blob: 6ccdb6357a336008b95de992f80450b2820747bb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""Utilities for creating an interactive console."""
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
from itertools import chain
import inspect
import textwrap
import types
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, NamedTuple
import pw_status
from pw_protobuf_compiler import python_protos
import pw_rpc
from pw_rpc.descriptors import Method
from pw_rpc.console_tools import functions
_INDENT = ' '
class CommandHelper:
"""Used to implement a help command in an RPC console."""
def from_methods(cls,
methods: Iterable[Method],
variables: Mapping[str, object],
header: str,
footer: str = '') -> 'CommandHelper':
return cls({m.full_name: m
for m in methods}, variables, header, footer)
def __init__(self,
methods: Mapping[str, object],
variables: Mapping[str, object],
header: str,
footer: str = ''):
self._methods = methods
self._variables = variables
self.header = header
self.footer = footer
def help(self, item: object = None) -> str:
"""Returns a help string with a command or all commands listed."""
if item is None:
all_vars = '\n'.join(sorted(self._variables_without_methods()))
all_rpcs = '\n'.join(self._methods)
return (f'{self.header}\n\n'
f'All variables:\n\n{textwrap.indent(all_vars, _INDENT)}'
f'All commands:\n\n{textwrap.indent(all_rpcs, _INDENT)}'
# If item is a string, find commands matching that.
if isinstance(item, str):
matches = {n: m for n, m in self._methods.items() if item in n}
if not matches:
return f'No matches found for {item!r}'
if len(matches) == 1:
name, method = next(iter(matches.items()))
return f'{name}\n\n{inspect.getdoc(method)}'
return f'Multiple matches for {item!r}:\n\n' + textwrap.indent(
'\n'.join(matches), _INDENT)
return inspect.getdoc(item) or f'No documentation for {item!r}.'
def _variables_without_methods(self) -> Mapping[str, object]:
packages = frozenset(
n.split('.', 1)[0] for n in self._methods if '.' in n)
return {
name: var
for name, var in self._variables.items() if name not in packages
def __call__(self, item: object = None) -> None:
"""Prints the help string."""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns the help, so foo and foo() are equivalent in a console."""
class ClientInfo(NamedTuple):
"""Information about an RPC client as it appears in the console."""
# The name to use in the console to refer to this client.
name: str
# An object to use in the console for the client. May be a pw_rpc.Client.
client: object
# The pw_rpc.Client; may be the same object as client.
rpc_client: pw_rpc.Client
class Context:
"""The Context class is used to set up an interactive RPC console.
The Context manages a set of variables that make it easy to access RPCs and
protobufs in a REPL.
As an example, this class can be used to set up a console with IPython:
.. code-block:: python
context = console_tools.Context(
clients, default_client, protos, help_header=WELCOME_MESSAGE)
def __init__(self,
client_info: Collection[ClientInfo],
default_client: Any,
protos: python_protos.Library,
help_header: str = '') -> None:
"""Creates an RPC console context.
Protos and RPC services are accessible by their proto package and name.
The target for these can be set with the set_target function.
client_info: ClientInfo objects that represent the clients this
console uses to communicate with other devices
default_client: default client object; must be one of the clients
protos: protobufs to use for RPCs for all clients
help_header: Message to display for the help command
assert client_info, 'At least one client must be provided!'
self.client_info = client_info
self.current_client = default_client
self.protos = protos
# Store objects with references to RPC services, sorted by package.
self._services: Dict[str, types.SimpleNamespace] = defaultdict(
self._variables: Dict[str, object] = dict(
# The original built-in help function is available as 'python_help'.
# Make the RPC clients and protos available in the console.
self._variables.update((, c.client) for c in self.client_info)
# Make the proto package hierarchy directly available in the console.
for package in self.protos.packages:
self._variables[package._package] = package # pylint: disable=protected-access
# Monkey patch the message types to use an improved repr function.
for message_type in self.protos.messages():
message_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
# Set up the 'help' command.
all_methods = chain.from_iterable(c.rpc_client.methods()
for c in self.client_info)
self._helper = CommandHelper.from_methods(
all_methods, self._variables, help_header,
'Type a command and hit Enter to see detailed help information.')
self._variables['help'] = self._helper
# Call set_target to set up for the default target.
def variables(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a mapping of names to variables for use in an RPC console."""
return self._variables
def set_target(self,
selected_client: object,
channel_id: int = None) -> None:
"""Sets the default target for commands."""
# Make sure the variable is one of the client variables.
name = ''
rpc_client: Any = None
for name, client, rpc_client in self.client_info:
if selected_client is client:
print('CURRENT RPC TARGET:', name)
raise ValueError('Supported targets :' +
', '.join( for c in self.client_info))
# Update the RPC services to use the newly selected target.
for service_client in
# Patch all method protos to use the improved __repr__ function too.
for method in (m.method for m in service_client):
method.request_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
method.response_type.__repr__ = python_protos.proto_repr
service = service_client._service # pylint: disable=protected-access
# Add the RPC methods to their proto packages.
for package_name, rpcs in self._services.items():
self.protos.packages[package_name]._add_item(rpcs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.current_client = selected_client
def _create_command_alias(command: Any, name: str, message: str) -> object:
"""Wraps __call__, __getattr__, and __repr__ to print a message."""
def print_message_and_call(_, *args, **kwargs):
return command(*args, **kwargs)
def getattr_and_print_message(_, name: str) -> Any:
attr = getattr(command, name)
return attr
return type(
name, (),
__repr__=lambda _: message))()
def _access_in_dict_or_namespace(item, name: str, create_if_missing: bool):
"""Gets name as either a key or attribute on item."""
return item[name]
except KeyError:
if create_if_missing:
item[name] = types.SimpleNamespace()
return item[name]
except TypeError:
except TypeError:
if create_if_missing and not hasattr(item, name):
setattr(item, name, types.SimpleNamespace())
return getattr(item, name)
def _access_names(item, names: Iterable[str], create_if_missing: bool):
for name in names:
item = _access_in_dict_or_namespace(item, name, create_if_missing)
return item
def alias_deprecated_command(variables: Any, old_name: str,
new_name: str) -> None:
"""Adds an alias for an old command that redirects to the new command.
The deprecated command prints a message then invokes the new command.
# Get the new command.
item = _access_names(variables,
# Create a wrapper to the new comamnd with the old name.
wrapper = _create_command_alias(
item, old_name,
f'WARNING: {old_name} is DEPRECATED; use {new_name} instead')
# Add the wrapper to the variables with the old command's name.
name_parts = old_name.split('.')
item = _access_names(variables, name_parts[:-1], create_if_missing=True)
setattr(item, name_parts[-1], wrapper)