blob: 9fc01d33570438db0e1f2da39416f4718625159d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "pw_polyfill/language_feature_macros.h"
namespace pw {
namespace {
// Ensure that Function can be constant initialized.
[[maybe_unused]] PW_CONSTINIT Function<void()> can_be_constant_initialized;
int Multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; }
TEST(Function, OperatorCall) {
Function<int(int, int)> multiply(Multiply);
EXPECT_EQ(multiply(3, 7), 21);
void CallbackAdd(int a, int b, pw::Function<void(int sum)> callback) {
callback(a + b);
int add_result = -1;
void free_add_callback(int sum) { add_result = sum; }
TEST(Function, ConstructInPlace_FreeFunction) {
add_result = -1;
CallbackAdd(25, 17, free_add_callback);
EXPECT_EQ(add_result, 42);
TEST(Function, ConstructInPlace_NonCapturingLambda) {
add_result = -1;
CallbackAdd(25, 18, [](int sum) { add_result = sum; });
EXPECT_EQ(add_result, 43);
TEST(Function, ConstructInPlace_CapturingLambda) {
int result = -1;
CallbackAdd(25, 19, [&](int sum) { result = sum; });
EXPECT_EQ(result, 44);
class CallableObject {
CallableObject(int* result) : result_(result) {}
CallableObject(CallableObject&& other) = default;
CallableObject& operator=(CallableObject&& other) = default;
void operator()(int sum) { *result_ = sum; }
int* result_;
TEST(Function, ConstructInPlace_CallableObject) {
int result = -1;
CallbackAdd(25, 20, CallableObject(&result));
EXPECT_EQ(result, 45);
class MemberFunctionTest : public ::testing::Test {
MemberFunctionTest() : result_(-1) {}
void set_result(int result) { result_ = result; }
int result_;
TEST_F(MemberFunctionTest, ConstructInPlace_Lambda) {
CallbackAdd(25, 21, [this](int sum) { set_result(sum); });
EXPECT_EQ(result_, 46);
TEST(Function, Null_OperatorBool) {
Closure implicit_null;
Closure explicit_null(nullptr);
Closure assigned_null = nullptr;
Closure not_null([]() {});
TEST(Function, Null_OperatorEquals) {
Closure implicit_null;
Closure explicit_null(nullptr);
Closure assigned_null = nullptr;
Closure not_null([]() {});
EXPECT_TRUE(implicit_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(explicit_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(assigned_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(not_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(implicit_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(explicit_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(assigned_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(not_null == nullptr);
TEST(Function, Null_Set) {
Closure function = []() {};
EXPECT_NE(function, nullptr);
function = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(function, nullptr);
void DoNothing() {}
TEST(Function, Null_FunctionPointer) {
void (*ptr)() = DoNothing;
Closure not_null(ptr);
EXPECT_NE(not_null, nullptr);
ptr = nullptr;
Closure is_null(ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(is_null, nullptr);
TEST(Function, Move_Null) {
Closure moved;
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
Closure function(std::move(moved));
EXPECT_EQ(function, nullptr);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
TEST(Function, MoveAssign_Null) {
Closure moved;
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
Closure function = std::move(moved);
EXPECT_EQ(function, nullptr);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
TEST(Function, Move_Inline) {
Function<int(int, int)> moved(Multiply);
EXPECT_NE(moved, nullptr);
Function<int(int, int)> multiply(std::move(moved));
EXPECT_EQ(multiply(3, 3), 9);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
TEST(Function, MoveAssign_Inline) {
Function<int(int, int)> moved(Multiply);
EXPECT_NE(moved, nullptr);
Function<int(int, int)> multiply = std::move(moved);
EXPECT_EQ(multiply(3, 3), 9);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
class MoveTracker {
MoveTracker() : move_count_(0) {}
MoveTracker(MoveTracker&& other) : move_count_(other.move_count_ + 1) {}
MoveTracker& operator=(MoveTracker&& other) = default;
int operator()() const { return move_count_; }
int move_count_;
TEST(Function, Move_CustomObject) {
Function<int()> moved((MoveTracker()));
EXPECT_EQ(moved(), 2); // internally moves twice on construction
Function<int()> tracker(std::move(moved));
EXPECT_EQ(tracker(), 3);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
TEST(Function, MoveAssign_CustomObject) {
Function<int()> moved((MoveTracker()));
EXPECT_EQ(moved(), 2); // internally moves twice on construction
Function<int()> tracker = std::move(moved);
EXPECT_EQ(tracker(), 3);
// Ignore use-after-move.
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
EXPECT_EQ(moved, nullptr);
#endif // __clang_analyzer__
} // namespace
} // namespace pw
namespace obscure_different_namespace_which_should_never_collide {
namespace {
TEST(Function, Null_OperatorEquals_DifferentNamespace) {
pw::Closure implicit_null;
pw::Closure explicit_null(nullptr);
pw::Closure assigned_null = nullptr;
pw::Closure not_null([]() {});
EXPECT_TRUE(implicit_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(explicit_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(assigned_null == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(not_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(implicit_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(explicit_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(assigned_null != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(not_null == nullptr);
} // namespace
} // namespace obscure_different_namespace_which_should_never_collide