blob: e646f326a5a972fffc36149425dcce3a34812695 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_chrono/system_timer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_chrono_freertos/system_clock_constants.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "timers.h"
namespace pw::chrono {
namespace {
using State = backend::NativeSystemTimer::State;
// Instead of adding targeted locks to each instance, simply use the global
// scheduler critical section lock.
class SchedulerLock {
static void lock() { vTaskSuspendAll(); }
static void unlock() { xTaskResumeAll(); }
SchedulerLock global_timer_lock;
void HandleTimerCallback(TimerHandle_t timer_handle) {
// The FreeRTOS timer service is always handled by a thread, ergo to ensure
// this API is threadsafe we simply disable task switching.
std::unique_lock lock(global_timer_lock);
// Because the timer control block, AKA what the timer handle points at, is
// the first member of the NativeSystemTimer struct we play a trick to cheaply
// get the native handle reference.
backend::NativeSystemTimer& native_type =
"The timer is still active while being executed");
if (native_type.state == State::kCancelled) {
// Do nothing, we were invoked while the stop command was in the queue.
const SystemClock::duration time_until_deadline =
native_type.expiry_deadline - SystemClock::now();
if (time_until_deadline <= SystemClock::duration::zero()) {
// We have met the deadline, cancel the current state and execute the user's
// callback. Note we cannot update the state later as the user's callback
// may alter the desired state through the Invoke*() API.
native_type.state = State::kCancelled;
// Release the scheduler lock once we won't modify native_state any further.
// We haven't met the deadline yet, reschedule as far out as possible.
// Note that this must be > SystemClock::duration::zero() based on the
// conditional above.
const SystemClock::duration period =
std::min(pw::chrono::freertos::kMaxTimeout, time_until_deadline);
&native_type.tcb, static_cast<TickType_t>(period.count()), 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
PW_CHECK_UINT_EQ(xTimerStart(&native_type.tcb, 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
// FreeRTOS requires a timer to have a non-zero period.
constexpr SystemClock::duration kMinTimerPeriod = SystemClock::duration(1);
constexpr TickType_t kInvalidPeriod = kMinTimerPeriod.count();
constexpr UBaseType_t kOneShotMode = pdFALSE; // Do not use auto reload.
} // namespace
#if configUSE_TIMERS != 1
#error \
"Backend requires your FreeRTOS configuration to have configUSE_TIMERS == 1"
#error \
"Backend requires your FreeRTOS configuration to have configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1"
SystemTimer::SystemTimer(ExpiryCallback callback)
: native_type_{.tcb{},
.state = State::kCancelled,
.expiry_deadline = SystemClock::time_point(),
.user_callback = std::move(callback)} {
// Note that timer "creation" is not enqueued through the command queue and
// is ergo safe to do before the scheduler is running.
const TimerHandle_t handle =
xTimerCreateStatic("", // "pw::chrono::SystemTimer",
// This should never fail since the pointer provided was not null and it
// should return a pointer to the StaticTimer_t.
PW_DCHECK_PTR_EQ(handle, &native_type_.tcb);
SystemTimer::~SystemTimer() {
// WARNING: This enqueues the request to delete the timer through a queue, it
// does not synchronously delete and disable the timer here! This means that
// if the timer is about to expire and the timer service thread is a lower
// priority that it may use the native_type_ after it is free'd.
xTimerDelete(&native_type_.tcb, 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
// In case the timer is still active as warned above, busy yield loop until it
// has been removed. Note that this is safe before the scheduler has been
// started because the timer cannot have been added to the queue yet and ergo
// it shouldn't attempt to yield.
while (xTimerIsTimerActive(&native_type_.tcb)) {
void SystemTimer::InvokeAt(SystemClock::time_point timestamp) {
// The FreeRTOS timer service is always handled by a thread, ergo to ensure
// this API is threadsafe we simply disable task switching.
std::lock_guard lock(global_timer_lock);
// We don't want to call Cancel which would enqueue a stop command instead of
// synchronously updating the state. Instead we update the expiry deadline
// and update the state where the one shot only fires if the expiry deadline
// is exceeded and the callback is executed once.
native_type_.expiry_deadline = timestamp;
// Schedule the timer as far out as possible. Note that the timeout might be
// clamped and it may be rescheduled internally.
const SystemClock::duration time_until_deadline =
timestamp - SystemClock::now();
const SystemClock::duration period = std::clamp(
kMinTimerPeriod, time_until_deadline, pw::chrono::freertos::kMaxTimeout);
&native_type_.tcb, static_cast<TickType_t>(period.count()), 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
// Don't enqueue the start multiple times, schedule it once and let the
// callback cancel.
if (native_type_.state == State::kCancelled) {
PW_CHECK_UINT_EQ(xTimerStart(&native_type_.tcb, 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
native_type_.state = State::kScheduled;
void SystemTimer::Cancel() {
// The FreeRTOS timer service is always handled by a thread, ergo to ensure
// this API is threadsafe we simply disable task switching.
std::lock_guard lock(global_timer_lock);
// The stop command may not be executed until later in case we're in a
// critical section. For this reason update the internal state in case the
// callback gets invoked.
// Note that xTimerIsTimerActive cannot be used here as the timer service
// daemon may be a lower priority and ergo may still execute the callback
// after Cancel() was invoked. This is because a single expired timer may be
// processed before the entire command queue is emptied.
native_type_.state = State::kCancelled;
PW_CHECK_UINT_EQ(xTimerStop(&native_type_.tcb, 0),
"Timer command queue overflowed");
} // namespace pw::chrono