blob: 192fed521264d9870b328d3759fb9f7ea9c2d0e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_digital_io/digital_io.h"
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "mock_vfs.h"
#include "pw_digital_io_linux/digital_io.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_unit_test/framework.h"
namespace pw::digital_io {
namespace {
class DigitalIoTest;
// Represents a mocked in-kernel GPIO line object.
class Line {
// Harness-side interface: Intended for use by DigitalIoTest and the
// MockFile subclasses.
explicit Line(uint32_t index) : index_(index) {}
// Get the logical value of the line, respecting active_low.
Result<bool> GetValue() const {
// Linux lets you read the value of an output.
if (requested_ == RequestedState::kNone) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Cannot get value of unrequested line");
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
return physical_state_ ^ active_low_;
// Set the logical value of the line, respecting active_low.
// Returns OK on success; FAILED_PRECONDITION if not requested as output.
Status SetValue(bool value) {
if (requested_ != RequestedState::kOutput) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Cannot set value of line not requested as output");
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
physical_state_ = value ^ active_low_;
PW_LOG_DEBUG("Set line %u to physical %u", index_, physical_state_);
return OkStatus();
Status RequestInput(bool active_low) {
return DoRequest(RequestedState::kInput, active_low);
Status RequestOutput(bool active_low) {
return DoRequest(RequestedState::kOutput, active_low);
void ClearRequest() { requested_ = RequestedState::kNone; }
// Test-side interface: Intended for use by the tests themselves.
enum class RequestedState {
kNone, // Not requested by "userspace"
kInput, // Requested by "userspace" as an input
kOutput, // Requested by "userspace" as an output
RequestedState requested() const { return requested_; }
void ForcePhysicalState(bool state) { physical_state_ = state; }
bool physical_state() const { return physical_state_; }
const uint32_t index_;
bool physical_state_ = false;
RequestedState requested_ = RequestedState::kNone;
bool active_low_ = false;
Status DoRequest(RequestedState request, bool active_low) {
if (requested_ != RequestedState::kNone) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("Cannot request already-requested line");
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
requested_ = request;
active_low_ = active_low;
return OkStatus();
// Represents a GPIO line handle, the result of issuing
// GPIO_GET_LINEHANDLE_IOCTL to an open chip file.
class LineHandleFile : public MockFile {
LineHandleFile(MockVfs& vfs, const std::string& name, Line& line)
: MockFile(vfs, name), line_(line) {}
Line& line_;
// MockFile impl.
int DoClose() override {
return 0;
int DoIoctl(unsigned long request, void* arg) override {
switch (request) {
return DoIoctlGetValues(static_cast<struct gpiohandle_data*>(arg));
return DoIoctlSetValues(static_cast<struct gpiohandle_data*>(arg));
PW_LOG_ERROR("%s: Unhandled request=0x%lX", __FUNCTION__, request);
return -1;
int DoIoctlGetValues(struct gpiohandle_data* data) {
auto result = line_.GetValue();
if (!result.ok()) {
return -1;
data->values[0] = *result;
return 0;
int DoIoctlSetValues(struct gpiohandle_data* data) {
auto status = line_.SetValue(data->values[0]);
if (!status.ok()) {
return -1;
return 0;
// Represents an open GPIO chip file, the result of opening /dev/gpiochip*.
class ChipFile : public MockFile {
ChipFile(MockVfs& vfs, const std::string& name, std::vector<Line>& lines)
: MockFile(vfs, name), lines_(lines) {}
std::vector<Line>& lines_;
// MockFile impl.
int DoIoctl(unsigned long request, void* arg) override {
switch (request) {
return DoLinehandleIoctl(static_cast<struct gpiohandle_request*>(arg));
PW_LOG_ERROR("%s: Unhandled request=0x%lX", __FUNCTION__, request);
return -1;
int DoLinehandleIoctl(struct gpiohandle_request* req) {
uint32_t const direction =
// Validate flags.
PW_LOG_ERROR("%s: OUTPUT and INPUT are mutually exclusive", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
// Only support requesting one line at at time.
if (req->lines != 1) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("%s: Unsupported req->lines=%u", __FUNCTION__, req->lines);
return -1;
uint32_t const offset = req->lineoffsets[0];
uint8_t const default_value = req->default_values[0];
bool const active_low = req->flags & GPIOHANDLE_REQUEST_ACTIVE_LOW;
if (offset >= lines_.size()) {
PW_LOG_ERROR("%s: Invalid line offset: %u", __FUNCTION__, offset);
return -1;
Line& line = lines_[offset];
Status status = OkStatus();
switch (direction) {
if (!status.ok()) {
return -1;
req->fd = vfs_.InstallNewFile<LineHandleFile>("line-handle", line);
return 0;
// Test fixture for all digtal io tests.
class DigitalIoTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override { GetMockVfs().Reset(); }
void TearDown() override { EXPECT_TRUE(GetMockVfs().AllFdsClosed()); }
LinuxDigitalIoChip OpenChip() {
int fd = GetMockVfs().InstallNewFile<ChipFile>("chip", lines_);
return LinuxDigitalIoChip(fd);
Line& line0() { return lines_[0]; }
Line& line1() { return lines_[1]; }
std::vector<Line> lines_ = std::vector<Line>{
Line(0), // Input
Line(1), // Output
// Tests
TEST_F(DigitalIoTest, DoInput) {
LinuxDigitalIoChip chip = OpenChip();
auto& line = line0();
LinuxInputConfig config(
/* index= */ 0,
/* polarity= */ Polarity::kActiveHigh);
auto input_result = chip.GetInputLine(config);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input_result.status());
auto input = std::move(input_result.value());
// Enable the input, and ensure it is requested.
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input.Enable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kInput);
Result<State> state;
// Force the line high and assert it is seen as active (active high).
state = input.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kActive, state.value());
// Force the line low and assert it is seen as inactive (active high).
state = input.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kInactive, state.value());
// Disable the line and ensure it is no longer requested.
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input.Disable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
TEST_F(DigitalIoTest, DoInputInvert) {
LinuxDigitalIoChip chip = OpenChip();
auto& line = line0();
LinuxInputConfig config(
/* index= */ 0,
/* polarity= */ Polarity::kActiveLow);
auto input_result = chip.GetInputLine(config);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input_result.status());
auto input = std::move(input_result.value());
// Enable the input, and ensure it is requested.
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input.Enable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kInput);
Result<State> state;
// Force the line high and assert it is seen as inactive (active low).
state = input.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kInactive, state.value());
// Force the line low and assert it is seen as active (active low).
state = input.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kActive, state.value());
// Disable the line and ensure it is no longer requested.
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), input.Disable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
TEST_F(DigitalIoTest, DoOutput) {
LinuxDigitalIoChip chip = OpenChip();
auto& line = line1();
LinuxOutputConfig config(
/* index= */ 1,
/* polarity= */ Polarity::kActiveHigh,
/* default_state= */ State::kActive);
auto output_result = chip.GetOutputLine(config);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output_result.status());
auto output = std::move(output_result.value());
// Enable the output, and ensure it is requested.
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.Enable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kOutput);
// Expect the line to go high, due to default_state=kActive (active high).
// Set the output's state to inactive, and assert it goes low (active high).
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.SetStateInactive());
// Set the output's state to active, and assert it goes high (active high).
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.SetStateActive());
// Disable the line and ensure it is no longer requested.
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.Disable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
// NOTE: We do not assert line.physical_state() here.
// See the warning on LinuxDigitalOut in docs.rst.
TEST_F(DigitalIoTest, DoOutputInvert) {
LinuxDigitalIoChip chip = OpenChip();
auto& line = line1();
LinuxOutputConfig config(
/* index= */ 1,
/* polarity= */ Polarity::kActiveLow,
/* default_state= */ State::kActive);
auto output_result = chip.GetOutputLine(config);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output_result.status());
auto output = std::move(output_result.value());
// Enable the output, and ensure it is requested.
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.Enable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kOutput);
// Expect the line to stay low, due to default_state=kActive (active low).
// Set the output's state to inactive, and assert it goes high (active low).
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.SetStateInactive());
// Set the output's state to active, and assert it goes low (active low).
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.SetStateActive());
// Disable the line and ensure it is no longer requested.
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.Disable());
ASSERT_EQ(line.requested(), Line::RequestedState::kNone);
// NOTE: We do not assert line.physical_state() here.
// See the warning on LinuxDigitalOut in docs.rst.
// Verify we can get the state of an output.
TEST_F(DigitalIoTest, OutputGetState) {
LinuxDigitalIoChip chip = OpenChip();
auto& line = line1();
LinuxOutputConfig config(
/* index= */ 1,
/* polarity= */ Polarity::kActiveHigh,
/* default_state= */ State::kInactive);
auto output_result = chip.GetOutputLine(config);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output_result.status());
auto output = std::move(output_result.value());
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.Enable());
// Expect the line to stay low, due to default_state=kInactive (active high).
Result<State> state;
// Verify GetState() returns the expected state: inactive (default_state).
state = output.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kInactive, state.value());
// Set the output's state to active, then verify GetState() returns the
// new expected state.
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), output.SetStateActive());
state = output.GetState();
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), state.status());
ASSERT_EQ(State::kActive, state.value());
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::digital_io