '.join(rf'0x{byte:02x}' for byte in data) + ']'
def _ts_test(ctx: Context) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Generates a TS test for the provided test data."""
data, _, _ = ctx.test_case
frames = [
f for f in list(FrameDecoder().process(data)) if not _py_only_frame(f)
data_bytes = _ts_byte_array(data)
yield f' it(\'{ctx.ts_name()}\', () => {{'
yield f' const data = new Uint8Array({data_bytes});'
yield ' const expectedFrames = ['
for frame in frames:
control_bytes = _ts_byte_array(frame.control)
frame_bytes = _ts_byte_array(
if frame is Expected:
yield (f' new Expected({frame.address}, '
f'new Uint8Array({control_bytes}), '
f'new Uint8Array({frame_bytes}), {frame.status}),')
raw = _ts_byte_array(frame.raw_encoded)
yield (
f' new ExpectedRaw(new Uint8Array({raw}), {frame.status}),'
yield ' ].values();\n'
yield """\
const result = decoder.process(data);
while (true) {
const expectedFrame =;
const actualFrame =;
if (expectedFrame.done && actualFrame.done) {
const expected = expectedFrame.value;
const actual = actualFrame.value;
if (expected instanceof Expected) {
} else {
// Expected Raw
# Class that tests all cases in TEST_CASES.
DecoderTest = _TESTS.python_tests('DecoderTest', _define_py_decoder_test)
NonFrameDecoderTest = _TESTS.python_tests('NonFrameDecoderTest',
class AdditionalNonFrameDecoderTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Additional tests for the non-frame decoder."""
def test_shared_flags_waits_for_tilde_to_emit_data(self) -> None:
non_frame_data = bytearray()
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(non_frame_data.extend)
self.assertEqual([Expected(0, b'\0', b'')],
list(decoder.process(_encode(0, 0, b''))))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'')
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(b'uh oh, no tilde!')))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'')
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(b'~')))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'uh oh, no tilde!')
def test_no_shared_flags_immediately_emits_data(self) -> None:
non_frame_data = bytearray()
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(non_frame_data.extend,
self.assertEqual([Expected(0, b'\0', b'')],
list(decoder.process(_encode(0, 0, b''))))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'')
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(b'uh oh, no tilde!')))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'uh oh, no tilde!')
def test_emits_data_if_mtu_is_exceeded(self) -> None:
frame_start = b'~this looks like a real frame'
non_frame_data = bytearray()
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(non_frame_data.extend,
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(frame_start)))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, b'')
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(b'!')))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data, frame_start + b'!')
def test_emits_data_if_timeout_expires(self) -> None:
frame_start = b'~this looks like a real frame'
non_frame_data: 'queue.Queue[bytes]' = queue.Queue()
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(non_frame_data.put, timeout_s=0.001)
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(frame_start)))
self.assertEqual(non_frame_data.get(timeout=2), frame_start)
def test_emits_raw_data_and_valid_frame_if_flushed_partway(self) -> None:
payload = b'Do you wanna ride in my blimp?'
frame = _encode(1, 2, payload)
non_frame_data = bytearray()
decoder = FrameAndNonFrameDecoder(non_frame_data.extend)
self.assertEqual([], list(decoder.process(frame[:5])))
self.assertEqual([Expected(1, b'\2', payload)],
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_test_generation_args()
if args.generate_cc_test:
_TESTS.cc_tests(args.generate_cc_test, _cpp_test, _CPP_HEADER,
elif args.generate_ts_test:
_TESTS.ts_tests(args.generate_ts_test, _ts_test, _TS_HEADER,