blob: 80b586461e12b9ade40882507afb3a38a3b931ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <span>
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_rpc/internal/base_server_writer.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/config.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method_type.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/nanopb_common.h"
#include "pw_rpc/server_context.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
// Define the Nanopb version of the the ServerWriter class.
template <typename T>
class ServerWriter : public internal::Responder {
// Allow default construction so that users can declare a variable into which
// to move ServerWriters from RPC calls.
constexpr ServerWriter() = default;
ServerWriter(ServerWriter&&) = default;
ServerWriter& operator=(ServerWriter&&) = default;
// Writes a response struct. Returns the following Status codes:
// OK - the response was successfully sent
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - the writer is closed
// INTERNAL - pw_rpc was unable to encode the Nanopb protobuf
// other errors - the ChannelOutput failed to send the packet; the error
// codes are determined by the ChannelOutput implementation
Status Write(const T& response);
namespace internal {
class NanopbMethod;
class Packet;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static unary method.
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<Status (*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ResponseType&)> {
using Implementation = NanopbMethod;
using Request = RequestType;
using Response = ResponseType;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kUnary;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = false;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a unary method.
template <typename T, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<Status (T::*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ResponseType&)>
: public MethodTraits<Status (*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ResponseType&)> {
using Service = T;
// MethodTraits specialization for a static server streaming method.
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<void (*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ServerWriter<ResponseType>&)> {
using Implementation = NanopbMethod;
using Request = RequestType;
using Response = ResponseType;
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kServerStreaming;
static constexpr bool kServerStreaming = true;
static constexpr bool kClientStreaming = false;
// MethodTraits specialization for a server streaming method.
template <typename T, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<void (T::*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ServerWriter<ResponseType>&)>
: public MethodTraits<void (*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ServerWriter<ResponseType>&)> {
using Service = T;
template <auto method>
using Request = typename MethodTraits<decltype(method)>::Request;
template <auto method>
using Response = typename MethodTraits<decltype(method)>::Response;
// The NanopbMethod class invokes user-defined service methods. When a
// pw::rpc::Server receives an RPC request packet, it looks up the matching
// NanopbMethod instance and calls its Invoke method, which eventually calls
// into the user-defined RPC function.
// A NanopbMethod instance is created for each user-defined RPC in the pw_rpc
// generated code. The NanopbMethod stores a pointer to the RPC function, a
// pointer to an "invoker" function that calls that function, and pointers to
// the Nanopb descriptors used to encode and decode request and response
// structs.
class NanopbMethod : public Method {
template <auto method, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
static constexpr bool matches() {
return std::is_same_v<MethodImplementation<method>, NanopbMethod> &&
std::is_same_v<RequestType, Request<method>> &&
std::is_same_v<ResponseType, Response<method>>;
// Creates a NanopbMethod for a unary RPC.
template <auto method>
static constexpr NanopbMethod Unary(uint32_t id,
NanopbMessageDescriptor request,
NanopbMessageDescriptor response) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the
// request and response protobuf structs as void*. This wrapper is stored
// generically in the Function union, defined below.
// In optimized builds, the compiler inlines the user-defined function into
// this wrapper, elminating any overhead.
constexpr UnaryFunction wrapper =
[](ServerCall& call, const void* req, void* resp) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<method>(
*static_cast<const Request<method>*>(req),
return NanopbMethod(id,
Function{.unary = wrapper},
// Creates a NanopbMethod for a server-streaming RPC.
template <auto method>
static constexpr NanopbMethod ServerStreaming(
uint32_t id,
NanopbMessageDescriptor request,
NanopbMessageDescriptor response) {
// Define a wrapper around the user-defined function that takes the request
// struct as void* and a Responder instead of the templated ServerWriter
// class. This wrapper is stored generically in the Function union, defined
// below.
constexpr ServerStreamingFunction wrapper =
[](ServerCall& call, const void* req, Responder& writer) {
return CallMethodImplFunction<method>(
*static_cast<const Request<method>*>(req),
return NanopbMethod(
Function{.server_streaming = wrapper},
// Represents an invalid method. Used to reduce error message verbosity.
static constexpr NanopbMethod Invalid() {
return {0, InvalidInvoker, {}, nullptr, nullptr};
// Encodes a response protobuf with Nanopb to the provided buffer.
StatusWithSize EncodeResponse(const void* proto_struct,
std::span<std::byte> buffer) const {
return serde_.EncodeResponse(buffer, proto_struct);
// Decodes a response protobuf with Nanopb to the provided buffer. For testing
// use.
bool DecodeResponse(std::span<const std::byte> response,
void* proto_struct) const {
return serde_.DecodeResponse(proto_struct, response);
// Generic version of the unary RPC function signature:
// Status(ServerCall&, const Request&, Response&)
using UnaryFunction = Status (*)(ServerCall&,
const void* request,
void* response);
// Generic version of the server streaming RPC function signature:
// Status(ServerCall&, const Request&, ServerWriter<Response>&)
using ServerStreamingFunction = void (*)(ServerCall&,
const void* request,
Responder& writer);
// The Function union stores a pointer to a generic version of the
// user-defined RPC function. Using a union instead of void* avoids
// reinterpret_cast, which keeps this class fully constexpr.
union Function {
UnaryFunction unary;
ServerStreamingFunction server_streaming;
// TODO(hepler): Add client_streaming and bidi_streaming
// Allocates space for a struct. Rounds up to a reasonable minimum size to
// avoid generating unnecessary copies of the invoker functions.
template <typename T>
static constexpr size_t AllocateSpaceFor() {
return std::max(sizeof(T), cfg::kNanopbStructMinBufferSize);
constexpr NanopbMethod(uint32_t id,
Invoker invoker,
Function function,
NanopbMessageDescriptor request,
NanopbMessageDescriptor response)
: Method(id, invoker), function_(function), serde_(request, response) {}
void CallUnary(ServerCall& call,
const Packet& request,
void* request_struct,
void* response_struct) const;
void CallServerStreaming(ServerCall& call,
const Packet& request,
void* request_struct) const;
// TODO(hepler): Add CallClientStreaming and CallBidiStreaming
// Invoker function for unary RPCs. Allocates request and response structs by
// size, with maximum alignment, to avoid generating unnecessary copies of
// this function for each request/response type.
template <size_t kRequestSize, size_t kResponseSize>
static void UnaryInvoker(const Method& method,
ServerCall& call,
const Packet& request) {
std::aligned_storage_t<kRequestSize, alignof(std::max_align_t)>
std::aligned_storage_t<kResponseSize, alignof(std::max_align_t)>
static_cast<const NanopbMethod&>(method).CallUnary(
call, request, &request_struct, &response_struct);
// Invoker function for server streaming RPCs. Allocates space for a request
// struct. Ignores the payload buffer since resposnes are sent through the
// ServerWriter.
template <size_t kRequestSize>
static void ServerStreamingInvoker(const Method& method,
ServerCall& call,
const Packet& request) {
std::aligned_storage_t<kRequestSize, alignof(std::max_align_t)>
static_cast<const NanopbMethod&>(method).CallServerStreaming(
call, request, &request_struct);
// Decodes a request protobuf with Nanopb to the provided buffer. Sends an
// error packet if the request failed to decode.
bool DecodeRequest(Channel& channel,
const Packet& request,
void* proto_struct) const;
// Encodes a response and sends it over the provided channel.
void SendResponse(Channel& channel,
const Packet& request,
const void* response_struct,
Status status) const;
// Stores the user-defined RPC in a generic wrapper.
Function function_;
// Serde used to encode and decode Nanopb structs.
NanopbMethodSerde serde_;
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
Status ServerWriter<T>::Write(const T& response) {
if (!open()) {
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
std::span<std::byte> buffer = AcquirePayloadBuffer();
if (auto result =
static_cast<const internal::NanopbMethod&>(method()).EncodeResponse(
&response, buffer);
result.ok()) {
return ReleasePayloadBuffer(buffer.first(result.size()));
return Status::Internal();
} // namespace pw::rpc