| .. _module-pw_status-reference: |
| |
| ========= |
| Reference |
| ========= |
| .. pigweed-module-subpage:: |
| :name: pw_status |
| |
| .. _module-pw_status-codes: |
| |
| ------------ |
| Status codes |
| ------------ |
| .. c:enumerator:: OK = 0 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`OK` indicates that the operation completede successfully. It |
| is typical to check for this value before proceeding on any given call across |
| an API or RPC boundary. To check this value, use the ``ok()`` member function |
| rather than inspecting the raw code. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::OkStatus()`` |
| * - C |
| - ``PW_STATUS_OK`` |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.OK`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Ok(val)`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: CANCELLED = 1 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`CANCELLED` indicates the operation was cancelled, typically by |
| the caller. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Cancelled()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.CANCELLED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Cancelled`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: UNKNOWN = 2 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`UNKNOWN` indicates an unknown error occurred. In general, more |
| specific errors should be raised, if possible. Errors raised by APIs that do |
| not return enough error information may be converted to this error. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Unknown()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.UNKNOWN`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Unknown`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: INVALID_ARGUMENT = 3 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`INVALID_ARGUMENT` indicates the caller specified an invalid |
| argument, such as a malformed filename. Note that use of such errors should |
| be narrowly limited to indicate the invalid nature of the arguments |
| themselves. Errors with validly formed arguments that may cause errors with |
| the state of the receiving system should be denoted with |
| :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION` instead. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::InvalidArgument()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::InvalidArgument`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED = 4 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` indicates a deadline expired before the |
| operation could complete. For operations that may change state within a |
| system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed |
| successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have |
| been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::DeadlineExceeded()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::DeadlineExceeded`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: NOT_FOUND = 5 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`NOT_FOUND` indicates some requested entity (such as a file or |
| directory) was not found. |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`NOT_FOUND` is useful if a request should be denied for an |
| entire class of users, such as during a gradual feature rollout or |
| undocumented allowlist. If a request should be denied for specific sets of |
| users, such as through user-based access control, use |
| :c:enumerator:`PERMISSION_DENIED` instead. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::NotFound()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.NOT_FOUND`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::NotFound`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: ALREADY_EXISTS = 6 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`ALREADY_EXISTS` indicates that the entity a caller attempted |
| to create (such as a file or directory) is already present. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::AlreadyExists()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.ALREADY_EXISTS`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::AlreadyExists`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: PERMISSION_DENIED = 7 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`PERMISSION_DENIED` indicates that the caller does not have |
| permission to execute the specified operation. Note that this error is |
| different than an error due to an unauthenticated user. This error code does |
| not imply the request is valid or the requested entity exists or satisfies |
| any other pre-conditions. |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`PERMISSION_DENIED` must not be used for rejections caused by |
| exhausting some resource. Instead, use :c:enumerator:`RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` for |
| those errors. :c:enumerator:`PERMISSION_DENIED` must not be used if the |
| caller cannot be identified. Instead, use :c:enumerator:`UNAUTHENTICATED` |
| for those errors. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::PermissionDenied()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.PERMISSION_DENIED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::PermissionDenied`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 8 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` indicates some resource has been |
| exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out |
| of space. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::ResourceExhausted()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::ResourceExhausted`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: FAILED_PRECONDITION = 9 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION` indicates that the operation was rejected |
| because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. |
| For example, a directory to be deleted may be non-empty, an ``rmdir`` |
| operation is applied to a non-directory, etc. |
| |
| .. _module-pw_status-guidelines: |
| |
| Some guidelines that may help a service implementer in deciding between |
| :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION`, :c:enumerator:`ABORTED`, and |
| :c:enumerator:`UNAVAILABLE`: |
| |
| a. Use :c:enumerator:`UNAVAILABLE` if the client can retry just the failing |
| call. |
| b. Use :c:enumerator:`ABORTED` if the client should retry at a higher |
| transaction level (such as when a client-specified test-and-set fails, |
| indicating the client should restart a read-modify-write sequence). |
| c. Use :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the client should not retry |
| until the system state has been explicitly fixed. For example, if a |
| ``rmdir`` fails because the directory is non-empty, |
| :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION` should be returned since the client |
| should not retry unless the files are deleted from the directory. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::FailedPrecondition()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::FailedPrecondition`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: ABORTED = 10 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`ABORTED` indicates the operation was aborted, typically due to |
| a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or a failed |
| transaction. |
| |
| See the :ref:`guidelines <module-pw_status-guidelines>` above for deciding |
| between :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION`, :c:enumerator:`ABORTED`, and |
| :c:enumerator:`UNAVAILABLE`. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Aborted()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.ABORTED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Aborted`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: OUT_OF_RANGE = 11 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`OUT_OF_RANGE` indicates the operation was attempted past the |
| valid range, such as seeking or reading past an end-of-file. |
| |
| Unlike :c:enumerator:`INVALID_ARGUMENT`, this error indicates a problem that |
| may be fixed if the system state changes. For example, a 32-bit file system |
| will generate :c:enumerator:`INVALID_ARGUMENT` if asked to read at an offset |
| that is not in the range [0,2^32-1], but it will generate |
| :c:enumerator:`OUT_OF_RANGE` if asked to read from an offset past the current |
| file size. |
| |
| There is a fair bit of overlap between :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION` |
| and :c:enumerator:`OUT_OF_RANGE`. Use :c:enumerator:`OUT_OF_RANGE` (the more |
| specific error) when it applies so that callers who are iterating through a |
| space can easily look for an :c:enumerator:`OUT_OF_RANGE` error to detect |
| when they are done. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::OutOfRange()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.OUT_OF_RANGE`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::OutOfRange`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: UNIMPLEMENTED = 12 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`UNIMPLEMENTED` indicates the operation is not implemented or |
| supported in this service. In this case, the operation should not be |
| re-attempted. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Unimplemented()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.UNIMPLEMENTED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Unimplemented`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: INTERNAL = 13 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`INTERNAL` indicates an internal error has occurred and some |
| invariants expected by the underlying system have not been satisfied. This |
| error code is reserved for serious errors. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Internal()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.INTERNAL`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Internal`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: UNAVAILABLE = 14 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`UNAVAILABLE` indicates the service is currently unavailable |
| and that this is most likely a transient condition. An error such as this can |
| be corrected by retrying with a backoff scheme. Note that it is not always |
| safe to retry non-idempotent operations. |
| |
| See the :ref:`guidelines <module-pw_status-guidelines>` above for deciding |
| between :c:enumerator:`FAILED_PRECONDITION`, :c:enumerator:`ABORTED`, and |
| :c:enumerator:`UNAVAILABLE`. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Unavailable()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.UNAVAILABLE`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Unavailable`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: DATA_LOSS = 15 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`DATA_LOSS` indicates that unrecoverable data loss or |
| corruption has occurred. As this error is serious, proper alerting should be |
| attached to errors such as this. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::DataLoss()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.DATA_LOSS`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::DataLoss`` |
| |
| .. c:enumerator:: UNAUTHENTICATED = 16 |
| |
| :c:enumerator:`UNAUTHENTICATED` indicates that the request does not have |
| valid authentication credentials for the operation. Correct the |
| authentication and try again. |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| |
| * - C++ |
| - ``pw::Status::Unauthenticated()`` |
| * - C |
| * - Python / Java / TypeScript |
| - ``Status.UNAUTHENTICATED`` |
| * - Rust |
| - ``Error::Unauthenticated`` |
| |
| ------- |
| C++ API |
| ------- |
| .. doxygenclass:: pw::Status |
| :members: |
| |
| .. doxygenfunction:: pw::OkStatus |
| |
| .. c:enum:: pw_Status |
| |
| Enum to use in place of :cpp:class:`pw::Status` in C code. Always use |
| :cpp:class:`pw::Status` in C++ code. |
| |
| The values of the :c:enum:`pw_Status` enum are all-caps and prefixed with |
| ``PW_STATUS_``. For example, ``PW_STATUS_DATA_LOSS`` corresponds with |
| :c:enumerator:`DATA_LOSS`. |
| |
| .. doxygendefine:: PW_TRY |
| .. doxygendefine:: PW_TRY_ASSIGN |
| .. doxygendefine:: PW_TRY_WITH_SIZE |
| .. doxygendefine:: PW_CO_TRY |
| .. doxygendefine:: PW_CO_TRY_ASSIGN |
| |
| Unused result warnings |
| ---------------------- |
| If the ``PW_STATUS_CFG_CHECK_IF_USED`` option is enabled, ``pw::Status`` objects |
| returned from function calls must be used or it is a compilation error. To |
| silence these warnings call ``IgnoreError()`` on the returned status object. |
| |
| ``PW_STATUS_CFG_CHECK_IF_USED`` defaults to ``false``. Pigweed compiles with |
| this option enabled, but projects that use Pigweed will need to be updated to |
| compile with this option. After all projects have migrated, unused result |
| warnings will be enabled unconditionally. |
| |
| ----- |
| C API |
| ----- |
| ``pw_status`` provides the C-compatible :c:enum:`pw_Status` enum for the status |
| codes. For ease of use, :cpp:class:`pw::Status` implicitly converts to and from |
| :c:enum:`pw_Status`. However, the :c:enum:`pw_Status` enum should never be used |
| in C++; instead use the :cpp:class:`pw::Status` class. |
| |
| -------- |
| Rust API |
| -------- |
| ``pw_status``'s Rust API is documented in our |
| `rustdoc API docs </rustdoc/pw_status>`_. |