blob: 18a0c87514651bb5f150237f9a32115d85bb9d0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/internal/compiler.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/type_traits.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace fit {
// Forward declarations.
template <typename E>
class error;
template <typename... Ts>
class success;
template <typename E, typename... Ts>
class result;
namespace internal {
// Determines whether T has an operator-> overload and provides a method that
// forwards its argument by reference when T has the overload, or by pointer
// otherwise.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct arrow_operator {
static constexpr T* forward(T& value) { return &value; }
static constexpr const T* forward(const T& value) { return &value; }
template <typename T>
struct arrow_operator<T, std::enable_if_t<cpp17::is_pointer_v<T>>> {
static constexpr T& forward(T& value) { return value; }
static constexpr const T& forward(const T& value) { return value; }
template <typename T>
struct arrow_operator<T, cpp17::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().operator->())>> {
static constexpr T& forward(T& value) { return value; }
static constexpr const T& forward(const T& value) { return value; }
// Concept helper for constructor, method, and operator overloads.
template <typename... Conditions>
using requires_conditions = std::enable_if_t<cpp17::conjunction_v<Conditions...>, bool>;
// Detects whether the given expression evaluates to an instance of the template T.
template <template <typename...> class T>
struct template_matcher {
template <typename... Args>
static constexpr std::true_type match(const T<Args...>&);
static constexpr std::false_type match(...);
template <typename T, template <typename...> class U, typename = bool>
struct is_match : decltype(template_matcher<U>::match(std::declval<T>())) {};
template <typename T, template <typename...> class U>
struct is_match<T, U, requires_conditions<std::is_void<T>>> : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, template <typename...> class U>
static constexpr bool is_match_v = is_match<T, U>::value;
// Predicate indicating whether type T is an instantiation of fit::error.
template <typename T>
struct is_error : is_match<T, ::fit::error>::type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_error_v = is_error<T>::value;
// Predicate indicating whether type T is not an instantiation of fit::error.
template <typename T>
struct not_error_type : cpp17::negation<is_error<T>>::type {};
// Predicate indicating whether type T is an instantiation of fit::success.
template <typename T>
struct is_success : is_match<T, ::fit::success>::type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_success_v = is_success<T>::value;
// Predicate indicating whether type T is an instantiation of fit::result.
template <typename T>
struct is_result : is_match<T, ::fit::result>::type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_result_v = is_result<T>::value;
// Predicate indicating whether type T is not an instantiation of fit::result.
template <typename T>
struct not_result_type : cpp17::negation<is_result<T>>::type {};
// Determines whether T += U is well defined.
template <typename T, typename U, typename = void>
struct has_plus_equals : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename U>
struct has_plus_equals<T, U, cpp17::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>() += std::declval<U>())>>
: std::true_type {};
// Enable if relational operator is convertible to bool and the optional
// conditions are true.
template <typename Op, typename... Conditions>
using enable_rel_op =
std::enable_if_t<(cpp17::is_convertible_v<Op, bool> && cpp17::conjunction_v<Conditions...>),
// Specifies whether a type is trivially or non-trivially destructible.
enum class storage_class_e {
// Evaluates to storage_class_e::trivial if all of the types in Ts are trivially
// destructible, storage_class_e::non_trivial otherwise.
template <typename... Ts>
static constexpr storage_class_e storage_class_trait =
cpp17::conjunction_v<std::is_trivially_destructible<Ts>...> ? storage_class_e::trivial
: storage_class_e::non_trivial;
// Trivial type for the default variant of the union below.
struct empty_type {};
// Type tags to discriminate between empty, error, and value constructors,
// avoiding ambiguity with copy/move constructors.
enum empty_t { empty_v };
enum error_t { error_v };
enum value_t { value_v };
// Union that stores either nothing, an error of type E, or a value of type T.
// This type is specialized for trivially and non-trivially destructible types
// to support multi-register return values for trivial types.
template <typename E, typename T, storage_class_e = storage_class_trait<E, T>>
union error_or_value_type {
constexpr error_or_value_type() : empty{} {}
constexpr error_or_value_type(const error_or_value_type&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type& operator=(const error_or_value_type&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type(error_or_value_type&&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type& operator=(error_or_value_type&&) = default;
template <typename F>
constexpr error_or_value_type(error_t, F&& error) : error(std::forward<F>(error)) {}
template <typename U>
constexpr error_or_value_type(value_t, U&& value) : value(std::forward<U>(value)) {}
~error_or_value_type() = default;
constexpr void destroy(error_t) {}
constexpr void destroy(value_t) {}
empty_type empty;
E error;
T value;
template <typename E, typename T>
union error_or_value_type<E, T, storage_class_e::non_trivial> {
constexpr error_or_value_type() : empty{} {}
constexpr error_or_value_type(const error_or_value_type&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type& operator=(const error_or_value_type&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type(error_or_value_type&&) = default;
constexpr error_or_value_type& operator=(error_or_value_type&&) = default;
template <typename F>
constexpr error_or_value_type(error_t, F&& error) : error(std::forward<F>(error)) {}
template <typename U>
constexpr error_or_value_type(value_t, U&& value) : value(std::forward<U>(value)) {}
~error_or_value_type() {}
// The caller must manually destroy() if overwriting an existing value.
constexpr void copy_from(error_t, const E& e) { new (&error) E(e); }
constexpr void copy_from(value_t, const T& t) { new (&value) T(t); }
constexpr void move_from(error_t, E&& e) { new (&error) E(std::move(e)); }
constexpr void move_from(value_t, T&& t) { new (&value) T(std::move(t)); }
constexpr void destroy(error_t) { error.E::~E(); }
constexpr void destroy(value_t) { value.T::~T(); }
empty_type empty;
E error;
T value;
// Specifies whether the storage is empty, contains an error, or contains a
// a value.
enum class state_e {
// Storage type is either empty, holds an error, or holds a set of values. This
// type is specialized for trivially and non-trivially destructible types. When
// E and all of the elements of Ts are trivially destructible, this type
// provides a trivial destructor, which is necessary for multi-register return
// value optimization.
template <storage_class_e storage_class, typename E, typename... Ts>
struct storage_type;
template <storage_class_e storage_class, typename E, typename T>
struct storage_type<storage_class, E, T> {
using value_type = error_or_value_type<E, T>;
constexpr storage_type() = default;
constexpr storage_type(const storage_type&) = default;
constexpr storage_type& operator=(const storage_type&) = default;
constexpr storage_type(storage_type&&) = default;
constexpr storage_type& operator=(storage_type&&) = default;
constexpr void destroy() {}
constexpr void reset() { state = state_e::empty; }
~storage_type() = default;
explicit constexpr storage_type(empty_t) {}
template <typename F>
constexpr storage_type(error_t, F&& error)
: state{state_e::has_error}, error_or_value{error_v, std::forward<F>(error)} {}
template <typename U>
explicit constexpr storage_type(value_t, U&& value)
: state{state_e::has_value}, error_or_value{value_v, std::forward<U>(value)} {}
template <storage_class_e other_storage_class, typename F, typename U>
explicit constexpr storage_type(storage_type<other_storage_class, F, U>&& other)
: state{other.state},
error_or_value{other.state == state_e::empty ? value_type{}
: other.state == state_e::has_error
? value_type{error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error)}
: value_type{value_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.value)}} {}
state_e state{state_e::empty};
value_type error_or_value;
template <typename E, typename T>
struct storage_type<storage_class_e::non_trivial, E, T> {
using value_type = error_or_value_type<E, T>;
constexpr storage_type() = default;
constexpr storage_type(const storage_type& other) { copy_from(other); }
constexpr storage_type& operator=(const storage_type& other) {
return *this;
constexpr storage_type(storage_type&& other) noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<E>::value&& std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value) {
constexpr storage_type& operator=(storage_type&& other) noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<E>::value&& std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<T>::value) {
return *this;
// Copy/move-constructs over this object's value. If there could be a previous value, callers must
// call destroy() first.
constexpr void copy_from(const storage_type& other) {
state = other.state;
if (state == state_e::has_value) {
error_or_value.copy_from(value_v, other.error_or_value.value);
} else if (state == state_e::has_error) {
error_or_value.copy_from(error_v, other.error_or_value.error);
constexpr void move_from(storage_type&& other) {
state = other.state;
if (state == state_e::has_value) {
error_or_value.move_from(value_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.value));
} else if (state == state_e::has_error) {
error_or_value.move_from(error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error));
constexpr void destroy() {
if (state == state_e::has_value) {
} else if (state == state_e::has_error) {
constexpr void reset() {
state = state_e::empty;
~storage_type() { destroy(); }
explicit constexpr storage_type(empty_t) {}
template <typename F>
constexpr storage_type(error_t, F&& error)
: state{state_e::has_error}, error_or_value{error_v, std::forward<F>(error)} {}
template <typename U>
explicit constexpr storage_type(value_t, U&& value)
: state{state_e::has_value}, error_or_value{value_v, std::forward<U>(value)} {}
template <storage_class_e other_storage_class, typename F, typename U>
explicit constexpr storage_type(storage_type<other_storage_class, F, U>&& other)
: state{other.state},
error_or_value{other.state == state_e::empty ? value_type{}
: other.state == state_e::has_error
? value_type{error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error)}
: value_type{value_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.value)}} {}
state_e state{state_e::empty};
value_type error_or_value;
template <storage_class_e storage_class, typename E>
struct storage_type<storage_class, E> {
using value_type = error_or_value_type<E, empty_type>;
constexpr storage_type() = default;
constexpr storage_type(const storage_type&) = default;
constexpr storage_type& operator=(const storage_type&) = default;
constexpr storage_type(storage_type&&) = default;
constexpr storage_type& operator=(storage_type&&) = default;
constexpr void destroy() {}
constexpr void reset() { state = state_e::empty; }
~storage_type() = default;
explicit constexpr storage_type(empty_t) {}
explicit constexpr storage_type(value_t)
: state{state_e::has_value}, error_or_value{value_v, empty_type{}} {}
template <typename F>
constexpr storage_type(error_t, F&& error)
: state{state_e::has_error}, error_or_value{error_v, std::forward<F>(error)} {}
template <storage_class_e other_storage_class, typename F>
explicit constexpr storage_type(storage_type<other_storage_class, F>&& other)
: state{other.state},
error_or_value{other.state == state_e::empty ? value_type{}
: other.state == state_e::has_error
? value_type{error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error)}
: value_type{value_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.value)}} {}
state_e state{state_e::empty};
value_type error_or_value;
template <typename E>
struct storage_type<storage_class_e::non_trivial, E> {
using value_type = error_or_value_type<E, empty_type>;
constexpr storage_type() = default;
constexpr storage_type(const storage_type& other) { copy_from(other); }
constexpr storage_type& operator=(const storage_type& other) {
return *this;
constexpr storage_type(storage_type&& other) noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<E>::value) {
constexpr storage_type& operator=(storage_type&& other) noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<E>::value) {
return *this;
// Copy/move-constructs over this object's value. If there could be a previous value, callers must
// call destroy() first.
constexpr void copy_from(const storage_type& other) {
state = other.state;
if (state == state_e::has_error) {
error_or_value.copy_from(error_v, other.error_or_value.error);
constexpr void move_from(storage_type&& other) {
state = other.state;
if (state == state_e::has_error) {
error_or_value.move_from(error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error));
constexpr void destroy() {
if (state == state_e::has_error) {
constexpr void reset() {
state = state_e::empty;
~storage_type() { destroy(); }
explicit constexpr storage_type(empty_t) {}
explicit constexpr storage_type(value_t)
: state{state_e::has_value}, error_or_value{value_v, empty_type{}} {}
template <typename F>
constexpr storage_type(error_t, F&& error)
: state{state_e::has_error}, error_or_value{error_v, std::forward<F>(error)} {}
template <storage_class_e other_storage_class, typename F>
explicit constexpr storage_type(storage_type<other_storage_class, F>&& other)
: state{other.state},
error_or_value{other.state == state_e::empty ? value_type{}
: other.state == state_e::has_error
? value_type{error_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.error)}
: value_type{value_v, std::move(other.error_or_value.value)}} {}
state_e state{state_e::empty};
value_type error_or_value;
// Simplified alias of storage_type.
template <typename E, typename... Ts>
using storage = storage_type<storage_class_trait<E, Ts...>, E, Ts...>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fit