Arduino: python cleanup

- Move code in to their own modules:
- New module
- os.system ->
- Move --run-* args in the 'show' subcommand under the 'run' subcommand.
  This allows running multiple steps in the same invocation. For
  example, this will execute 3 steps:

  arduino_builder run \
                  --run-objcopy \
                  --run-postbuild \
                  --run-upload-command teensyloader

Change-Id: Ibe5493689f39aa6e6aaeecf5bc7065929111499d
Reviewed-by: Wyatt Hepler <>
Commit-Queue: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/arduino.gni b/pw_arduino_build/arduino.gni
index bf30cd4..c214632 100644
--- a/pw_arduino_build/arduino.gni
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/arduino.gni
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 arduino_builder_script =
-    get_path_info("py/pw_arduino_build/", "abspath")
+    get_path_info("py/pw_arduino_build/", "abspath")
 _arduino_core_path =
@@ -46,12 +46,20 @@
-  "show",
-  "--delimit-with-newlines",
+arduino_board_args = [
-arduino_global_args += arduino_menu_options
+arduino_board_args += arduino_menu_options
+arduino_show_command_args = arduino_global_args + [
+                              "show",
+                              "--delimit-with-newlines",
+                            ] + arduino_board_args
+arduino_run_command_args = arduino_global_args + [ "run" ] + arduino_board_args
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/
similarity index 100%
rename from pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
rename to pw_arduino_build/py/
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7306fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Tests for file_operations module."""
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from pathlib import Path
+from parameterized import parameterized
+import pw_arduino_build.file_operations as file_operations
+def file_set():
+    return [
+        "app.ino",
+        "core/asm.S",
+        "core/asm.s",
+        "core/pwm/pulse.c",
+        "core/pwm/pulse.h",
+        "libraries/a.c",
+        "libraries/b.cpp",
+        "libraries/",
+        "libraries/c.h",
+    ]
+def create_files(root_dir, file_names):
+    for file_name in file_names:
+        folder_path = Path(root_dir) / Path(os.path.dirname(file_name))
+        folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        file_path = Path(root_dir) / Path(file_name)
+        file_path.touch(exist_ok=True)
+class TestFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests to ensure arduino core library source files can be found."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.test_dir)
+    @parameterized.expand([
+        (
+            "sources recursive", file_set(), ["**/*.ino", "**/*.h", "**/*.cpp"],
+            [
+                "app.ino",
+                "core/pwm/pulse.h",
+                "libraries/b.cpp",
+                "libraries/c.h",
+            ]
+        ),
+        (
+            "directories recursive", file_set(), ["**"],
+            [
+                "core",
+                "core/pwm",
+                "libraries",
+            ]
+        ),
+        (
+            "directories one level deep", file_set(), ["*"],
+            [
+                "core",
+                "libraries",
+            ]
+        ),
+        (
+            "items one level deep", file_set(), ["*"],
+            [
+                "app.ino",
+                "core",
+                "libraries",
+            ]
+        )
+    ]) # yapf: disable
+    def test_find_files(self, test_case, base_fileset, patterns,
+                        expected_results):
+        """Test find_files on source files and directories.
+        """
+        create_files(self.test_dir, base_fileset)
+        result = file_operations.find_files(self.test_dir,
+                                            patterns,
+                                            directories_only=("directories"
+                                                              in test_case))
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(expected_results, result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bdbcf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Command line interface for arduino_builder."""
+import argparse
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import pprint
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from typing import List
+from pw_arduino_build import core_installer, log
+from pw_arduino_build.builder import ArduinoBuilder
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_pretty_print = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pprint
+_pretty_format = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pformat
+def list_boards_command(unused_args, builder):
+    # list-boards subcommand
+    # (does not need a selected board or default menu options)
+    # TODO(tonymd): Print this sorted with auto-ljust columns
+    longest_name_length = 0
+    for board_name, board_dict in builder.board.items():
+        if len(board_name) > longest_name_length:
+            longest_name_length = len(board_name)
+    longest_name_length += 2
+    print("Board Name".ljust(longest_name_length), "Description")
+    for board_name, board_dict in builder.board.items():
+        print(board_name.ljust(longest_name_length), board_dict['name'])
+    sys.exit(0)
+def list_menu_options_command(args, builder):
+    # List all menu options for the selected board.
+    builder.select_board(args.board)
+    print("All Options")
+    all_options, all_column_widths = builder.get_menu_options()
+    separator = "-" * (all_column_widths[0] + all_column_widths[1] + 2)
+    print(separator)
+    for name, description in all_options:
+        print(name.ljust(all_column_widths[0] + 1), description)
+    print("\nDefault Options")
+    print(separator)
+    default_options, unused_column_widths = builder.get_default_menu_options()
+    for name, description in default_options:
+        print(name.ljust(all_column_widths[0] + 1), description)
+def show_command_print_string_list(args, string_list: List[str]):
+    join_token = " "
+    if args.delimit_with_newlines:
+        join_token = "\n"
+    print(join_token.join(string_list))
+def show_command_print_flag_string(args, flag_string):
+    if args.delimit_with_newlines:
+        flag_string_with_newlines = shlex.split(flag_string)
+        print("\n".join(flag_string_with_newlines))
+    else:
+        print(flag_string)
+def run_command_lines(args, command_lines: List[str]):
+    for command_line in command_lines:
+        if not args.quiet:
+            print(command_line)
+        # TODO(tonymd): Exit with sub command exit code.
+        command_line_args = shlex.split(command_line)
+        process =,
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        if process.returncode != 0:
+            _LOG.error('Command failed with exit code %d.', process.returncode)
+            _LOG.error('Full command:')
+            _LOG.error('')
+            _LOG.error('  %s', command_line)
+            _LOG.error('')
+            _LOG.error('Process output:')
+            print(flush=True)
+            sys.stdout.buffer.write(process.stdout)
+            print(flush=True)
+            _LOG.error('')
+def run_command(args, builder):
+    """Run sub command function.
+    Runs Arduino recipes.
+    """
+    if args.run_prebuilds:
+        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_prebuild_steps())
+    if args.run_link:
+        line = builder.get_link_line()
+        archive_file_path = args.run_link[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
+        object_files = args.run_link[1:]
+        line = line.replace("{object_files}", " ".join(object_files), 1)
+        run_command_lines(args, [line])
+    if args.run_objcopy:
+        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_objcopy_steps())
+    if args.run_postbuilds:
+        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_postbuild_steps())
+    if args.run_upload_command:
+        command = builder.get_upload_line(args.run_upload_command,
+                                          args.serial_port)
+        run_command_lines(args, [command])
+# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+def show_command(args, builder):
+    """Show sub command function.
+    Prints compiler info and flags.
+    """
+    if args.cc_binary:
+        print(builder.get_cc_binary())
+    elif args.cxx_binary:
+        print(builder.get_cxx_binary())
+    elif args.objcopy_binary:
+        print(builder.get_objcopy_binary())
+    elif args.ar_binary:
+        print(builder.get_ar_binary())
+    elif args.size_binary:
+        print(builder.get_size_binary())
+    elif args.c_compile:
+        print(builder.get_c_compile_line())
+    elif args.cpp_compile:
+        print(builder.get_cpp_compile_line())
+    elif
+        print(builder.get_link_line())
+    elif args.objcopy:
+        print(builder.get_objcopy(args.objcopy))
+    elif args.objcopy_flags:
+        objcopy_flags = builder.get_objcopy_flags(args.objcopy_flags)
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, objcopy_flags)
+    elif args.c_flags:
+        cflags = builder.get_c_flags()
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, cflags)
+    elif args.s_flags:
+        sflags = builder.get_s_flags()
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, sflags)
+    elif args.cpp_flags:
+        cppflags = builder.get_cpp_flags()
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, cppflags)
+    elif args.ld_flags:
+        ldflags = builder.get_ld_flags()
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, ldflags)
+    elif args.ld_libs:
+        print(builder.get_ld_libs())
+    elif args.ar_flags:
+        ar_flags = builder.get_ar_flags()
+        show_command_print_flag_string(args, ar_flags)
+    elif args.core_path:
+        print(builder.get_core_path())
+    elif args.postbuild:
+        print(builder.get_postbuild_line(args.postbuild))
+    elif args.upload_command:
+        print(builder.get_upload_line(args.upload_command, args.serial_port))
+    elif args.upload_tools:
+        tools = builder.get_upload_tool_names()
+        for tool_name in tools:
+            print(tool_name)
+    elif args.library_includes:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_includes())
+    elif args.library_c_files:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_c_files())
+    elif args.library_cpp_files:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_cpp_files())
+    elif args.core_c_files:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_c_files())
+    elif args.core_s_files:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_s_files())
+    elif args.core_cpp_files:
+        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_cpp_files())
+    elif args.variant_c_files:
+        vfiles = builder.variant_c_files()
+        if vfiles:
+            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
+    elif args.variant_s_files:
+        vfiles = builder.variant_s_files()
+        if vfiles:
+            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
+    elif args.variant_cpp_files:
+        vfiles = builder.variant_cpp_files()
+        if vfiles:
+            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
+def add_common_options(parser, serial_port, build_path, build_project_name,
+                       project_path, project_source_path):
+    """Add command line options common to the run and show commands."""
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--serial-port",
+        default=serial_port,
+        help="Serial port for flashing flash. Default: '{}'".format(
+            serial_port))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--build-path",
+        default=build_path,
+        help="Build directory. Default: '{}'".format(build_path))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--project-path",
+        default=project_path,
+        help="Project directory. Default: '{}'".format(project_path))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--project-source-path",
+        default=project_source_path,
+        help="Project directory. Default: '{}'".format(project_source_path))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--build-project-name",
+        default=build_project_name,
+        help="Project name. Default: '{}'".format(build_project_name))
+    parser.add_argument("--board",
+                        required=True,
+                        help="Name of the board to use.")
+    # nargs="+" is one or more args, e.g:
+    #   --menu-options menu.usb.serialhid menu.speed.150
+    parser.add_argument("--menu-options", nargs="+", type=str)
+def main():
+    """Main command line function.
+    Parses command line args and dispatches to sub `*_command()` functions.
+    """
+    def log_level(arg: str) -> int:
+        try:
+            return getattr(logging, arg.upper())
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                f'{arg.upper()} is not a valid log level')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("-q",
+                        "--quiet",
+                        help="hide run command output",
+                        action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument('-l',
+                        '--loglevel',
+                        type=log_level,
+                        default=logging.INFO,
+                        help='Set the log level '
+                        '(debug, info, warning, error, critical)')
+    build_path = os.path.realpath(
+        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("./build")))
+    project_path = os.path.realpath(
+        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("./")))
+    project_source_path = os.path.join(project_path, "src")
+    build_project_name = os.path.basename(project_path)
+    serial_port = "UNKNOWN"
+    # TODO(tonymd): Temp solution to passing in serial port. It should use
+    # arduino core discovery tools.
+    possible_serial_ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") + glob.glob(
+        "/dev/ttyUSB*")
+    if possible_serial_ports:
+        serial_port = possible_serial_ports[0]
+    # Global command line options
+    parser.add_argument("--arduino-package-path",
+                        help="Path to the arduino IDE install location.")
+    parser.add_argument("--arduino-package-name",
+                        help="Name of the Arduino board package to use.")
+    parser.add_argument("--compiler-path-override",
+                        help="Path to arm-none-eabi-gcc bin folder. "
+                        "Default: Arduino core specified gcc")
+    # Subcommands
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommand",
+                                       description="valid subcommands",
+                                       help="sub-command help",
+                                       dest="subcommand",
+                                       required=True)
+    # install-core command
+    install_core_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+        "install-core", help="Download and install arduino cores")
+    install_core_parser.set_defaults(func=core_installer.install_core_command)
+    install_core_parser.add_argument("--prefix",
+                                     required=True,
+                                     help="Path to install core files.")
+    install_core_parser.add_argument(
+        "--core-name",
+        required=True,
+        choices=core_installer.supported_cores(),
+        help="Name of the arduino core to install.")
+    # list-boards command
+    list_boards_parser = subparsers.add_parser("list-boards",
+                                               help="show supported boards")
+    list_boards_parser.set_defaults(func=list_boards_command)
+    # list-menu-options command
+    list_menu_options_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+        "list-menu-options",
+        help="show available menu options for selected board")
+    list_menu_options_parser.set_defaults(func=list_menu_options_command)
+    list_menu_options_parser.add_argument("--board",
+                                          required=True,
+                                          help="Name of the board to use.")
+    # show command
+    show_parser = subparsers.add_parser("show",
+                                        help="Return compiler information.")
+    add_common_options(show_parser, serial_port, build_path,
+                       build_project_name, project_path, project_source_path)
+    show_parser.add_argument("--delimit-with-newlines",
+                             help="Separate flag output with newlines.",
+                             action="store_true")
+    output_group = show_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    output_group.add_argument("--c-compile", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--cpp-compile", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--link", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--c-flags", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--s-flags", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--cpp-flags", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--ld-flags", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--ar-flags", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--ld-libs", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy", help="objcopy step for SUFFIX")
+    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy-flags",
+                              help="objcopy flags for SUFFIX")
+    output_group.add_argument("--core-path", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--cc-binary", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--cxx-binary", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--ar-binary", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy-binary", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--size-binary", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--postbuild",
+                              help="Show recipe.hooks.postbuild.*.pattern")
+    output_group.add_argument("--upload-tools", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--upload-command")
+    output_group.add_argument("--library-includes", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--library-c-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--library-cpp-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--core-c-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--core-s-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--core-cpp-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--variant-c-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--variant-s-files", action="store_true")
+    output_group.add_argument("--variant-cpp-files", action="store_true")
+    show_parser.set_defaults(func=show_command)
+    # run command
+    run_parser = subparsers.add_parser("run", help="Run Arduino recipes.")
+    add_common_options(run_parser, serial_port, build_path, build_project_name,
+                       project_path, project_source_path)
+    run_parser.add_argument("--run-link",
+                            nargs="+",
+                            type=str,
+                            help="Run the link command. Expected arguments: "
+                            "the archive file followed by all obj files.")
+    run_parser.add_argument("--run-objcopy", action="store_true")
+    run_parser.add_argument("--run-prebuilds", action="store_true")
+    run_parser.add_argument("--run-postbuilds", action="store_true")
+    run_parser.add_argument("--run-upload-command")
+    run_parser.set_defaults(func=run_command)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    log.install()
+    log.set_level(args.loglevel)
+    _LOG.debug(_pretty_format(args))
+    # Check for and set alternate compiler path.
+    compiler_path_override = False
+    if args.compiler_path_override:
+        compiler_path_override = os.path.realpath(
+            os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(
+                args.compiler_path_override)))
+    if args.subcommand == "install-core":
+        args.func(args)
+    elif args.subcommand in ["list-boards", "list-menu-options"]:
+        builder = ArduinoBuilder(args.arduino_package_path,
+                                 args.arduino_package_name)
+        builder.load_board_definitions()
+        args.func(args, builder)
+    else:
+        builder = ArduinoBuilder(args.arduino_package_path,
+                                 args.arduino_package_name,
+                                 build_path=args.build_path,
+                                 build_project_name=args.build_project_name,
+                                 project_path=args.project_path,
+                                 project_source_path=args.project_source_path,
+                                 compiler_path_override=compiler_path_override)
+        builder.load_board_definitions()
+        builder.select_board(args.board, args.menu_options)
+        args.func(args, builder)
+    sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
deleted file mode 100755
index 239517d..0000000
--- a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1894 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-# the License.
-"""Extracts build information from Arduino cores."""
-import argparse
-import glob
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import os
-import platform
-import pprint
-import re
-import shutil
-import shlex
-import stat
-import sys
-import tarfile
-import time
-import urllib.request
-import zipfile
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Dict
-_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-_STDERR_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()
-_pretty_print = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pprint
-_pretty_format = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pformat
-# yapf: disable
-    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
-    "teensy": {
-        "Linux": {
-            "arduino-ide": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linux64.tar.xz",
-                "sha256": "1b20d0ec850a2a63488009518725f058668bb6cb48c321f82dcf47dc4299b4ad",
-            },
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linux64",
-                "sha256": "2e6cd99a757bc80593ea3de006de4cc934bcb0a6ec74cad8ec327f0289d40f0b",
-            },
-        },
-        # TODO(tonymd): Handle 32-bit Linux Install?
-        "Linux32": {
-            "arduino-ide": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linux32.tar.xz",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linux32",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-        },
-        # TODO(tonymd): Handle ARM32 (Raspberry Pi) Install?
-        "LinuxARM32": {
-            "arduino-ide": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linuxarm.tar.xz",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linuxarm",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-        },
-        # TODO(tonymd): Handle ARM64 Install?
-        "LinuxARM64": {
-            "arduino-ide": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linuxaarch64.tar.xz",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linuxaarch64",
-                "sha256": "",
-            },
-        },
-        "Darwin": {
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "",
-                "sha256": "401ef42c6e83e621cdda20191a4ef9b7db8a214bede5a94a9e26b45f79c64fe2",
-            },
-        },
-        "Windows": {
-            "arduino-ide": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "",
-                "sha256": "78d3e96827b9e9b31b43e516e601c38d670d29f12483e88cbf6d91a0f89ef524",
-            },
-            "teensyduino": {
-                "url": "",
-                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.exe",
-                "sha256": "88f58681e5c4772c54e462bc88280320e4276e5b316dcab592fe38d96db990a1",
-            },
-        }
-    },
-    "adafruit-samd": {
-        "all": {
-            "core": {
-                "url": "",
-                "sha256": "5875f5bc05904c10e6313f02653f28f2f716db639d3d43f5a1d8a83d15339d64",
-            }
-        },
-        "Linux": {},
-        "Darwin": {},
-        "Windows": {},
-    },
-    "stm32duino": {
-        "all": {
-            "core": {
-                "url": "",
-                "sha256": "4f75ba7a117d90392e8f67c58d31d22393749b9cdd3279bc21e7261ec06c62bf",
-            }
-        },
-        "Linux": {},
-        "Darwin": {},
-        "Windows": {},
-    },
-} # type: Dict[str, Dict]
-# yapf: enable
-def arduino_runtime_os_string():
-    arduno_platform = {
-        "Linux": "linux",
-        "Windows": "windows",
-        "Darwin": "macosx"
-    }
-    return arduno_platform[platform.system()]
-class FileOperations:
-    """File helper functions."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def find_files(starting_dir: str,
-                   patterns: List[str],
-                   directories_only=False) -> List[str]:
-        # ["**/*.S", "**/*.ino", "**/*.h", "**/*.c", "**/*.cpp"]
-        original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
-        if not (os.path.exists(starting_dir) and os.path.isdir(starting_dir)):
-            _LOG.error("Directory '%s' does not exist.", starting_dir)
-            raise FileNotFoundError
-        os.chdir(starting_dir)
-        files = []
-        for pattern in patterns:
-            for file_path in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True):
-                if not directories_only or (directories_only
-                                            and os.path.isdir(file_path)):
-                    files.append(file_path)
-        os.chdir(original_working_dir)
-        return sorted(files)
-    @staticmethod
-    def sha256_sum(file_name):
-        hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
-        with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
-            for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
-                hash_sha256.update(chunk)
-        return hash_sha256.hexdigest()
-    @staticmethod
-    def md5_sum(file_name):
-        hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
-        with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
-            for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
-                hash_md5.update(chunk)
-        return hash_md5.hexdigest()
-    @staticmethod
-    def verify_file_checksum(file_path,
-                             expected_checksum,
-                             sum_function=sha256_sum):
-        downloaded_checksum = sum_function(file_path)
-        if downloaded_checksum != expected_checksum:
-            _LOG.error("Error: Invalid %s", sum_function.__name__)
-            _LOG.error("%s %s", downloaded_checksum,
-                       os.path.basename(file_path))
-            _LOG.error("%s (expected)", expected_checksum)
-            return sys.exit(1)
-"  %s:", sum_function.__name__)
-"  %s %s", downloaded_checksum, os.path.basename(file_path))
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def download_to_cache(url: str,
-                          expected_md5sum=None,
-                          expected_sha256sum=None,
-                          cache_directory=".cache") -> str:
-        cache_dir = os.path.realpath(
-            os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(cache_directory)))
-        downloaded_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, url.split("/")[-1])
-        if not os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
-  "Downloading: %s", url)
-            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=downloaded_file)
-        if os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
-  "Downloaded: %s", downloaded_file)
-            if expected_sha256sum:
-                FileOperations.verify_file_checksum(
-                    downloaded_file,
-                    expected_sha256sum,
-                    sum_function=FileOperations.sha256_sum)
-            elif expected_md5sum:
-                FileOperations.verify_file_checksum(
-                    downloaded_file,
-                    expected_md5sum,
-                    sum_function=FileOperations.md5_sum)
-        return downloaded_file
-    @staticmethod
-    def extract_zipfile(archive_file: str, dest_dir: str):
-        with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_file) as archive:
-            archive.extractall(path=dest_dir)
-    @staticmethod
-    def extract_tarfile(archive_file: str, dest_dir: str):
-        with, 'r') as archive:
-            archive.extractall(path=dest_dir)
-    @staticmethod
-    def extract_archive(archive_file: str,
-                        dest_dir: str,
-                        cache_dir: str,
-                        remove_single_toplevel_folder=True):
-        """Extract a tar or zip file.
-        Args:
-            archive_file (str): Absolute path to the archive file.
-            dest_dir (str): Extraction destination directory.
-            cache_dir (str): Directory where temp files can be created.
-            remove_single_toplevel_folder (bool): If the archive contains only a
-                single folder move the contents of that into the destination
-                directory.
-        """
-        # Make a temporary directory to extract files into
-        temp_extract_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir,
-                                        "." + os.path.basename(archive_file))
-        os.makedirs(temp_extract_dir, exist_ok=True)
-"Extracting: %s", archive_file)
-        if zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_file):
-            FileOperations.extract_zipfile(archive_file, temp_extract_dir)
-        elif tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_file):
-            FileOperations.extract_tarfile(archive_file, temp_extract_dir)
-        else:
-            _LOG.error("Unknown archive format: %s", archive_file)
-            return sys.exit(1)
-"Installing into: %s", dest_dir)
-        path_to_extracted_files = temp_extract_dir
-        extracted_top_level_files = os.listdir(temp_extract_dir)
-        # Check if tarfile has only one folder
-        # If yes, make that the new path_to_extracted_files
-        if remove_single_toplevel_folder and len(
-                extracted_top_level_files) == 1:
-            path_to_extracted_files = os.path.join(
-                temp_extract_dir, extracted_top_level_files[0])
-        # Move extracted files to dest_dir
-        extracted_files = os.listdir(path_to_extracted_files)
-        for file_name in extracted_files:
-            source_file = os.path.join(path_to_extracted_files, file_name)
-            dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name)
-            shutil.move(source_file, dest_file)
-        # rm -rf temp_extract_dir
-        shutil.rmtree(temp_extract_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-        # Return List of extracted files
-        return list(Path(dest_dir).rglob("*"))
-    @staticmethod
-    def remove_empty_directories(directory):
-        """Recursively remove empty directories."""
-        for path in sorted(Path(directory).rglob("*"), reverse=True):
-            # If broken symlink
-            if path.is_symlink() and not path.exists():
-                path.unlink()
-            # if empty directory
-            elif path.is_dir() and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0:
-                path.rmdir()
-class ArduinoCoreInstaller:
-    """Simple Arduino core installer."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_teensy_core_windows(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
-        """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Windows."""
-        teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
-        arduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["arduino-ide"]
-        arduino_zipfile = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=arduino_artifact["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=arduino_artifact["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
-        teensyduino_installer = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        FileOperations.extract_archive(arduino_zipfile, install_dir, cache_dir)
-        # "teensy" here should match args.core_name
-        teensy_core_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, "teensy")
-        # Change working directory for installation
-        original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(install_prefix)
-"Installing Teensyduino to: %s", teensy_core_dir)
-        install_command = "{} \"--dir={}\"".format(teensyduino_installer,
-                                                   "teensy")
-"  Running: %s", install_command)
-"  Please click yes on the Windows 'User Account Control' "
-                  "dialog.")
-"  You should see: 'Verified publisher: PRJC.COM LLC'")
-        os.system(install_command)
-        if not os.path.exists(
-                os.path.join(teensy_core_dir, "hardware", "teensy")):
-            _LOG.error(
-                "Error: Installation Failed.\n"
-                "Please try again and ensure Teensyduino is installed in "
-                "the folder:\n"
-                "%s", teensy_core_dir)
-            sys.exit(1)
-        else:
-  "  Install complete!")
-        FileOperations.remove_empty_directories(install_dir)
-        os.chdir(original_working_dir)
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_teensy_core_mac(unused_install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
-        """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Mac."""
-        teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
-        teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
-        teensyduino_zip = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        extracted_files = FileOperations.extract_archive(
-            teensyduino_zip,
-            install_dir,
-            cache_dir,
-            remove_single_toplevel_folder=False)
-        toplevel_folder = sorted(extracted_files)[0]
-        os.symlink(os.path.join(toplevel_folder, "Contents", "Java",
-                                "hardware"),
-                   os.path.join(install_dir, "hardware"),
-                   target_is_directory=True)
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_teensy_core_linux(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
-        """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Windows."""
-        teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
-        arduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["arduino-ide"]
-        arduino_tarfile = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=arduino_artifact["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=arduino_artifact["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
-        teensyduino_installer = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        extracted_files = FileOperations.extract_archive(
-            arduino_tarfile, install_dir, cache_dir)
-        os.chmod(teensyduino_installer,
-                 os.stat(teensyduino_installer).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
-        original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(install_prefix)
-        # "teensy" here should match args.core_name
-        os.system("{} --dir={}".format(teensyduino_installer, "teensy"))
-        # Remove original arduino IDE files
-        for efile in extracted_files:
-            if efile.is_file():
-                efile.unlink()
-        FileOperations.remove_empty_directories(install_dir)
-        os.chdir(original_working_dir)
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_arduino_samd_core(install_prefix: str, install_dir: str,
-                                  cache_dir: str):
-        # TODO(tonymd): Fetch core/tools as specified by:
-        #
-        pass
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_adafruit_samd_core(install_prefix: str, install_dir: str,
-                                   cache_dir: str):
-        artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["adafruit-samd"]["all"]["core"]
-        core_tarfile = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=artifacts["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=artifacts["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        package_path = os.path.join(
-            install_dir, "hardware", "samd",
-            os.path.basename(core_tarfile).replace(".tar.gz", ""))
-        os.makedirs(package_path, exist_ok=True)
-        FileOperations.extract_archive(core_tarfile, package_path, cache_dir)
-        original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(install_prefix)
-        # TODO(tonymd): Fetch platform specific tools as specified by:
-        #
-        # Specifically:
-        #
-        os.chdir(original_working_dir)
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def install_stm32duino_core(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
-        artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["stm32duino"]["all"]["core"]
-        core_tarfile = FileOperations.download_to_cache(
-            url=artifacts["url"],
-            expected_sha256sum=artifacts["sha256"],
-            cache_directory=cache_dir)
-        package_path = os.path.join(
-            install_dir, "hardware", "stm32",
-            os.path.basename(core_tarfile).replace(".tar.gz", ""))
-        os.makedirs(package_path, exist_ok=True)
-        FileOperations.extract_archive(core_tarfile, package_path, cache_dir)
-        original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(install_prefix)
-        # TODO(tonymd): Fetch platform specific tools as specified by:
-        #
-        os.chdir(original_working_dir)
-        return True
-class ArduinoBuilder:
-    """Used to interpret arduino boards.txt and platform.txt files."""
-    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
-    board_menu_regex = re.compile(
-        r"^(?P<name>menu\.[^#=]+)=(?P<description>.*)$", re.MULTILINE)
-    board_name_regex = re.compile(
-        r"^(?P<name>[^\s#\.]+)\.name=(?P<description>.*)$", re.MULTILINE)
-    variable_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[^\s#=]+)=(?P<value>.*)$",
-                                re.MULTILINE)
-    menu_option_regex = re.compile(
-        r"^menu\."  # starts with "menu"
-        r"(?P<menu_option_name>[^.]+)\."  # first token after .
-        r"(?P<menu_option_value>[^.]+)$")  # second (final) token after .
-    tool_name_regex = re.compile(
-        r"^tools\."  # starts with "tools"
-        r"(?P<tool_name>[^.]+)\.")  # first token after .
-    interpolated_variable_regex = re.compile(r"{[^}]+}", re.MULTILINE)
-    objcopy_step_name_regex = re.compile(r"^recipe.objcopy.([^.]+).pattern$")
-    def __init__(self,
-                 arduino_path,
-                 package_name,
-                 build_path=None,
-                 project_path=None,
-                 project_source_path=None,
-                 build_project_name=None,
-                 compiler_path_override=False):
-        self.arduino_path = arduino_path
-        self.arduino_package_name = package_name
-        self.selected_board = None
-        self.build_path = build_path
-        self.project_path = project_path
-        self.project_source_path = project_source_path
-        self.build_project_name = build_project_name
-        self.compiler_path_override = compiler_path_override
-        self.variant_includes = ""
-        self.build_variant_path = False
-        self.compiler_path_override_binaries = []
-        if self.compiler_path_override:
-            self.compiler_path_override_binaries = FileOperations.find_files(
-                self.compiler_path_override, "*")
-        # Container dicts for boards.txt and platform.txt file data.
-        self.board = OrderedDict()
-        self.platform = OrderedDict()
-        self.menu_options = OrderedDict({
-            "global_options": {},
-            "default_board_values": {},
-            "selected": {}
-        })
-        self.tools_variables = {}
-        # Set and check for valid hardware folder.
-        self.hardware_path = os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "hardware")
-        if not os.path.exists(self.hardware_path):
-            _LOG.error("Error: Arduino package path '%s' does not exist.",
-                       self.arduino_path)
-            raise FileNotFoundError
-        # Set and check for valid package name
-        self.package_path = os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "hardware",
-                                         package_name)
-        # {build.arch} is the first folder name of the package (upcased)
-        self.build_arch = os.path.split(package_name)[0].upper()
-        if not os.path.exists(self.package_path):
-            _LOG.error("Error: Arduino package name '%s' does not exist.",
-                       package_name)
-            _LOG.error("Did you mean:\n")
-            # TODO(tonymd): On Windows concatenating "/" may not work
-            possible_alternatives = [
-                d.replace(self.hardware_path + os.sep, "", 1)
-                for d in glob.glob(self.hardware_path + "/*/*")
-            ]
-            _LOG.error("\n".join(possible_alternatives))
-            sys.exit(1)
-        # Grab all folder names in the cores directory. These are typically
-        # sub-core source files.
-        self.sub_core_folders = os.listdir(
-            os.path.join(self.package_path, "cores"))
-        self._find_tools_variables()
-        self.boards_txt = os.path.join(self.package_path, "boards.txt")
-        self.platform_txt = os.path.join(self.package_path, "platform.txt")
-    def select_board(self, board_name, menu_option_overrides=False):
-        self.selected_board = board_name
-        # Load default menu options for a selected board.
-        if not self.selected_board in self.board.keys():
-            _LOG.error("Error board: '%s' not supported.", self.selected_board)
-            # TODO(tonymd): Print supported boards here
-            sys.exit(1)
-        # Override default menu options if any are specified.
-        if menu_option_overrides:
-            for moption in menu_option_overrides:
-                if not self.set_menu_option(moption):
-                    # TODO(tonymd): Print supported menu options here
-                    sys.exit(1)
-        self._copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables()
-        self._apply_recipe_overrides()
-        self._substitute_variables()
-    def _apply_recipe_overrides(self):
-        # Override link recipes with per-core exceptions
-        # Teensyduino cores
-        if self.build_arch == 'TEENSY':
-            # Change {build.path}/{archive_file}
-            # To {archive_file_path} (which should contain the core.a file)
-            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
-                "{object_files} \"{build.path}/{archive_file}\"",
-                "{object_files} {archive_file_path}", 1)
-            # Add the teensy provided toolchain lib folder for link access to
-            # libarm_cortexM*_math.a
-            new_link_line = new_link_line.replace(
-                "\"-L{build.path}\"",
-                "\"-L{build.path}\" -L{compiler.path}/arm/arm-none-eabi/lib",
-                1)
-            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
-        # Adafruit-samd core
-        # TODO(tonymd): This build_arch may clash with Arduino-SAMD core
-        elif self.build_arch == 'SAMD':
-            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
-                "\"{build.path}/{archive_file}\" -Wl,--end-group",
-                "{archive_file_path} -Wl,--end-group", 1)
-            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
-        # STM32L4 Core:
-        #
-        elif self.build_arch == 'STM32L4':
-            # TODO(tonymd): {build.path}/{archive_file} for the link step always
-            # seems to be core.a (except STM32 core)
-            line_to_delete = "-Wl,--start-group \"{build.path}/{archive_file}\""
-            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
-                line_to_delete, "-Wl,--start-group {archive_file_path}", 1)
-            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
-        # stm32duino core
-        elif self.build_arch == 'STM32':
-            pass
-    def _copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables(self):
-        # Clear existing options
-        self.menu_options["selected"] = {}
-        # Set default menu options for selected board
-        for menu_key, menu_dict in self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
-                self.selected_board].items():
-            for name, var in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
-                starting_key = "{}.{}.".format(menu_key, menu_dict["name"])
-                if name.startswith(starting_key):
-                    new_var_name = name.replace(starting_key, "", 1)
-                    self.menu_options["selected"][new_var_name] = var
-    def set_menu_option(self, moption):
-        if moption not in self.board[self.selected_board]:
-            _LOG.error("Error: '%s' is not a valid menu option.", moption)
-            return False
-        # Override default menu option with new value.
-        menu_match_result = self.menu_option_regex.match(moption)
-        if menu_match_result:
-            menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
-            menu_value = menu_match["menu_option_value"]
-            menu_key = "menu.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"])
-            self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
-                self.selected_board][menu_key]["name"] = menu_value
-        # Update build variables
-        self._copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables()
-        return True
-    def _set_global_arduino_variables(self):
-        """Set some global variables defined by the Arduino-IDE.
-        See Docs:
-        """
-        for current_board_name in self.board.keys():
-            if self.build_path:
-                self.board[current_board_name]["build.path"] = self.build_path
-            if self.build_project_name:
-                self.board[current_board_name][
-                    "build.project_name"] = self.build_project_name
-                # {archive_file} is the final *.elf
-                archive_file = "{}.elf".format(self.build_project_name)
-                self.board[current_board_name]["archive_file"] = archive_file
-                # {archive_file_path} is the final core.a archive
-                if self.build_path:
-                    self.board[current_board_name][
-                        "archive_file_path"] = os.path.join(
-                            self.build_path, "core.a")
-            if self.project_source_path:
-                self.board[current_board_name][
-                    "build.source.path"] = self.project_source_path
-            self.board[current_board_name]["extra.time.local"] = str(
-                int(time.time()))
-            self.board[current_board_name]["runtime.ide.version"] = "10812"
-            self.board[current_board_name][
-                "runtime.hardware.path"] = self.hardware_path
-            # Copy {} vars
-            self._set_tools_variables(self.board[current_board_name])
-            self.board[current_board_name][
-                "runtime.platform.path"] = self.package_path
-            if self.platform["name"] == "Teensyduino":
-                # Teensyduino is installed into the arduino IDE folder
-                # rather than ~/.arduino15/packages/
-                self.board[current_board_name][
-                    "runtime.hardware.path"] = os.path.join(
-                        self.hardware_path, "teensy")
-            self.board[current_board_name]["build.system.path"] = os.path.join(
-                self.package_path, "system")
-            # Set the {build.core.path} variable that pointing to a sub-core
-            # folder. For Teensys this is:
-            # 'teensy/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy{3,4}'. For other cores
-            # it's typically just the 'arduino' folder. For example:
-            # 'arduino-samd/hardware/samd/1.8.8/cores/arduino'
-            core_path = os.path.join(
-                self.package_path, "cores",
-                self.board[current_board_name].get("build.core",
-                                                   self.sub_core_folders[0]))
-            self.board[current_board_name]["build.core.path"] = core_path
-            self.board[current_board_name]["build.arch"] = self.build_arch
-            for name, var in self.board[current_board_name].items():
-                self.board[current_board_name][name] = var.replace(
-                    "{build.core.path}", core_path)
-    def load_board_definitions(self):
-        """Loads Arduino boards.txt and platform.txt files into dictionaries.
-        Populates the following dictionaries:
-            self.menu_options
-            self.boards
-            self.platform
-        """
-        # Load platform.txt
-        with open(self.platform_txt, "r") as pfile:
-            platform_file =
-            platform_var_matches = self.variable_regex.finditer(platform_file)
-            for p_match in [m.groupdict() for m in platform_var_matches]:
-                self.platform[p_match["name"]] = p_match["value"]
-        # Load boards.txt
-        with open(self.boards_txt, "r") as bfile:
-            board_file =
-            # Get all top-level menu options, e.g. menu.usb=USB Type
-            board_menu_matches = self.board_menu_regex.finditer(board_file)
-            for menuitem in [m.groupdict() for m in board_menu_matches]:
-                self.menu_options["global_options"][menuitem["name"]] = {
-                    "description": menuitem["description"]
-                }
-            # Get all board names, e.g. 4.0
-            board_name_matches = self.board_name_regex.finditer(board_file)
-            for b_match in [m.groupdict() for m in board_name_matches]:
-                self.board[b_match["name"]] = OrderedDict()
-                self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
-                    b_match["name"]] = OrderedDict()
-            # Get all board variables, e.g. teensy40.*
-            for current_board_name in self.board.keys():
-                board_line_matches = re.finditer(
-                    fr"^\s*{current_board_name}\."
-                    fr"(?P<key>[^#=]+)=(?P<value>.*)$", board_file,
-                    re.MULTILINE)
-                for b_match in [m.groupdict() for m in board_line_matches]:
-                    # Check if this line is a menu option
-                    # (e.g. 'menu.usb.serial') and save as default if it's the
-                    # first one seen.
-                    ArduinoBuilder.save_default_menu_option(
-                        current_board_name, b_match["key"], b_match["value"],
-                        self.menu_options)
-                    self.board[current_board_name][
-                        b_match["key"]] = b_match["value"].strip()
-            self._set_global_arduino_variables()
-    @staticmethod
-    def save_default_menu_option(current_board_name, key, value, menu_options):
-        """Save a given menu option as the default.
-        Saves the key and value into menu_options["default_board_values"]
-        if it doesn't already exist. Assumes menu options are added in the order
-        specified in boards.txt. The first value for a menu key is the default.
-        """
-        # Check if key is a menu option
-        # e.g. menu.usb.serial
-        #
-        menu_match_result = re.match(
-            r'^menu\.'  # starts with "menu"
-            r'(?P<menu_option_name>[^.]+)\.'  # first token after .
-            r'(?P<menu_option_value>[^.]+)'  # second token after .
-            r'(\.(?P<rest>.+))?',  # optionally any trailing tokens after a .
-            key)
-        if menu_match_result:
-            menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
-            current_menu_key = "menu.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"])
-            # If this is the first menu option seen for current_board_name, save
-            # as the default.
-            if current_menu_key not in menu_options["default_board_values"][
-                    current_board_name]:
-                menu_options["default_board_values"][current_board_name][
-                    current_menu_key] = {
-                        "name": menu_match["menu_option_value"],
-                        "description": value
-                    }
-    def _replace_variables(self, line, variable_lookup_source):
-        """Replace {variables} from loaded boards.txt or platform.txt.
-        Replace interpolated variables surrounded by curly braces in line with
-        definitions from variable_lookup_source.
-        """
-        new_line = line
-        for current_var_match in self.interpolated_variable_regex.findall(
-                line):
-            # {build.flags.c} --> build.flags.c
-            current_var = current_var_match.strip("{}")
-            # check for matches in board definition
-            if current_var in variable_lookup_source:
-                replacement = variable_lookup_source.get(current_var, "")
-                new_line = new_line.replace(current_var_match, replacement)
-        return new_line
-    def _find_tools_variables(self):
-        # Gather tool directories in order of increasing precedence
-        runtime_tool_paths = []
-        # Check for tools installed in ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/
-        # TODO(tonymd): Is this Mac & Linux specific?
-        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
-            os.path.join(
-                os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("~"))),
-                ".arduino15", "packages", "arduino", "tools", "*"))
-        # <ARDUINO_PATH>/tools/<OS_STRING>/<TOOL_NAMES>
-        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
-            os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "tools",
-                         arduino_runtime_os_string(), "*"))
-        # <ARDUINO_PATH>/tools/<TOOL_NAMES>
-        # This will grab linux/windows/macosx/share as <TOOL_NAMES>.
-        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
-            os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "tools", "*"))
-        # Process package tools after arduino tools.
-        # They should overwrite vars & take precedence.
-        # <PACKAGE_PATH>/tools/<OS_STRING>/<TOOL_NAMES>
-        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
-            os.path.join(self.package_path, "tools",
-                         arduino_runtime_os_string(), "*"))
-        # <PACKAGE_PATH>/tools/<TOOL_NAMES>
-        # This will grab linux/windows/macosx/share as <TOOL_NAMES>.
-        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
-            os.path.join(self.package_path, "tools", "*"))
-        for path in runtime_tool_paths:
-            # Make sure TOOL_NAME is not an OS string
-            if not (path.endswith("linux") or path.endswith("windows")
-                    or path.endswith("macosx") or path.endswith("share")):
-                # TODO(tonymd): Check if a file & do nothing?
-                # Check if it's a directory with subdir(s) as a version string
-                #   create all '{tool_folder}-{version.path}'
-                #     (for each version)
-                #   create '{tool_folder}.path'
-                #     (with latest version)
-                if os.path.isdir(path):
-                    # Grab the tool name (folder) by itself.
-                    tool_folder = os.path.basename(path)
-                    # Sort so that [-1] is the latest version.
-                    version_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*")))
-                    # Check if all sub folders start with a version string.
-                    if len(version_paths) == sum(
-                            bool(re.match(r"^[0-9.]+", os.path.basename(vp)))
-                            for vp in version_paths):
-                        for version_path in version_paths:
-                            version_string = os.path.basename(version_path)
-                            var_name = "{}-{}.path".format(
-                                tool_folder, version_string)
-                            self.tools_variables[var_name] = os.path.join(
-                                path, version_string)
-                        var_name = "{}.path".format(tool_folder)
-                        self.tools_variables[var_name] = os.path.join(
-                            path, os.path.basename(version_paths[-1]))
-                    # Else set toolpath to path.
-                    else:
-                        var_name = "{}.path".format(tool_folder)
-                        self.tools_variables[var_name] = path
-        _LOG.debug("TOOL VARIABLES: %s", _pretty_format(self.tools_variables))
-    # Copy self.tools_variables into destination
-    def _set_tools_variables(self, destination):
-        for key, value in self.tools_variables.items():
-            destination[key] = value
-    def _substitute_variables(self):
-        """Perform variable substitution in board and platform metadata."""
-        # menu -> board
-        # Copy selected menu variables into board definiton
-        for name, value in self.menu_options["selected"].items():
-            self.board[self.selected_board][name] = value
-        # board -> board
-        # Replace any {vars} in the selected board with values defined within
-        # (and from copied in menu options).
-        for var, value in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
-            self.board[self.selected_board][var] = self._replace_variables(
-                value, self.board[self.selected_board])
-        # Check for build.variant variable
-        # This will be set in selected board after menu options substitution
-        build_variant = self.board[self.selected_board].get(
-            "build.variant", None)
-        if build_variant:
-            # Set build.variant.path
-            bvp = os.path.join(self.package_path, "variants", build_variant)
-            self.build_variant_path = bvp
-            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.variant.path"] = bvp
-            # Add the variant folder as an include directory
-            # (used in stm32l4 core)
-            self.variant_includes = "-I{}".format(bvp)
-        _LOG.debug("PLATFORM INITIAL: %s", _pretty_format(self.platform))
-        # board -> platform
-        # Replace {vars} in platform from the selected board definition
-        for var, value in self.platform.items():
-            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(
-                value, self.board[self.selected_board])
-        # platform -> platform
-        # Replace any remaining {vars} in platform from platform
-        for var, value in self.platform.items():
-            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(value, self.platform)
-        # Repeat platform -> platform for any lingering variables
-        # Example: {} in STM32 core
-        for var, value in self.platform.items():
-            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(value, self.platform)
-        _LOG.debug("MENU_OPTIONS: %s", _pretty_format(self.menu_options))
-        _LOG.debug("SELECTED_BOARD: %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.board[self.selected_board]))
-        _LOG.debug("PLATFORM: %s", _pretty_format(self.platform))
-    def selected_board_spec(self):
-        return self.board[self.selected_board]
-    def get_menu_options(self):
-        all_options = []
-        max_string_length = [0, 0]
-        for key_name, description in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
-            menu_match_result = self.menu_option_regex.match(key_name)
-            if menu_match_result:
-                menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
-                name = "menu.{}.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"],
-                                           menu_match["menu_option_value"])
-                if len(name) > max_string_length[0]:
-                    max_string_length[0] = len(name)
-                if len(description) > max_string_length[1]:
-                    max_string_length[1] = len(description)
-                all_options.append((name, description))
-        return all_options, max_string_length
-    def get_default_menu_options(self):
-        default_options = []
-        max_string_length = [0, 0]
-        for key_name, value in self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
-                self.selected_board].items():
-            full_key = key_name + "." + value["name"]
-            if len(full_key) > max_string_length[0]:
-                max_string_length[0] = len(full_key)
-            if len(value["description"]) > max_string_length[1]:
-                max_string_length[1] = len(value["description"])
-            default_options.append((full_key, value["description"]))
-        return default_options, max_string_length
-    @staticmethod
-    def split_binary_from_arguments(compile_line):
-        compile_binary = None
-        rest_of_line = compile_line
-        compile_binary_match ='^("[^"]+") ', compile_line)
-        if compile_binary_match:
-            compile_binary = compile_binary_match[1]
-            rest_of_line = compile_line.replace(compile_binary_match[0], "", 1)
-        return compile_binary, rest_of_line
-    def _strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(self, compile_line):
-        line = compile_line
-        if self.variant_includes:
-            line = compile_line.replace(
-                "{includes} \"{source_file}\" -o \"{object_file}\"",
-                self.variant_includes, 1)
-        else:
-            line = compile_line.replace(
-                "{includes} \"{source_file}\" -o \"{object_file}\"", "", 1)
-        return line
-    def _get_tool_name(self, line):
-        tool_match_result = self.tool_name_regex.match(line)
-        if tool_match_result:
-            return tool_match_result[1]
-        return False
-    def get_upload_tool_names(self):
-        return [
-            self._get_tool_name(t) for t in self.platform.keys()
-            if self.tool_name_regex.match(t) and 'upload.pattern' in t
-        ]
-    # TODO(tonymd): Use these getters in _replace_variables() or
-    # _substitute_variables()
-    def _get_platform_variable(self, variable):
-        # TODO(tonymd): Check for '.macos' '.linux' '.windows' in variable name,
-        # compare with platform.system() and return that instead.
-        return self.platform.get(variable, False)
-    def _get_platform_variable_with_substitutions(self, variable, namespace):
-        line = self.platform.get(variable, False)
-        # Get all unique variables used in this line in line.
-        unique_vars = sorted(
-            set(self.interpolated_variable_regex.findall(line)))
-        # Search for each unique_vars in namespace and global.
-        for var in unique_vars:
-            v_raw_name = var.strip("{}")
-            # Check for namespace.variable
-            #   eg: 'tools.stm32CubeProg.cmd'
-            possible_var_name = "{}.{}".format(namespace, v_raw_name)
-            result = self._get_platform_variable(possible_var_name)
-            # Check for os overriden variable
-            #   eg:
-            #     ('tools.stm32CubeProg.cmd', ''),
-            #     ('', 'stm32CubeProg.bat'),
-            possible_var_name = "{}.{}.{}".format(namespace, v_raw_name,
-                                                  arduino_runtime_os_string())
-            os_override_result = self._get_platform_variable(possible_var_name)
-            if os_override_result:
-                line = line.replace(var, os_override_result)
-            elif result:
-                line = line.replace(var, result)
-            # Check for variable at top level?
-            # elif self._get_platform_variable(v_raw_name):
-            #     line = line.replace(self._get_platform_variable(v_raw_name),
-            #                         result)
-        return line
-    def get_upload_line(self, tool_name, serial_port=False):
-        # TODO(tonymd): Error if tool_name does not exist
-        tool_namespace = "tools.{}".format(tool_name)
-        pattern = "tools.{}.upload.pattern".format(tool_name)
-        if not self._get_platform_variable(pattern):
-            _LOG.error("Error: upload tool '%s' does not exist.", tool_name)
-            tools = self.get_upload_tool_names()
-            _LOG.error("Valid tools: %s", ", ".join(tools))
-            return sys.exit(1)
-        line = self._get_platform_variable_with_substitutions(
-            pattern, tool_namespace)
-        # TODO(tonymd): Teensy specific tool overrides.
-        if tool_name == "teensyloader":
-            # Remove un-necessary lines
-            # {serial.port.label} and {serial.port.protocol} are returned by
-            # the teensy_ports binary.
-            line = line.replace("\"-portlabel={serial.port.label}\"", "", 1)
-            line = line.replace("\"-portprotocol={serial.port.protocol}\"", "",
-                                1)
-        if serial_port:
-            line = line.replace("{serial.port}", serial_port, 1)
-        return line
-    def _get_binary_path(self, variable_pattern):
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            self._get_platform_variable(variable_pattern))
-        compile_binary, _ = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_binary
-    def get_cc_binary(self):
-        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.c.o.pattern")
-    def get_cxx_binary(self):
-        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.cpp.o.pattern")
-    def get_objcopy_binary(self):
-        objcopy_step_name = self.get_objcopy_step_names()[0]
-        objcopy_binary = self._get_binary_path(objcopy_step_name)
-        return objcopy_binary
-    def get_ar_binary(self):
-        return self._get_binary_path("")
-    def get_size_binary(self):
-        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.size.pattern")
-    def replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(self, compile_line):
-        if not self.compiler_path_override:
-            return compile_line
-        replacement_line = compile_line
-        replacement_line_args = compile_line.split()
-        for arg in replacement_line_args:
-            compile_binary_basename = os.path.basename(arg.strip("\""))
-            if compile_binary_basename in self.compiler_path_override_binaries:
-                new_compiler = os.path.join(self.compiler_path_override,
-                                            compile_binary_basename)
-                replacement_line = replacement_line.replace(
-                    arg, new_compiler, 1)
-        return replacement_line
-    def replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(self, compile_line):
-        replacement_compile_line = compile_line
-        # Change the compiler path if there's an override path set
-        if self.compiler_path_override:
-            compile_binary, line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-                compile_line)
-            compile_binary_basename = os.path.basename(
-                compile_binary.strip("\""))
-            new_compiler = os.path.join(self.compiler_path_override,
-                                        compile_binary_basename)
-            if platform.system() == "Windows" and not re.match(
-                    r".*\.exe$", new_compiler, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
-                new_compiler += ".exe"
-            if os.path.isfile(new_compiler):
-                replacement_compile_line = "\"{}\" {}".format(
-                    new_compiler, line)
-        return replacement_compile_line
-    def get_c_compile_line(self):
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_C_COMPILE: %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.c.o.pattern"]))
-        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.c.o.pattern"]
-        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
-            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line
-    def get_s_compile_line(self):
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_S_COMPILE %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.S.o.pattern"]))
-        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.S.o.pattern"]
-        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
-            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line
-    def get_ar_compile_line(self):
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_AR_COMPILE: %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.platform[""]))
-        compile_line = self.platform[""].replace(
-            "\"{object_file}\"", "", 1)
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line
-    def get_cpp_compile_line(self):
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_CPP_COMPILE: %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.cpp.o.pattern"]))
-        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.cpp.o.pattern"]
-        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
-            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line
-    def get_link_line(self):
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_LINK: %s",
-                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"]))
-        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"]
-        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line
-    def get_objcopy_step_names(self):
-        names = [
-            name for name, line in self.platform.items()
-            if self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(name)
-        ]
-        return names
-    def get_objcopy_steps(self) -> List[str]:
-        lines = [
-            line for name, line in self.platform.items()
-            if self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(name)
-        ]
-        lines = [
-            self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
-            for line in lines
-        ]
-        return lines
-    # TODO(tonymd): These recipes are probably run in sorted order
-    def get_objcopy(self, suffix):
-        # Expected vars:
-        # teensy:
-        #   recipe.objcopy.eep.pattern
-        #   recipe.objcopy.hex.pattern
-        pattern = "recipe.objcopy.{}.pattern".format(suffix)
-        objcopy_step_names = self.get_objcopy_step_names()
-        objcopy_suffixes = [
-            m[1] for m in [
-                self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(line)
-                for line in objcopy_step_names
-            ] if m
-        ]
-        if pattern not in objcopy_step_names:
-            _LOG.error("Error: objcopy suffix '%s' does not exist.", suffix)
-            _LOG.error("Valid suffixes: %s", ", ".join(objcopy_suffixes))
-            return sys.exit(1)
-        line = self._get_platform_variable(pattern)
-        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_OBJCOPY_%s: %s", suffix, line)
-        line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
-        return line
-    def get_objcopy_flags(self, suffix):
-        # TODO(tonymd): Possibly teensy specific variables.
-        flags = ""
-        if suffix == "hex":
-            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.elf2hex.flags", "")
-        elif suffix == "bin":
-            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.elf2bin.flags", "")
-        elif suffix == "eep":
-            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.objcopy.eep.flags", "")
-        return flags
-    # TODO(tonymd): There are more recipe hooks besides postbuild.
-    #   They are run in sorted order.
-    # TODO(tonymd): Rename this to get_hooks(hook_name, step).
-    # TODO(tonymd): Add a list-hooks and or run-hooks command
-    def get_postbuild_line(self, step_number):
-        line = self.platform["recipe.hooks.postbuild.{}.pattern".format(
-            step_number)]
-        line = self.replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(line)
-        return line
-    def get_prebuild_steps(self) -> List[str]:
-        # Teensy core uses recipe.hooks.sketch.prebuild.1.pattern
-        # stm32 core uses recipe.hooks.prebuild.1.pattern
-        # TODO(tonymd): STM32 core uses
-        #   (should override non-windows key)
-        lines = [
-            line for name, line in self.platform.items() if re.match(
-                r"^recipe.hooks.(?:sketch.)?prebuild.[^.]+.pattern$", name)
-        ]
-        # TODO(tonymd): Write a function to fetch/replace OS specific patterns
-        #   (ending in an OS string)
-        lines = [
-            self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
-            for line in lines
-        ]
-        return lines
-    def get_postbuild_steps(self) -> List[str]:
-        lines = [
-            line for name, line in self.platform.items()
-            if re.match(r"^recipe.hooks.postbuild.[^.]+.pattern$", name)
-        ]
-        lines = [
-            self.replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(line)
-            for line in lines
-        ]
-        return lines
-    def get_s_flags(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_s_compile_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
-        return compile_line.strip()
-    def get_c_flags(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_c_compile_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
-        return compile_line.strip()
-    def get_cpp_flags(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_cpp_compile_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
-        return compile_line.strip()
-    def get_ar_flags(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_ar_compile_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        return compile_line.strip()
-    def get_ld_flags(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_link_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        # TODO(tonymd): This is teensy specific
-        line_to_delete = "-o \"{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf\" " \
-            "{object_files} \"-L{build.path}\""
-        if self.build_path:
-            line_to_delete = line_to_delete.replace("{build.path}",
-                                                    self.build_path)
-        if self.build_project_name:
-            line_to_delete = line_to_delete.replace("{build.project_name}",
-                                                    self.build_project_name)
-        compile_line = compile_line.replace(line_to_delete, "", 1)
-        libs = re.findall(r'(-l[^ ]+ ?)', compile_line)
-        for lib in libs:
-            compile_line = compile_line.replace(lib, "", 1)
-        libs = [lib.strip() for lib in libs]
-        return compile_line.strip()
-    def get_ld_libs(self):
-        compile_line = self.get_link_line()
-        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
-            compile_line)
-        # TODO(tonymd): This replacement is teensy specific
-        compile_line = compile_line.replace(
-            "-o \"{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf\" "
-            "{object_files} \"-L{build.path}\"", "", 1)
-        libs = re.findall(r'(-l[^ ]+ ?)', compile_line)
-        for lib in libs:
-            compile_line = compile_line.replace(lib, "", 1)
-        libs = [lib.strip() for lib in libs]
-        return " ".join(libs)
-    def library_folders(self):
-        # Arduino library format documentation:
-        #
-        # - If src folder exists,
-        #   use that as the root include directory -Ilibraries/libname/src
-        # - Else lib folder as root include -Ilibraries/libname
-        #   (exclude source files in the examples folder in this case)
-        library_path = os.path.join(self.project_path, "libraries")
-        library_folders = FileOperations.find_files(library_path, ["*"],
-                                                    directories_only=True)
-        library_source_root_folders = []
-        for lib in library_folders:
-            lib_dir = os.path.join(library_path, lib)
-            src_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "src")
-            if os.path.exists(src_dir) and os.path.isdir(src_dir):
-                library_source_root_folders.append(src_dir)
-            else:
-                library_source_root_folders.append(lib_dir)
-        return library_source_root_folders
-    def library_includes(self):
-        include_args = []
-        library_folders = self.library_folders()
-        for lib_dir in library_folders:
-            include_args.append("-I{}".format(os.path.relpath(lib_dir)))
-        return include_args
-    def library_files(self, pattern):
-        sources = []
-        library_folders = self.library_folders()
-        for lib_dir in library_folders:
-            for file_path in FileOperations.find_files(lib_dir, [pattern]):
-                if not file_path.startswith("examples"):
-                    sources.append(
-                        os.path.relpath(os.path.join(lib_dir, file_path)))
-        return sources
-    def library_c_files(self):
-        return self.library_files("**/*.c")
-    def library_cpp_files(self):
-        return self.library_files("**/*.cpp")
-    def get_core_path(self):
-        return self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"]
-    def core_files(self, pattern):
-        sources = []
-        for file_path in FileOperations.find_files(self.get_core_path(),
-                                                   [pattern]):
-            sources.append(os.path.join(self.get_core_path(), file_path))
-        return sources
-    def core_c_files(self):
-        return self.core_files("**/*.c")
-    def core_s_files(self):
-        return self.core_files("**/*.S")
-    def core_cpp_files(self):
-        return self.core_files("**/*.cpp")
-    def get_variant_path(self):
-        return self.build_variant_path
-    def variant_files(self, pattern):
-        sources = []
-        if self.build_variant_path:
-            for file_path in FileOperations.find_files(self.get_variant_path(),
-                                                       [pattern]):
-                sources.append(os.path.join(self.get_variant_path(),
-                                            file_path))
-        return sources
-    def variant_c_files(self):
-        return self.variant_files("**/*.c")
-    def variant_s_files(self):
-        return self.variant_files("**/*.S")
-    def variant_cpp_files(self):
-        return self.variant_files("**/*.cpp")
-    def project_files(self, pattern):
-        sources = []
-        for file_path in FileOperations.find_files(self.project_path,
-                                                   [pattern]):
-            if not file_path.startswith(
-                    "examples") and not file_path.startswith("libraries"):
-                sources.append(file_path)
-        return sources
-    def project_c_files(self):
-        return self.project_files("**/*.c")
-    def project_cpp_files(self):
-        return self.project_files("**/*.cpp")
-    def project_ino_files(self):
-        return self.project_files("**/*.ino")
-def install_core_command(args):
-    install_prefix = os.path.realpath(
-        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(args.prefix)))
-    install_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, args.core_name)
-    cache_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, ".cache", args.core_name)
-    shutil.rmtree(install_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-    os.makedirs(install_dir, exist_ok=True)
-    os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
-    if args.core_name == "teensy":
-        if platform.system() == "Linux":
-            ArduinoCoreInstaller.install_teensy_core_linux(
-                install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
-        elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
-            ArduinoCoreInstaller.install_teensy_core_mac(
-                install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
-        elif platform.system() == "Windows":
-            ArduinoCoreInstaller.install_teensy_core_windows(
-                install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
-    elif args.core_name == "adafruit-samd":
-        ArduinoCoreInstaller.install_adafruit_samd_core(
-            install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
-    elif args.core_name == "stm32duino":
-        ArduinoCoreInstaller.install_stm32duino_core(install_prefix,
-                                                     install_dir, cache_dir)
-    sys.exit(0)
-def list_boards_command(unused_args, builder):
-    # list-boards subcommand
-    # (does not need a selected board or default menu options)
-    # TODO(tonymd): Print this sorted with auto-ljust columns
-    longest_name_length = 0
-    for board_name, board_dict in builder.board.items():
-        if len(board_name) > longest_name_length:
-            longest_name_length = len(board_name)
-    longest_name_length += 2
-    print("Board Name".ljust(longest_name_length), "Description")
-    for board_name, board_dict in builder.board.items():
-        print(board_name.ljust(longest_name_length), board_dict['name'])
-    sys.exit(0)
-def list_menu_options_command(args, builder):
-    # List all menu options for the selected board.
-    builder.select_board(args.board)
-    print("All Options")
-    all_options, all_column_widths = builder.get_menu_options()
-    separator = "-" * (all_column_widths[0] + all_column_widths[1] + 2)
-    print(separator)
-    for name, description in all_options:
-        print(name.ljust(all_column_widths[0] + 1), description)
-    print("\nDefault Options")
-    print(separator)
-    default_options, unused_column_widths = builder.get_default_menu_options()
-    for name, description in default_options:
-        print(name.ljust(all_column_widths[0] + 1), description)
-def show_command_print_string_list(args, string_list: List[str]):
-    join_token = " "
-    if args.delimit_with_newlines:
-        join_token = "\n"
-    print(join_token.join(string_list))
-def show_command_print_flag_string(args, flag_string):
-    if args.delimit_with_newlines:
-        flag_string_with_newlines = shlex.split(flag_string)
-        print("\n".join(flag_string_with_newlines))
-    else:
-        print(flag_string)
-def run_command_lines(args, command_lines: List[str]):
-    for command_line in command_lines:
-        if not args.quiet:
-            print(command_line)
-        # TODO(tonymd): Exit with sub command exit code.
-        os.system(command_line)
-# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
-def show_command(args, builder):
-    """Show sub command function.
-    Prints compile flags and runs Arduino recipes.
-    """
-    builder.select_board(args.board, args.menu_options)
-    if args.cc_binary:
-        print(builder.get_cc_binary())
-    elif args.cxx_binary:
-        print(builder.get_cxx_binary())
-    elif args.objcopy_binary:
-        print(builder.get_objcopy_binary())
-    elif args.ar_binary:
-        print(builder.get_ar_binary())
-    elif args.size_binary:
-        print(builder.get_size_binary())
-    elif args.run_c_compile:
-        print(builder.get_c_compile_line())
-    elif args.run_cpp_compile:
-        print(builder.get_cpp_compile_line())
-    elif args.run_link:
-        line = builder.get_link_line()
-        archive_file_path = args.run_link[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
-        object_files = args.run_link[1:]
-        line = line.replace("{object_files}", " ".join(object_files), 1)
-        run_command_lines(args, [line])
-    elif args.run_objcopy:
-        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_objcopy_steps())
-    elif args.objcopy:
-        print(builder.get_objcopy(args.objcopy))
-    elif args.objcopy_flags:
-        objcopy_flags = builder.get_objcopy_flags(args.objcopy_flags)
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, objcopy_flags)
-    elif args.c_flags:
-        cflags = builder.get_c_flags()
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, cflags)
-    elif args.s_flags:
-        sflags = builder.get_s_flags()
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, sflags)
-    elif args.cpp_flags:
-        cppflags = builder.get_cpp_flags()
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, cppflags)
-    elif args.ld_flags:
-        ldflags = builder.get_ld_flags()
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, ldflags)
-    elif args.ld_libs:
-        print(builder.get_ld_libs())
-    elif args.ar_flags:
-        ar_flags = builder.get_ar_flags()
-        show_command_print_flag_string(args, ar_flags)
-    elif args.core_path:
-        print(builder.get_core_path())
-    elif args.run_prebuilds:
-        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_prebuild_steps())
-    elif args.run_postbuilds:
-        run_command_lines(args, builder.get_postbuild_steps())
-    elif args.postbuild:
-        print(builder.get_postbuild_line(args.postbuild))
-    elif args.run_upload_command:
-        command = builder.get_upload_line(args.run_upload_command,
-                                          args.serial_port)
-        run_command_lines(args, [command])
-    elif args.upload_command:
-        print(builder.get_upload_line(args.upload_command, args.serial_port))
-    elif args.upload_tools:
-        tools = builder.get_upload_tool_names()
-        for tool_name in tools:
-            print(tool_name)
-    elif args.library_includes:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_includes())
-    elif args.library_c_files:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_c_files())
-    elif args.library_cpp_files:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.library_cpp_files())
-    elif args.core_c_files:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_c_files())
-    elif args.core_s_files:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_s_files())
-    elif args.core_cpp_files:
-        show_command_print_string_list(args, builder.core_cpp_files())
-    elif args.variant_c_files:
-        vfiles = builder.variant_c_files()
-        if vfiles:
-            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
-    elif args.variant_s_files:
-        vfiles = builder.variant_s_files()
-        if vfiles:
-            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
-    elif args.variant_cpp_files:
-        vfiles = builder.variant_cpp_files()
-        if vfiles:
-            show_command_print_string_list(args, vfiles)
-def main():
-    """Main command line function.
-    Parses command line args and dispatches to sub `*_command()` functions.
-    """
-    def log_level(arg: str) -> int:
-        try:
-            return getattr(logging, arg.upper())
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
-                f'{arg.upper()} is not a valid log level')
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("-q",
-                        "--quiet",
-                        help="hide run command output",
-                        action="store_true")
-    parser.add_argument('-l',
-                        '--loglevel',
-                        type=log_level,
-                        default=logging.INFO,
-                        help='Set the log level '
-                        '(debug, info, warning, error, critical)')
-    build_path = os.path.realpath(
-        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("./build")))
-    project_path = os.path.realpath(
-        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("./")))
-    project_source_path = os.path.join(project_path, "src")
-    build_project_name = os.path.basename(project_path)
-    serial_port = "UNKNOWN"
-    # TODO(tonymd): Temp solution to passing in serial port. It should use
-    # arduino core discovery tools.
-    possible_serial_ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") + glob.glob(
-        "/dev/ttyUSB*")
-    if possible_serial_ports:
-        serial_port = possible_serial_ports[0]
-    project_name = os.path.basename(
-        os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("./"))))
-    # Global command line options
-    parser.add_argument("--arduino-package-path",
-                        help="Path to the arduino IDE install location.")
-    parser.add_argument("--arduino-package-name",
-                        help="Name of the Arduino board package to use.")
-    parser.add_argument("--compiler-path-override",
-                        help="Path to arm-none-eabi-gcc bin folder. "
-                        "Default: Arduino core specified gcc")
-    # Subcommands
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommand",
-                                       description="valid subcommands",
-                                       help="sub-command help",
-                                       dest="subcommand",
-                                       required=True)
-    # install-core command
-    install_core_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "install-core", help="Download and install arduino cores")
-    install_core_parser.set_defaults(func=install_core_command)
-    install_core_parser.add_argument("--prefix",
-                                     required=True,
-                                     help="Path to install core files.")
-    install_core_parser.add_argument(
-        "--core-name",
-        required=True,
-        choices=[
-            "teensy",
-            "stm32duino",
-            "adafruit-samd",
-        ],
-        help="Name of the arduino core to install.")
-    # list-boards command
-    list_boards_parser = subparsers.add_parser("list-boards",
-                                               help="show supported boards")
-    list_boards_parser.set_defaults(func=list_boards_command)
-    # list-menu-options command
-    list_menu_options_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "list-menu-options",
-        help="show available menu options for selected board")
-    list_menu_options_parser.set_defaults(func=list_menu_options_command)
-    list_menu_options_parser.add_argument("--board",
-                                          required=True,
-                                          help="Name of the board to use.")
-    # show command
-    show_parser = subparsers.add_parser("show",
-                                        help="Return compiler information.")
-    show_parser.add_argument(
-        "--serial-port",
-        default=serial_port,
-        help="Serial port for flashing flash. Default: '{}'".format(
-            serial_port))
-    show_parser.add_argument(
-        "--build-path",
-        default=build_path,
-        help="Build directory. Default: '{}'".format(build_path))
-    show_parser.add_argument(
-        "--project-path",
-        default=build_path,
-        help="Project directory. Default: '{}'".format(project_path))
-    show_parser.add_argument(
-        "--project-source-path",
-        default=project_source_path,
-        help="Project directory. Default: '{}'".format(project_source_path))
-    show_parser.add_argument(
-        "--build-project-name",
-        default=project_name,
-        help="Project name. Default: '{}'".format(build_project_name))
-    show_parser.add_argument("--board",
-                             required=True,
-                             help="Name of the board to use.")
-    show_parser.add_argument("--delimit-with-newlines",
-                             help="Separate flags output with newlines.",
-                             action="store_true")
-    output_group = show_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-c-compile", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-cpp-compile", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-link",
-                              nargs="+",
-                              type=str,
-                              help="Run the link command. Expected arguments: "
-                              "the archive file followed by all obj files.")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-objcopy", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-prebuilds", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-postbuilds", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--c-flags", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--s-flags", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--cpp-flags", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--ld-flags", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--ar-flags", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--ld-libs", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy", help="objcopy step for SUFFIX")
-    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy-flags",
-                              help="objcopy flags for SUFFIX")
-    output_group.add_argument("--core-path", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--cc-binary", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--cxx-binary", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--ar-binary", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--objcopy-binary", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--size-binary", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--postbuild",
-                              help="Show recipe.hooks.postbuild.*.pattern")
-    output_group.add_argument("--upload-tools", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--upload-command")
-    output_group.add_argument("--run-upload-command")
-    output_group.add_argument("--library-includes", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--library-c-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--library-cpp-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--core-c-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--core-s-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--core-cpp-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--variant-c-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--variant-s-files", action="store_true")
-    output_group.add_argument("--variant-cpp-files", action="store_true")
-    # nargs="+" is one or more args, e.g:
-    #   --menu-options menu.usb.serialhid menu.speed.150
-    show_parser.add_argument("--menu-options", nargs="+", type=str)
-    show_parser.set_defaults(func=show_command)
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    # Set logging level and output handler
-    _LOG.setLevel(args.loglevel)
-    _STDERR_HANDLER.setLevel(args.loglevel)
-    _STDERR_HANDLER.setFormatter(
-        logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] "
-                          "%(levelname)s %(message)s", "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"))
-    _LOG.addHandler(_STDERR_HANDLER)
-    _LOG.debug(_pretty_format(args))
-    compiler_path_override = False
-    if args.compiler_path_override:
-        compiler_path_override = os.path.realpath(
-            os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(
-                args.compiler_path_override)))
-    if args.subcommand == "install-core":
-        args.func(args)
-    elif args.subcommand in ["list-boards", "list-menu-options"]:
-        builder = ArduinoBuilder(args.arduino_package_path,
-                                 args.arduino_package_name)
-        builder.load_board_definitions()
-        args.func(args, builder)
-    else:
-        builder = ArduinoBuilder(args.arduino_package_path,
-                                 args.arduino_package_name,
-                                 build_path=args.build_path,
-                                 build_project_name=args.build_project_name,
-                                 project_path=args.project_path,
-                                 project_source_path=args.project_source_path,
-                                 compiler_path_override=compiler_path_override)
-        builder.load_board_definitions()
-        args.func(args, builder)
-    sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06c4117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Extracts build information from Arduino cores."""
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import pprint
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import List
+from pw_arduino_build import file_operations
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_pretty_print = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pprint
+_pretty_format = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120).pformat
+def arduino_runtime_os_string():
+    arduno_platform = {
+        "Linux": "linux",
+        "Windows": "windows",
+        "Darwin": "macosx"
+    }
+    return arduno_platform[platform.system()]
+class ArduinoBuilder:
+    """Used to interpret arduino boards.txt and platform.txt files."""
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
+    board_menu_regex = re.compile(
+        r"^(?P<name>menu\.[^#=]+)=(?P<description>.*)$", re.MULTILINE)
+    board_name_regex = re.compile(
+        r"^(?P<name>[^\s#\.]+)\.name=(?P<description>.*)$", re.MULTILINE)
+    variable_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[^\s#=]+)=(?P<value>.*)$",
+                                re.MULTILINE)
+    menu_option_regex = re.compile(
+        r"^menu\."  # starts with "menu"
+        r"(?P<menu_option_name>[^.]+)\."  # first token after .
+        r"(?P<menu_option_value>[^.]+)$")  # second (final) token after .
+    tool_name_regex = re.compile(
+        r"^tools\."  # starts with "tools"
+        r"(?P<tool_name>[^.]+)\.")  # first token after .
+    interpolated_variable_regex = re.compile(r"{[^}]+}", re.MULTILINE)
+    objcopy_step_name_regex = re.compile(r"^recipe.objcopy.([^.]+).pattern$")
+    def __init__(self,
+                 arduino_path,
+                 package_name,
+                 build_path=None,
+                 project_path=None,
+                 project_source_path=None,
+                 build_project_name=None,
+                 compiler_path_override=False):
+        self.arduino_path = arduino_path
+        self.arduino_package_name = package_name
+        self.selected_board = None
+        self.build_path = build_path
+        self.project_path = project_path
+        self.project_source_path = project_source_path
+        self.build_project_name = build_project_name
+        self.compiler_path_override = compiler_path_override
+        self.variant_includes = ""
+        self.build_variant_path = False
+        self.compiler_path_override_binaries = []
+        if self.compiler_path_override:
+            self.compiler_path_override_binaries = file_operations.find_files(
+                self.compiler_path_override, "*")
+        # Container dicts for boards.txt and platform.txt file data.
+        self.board = OrderedDict()
+        self.platform = OrderedDict()
+        self.menu_options = OrderedDict({
+            "global_options": {},
+            "default_board_values": {},
+            "selected": {}
+        })
+        self.tools_variables = {}
+        # Set and check for valid hardware folder.
+        self.hardware_path = os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "hardware")
+        if not os.path.exists(self.hardware_path):
+            _LOG.error("Error: Arduino package path '%s' does not exist.",
+                       self.arduino_path)
+            raise FileNotFoundError
+        # Set and check for valid package name
+        self.package_path = os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "hardware",
+                                         package_name)
+        # {build.arch} is the first folder name of the package (upcased)
+        self.build_arch = os.path.split(package_name)[0].upper()
+        if not os.path.exists(self.package_path):
+            _LOG.error("Error: Arduino package name '%s' does not exist.",
+                       package_name)
+            _LOG.error("Did you mean:\n")
+            # TODO(tonymd): On Windows concatenating "/" may not work
+            possible_alternatives = [
+                d.replace(self.hardware_path + os.sep, "", 1)
+                for d in glob.glob(self.hardware_path + "/*/*")
+            ]
+            _LOG.error("\n".join(possible_alternatives))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # Grab all folder names in the cores directory. These are typically
+        # sub-core source files.
+        self.sub_core_folders = os.listdir(
+            os.path.join(self.package_path, "cores"))
+        self._find_tools_variables()
+        self.boards_txt = os.path.join(self.package_path, "boards.txt")
+        self.platform_txt = os.path.join(self.package_path, "platform.txt")
+    def select_board(self, board_name, menu_option_overrides=False):
+        self.selected_board = board_name
+        # Load default menu options for a selected board.
+        if not self.selected_board in self.board.keys():
+            _LOG.error("Error board: '%s' not supported.", self.selected_board)
+            # TODO(tonymd): Print supported boards here
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # Override default menu options if any are specified.
+        if menu_option_overrides:
+            for moption in menu_option_overrides:
+                if not self.set_menu_option(moption):
+                    # TODO(tonymd): Print supported menu options here
+                    sys.exit(1)
+        self._copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables()
+        self._apply_recipe_overrides()
+        self._substitute_variables()
+    def _apply_recipe_overrides(self):
+        # Override link recipes with per-core exceptions
+        # Teensyduino cores
+        if self.build_arch == 'TEENSY':
+            # Change {build.path}/{archive_file}
+            # To {archive_file_path} (which should contain the core.a file)
+            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
+                "{object_files} \"{build.path}/{archive_file}\"",
+                "{object_files} {archive_file_path}", 1)
+            # Add the teensy provided toolchain lib folder for link access to
+            # libarm_cortexM*_math.a
+            new_link_line = new_link_line.replace(
+                "\"-L{build.path}\"",
+                "\"-L{build.path}\" -L{compiler.path}/arm/arm-none-eabi/lib",
+                1)
+            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
+        # Adafruit-samd core
+        # TODO(tonymd): This build_arch may clash with Arduino-SAMD core
+        elif self.build_arch == 'SAMD':
+            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
+                "\"{build.path}/{archive_file}\" -Wl,--end-group",
+                "{archive_file_path} -Wl,--end-group", 1)
+            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
+        # STM32L4 Core:
+        #
+        elif self.build_arch == 'STM32L4':
+            # TODO(tonymd): {build.path}/{archive_file} for the link step always
+            # seems to be core.a (except STM32 core)
+            line_to_delete = "-Wl,--start-group \"{build.path}/{archive_file}\""
+            new_link_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"].replace(
+                line_to_delete, "-Wl,--start-group {archive_file_path}", 1)
+            self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"] = new_link_line
+        # stm32duino core
+        elif self.build_arch == 'STM32':
+            pass
+    def _copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables(self):
+        # Clear existing options
+        self.menu_options["selected"] = {}
+        # Set default menu options for selected board
+        for menu_key, menu_dict in self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
+                self.selected_board].items():
+            for name, var in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
+                starting_key = "{}.{}.".format(menu_key, menu_dict["name"])
+                if name.startswith(starting_key):
+                    new_var_name = name.replace(starting_key, "", 1)
+                    self.menu_options["selected"][new_var_name] = var
+    def set_menu_option(self, moption):
+        if moption not in self.board[self.selected_board]:
+            _LOG.error("Error: '%s' is not a valid menu option.", moption)
+            return False
+        # Override default menu option with new value.
+        menu_match_result = self.menu_option_regex.match(moption)
+        if menu_match_result:
+            menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
+            menu_value = menu_match["menu_option_value"]
+            menu_key = "menu.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"])
+            self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
+                self.selected_board][menu_key]["name"] = menu_value
+        # Update build variables
+        self._copy_default_menu_options_to_build_variables()
+        return True
+    def _set_global_arduino_variables(self):
+        """Set some global variables defined by the Arduino-IDE.
+        See Docs:
+        """
+        for current_board_name in self.board.keys():
+            if self.build_path:
+                self.board[current_board_name]["build.path"] = self.build_path
+            if self.build_project_name:
+                self.board[current_board_name][
+                    "build.project_name"] = self.build_project_name
+                # {archive_file} is the final *.elf
+                archive_file = "{}.elf".format(self.build_project_name)
+                self.board[current_board_name]["archive_file"] = archive_file
+                # {archive_file_path} is the final core.a archive
+                if self.build_path:
+                    self.board[current_board_name][
+                        "archive_file_path"] = os.path.join(
+                            self.build_path, "core.a")
+            if self.project_source_path:
+                self.board[current_board_name][
+                    "build.source.path"] = self.project_source_path
+            self.board[current_board_name]["extra.time.local"] = str(
+                int(time.time()))
+            self.board[current_board_name]["runtime.ide.version"] = "10812"
+            self.board[current_board_name][
+                "runtime.hardware.path"] = self.hardware_path
+            # Copy {} vars
+            self._set_tools_variables(self.board[current_board_name])
+            self.board[current_board_name][
+                "runtime.platform.path"] = self.package_path
+            if self.platform["name"] == "Teensyduino":
+                # Teensyduino is installed into the arduino IDE folder
+                # rather than ~/.arduino15/packages/
+                self.board[current_board_name][
+                    "runtime.hardware.path"] = os.path.join(
+                        self.hardware_path, "teensy")
+            self.board[current_board_name]["build.system.path"] = os.path.join(
+                self.package_path, "system")
+            # Set the {build.core.path} variable that pointing to a sub-core
+            # folder. For Teensys this is:
+            # 'teensy/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy{3,4}'. For other cores
+            # it's typically just the 'arduino' folder. For example:
+            # 'arduino-samd/hardware/samd/1.8.8/cores/arduino'
+            core_path = os.path.join(
+                self.package_path, "cores",
+                self.board[current_board_name].get("build.core",
+                                                   self.sub_core_folders[0]))
+            self.board[current_board_name]["build.core.path"] = core_path
+            self.board[current_board_name]["build.arch"] = self.build_arch
+            for name, var in self.board[current_board_name].items():
+                self.board[current_board_name][name] = var.replace(
+                    "{build.core.path}", core_path)
+    def load_board_definitions(self):
+        """Loads Arduino boards.txt and platform.txt files into dictionaries.
+        Populates the following dictionaries:
+            self.menu_options
+            self.boards
+            self.platform
+        """
+        # Load platform.txt
+        with open(self.platform_txt, "r") as pfile:
+            platform_file =
+            platform_var_matches = self.variable_regex.finditer(platform_file)
+            for p_match in [m.groupdict() for m in platform_var_matches]:
+                self.platform[p_match["name"]] = p_match["value"]
+        # Load boards.txt
+        with open(self.boards_txt, "r") as bfile:
+            board_file =
+            # Get all top-level menu options, e.g. menu.usb=USB Type
+            board_menu_matches = self.board_menu_regex.finditer(board_file)
+            for menuitem in [m.groupdict() for m in board_menu_matches]:
+                self.menu_options["global_options"][menuitem["name"]] = {
+                    "description": menuitem["description"]
+                }
+            # Get all board names, e.g. 4.0
+            board_name_matches = self.board_name_regex.finditer(board_file)
+            for b_match in [m.groupdict() for m in board_name_matches]:
+                self.board[b_match["name"]] = OrderedDict()
+                self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
+                    b_match["name"]] = OrderedDict()
+            # Get all board variables, e.g. teensy40.*
+            for current_board_name in self.board.keys():
+                board_line_matches = re.finditer(
+                    fr"^\s*{current_board_name}\."
+                    fr"(?P<key>[^#=]+)=(?P<value>.*)$", board_file,
+                    re.MULTILINE)
+                for b_match in [m.groupdict() for m in board_line_matches]:
+                    # Check if this line is a menu option
+                    # (e.g. 'menu.usb.serial') and save as default if it's the
+                    # first one seen.
+                    ArduinoBuilder.save_default_menu_option(
+                        current_board_name, b_match["key"], b_match["value"],
+                        self.menu_options)
+                    self.board[current_board_name][
+                        b_match["key"]] = b_match["value"].strip()
+            self._set_global_arduino_variables()
+    @staticmethod
+    def save_default_menu_option(current_board_name, key, value, menu_options):
+        """Save a given menu option as the default.
+        Saves the key and value into menu_options["default_board_values"]
+        if it doesn't already exist. Assumes menu options are added in the order
+        specified in boards.txt. The first value for a menu key is the default.
+        """
+        # Check if key is a menu option
+        # e.g. menu.usb.serial
+        #
+        menu_match_result = re.match(
+            r'^menu\.'  # starts with "menu"
+            r'(?P<menu_option_name>[^.]+)\.'  # first token after .
+            r'(?P<menu_option_value>[^.]+)'  # second token after .
+            r'(\.(?P<rest>.+))?',  # optionally any trailing tokens after a .
+            key)
+        if menu_match_result:
+            menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
+            current_menu_key = "menu.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"])
+            # If this is the first menu option seen for current_board_name, save
+            # as the default.
+            if current_menu_key not in menu_options["default_board_values"][
+                    current_board_name]:
+                menu_options["default_board_values"][current_board_name][
+                    current_menu_key] = {
+                        "name": menu_match["menu_option_value"],
+                        "description": value
+                    }
+    def _replace_variables(self, line, variable_lookup_source):
+        """Replace {variables} from loaded boards.txt or platform.txt.
+        Replace interpolated variables surrounded by curly braces in line with
+        definitions from variable_lookup_source.
+        """
+        new_line = line
+        for current_var_match in self.interpolated_variable_regex.findall(
+                line):
+            # {build.flags.c} --> build.flags.c
+            current_var = current_var_match.strip("{}")
+            # check for matches in board definition
+            if current_var in variable_lookup_source:
+                replacement = variable_lookup_source.get(current_var, "")
+                new_line = new_line.replace(current_var_match, replacement)
+        return new_line
+    def _find_tools_variables(self):
+        # Gather tool directories in order of increasing precedence
+        runtime_tool_paths = []
+        # Check for tools installed in ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/
+        # TODO(tonymd): Is this Mac & Linux specific?
+        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
+            os.path.join(
+                os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars("~"))),
+                ".arduino15", "packages", "arduino", "tools", "*"))
+        # <ARDUINO_PATH>/tools/<OS_STRING>/<TOOL_NAMES>
+        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
+            os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "tools",
+                         arduino_runtime_os_string(), "*"))
+        # <ARDUINO_PATH>/tools/<TOOL_NAMES>
+        # This will grab linux/windows/macosx/share as <TOOL_NAMES>.
+        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
+            os.path.join(self.arduino_path, "tools", "*"))
+        # Process package tools after arduino tools.
+        # They should overwrite vars & take precedence.
+        # <PACKAGE_PATH>/tools/<OS_STRING>/<TOOL_NAMES>
+        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
+            os.path.join(self.package_path, "tools",
+                         arduino_runtime_os_string(), "*"))
+        # <PACKAGE_PATH>/tools/<TOOL_NAMES>
+        # This will grab linux/windows/macosx/share as <TOOL_NAMES>.
+        runtime_tool_paths += glob.glob(
+            os.path.join(self.package_path, "tools", "*"))
+        for path in runtime_tool_paths:
+            # Make sure TOOL_NAME is not an OS string
+            if not (path.endswith("linux") or path.endswith("windows")
+                    or path.endswith("macosx") or path.endswith("share")):
+                # TODO(tonymd): Check if a file & do nothing?
+                # Check if it's a directory with subdir(s) as a version string
+                #   create all '{tool_folder}-{version.path}'
+                #     (for each version)
+                #   create '{tool_folder}.path'
+                #     (with latest version)
+                if os.path.isdir(path):
+                    # Grab the tool name (folder) by itself.
+                    tool_folder = os.path.basename(path)
+                    # Sort so that [-1] is the latest version.
+                    version_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*")))
+                    # Check if all sub folders start with a version string.
+                    if len(version_paths) == sum(
+                            bool(re.match(r"^[0-9.]+", os.path.basename(vp)))
+                            for vp in version_paths):
+                        for version_path in version_paths:
+                            version_string = os.path.basename(version_path)
+                            var_name = "{}-{}.path".format(
+                                tool_folder, version_string)
+                            self.tools_variables[var_name] = os.path.join(
+                                path, version_string)
+                        var_name = "{}.path".format(tool_folder)
+                        self.tools_variables[var_name] = os.path.join(
+                            path, os.path.basename(version_paths[-1]))
+                    # Else set toolpath to path.
+                    else:
+                        var_name = "{}.path".format(tool_folder)
+                        self.tools_variables[var_name] = path
+        _LOG.debug("TOOL VARIABLES: %s", _pretty_format(self.tools_variables))
+    # Copy self.tools_variables into destination
+    def _set_tools_variables(self, destination):
+        for key, value in self.tools_variables.items():
+            destination[key] = value
+    def _substitute_variables(self):
+        """Perform variable substitution in board and platform metadata."""
+        # menu -> board
+        # Copy selected menu variables into board definiton
+        for name, value in self.menu_options["selected"].items():
+            self.board[self.selected_board][name] = value
+        # board -> board
+        # Replace any {vars} in the selected board with values defined within
+        # (and from copied in menu options).
+        for var, value in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
+            self.board[self.selected_board][var] = self._replace_variables(
+                value, self.board[self.selected_board])
+        # Check for build.variant variable
+        # This will be set in selected board after menu options substitution
+        build_variant = self.board[self.selected_board].get(
+            "build.variant", None)
+        if build_variant:
+            # Set build.variant.path
+            bvp = os.path.join(self.package_path, "variants", build_variant)
+            self.build_variant_path = bvp
+            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.variant.path"] = bvp
+            # Add the variant folder as an include directory
+            # (used in stm32l4 core)
+            self.variant_includes = "-I{}".format(bvp)
+        _LOG.debug("PLATFORM INITIAL: %s", _pretty_format(self.platform))
+        # board -> platform
+        # Replace {vars} in platform from the selected board definition
+        for var, value in self.platform.items():
+            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(
+                value, self.board[self.selected_board])
+        # platform -> platform
+        # Replace any remaining {vars} in platform from platform
+        for var, value in self.platform.items():
+            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(value, self.platform)
+        # Repeat platform -> platform for any lingering variables
+        # Example: {} in STM32 core
+        for var, value in self.platform.items():
+            self.platform[var] = self._replace_variables(value, self.platform)
+        _LOG.debug("MENU_OPTIONS: %s", _pretty_format(self.menu_options))
+        _LOG.debug("SELECTED_BOARD: %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.board[self.selected_board]))
+        _LOG.debug("PLATFORM: %s", _pretty_format(self.platform))
+    def selected_board_spec(self):
+        return self.board[self.selected_board]
+    def get_menu_options(self):
+        all_options = []
+        max_string_length = [0, 0]
+        for key_name, description in self.board[self.selected_board].items():
+            menu_match_result = self.menu_option_regex.match(key_name)
+            if menu_match_result:
+                menu_match = menu_match_result.groupdict()
+                name = "menu.{}.{}".format(menu_match["menu_option_name"],
+                                           menu_match["menu_option_value"])
+                if len(name) > max_string_length[0]:
+                    max_string_length[0] = len(name)
+                if len(description) > max_string_length[1]:
+                    max_string_length[1] = len(description)
+                all_options.append((name, description))
+        return all_options, max_string_length
+    def get_default_menu_options(self):
+        default_options = []
+        max_string_length = [0, 0]
+        for key_name, value in self.menu_options["default_board_values"][
+                self.selected_board].items():
+            full_key = key_name + "." + value["name"]
+            if len(full_key) > max_string_length[0]:
+                max_string_length[0] = len(full_key)
+            if len(value["description"]) > max_string_length[1]:
+                max_string_length[1] = len(value["description"])
+            default_options.append((full_key, value["description"]))
+        return default_options, max_string_length
+    @staticmethod
+    def split_binary_from_arguments(compile_line):
+        compile_binary = None
+        rest_of_line = compile_line
+        compile_binary_match ='^("[^"]+") ', compile_line)
+        if compile_binary_match:
+            compile_binary = compile_binary_match[1]
+            rest_of_line = compile_line.replace(compile_binary_match[0], "", 1)
+        return compile_binary, rest_of_line
+    def _strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(self, compile_line):
+        line = compile_line
+        if self.variant_includes:
+            line = compile_line.replace(
+                "{includes} \"{source_file}\" -o \"{object_file}\"",
+                self.variant_includes, 1)
+        else:
+            line = compile_line.replace(
+                "{includes} \"{source_file}\" -o \"{object_file}\"", "", 1)
+        return line
+    def _get_tool_name(self, line):
+        tool_match_result = self.tool_name_regex.match(line)
+        if tool_match_result:
+            return tool_match_result[1]
+        return False
+    def get_upload_tool_names(self):
+        return [
+            self._get_tool_name(t) for t in self.platform.keys()
+            if self.tool_name_regex.match(t) and 'upload.pattern' in t
+        ]
+    # TODO(tonymd): Use these getters in _replace_variables() or
+    # _substitute_variables()
+    def _get_platform_variable(self, variable):
+        # TODO(tonymd): Check for '.macos' '.linux' '.windows' in variable name,
+        # compare with platform.system() and return that instead.
+        return self.platform.get(variable, False)
+    def _get_platform_variable_with_substitutions(self, variable, namespace):
+        line = self.platform.get(variable, False)
+        # Get all unique variables used in this line in line.
+        unique_vars = sorted(
+            set(self.interpolated_variable_regex.findall(line)))
+        # Search for each unique_vars in namespace and global.
+        for var in unique_vars:
+            v_raw_name = var.strip("{}")
+            # Check for namespace.variable
+            #   eg: 'tools.stm32CubeProg.cmd'
+            possible_var_name = "{}.{}".format(namespace, v_raw_name)
+            result = self._get_platform_variable(possible_var_name)
+            # Check for os overriden variable
+            #   eg:
+            #     ('tools.stm32CubeProg.cmd', ''),
+            #     ('', 'stm32CubeProg.bat'),
+            possible_var_name = "{}.{}.{}".format(namespace, v_raw_name,
+                                                  arduino_runtime_os_string())
+            os_override_result = self._get_platform_variable(possible_var_name)
+            if os_override_result:
+                line = line.replace(var, os_override_result)
+            elif result:
+                line = line.replace(var, result)
+            # Check for variable at top level?
+            # elif self._get_platform_variable(v_raw_name):
+            #     line = line.replace(self._get_platform_variable(v_raw_name),
+            #                         result)
+        return line
+    def get_upload_line(self, tool_name, serial_port=False):
+        # TODO(tonymd): Error if tool_name does not exist
+        tool_namespace = "tools.{}".format(tool_name)
+        pattern = "tools.{}.upload.pattern".format(tool_name)
+        if not self._get_platform_variable(pattern):
+            _LOG.error("Error: upload tool '%s' does not exist.", tool_name)
+            tools = self.get_upload_tool_names()
+            _LOG.error("Valid tools: %s", ", ".join(tools))
+            return sys.exit(1)
+        line = self._get_platform_variable_with_substitutions(
+            pattern, tool_namespace)
+        # TODO(tonymd): Teensy specific tool overrides.
+        if tool_name == "teensyloader":
+            # Remove un-necessary lines
+            # {serial.port.label} and {serial.port.protocol} are returned by
+            # the teensy_ports binary.
+            line = line.replace("\"-portlabel={serial.port.label}\"", "", 1)
+            line = line.replace("\"-portprotocol={serial.port.protocol}\"", "",
+                                1)
+        if serial_port:
+            line = line.replace("{serial.port}", serial_port, 1)
+        return line
+    def _get_binary_path(self, variable_pattern):
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            self._get_platform_variable(variable_pattern))
+        compile_binary, _ = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_binary
+    def get_cc_binary(self):
+        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.c.o.pattern")
+    def get_cxx_binary(self):
+        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.cpp.o.pattern")
+    def get_objcopy_binary(self):
+        objcopy_step_name = self.get_objcopy_step_names()[0]
+        objcopy_binary = self._get_binary_path(objcopy_step_name)
+        return objcopy_binary
+    def get_ar_binary(self):
+        return self._get_binary_path("")
+    def get_size_binary(self):
+        return self._get_binary_path("recipe.size.pattern")
+    def replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(self, compile_line):
+        if not self.compiler_path_override:
+            return compile_line
+        replacement_line = compile_line
+        replacement_line_args = compile_line.split()
+        for arg in replacement_line_args:
+            compile_binary_basename = os.path.basename(arg.strip("\""))
+            if compile_binary_basename in self.compiler_path_override_binaries:
+                new_compiler = os.path.join(self.compiler_path_override,
+                                            compile_binary_basename)
+                replacement_line = replacement_line.replace(
+                    arg, new_compiler, 1)
+        return replacement_line
+    def replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(self, compile_line):
+        replacement_compile_line = compile_line
+        # Change the compiler path if there's an override path set
+        if self.compiler_path_override:
+            compile_binary, line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+                compile_line)
+            compile_binary_basename = os.path.basename(
+                compile_binary.strip("\""))
+            new_compiler = os.path.join(self.compiler_path_override,
+                                        compile_binary_basename)
+            if platform.system() == "Windows" and not re.match(
+                    r".*\.exe$", new_compiler, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
+                new_compiler += ".exe"
+            if os.path.isfile(new_compiler):
+                replacement_compile_line = "\"{}\" {}".format(
+                    new_compiler, line)
+        return replacement_compile_line
+    def get_c_compile_line(self):
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_C_COMPILE: %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.c.o.pattern"]))
+        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.c.o.pattern"]
+        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
+            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line
+    def get_s_compile_line(self):
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_S_COMPILE %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.S.o.pattern"]))
+        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.S.o.pattern"]
+        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
+            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line
+    def get_ar_compile_line(self):
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_AR_COMPILE: %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.platform[""]))
+        compile_line = self.platform[""].replace(
+            "\"{object_file}\"", "", 1)
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line
+    def get_cpp_compile_line(self):
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_CPP_COMPILE: %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.cpp.o.pattern"]))
+        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.cpp.o.pattern"]
+        compile_line = self._strip_includes_source_file_object_file_vars(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line += " -I{}".format(
+            self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"])
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line
+    def get_link_line(self):
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_LINK: %s",
+                   _pretty_format(self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"]))
+        compile_line = self.platform["recipe.c.combine.pattern"]
+        compile_line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line
+    def get_objcopy_step_names(self):
+        names = [
+            name for name, line in self.platform.items()
+            if self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(name)
+        ]
+        return names
+    def get_objcopy_steps(self) -> List[str]:
+        lines = [
+            line for name, line in self.platform.items()
+            if self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(name)
+        ]
+        lines = [
+            self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
+            for line in lines
+        ]
+        return lines
+    # TODO(tonymd): These recipes are probably run in sorted order
+    def get_objcopy(self, suffix):
+        # Expected vars:
+        # teensy:
+        #   recipe.objcopy.eep.pattern
+        #   recipe.objcopy.hex.pattern
+        pattern = "recipe.objcopy.{}.pattern".format(suffix)
+        objcopy_step_names = self.get_objcopy_step_names()
+        objcopy_suffixes = [
+            m[1] for m in [
+                self.objcopy_step_name_regex.match(line)
+                for line in objcopy_step_names
+            ] if m
+        ]
+        if pattern not in objcopy_step_names:
+            _LOG.error("Error: objcopy suffix '%s' does not exist.", suffix)
+            _LOG.error("Valid suffixes: %s", ", ".join(objcopy_suffixes))
+            return sys.exit(1)
+        line = self._get_platform_variable(pattern)
+        _LOG.debug("ARDUINO_OBJCOPY_%s: %s", suffix, line)
+        line = self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
+        return line
+    def get_objcopy_flags(self, suffix):
+        # TODO(tonymd): Possibly teensy specific variables.
+        flags = ""
+        if suffix == "hex":
+            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.elf2hex.flags", "")
+        elif suffix == "bin":
+            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.elf2bin.flags", "")
+        elif suffix == "eep":
+            flags = self.platform.get("compiler.objcopy.eep.flags", "")
+        return flags
+    # TODO(tonymd): There are more recipe hooks besides postbuild.
+    #   They are run in sorted order.
+    # TODO(tonymd): Rename this to get_hooks(hook_name, step).
+    # TODO(tonymd): Add a list-hooks and or run-hooks command
+    def get_postbuild_line(self, step_number):
+        line = self.platform["recipe.hooks.postbuild.{}.pattern".format(
+            step_number)]
+        line = self.replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(line)
+        return line
+    def get_prebuild_steps(self) -> List[str]:
+        # Teensy core uses recipe.hooks.sketch.prebuild.1.pattern
+        # stm32 core uses recipe.hooks.prebuild.1.pattern
+        # TODO(tonymd): STM32 core uses
+        #   (should override non-windows key)
+        lines = [
+            line for name, line in self.platform.items() if re.match(
+                r"^recipe.hooks.(?:sketch.)?prebuild.[^.]+.pattern$", name)
+        ]
+        # TODO(tonymd): Write a function to fetch/replace OS specific patterns
+        #   (ending in an OS string)
+        lines = [
+            self.replace_compile_binary_with_override_path(line)
+            for line in lines
+        ]
+        return lines
+    def get_postbuild_steps(self) -> List[str]:
+        lines = [
+            line for name, line in self.platform.items()
+            if re.match(r"^recipe.hooks.postbuild.[^.]+.pattern$", name)
+        ]
+        lines = [
+            self.replace_command_args_with_compiler_override_path(line)
+            for line in lines
+        ]
+        return lines
+    def get_s_flags(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_s_compile_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
+        return compile_line.strip()
+    def get_c_flags(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_c_compile_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
+        return compile_line.strip()
+    def get_cpp_flags(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_cpp_compile_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        compile_line = compile_line.replace("-c", "", 1)
+        return compile_line.strip()
+    def get_ar_flags(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_ar_compile_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        return compile_line.strip()
+    def get_ld_flags(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_link_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        # TODO(tonymd): This is teensy specific
+        line_to_delete = "-o \"{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf\" " \
+            "{object_files} \"-L{build.path}\""
+        if self.build_path:
+            line_to_delete = line_to_delete.replace("{build.path}",
+                                                    self.build_path)
+        if self.build_project_name:
+            line_to_delete = line_to_delete.replace("{build.project_name}",
+                                                    self.build_project_name)
+        compile_line = compile_line.replace(line_to_delete, "", 1)
+        libs = re.findall(r'(-l[^ ]+ ?)', compile_line)
+        for lib in libs:
+            compile_line = compile_line.replace(lib, "", 1)
+        libs = [lib.strip() for lib in libs]
+        return compile_line.strip()
+    def get_ld_libs(self):
+        compile_line = self.get_link_line()
+        _, compile_line = ArduinoBuilder.split_binary_from_arguments(
+            compile_line)
+        # TODO(tonymd): This replacement is teensy specific
+        compile_line = compile_line.replace(
+            "-o \"{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf\" "
+            "{object_files} \"-L{build.path}\"", "", 1)
+        libs = re.findall(r'(-l[^ ]+ ?)', compile_line)
+        for lib in libs:
+            compile_line = compile_line.replace(lib, "", 1)
+        libs = [lib.strip() for lib in libs]
+        return " ".join(libs)
+    def library_folders(self):
+        # Arduino library format documentation:
+        #
+        # - If src folder exists,
+        #   use that as the root include directory -Ilibraries/libname/src
+        # - Else lib folder as root include -Ilibraries/libname
+        #   (exclude source files in the examples folder in this case)
+        library_path = os.path.join(self.project_path, "libraries")
+        library_folders = file_operations.find_files(library_path, ["*"],
+                                                     directories_only=True)
+        library_source_root_folders = []
+        for lib in library_folders:
+            lib_dir = os.path.join(library_path, lib)
+            src_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "src")
+            if os.path.exists(src_dir) and os.path.isdir(src_dir):
+                library_source_root_folders.append(src_dir)
+            else:
+                library_source_root_folders.append(lib_dir)
+        return library_source_root_folders
+    def library_includes(self):
+        include_args = []
+        library_folders = self.library_folders()
+        for lib_dir in library_folders:
+            include_args.append("-I{}".format(os.path.relpath(lib_dir)))
+        return include_args
+    def library_files(self, pattern):
+        sources = []
+        library_folders = self.library_folders()
+        for lib_dir in library_folders:
+            for file_path in file_operations.find_files(lib_dir, [pattern]):
+                if not file_path.startswith("examples"):
+                    sources.append(
+                        os.path.relpath(os.path.join(lib_dir, file_path)))
+        return sources
+    def library_c_files(self):
+        return self.library_files("**/*.c")
+    def library_cpp_files(self):
+        return self.library_files("**/*.cpp")
+    def get_core_path(self):
+        return self.board[self.selected_board]["build.core.path"]
+    def core_files(self, pattern):
+        sources = []
+        for file_path in file_operations.find_files(self.get_core_path(),
+                                                    [pattern]):
+            sources.append(os.path.join(self.get_core_path(), file_path))
+        return sources
+    def core_c_files(self):
+        return self.core_files("**/*.c")
+    def core_s_files(self):
+        return self.core_files("**/*.S")
+    def core_cpp_files(self):
+        return self.core_files("**/*.cpp")
+    def get_variant_path(self):
+        return self.build_variant_path
+    def variant_files(self, pattern):
+        sources = []
+        if self.build_variant_path:
+            for file_path in file_operations.find_files(
+                    self.get_variant_path(), [pattern]):
+                sources.append(os.path.join(self.get_variant_path(),
+                                            file_path))
+        return sources
+    def variant_c_files(self):
+        return self.variant_files("**/*.c")
+    def variant_s_files(self):
+        return self.variant_files("**/*.S")
+    def variant_cpp_files(self):
+        return self.variant_files("**/*.cpp")
+    def project_files(self, pattern):
+        sources = []
+        for file_path in file_operations.find_files(self.project_path,
+                                                    [pattern]):
+            if not file_path.startswith(
+                    "examples") and not file_path.startswith("libraries"):
+                sources.append(file_path)
+        return sources
+    def project_c_files(self):
+        return self.project_files("**/*.c")
+    def project_cpp_files(self):
+        return self.project_files("**/*.cpp")
+    def project_ino_files(self):
+        return self.project_files("**/*.ino")
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e3d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Arduino Core Installer."""
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import stat
+import sys
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict
+import pw_arduino_build.file_operations as file_operations
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# yapf: disable
+_ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS: Dict[str, Dict] = {
+    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+    "teensy": {
+        "Linux": {
+            "arduino-ide": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linux64.tar.xz",
+                "sha256": "1b20d0ec850a2a63488009518725f058668bb6cb48c321f82dcf47dc4299b4ad",
+            },
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linux64",
+                "sha256": "2e6cd99a757bc80593ea3de006de4cc934bcb0a6ec74cad8ec327f0289d40f0b",
+            },
+        },
+        # TODO(tonymd): Handle 32-bit Linux Install?
+        "Linux32": {
+            "arduino-ide": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linux32.tar.xz",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linux32",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+        },
+        # TODO(tonymd): Handle ARM32 (Raspberry Pi) Install?
+        "LinuxARM32": {
+            "arduino-ide": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linuxarm.tar.xz",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linuxarm",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+        },
+        # TODO(tonymd): Handle ARM64 Install?
+        "LinuxARM64": {
+            "arduino-ide": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "arduino-1.8.13-linuxaarch64.tar.xz",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.linuxaarch64",
+                "sha256": "",
+            },
+        },
+        "Darwin": {
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "",
+                "sha256": "401ef42c6e83e621cdda20191a4ef9b7db8a214bede5a94a9e26b45f79c64fe2",
+            },
+        },
+        "Windows": {
+            "arduino-ide": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "",
+                "sha256": "78d3e96827b9e9b31b43e516e601c38d670d29f12483e88cbf6d91a0f89ef524",
+            },
+            "teensyduino": {
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "TeensyduinoInstall.exe",
+                "sha256": "88f58681e5c4772c54e462bc88280320e4276e5b316dcab592fe38d96db990a1",
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    "adafruit-samd": {
+        "all": {
+            "core": {
+                "version": "1.6.2",
+                "url": "",
+                "sha256": "5875f5bc05904c10e6313f02653f28f2f716db639d3d43f5a1d8a83d15339d64",
+            }
+        },
+        "Linux": {},
+        "Darwin": {},
+        "Windows": {},
+    },
+    "arduino-samd": {
+        "all": {
+            "core": {
+                "version": "1.8.8",
+                "url": "",
+                "file_name": "samd-1.8.8.tar.bz2",
+                "sha256": "7b93eb705cba9125d9ee52eba09b51fb5fe34520ada351508f4253abbc9f27fa",
+            }
+        },
+        "Linux": {},
+        "Darwin": {},
+        "Windows": {},
+    },
+    "stm32duino": {
+        "all": {
+            "core": {
+                "version": "1.9.0",
+                "url": "",
+                "sha256": "4f75ba7a117d90392e8f67c58d31d22393749b9cdd3279bc21e7261ec06c62bf",
+            }
+        },
+        "Linux": {},
+        "Darwin": {},
+        "Windows": {},
+    },
+# yapf: enable
+def install_core_command(args: argparse.Namespace):
+    install_prefix = os.path.realpath(
+        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(args.prefix)))
+    install_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, args.core_name)
+    cache_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, ".cache", args.core_name)
+    if args.core_name in supported_cores():
+        shutil.rmtree(install_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+        os.makedirs(install_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
+    if args.core_name == "teensy":
+        if platform.system() == "Linux":
+            install_teensy_core_linux(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+        elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+            install_teensy_core_mac(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+        elif platform.system() == "Windows":
+            install_teensy_core_windows(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+    elif args.core_name == "adafruit-samd":
+        install_adafruit_samd_core(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+    elif args.core_name == "stm32duino":
+        install_stm32duino_core(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+    elif args.core_name == "arduino-samd":
+        install_arduino_samd_core(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir)
+    else:
+        _LOG.error("Invalid core '%s'. Supported cores: %s", args.core_name,
+                   ", ".join(supported_cores()))
+        sys.exit(1)
+def supported_cores():
+    return _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS.keys()
+def install_teensy_core_windows(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
+    """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Windows."""
+    teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
+    arduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["arduino-ide"]
+    arduino_zipfile = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=arduino_artifact["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=arduino_artifact["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
+    teensyduino_installer = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    file_operations.extract_archive(arduino_zipfile, install_dir, cache_dir)
+    # "teensy" here should match args.core_name
+    teensy_core_dir = os.path.join(install_prefix, "teensy")
+    # Change working directory for installation
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(install_prefix)
+"Installing Teensyduino to: %s", teensy_core_dir)
+    install_command = [teensyduino_installer, "--dir=teensy"]
+"  Running: %s", " ".join(install_command))
+"  Please click yes on the Windows 'User Account Control' "
+              "dialog.")
+"  You should see: 'Verified publisher: PRJC.COM LLC'")
+    install_command = [teensyduino_installer, "--dir=teensy"]
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(teensy_core_dir, "hardware", "teensy")):
+        _LOG.error(
+            "Error: Installation Failed.\n"
+            "Please try again and ensure Teensyduino is installed in "
+            "the folder:\n"
+            "%s", teensy_core_dir)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+"  Install complete!")
+    file_operations.remove_empty_directories(install_dir)
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+def install_teensy_core_mac(unused_install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
+    """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Mac."""
+    teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
+    teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
+    teensyduino_zip = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    extracted_files = file_operations.extract_archive(
+        teensyduino_zip,
+        install_dir,
+        cache_dir,
+        remove_single_toplevel_folder=False)
+    toplevel_folder = sorted(extracted_files)[0]
+    os.symlink(os.path.join(toplevel_folder, "Contents", "Java", "hardware"),
+               os.path.join(install_dir, "hardware"),
+               target_is_directory=True)
+def install_teensy_core_linux(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
+    """Download and install Teensyduino artifacts for Windows."""
+    teensy_artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["teensy"][platform.system()]
+    arduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["arduino-ide"]
+    arduino_tarfile = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=arduino_artifact["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=arduino_artifact["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    teensyduino_artifact = teensy_artifacts["teensyduino"]
+    teensyduino_installer = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=teensyduino_artifact["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=teensyduino_artifact["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    extracted_files = file_operations.extract_archive(arduino_tarfile,
+                                                      install_dir, cache_dir)
+    os.chmod(teensyduino_installer,
+             os.stat(teensyduino_installer).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(install_prefix)
+    # "teensy" here should match args.core_name
+    install_command = [teensyduino_installer, "--dir=teensy"]
+    # Remove original arduino IDE files
+    for efile in extracted_files:
+        if efile.is_file():
+            efile.unlink()
+    file_operations.remove_empty_directories(install_dir)
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+def install_arduino_samd_core(install_prefix: str, install_dir: str,
+                              cache_dir: str):
+    artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["arduino-samd"]["all"]["core"]
+    core_tarfile = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=artifacts["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=artifacts["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    package_path = os.path.join(install_dir, "hardware", "samd",
+                                artifacts["version"])
+    os.makedirs(package_path, exist_ok=True)
+    file_operations.extract_archive(core_tarfile, package_path, cache_dir)
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(install_prefix)
+    # TODO(tonymd): Fetch core/tools as specified by:
+    #
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+    return True
+def install_adafruit_samd_core(install_prefix: str, install_dir: str,
+                               cache_dir: str):
+    artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["adafruit-samd"]["all"]["core"]
+    core_tarfile = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=artifacts["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=artifacts["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    package_path = os.path.join(install_dir, "hardware", "samd",
+                                artifacts["version"])
+    os.makedirs(package_path, exist_ok=True)
+    file_operations.extract_archive(core_tarfile, package_path, cache_dir)
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(install_prefix)
+    # TODO(tonymd): Fetch platform specific tools as specified by:
+    #
+    # Specifically:
+    #
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+    return True
+def install_stm32duino_core(install_prefix, install_dir, cache_dir):
+    artifacts = _ARDUINO_CORE_ARTIFACTS["stm32duino"]["all"]["core"]
+    core_tarfile = file_operations.download_to_cache(
+        url=artifacts["url"],
+        expected_sha256sum=artifacts["sha256"],
+        cache_directory=cache_dir)
+    package_path = os.path.join(install_dir, "hardware", "stm32",
+                                artifacts["version"])
+    os.makedirs(package_path, exist_ok=True)
+    file_operations.extract_archive(core_tarfile, package_path, cache_dir)
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(install_prefix)
+    # TODO(tonymd): Fetch platform specific tools as specified by:
+    #
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+    return True
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bcdb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""File Helper Functions."""
+import glob
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import urllib.request
+import zipfile
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class InvalidChecksumError(Exception):
+    pass
+def find_files(starting_dir: str,
+               patterns: List[str],
+               directories_only=False) -> List[str]:
+    original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
+    if not (os.path.exists(starting_dir) and os.path.isdir(starting_dir)):
+        _LOG.error("Directory '%s' does not exist.", starting_dir)
+        raise FileNotFoundError
+    os.chdir(starting_dir)
+    files = []
+    for pattern in patterns:
+        for file_path in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True):
+            if not directories_only or (directories_only
+                                        and os.path.isdir(file_path)):
+                files.append(file_path)
+    os.chdir(original_working_dir)
+    return sorted(files)
+def sha256_sum(file_name):
+    hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
+    with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
+        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
+            hash_sha256.update(chunk)
+    return hash_sha256.hexdigest()
+def md5_sum(file_name):
+    hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
+    with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
+        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
+            hash_md5.update(chunk)
+    return hash_md5.hexdigest()
+def verify_file_checksum(file_path,
+                         expected_checksum,
+                         sum_function=sha256_sum):
+    downloaded_checksum = sum_function(file_path)
+    try:
+        if downloaded_checksum != expected_checksum:
+            raise InvalidChecksumError
+    except InvalidChecksumError:
+        _LOG.exception("Invalid %s\n"
+                       "%s %s\n"
+                       "%s (expected)",
+                       sum_function.__name__, downloaded_checksum,
+                       os.path.basename(file_path), expected_checksum)
+        # Exit to stop installation
+        return sys.exit(1)
+"  %s:", sum_function.__name__)
+"  %s %s", downloaded_checksum, os.path.basename(file_path))
+    return True
+def download_to_cache(url: str,
+                      expected_md5sum=None,
+                      expected_sha256sum=None,
+                      cache_directory=".cache") -> str:
+    cache_dir = os.path.realpath(
+        os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(cache_directory)))
+    downloaded_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, url.split("/")[-1])
+    if not os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
+"Downloading: %s", url)
+        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=downloaded_file)
+    if os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
+"Downloaded: %s", downloaded_file)
+        if expected_sha256sum:
+            verify_file_checksum(downloaded_file,
+                                 expected_sha256sum,
+                                 sum_function=sha256_sum)
+        elif expected_md5sum:
+            verify_file_checksum(downloaded_file,
+                                 expected_md5sum,
+                                 sum_function=md5_sum)
+    return downloaded_file
+def extract_zipfile(archive_file: str, dest_dir: str):
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_file) as archive:
+        archive.extractall(path=dest_dir)
+def extract_tarfile(archive_file: str, dest_dir: str):
+    with, 'r') as archive:
+        archive.extractall(path=dest_dir)
+def extract_archive(archive_file: str,
+                    dest_dir: str,
+                    cache_dir: str,
+                    remove_single_toplevel_folder=True):
+    """Extract a tar or zip file.
+    Args:
+        archive_file (str): Absolute path to the archive file.
+        dest_dir (str): Extraction destination directory.
+        cache_dir (str): Directory where temp files can be created.
+        remove_single_toplevel_folder (bool): If the archive contains only a
+            single folder move the contents of that into the destination
+            directory.
+    """
+    # Make a temporary directory to extract files into
+    temp_extract_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir,
+                                    "." + os.path.basename(archive_file))
+    os.makedirs(temp_extract_dir, exist_ok=True)
+"Extracting: %s", archive_file)
+    if zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_file):
+        extract_zipfile(archive_file, temp_extract_dir)
+    elif tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_file):
+        extract_tarfile(archive_file, temp_extract_dir)
+    else:
+        _LOG.error("Unknown archive format: %s", archive_file)
+        return sys.exit(1)
+"Installing into: %s", dest_dir)
+    path_to_extracted_files = temp_extract_dir
+    extracted_top_level_files = os.listdir(temp_extract_dir)
+    # Check if tarfile has only one folder
+    # If yes, make that the new path_to_extracted_files
+    if remove_single_toplevel_folder and len(extracted_top_level_files) == 1:
+        path_to_extracted_files = os.path.join(temp_extract_dir,
+                                               extracted_top_level_files[0])
+    # Move extracted files to dest_dir
+    extracted_files = os.listdir(path_to_extracted_files)
+    for file_name in extracted_files:
+        source_file = os.path.join(path_to_extracted_files, file_name)
+        dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name)
+        shutil.move(source_file, dest_file)
+    # rm -rf temp_extract_dir
+    shutil.rmtree(temp_extract_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+    # Return List of extracted files
+    return list(Path(dest_dir).rglob("*"))
+def remove_empty_directories(directory):
+    """Recursively remove empty directories."""
+    for path in sorted(Path(directory).rglob("*"), reverse=True):
+        # If broken symlink
+        if path.is_symlink() and not path.exists():
+            path.unlink()
+        # if empty directory
+        elif path.is_dir() and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0:
+            path.rmdir()
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ed9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/pw_arduino_build/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+"""Configure the system logger for the default pw command log format."""
+import logging
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_STDERR_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()
+def install(level: int = logging.INFO) -> None:
+    """Configure the system logger for the arduino_builder log format."""
+    # Set log level on root logger to debug, otherwise any higher levels
+    # elsewhere are ignored.
+    root = logging.getLogger()
+    root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    _STDERR_HANDLER.setLevel(level)
+    _STDERR_HANDLER.setFormatter(
+        logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] "
+                          "%(levelname)s %(message)s", "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"))
+    root.addHandler(_STDERR_HANDLER)
+def set_level(log_level: int):
+    """Sets the log level for logs to stderr."""
+    _STDERR_HANDLER.setLevel(log_level)
diff --git a/pw_arduino_build/py/ b/pw_arduino_build/py/
index 5c47295..1cb074f 100644
--- a/pw_arduino_build/py/
+++ b/pw_arduino_build/py/
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
-        ['arduino_builder = '
-         '    pw_arduino_build.arduinobuilder:main']
+        ['arduino_builder = pw_arduino_build.__main__:main']
diff --git a/targets/arduino/ b/targets/arduino/
index 7459ba8..93939d0 100644
--- a/targets/arduino/
+++ b/targets/arduino/
@@ -31,32 +31,32 @@
   config("arduino_build") {
     # Debug: Print out args
-    # print(string_join(" ", [rebase_path(arduino_builder_script)] + arduino_global_args))
+    # print(string_join(" ", [rebase_path(arduino_builder_script)] + arduino_show_command_args))
     # Run prebuilds
     # TODO(tonymd) This only needs to be run once but it's happening multiple times.
-                arduino_global_args + [ "--run-prebuilds" ],
+                arduino_run_command_args + [ "--run-prebuilds" ],
     _exclude_flags = [ "-std=gnu++14" ]
     _cflags = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                          arduino_global_args + [ "--c-flags" ],
+                          arduino_show_command_args + [ "--c-flags" ],
                           "list lines")
     cflags = filter_exclude(_cflags, _exclude_flags)
     asmflags = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                           arduino_global_args + [ "--s-flags" ],
+                           arduino_show_command_args + [ "--s-flags" ],
                            "list lines")
     _cflags_cc = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                             arduino_global_args + [ "--cpp-flags" ],
+                             arduino_show_command_args + [ "--cpp-flags" ],
                              "list lines")
     cflags_cc = filter_exclude(_cflags_cc, _exclude_flags)
     _ldflags = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                           arduino_global_args + [ "--ld-flags" ],
+                           arduino_show_command_args + [ "--ld-flags" ],
                            "list lines")
     ldflags =
diff --git a/targets/arduino/target_docs.rst b/targets/arduino/target_docs.rst
index a583539..8b91b4e 100644
--- a/targets/arduino/target_docs.rst
+++ b/targets/arduino/target_docs.rst
@@ -140,21 +140,20 @@
     ninja -C out arduino
   for f in $(find out/arduino_debug/obj/ -iname "*.elf"); do
       BUILD_PATH=$(dirname $f)
       PROJECT_NAME=$(basename -s .elf $f)
-      COMMON_ARGS="--quiet --arduino-package-path ./third_party/arduino/cores/teensy
-                   --arduino-package-name teensy/avr
-                   --compiler-path-override ./.environment/cipd/pigweed/bin
-                   show
-                   --build-path ${BUILD_PATH} --build-project-name ${PROJECT_NAME}
-                   --board teensy40 --menu-options menu.usb.serial menu.keys.en-us"
-      echo "==> OBJCOPY" $f
-      arduino_builder $COMMON_ARGS --run-objcopy
-      # Optional
-      # arduino_builder $COMMON_ARGS --run-postbuild
-      echo "==> FLASH" $f
-      arduino_builder --serial-port $SERIAL_PORT $COMMON_ARGS --run-upload-command teensyloader
+      CORE_ARGS="--quiet --arduino-package-path ./third_party/arduino/cores/teensy
+                 --arduino-package-name teensy/avr
+                 --compiler-path-override ./.environment/cipd/pigweed/bin"
+      BOARD_ARGS="--build-path ${BUILD_PATH} \
+                  --build-project-name ${PROJECT_NAME}
+                  --board teensy40
+                  --menu-options menu.usb.serial menu.keys.en-us"
+      # Run objcopy, postbuild, and upload (flash) steps
+      arduino_builder $CORE_ARGS run $BOARD_ARGS --serial-port $SERIAL_PORT \
+          --run-objcopy --run-postbuild --run-upload-command teensyloader
       while true; do
           sleep .1; ls $SERIAL_PORT 2>/dev/null && break
diff --git a/third_party/arduino/ b/third_party/arduino/
index d0adc06..7894f35 100644
--- a/third_party/arduino/
+++ b/third_party/arduino/
@@ -21,26 +21,34 @@
   pw_source_set("arduino_core_sources") {
     remove_configs = [ "$dir_pw_build:strict_warnings" ]
-    _core_c_files = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                                arduino_global_args + [ "--core-c-files" ],
-                                "list lines")
-    _core_s_files = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                                arduino_global_args + [ "--core-s-files" ],
-                                "list lines")
-    _core_cpp_files = exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
-                                  arduino_global_args + [ "--core-cpp-files" ],
-                                  "list lines")
+    _core_c_files =
+        exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
+                    arduino_show_command_args + [ "--core-c-files" ],
+                    "list lines")
+    _core_s_files = filter_exclude(
+            exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
+                        arduino_show_command_args + [ "--core-s-files" ],
+                        "list lines"),
+            # TODO(tonymd): Conditionally remove this source file unless building for cortex-m0.
+            # Exception for adafruit-samd core
+            # pulse_asm.S is for: '.cpu cortex-m0plus .fpu softvfp'
+            [ "*pulse_asm.S\b" ])
+    _core_cpp_files =
+        exec_script(arduino_builder_script,
+                    arduino_show_command_args + [ "--core-cpp-files" ],
+                    "list lines")
     _variant_c_files =
-                    arduino_global_args + [ "--variant-c-files" ],
+                    arduino_show_command_args + [ "--variant-c-files" ],
                     "list lines")
     _variant_s_files =
-                    arduino_global_args + [ "--variant-s-files" ],
+                    arduino_show_command_args + [ "--variant-s-files" ],
                     "list lines")
     _variant_cpp_files =
-                    arduino_global_args + [ "--variant-cpp-files" ],
+                    arduino_show_command_args + [ "--variant-cpp-files" ],
                     "list lines")
     sources = _core_c_files + _core_s_files + _core_cpp_files +