blob: df8153382e21723870d583b5c2a65ffbecff64cc [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_grpc:
.. pigweed-module::
:name: pw_grpc
:tagline: pw_rpc over gRPC
:status: unstable
:languages: C++17, C++20
``pw_grpc`` is an implementation of the gRPC over HTTP2 protocol that utilizes
``pw_rpc`` for code generation and service hosting. It provides classes that map
between pw_rpc packets and gRPC HTTP2 frames, allowing pw_rpc services to be
exposed as gRPC services.
The ``Connection`` class implements the gRPC HTTP2 protocol on top of a socket
like stream. Create a new instance every time a new connection is established.
It will notify when new RPC calls are started, data is received, the call is
cancelled, and when the connection stream should be closed.
The ``PwRpcHandler`` class is what maps gRPC events provided by ``Connection``
instances to ``pw_rpc`` packets. It takes a ``pw::rpc::RpcPacketProcessor``
to forward packets to.
The ``GrpcChannelOutput`` class is what handles mapping outgoing ``pw_rpc``
packets back to the ``Connection`` send methods, which will translate to gRPC
Refer to the ```` file for detailed usage example of how to
integrate into a ``pw_rpc`` network.