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.. _module-pw_watch-guide:
pw_watch how-to guide
.. pigweed-module-subpage::
:name: pw_watch
:tagline: Embedded development file system watcher
This guide shows you how to do common ``pw_watch`` tasks.
See :ref:`docs-build-system` for an overview of Pigweed's approach to build
Set up your Pigweed environment
See :ref:`activate-pigweed-environment` if you see an error like this:
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch
bash: pw: command not found
This section contains common use cases for :ref:`docs-build-system-gn`
.. _module-pw_watch-guide-ninja-custom-dirs:
Set up a custom build directory
Before running any command that uses a custom build directory, you need to
run ``gn gen <dir>``, where ``<dir>`` is a placeholder for the name of your
custom build directory.
For example, before running this command:
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch -C out2
You need to run this command:
.. code-block:: sh
gn gen out2
Build the default target and use the default build directory
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch
The default build directory is ``out``.
Customize the build directory
This section assumes you have completed
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch -C out2
This builds the default target in ``out2``.
Build two targets
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch stm32f429i python.lint
The ``stm32f429i`` and ``python.lint`` targets are both built in the default
build directory (``out``).
Build the same target in different build directories
This section assumes you have completed
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch -C out1 -C out2
This example builds the default target in both ``out1`` and ``out2``.
Build different targets in different build directories
This section assumes you have completed
.. code-block:: sh
pw watch stm32f429i -C out2 python.lint
The ``stm32f429i`` target is built in the default build directory (``out``).
The ``python.lint`` target is built in the custom build directory (``out2``).
Unit test integration
Thanks to GN's understanding of the full dependency tree, only the tests
affected by a file change are run when ``pw_watch`` triggers a build. By
default, host builds using ``pw_watch`` will run unit tests. To run unit tests
on a device as part of ``pw_watch``, refer to your device's
:ref:`target documentation<docs-targets>`.
Build-system-agnostic guides
This section discusses general use cases that all apply to all ``pw watch``
usage. In other words, these use cases are not affected by whether you're
using GN, Bazel, and so on.
Ignore files
``pw watch`` only rebuilds when a file that is not ignored by Git changes.
Adding exclusions to a ``.gitignore`` causes ``pw watch`` to ignore them, even
if the files were forcibly added to a repo. By default, only files matching
certain extensions are applied, even if they're tracked by Git. The
``--patterns`` and ``--ignore-patterns`` arguments can be used to include or
exclude specific patterns. These patterns do not override Git's ignoring logic.
The ``--exclude-list`` argument can be used to exclude directories from being
watched. This decreases the number of files monitored with ``inotify`` in Linux.
Automatically reload docs
When using ``--serve-docs``, by default the docs will be rebuilt when changed,
just like code files. However, you will need to manually reload the page in
your browser to see changes. If you install the ``httpwatcher`` Python package
into your Pigweed environment (``pip install httpwatcher``), docs pages will
automatically reload when changed.
Disable automatic rebuilds
``pw watch`` automatically restarts an ongoing build when files change. This
can be disabled with the ``--no-restart`` option. While running ``pw watch``,
you may also press :kbd:`Enter` to immediately restart a build.