blob: d93083c69e8e385af8f827d5c0ba7533c22666c3 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_log_rpc:
An RPC-based logging backend for Pigweed.
.. warning::
This module is under construction and might change in the future.
How to use
1. Set up RPC
Set up RPC for your target device. Basic deployments run RPC over a UART, with
HDLC on top for framing. See :ref:`module-pw_rpc` for details on how to enable
2. Set up tokenized logging (optional)
Set up the :ref:`module-pw_log_tokenized` log backend.
3. Connect the tokenized logging handler to the MultiSink
Create a :ref:`MultiSink <module-pw_multisink>` instance to buffer log entries.
Then, make the log backend handler,
``pw_tokenizer_HandleEncodedMessageWithPayload``, encode log entries in the
``log::LogEntry`` format, and add them to the ``MultiSink``.
4. Create log drains
Create an ``RpcLogDrainMap`` with one ``RpcLogDrain`` for each RPC channel used
to stream logs. Provide this map to the ``LogService`` and register the latter
with the application's RPC service. The ``RpcLogDrainMap`` provides a convenient
way to access and maintain each ``RpcLogDrain``. Attach each ``RpcLogDrain`` to
the ``MultiSink``.
5. Flush the log drains in the background
Depending on the product's requirements, create a thread to flush all
``RpcLogDrain``\s or one thread per drain. The thread(s) must continuously call
``RpcLogDrain::Flush()`` to pull entries from the ``MultiSink`` and send them to
the log listeners.
Logging over RPC diagrams
Sample RPC logs request
The log listener, e.g. a computer, requests logs via RPC. The log service
receives the request and sets up the corresponding ``RpcLogDrain`` to start the
log stream.
.. mermaid::
graph TD
log_service-->rpc_log_drain_pc[RpcLogDrain<br>streams to<br>computer];;
Sample logging over RPC
Logs are streamed via RPC to a computer, and to another log listener. There can
also be internal log readers, i.e. ``MultiSink::Drain``\s, attached to the
``MultiSink``, such as a writer to persistent memory, for example.
.. mermaid::
graph TD
source1[Source 1]-->log_api[pw_log API];
source2[Source 2]-->log_api;
log_api-->log_backend[Log backend];
multisink-->rpc_log_drain_pc[RpcLogDrain<br>streams to<br>computer];
multisink-->rpc_log_drain_other[RpcLogDrain<br>streams to<br>other log listener];
drain-->other_consumer[Other log consumer<br>e.g. persistent memory];
pw_rpc-->other_listener[Other log<br>listener];
RPC log service
The ``LogService`` class is an RPC service that provides a way to request a log
stream sent via RPC. Thus, it helps avoid using a different protocol for logs
and RPCs over the same interface(s). It requires a map of ``RpcLogDrains`` to
assign stream writers and delegate the log stream flushing to the user's
preferred method.
An ``RpcLogDrain`` reads from the ``MultiSink`` instance that buffers logs, then
packs, and sends the retrieved log entries to the log listener. One
``RpcLogDrain`` is needed for each log listener. An ``RpcLogDrain`` needs a
thread to continuously call ``Flush()`` to maintain the log stream. A thread can
maintain multiple log streams, but it must not be the same thread used by the
RPC server, to avoid blocking it.
Each ``RpcLogDrain`` is identified by a known RPC channel ID and requires a
``rpc::RawServerWriter`` to write the packed multiple log entries. This writer
is assigned by the ``LogService::Listen`` RPC. Future work will allow
``RpcLogDrain``\s to have an open RPC writer, to constantly stream logs without
the need to request them. This is useful in cases where the connection to the
client is dropped silently because the log stream can continue when reconnected
without the client requesting it.
An ``RpcLogDrain`` must be attached to a ``MultiSink`` containing multiple
``log::LogEntry``\s. When ``Flush`` is called, the drain acquires the
``rpc::RawServerWriter`` 's write buffer, grabs one ``log::LogEntry`` from the
multisink, encodes it into a ``log::LogEntries`` stream, and repeats the process
until the write buffer is full. Then the drain calls
``rpc::RawServerWriter::Write`` to flush the write buffer and repeats the
process until all the entries in the ``MultiSink`` are read or an error is
The user must provide a buffer large enough for the largest entry in the
``MultiSink`` while also accounting for the interface's Maximum Transmission
Unit (MTU). If the ``RpcLogDrain`` finds a drop message count as it reads the
``MultiSink`` it will insert a message in the stream with the drop message
count in the log proto dropped optional field. The receiving end can display the
count with the logs if desired.
Provides a convenient way to access all or a single ``RpcLogDrain`` by its RPC
channel ID.
The module includes a sample thread that flushes each drain sequentially. Future
work might replace this with enqueueing the flush work on a work queue. The user
can also choose to have different threads flushing individual ``RpcLogDrain``\s
with different priorities.
Calling ``OpenUnrequestedLogStream()`` is a convenient way to set up a log
stream that is started without the need to receive an RCP request for logs.
Logging example
The following code shows a sample setup to defer the log handling to the
``RpcLogDrainThread`` to avoid having the log streaming block at the log
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "foo/foo_log.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_thread/detached_thread.h"
#include "pw_thread_stl/options.h"
namespace {
void RegisterServices() {
} // namespace
int main() {
PW_LOG_INFO("Deferred logging over RPC example");
pw::thread::DetachedThread(pw::thread::stl::Options(), foo_log::log_thread);
return 0;
Example of a log backend implementation, where logs enter the ``MultiSink`` and
log drains are set up.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "foo/foo_log.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_log/proto_utils.h"
#include "pw_log_rpc/log_service.h"
#include "pw_log_rpc/rpc_log_drain.h"
#include "pw_log_rpc/rpc_log_drain_map.h"
#include "pw_log_rpc/rpc_log_drain_thread.h"
#include "pw_rpc_system_server/rpc_server.h"
#include "pw_sync/interrupt_spin_lock.h"
#include "pw_sync/lock_annotations.h"
#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
#include "pw_tokenizer/tokenize_to_global_handler_with_payload.h"
namespace foo_log {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kLogBufferSize = 5000;
// Tokenized logs are typically 12-24 bytes.
constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSize = 32;
// kMaxLogEntrySize should be less than the MTU of the RPC channel output used
// by the provided server writer.
constexpr size_t kMaxLogEntrySize =
pw::log_rpc::RpcLogDrain::kMinEntrySizeWithoutPayload + kMaxMessageSize;
std::array<std::byte, kLogBufferSize> multisink_buffer;
// To save RAM, share the mutex, since drains will be managed sequentially.
pw::sync::Mutex shared_mutex;
std::array<std::byte, kMaxEntrySize> client1_buffer
std::array<std::byte, kMaxEntrySize> client2_buffer
std::array<pw::log_rpc::RpcLogDrain, 2> drains = {
pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock log_encode_lock;
std::array<std::byte, kMaxLogEntrySize> log_encode_buffer
extern "C" void pw_tokenizer_HandleEncodedMessageWithPayload(
pw_tokenizer_Payload metadata, const uint8_t message[], size_t size_bytes) {
int64_t timestamp =
std::lock_guard lock(log_encode_lock);
pw::Result<pw::ConstByteSpan> encoded_log_result =
metadata, message, size_bytes, timestamp, log_encode_buffer);
if (!encoded_log_result.ok()) {
} // namespace
pw::log_rpc::RpcLogDrainMap drain_map(drains);
pw::log_rpc::RpcLogDrainThread log_thread(GetMultiSink(), drain_map);
pw::log_rpc::LogService log_service(drain_map);
pw::multisink::MultiSink& GetMultiSink() {
static pw::multisink::MultiSink multisink(multisink_buffer);
return multisink;
} // namespace foo_log
Logging in other source files
To defer logging, other source files must simply include ``pw_log/log.h`` and
use the :ref:`module-pw_log` APIs, as long as the source set that includes
```` is setup as the log backend.